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I am sick to death of all these bloody toads!

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If you realized what good they are doing in your garden,you would not want 

to get rid of them,get rid of them and you will be on here complaining about

cockroaches,ants,and other insects eating your plants.

regards worgeordie

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Well as you can see our dog just loves them,gives her the ultimate high.

She did this sometimes as a young dog but now she partakes on a regular basis.

I am afraid someday she will overdose but no use talking to an old bitch.After about ten minutes she seems fine again,just drools a lot.


Edited by jvs
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5 minutes ago, jvs said:

Well as you can see our dog just loves them,gives her the ultimate high.

She did this sometimes as a young dog but now she partakes on a regular basis.

I am afraid someday she will overdose but no use talking to an old bitch.After about ten minutes she seems fine again,just drools a lot.


Not sure what your dogs are doing to the toad as I can't see whatever you posted but if I lick them will I get high?

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7 minutes ago, Hutch68 said:

Not sure what your dogs are doing to the toad as I can't see whatever you posted but if I lick them will I get high?

Well just don't let any one see you when you try it but please let me know how your trip was.Maybe you can start a new trend,lick the froggy.

Serious now,yes people have used toads to halucinate.

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19 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Hire a french chef!


But you have a point as toads are one of the favorite dishes of snakes!

Sorry wrong and wrong again french eat frogs and when a snake bites our toads they let go.

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2 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

ok solly...was just trying to be helpful!:cheesy:

OK solly 2. thanks for the help. why do you have a silly laughing man after your post?????? My 6 year old can do better than that. Am I missing something or are you funny?

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Toads aren't much of an issue, it is the giant snakes that come in to eat the toads that are the issue. Dog was barking the other day, saw a toad with its organs hanging out. Then look up and a big snake was making a get away. 

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I shared this before but here goes again.

   I had a bull (toad, not sure) frog in a little waterfall we had made in the garden, he hung out in the pile of stones at the base. He was driving me absolutely crazy with his croaking, so one night I went out and pulled all the stones out one at a time till I found the bugger. I couldn't believe it.....he was tiny. I thought he was going to be a monster by the sound of him. I caught him in a net and put him in the river beside the house.

   Happy out with myself I went to bed and had a good sleep. 

    He was back the next night contentedly croaking away.     My wife just happened to say...."Your friend back, him call your name".

When I listened again carefully it actually did sound like my name (3 letter name) and I actually began to like it and imagined he was really a friend calling my name when I came home.

    He is long gone now.....and I miss him dearly.


Edited by dotpoom
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11 hours ago, Hutch68 said:

OK solly 2. thanks for the help. why do you have a silly laughing man after your post?????? My 6 year old can do better than that. Am I missing something or are you funny?

...grumpy old man:coffee1:

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I shared this before but here goes again.

   I had a bull (toad, not sure) frog in a little waterfall we had made in the garden, he hung out in the pile of stones at the base. He was driving me absolutely crazy with his croaking, so one night I went out and pulled all the stones out one at a time till I found the bugger. I couldn't believe it.....he was tiny. I thought he was going to be a monster by the sound of him. I caught him in a net and put him in the river beside the house.

   Happy out with myself I went to bed and had a good sleep.

    He was back the next night contentedly croaking away.     My wife just happened to say...."Your friend back, him call your name".

When I listened again carefully it actually did sound like my name (3 letter name) and I actually began to like it and imagined he was really a friend calling my name when I came home.

    He is long gone now.....and I miss him dearly.


We too had a very loud frog in the outside kitchen a couple of weeks ago , I went to investigate all the noise and found it was a frog about an inch long , it was louder than the resident Tokay. One of my wife's good points is she doesn't like harming snakes , toads ,frogs or crocodiles ( lizards ). But terrified of caterpillars .

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Welcome to Australia...................oh, you're not in Australia? Our 'infamous' toads are dispatched by catching and freezing, or a squirt of disinfectant on their back or for the rugged he man bloke, a golf pitching wedge can also work wonders.

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12 hours ago, Hutch68 said:

LOL...... Thats me.

Learning from your 6-year old I see?


The snake reference was a warning that snakes will come looking for the toads and then the OP will have snakes in his garden

Edited by VocalNeal
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I shared this before but here goes again.

   I had a bull (toad, not sure) frog in a little waterfall we had made in the garden, he hung out in the pile of stones at the base. He was driving me absolutely crazy with his croaking, so one night I went out and pulled all the stones out one at a time till I found the bugger. I couldn't believe it.....he was tiny. I thought he was going to be a monster by the sound of him. I caught him in a net and put him in the river beside the house.

   Happy out with myself I went to bed and had a good sleep. 

    He was back the next night contentedly croaking away.     My wife just happened to say...."Your friend back, him call your name".

When I listened again carefully it actually did sound like my name (3 letter name) and I actually began to like it and imagined he was really a friend calling my name when I came home.

    He is long gone now.....and I miss him dearly.


Now that's a great story !

Really brought a smile to my face [emoji4]


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13 hours ago, Hutch68 said:

Not sure what your dogs are doing to the toad as I can't see whatever you posted but if I lick them will I get high?

There must be something about toads that makes dogs and cats not want to chase or attack them.

One of our dogs was lying wide awake while a toad was sitting on her.

Edited by possum1931
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Yeah I had a spell of a lot of toads... used to come home and one or two would be sat on the lawn like they owned the place. Kept chucking them over the back wall.......

I think they arrived with a bag of fertilizer, read buffalo crxp!


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got a  fair  few  on the  land , i like to see them along with other animals, snakes , tree frogs but not the bloody  dogs.

They are so easy to pick up why not  just pick them up late at night and take them on a long drive and release them?

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