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It's not enough to hold your child in a car - why Thais are being told to use car seats.


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The thing about car seats for babies and kids is that they are quite expensive as a one-off purchase that might only last a year or two but they are not expensive as a shared expense. In Australia, 30 years ago when we had our first child, we were able to borrow a baby capsule from the local library for a pretty nominal sum. This was great because buying one would have been very tough at the time. It was a nice bit of socialism and community.


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Hmmm.......been telling my thai wife this for years. As usual they think they know better.... the 5000 baht child seat i bought 5 years ago still sits unused. Fortunately I haven't been able show her she is wrong

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Not only Thais don't use them, me too :cheesy:

My (then) newborn daughter and later my son were always sitting on Mama her lap while we were driving without seatbelts which were not heard of in Thailand.

You know what?

Everyone is still alive and doing fine and my daughter is making babys. :cheesy::clap2::ohmy:

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51 minutes ago, bandito said:

Not only Thais don't use them, me too :cheesy:

My (then) newborn daughter and later my son were always sitting on Mama her lap while we were driving without seatbelts which were not heard of in Thailand.

You know what?

Everyone is still alive and doing fine and my daughter is making babys. :cheesy::clap2::ohmy:

If only everyone was so lucky, eh. 

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On 7/1/2017 at 6:38 AM, quadperfect said:

Every day i see a few dozen familys on motorbikes and a few dozen moms with infants in bamboo seats in front of them.

Why even bother with a article like this. 

This is just another article that shows how far thailand is behind in road safety.

I am guessing about 30 years from now thais will have similar road safety as to western worlds today.

But in 30 years the west will have high speed guided transport and thailand will have baby car seats and law enforcement .

I'd agree they might have child car seats but law enforcement? Doubt that.

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"However,  the cost to any child not in a child's seat when an accident occurs can be fatal. "

Lordy, lordy, how did any of my generation raised 60+ years ago make it to adulthood.  Yet, here we are.  

Yet many of you aren't :rolleyes:

Carseats don't prevent accidents, they are used in the small chance that you have an accident (Even at 30kph babies tend to break their necks). Currently the odds of being killed in Thailand in a car accident are about 1 in 2000 :blink: The chance of having a low speed crash are much higher and for little bodies these low speed crashes are much more dangerous than for adults.
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On 7/1/2017 at 8:00 AM, NCC1701A said:

just the other day i saw a Thai women hold her new born baby in one arm while talking on her cellphone at the same time with the other hand. she was just hanging on the back not holding on to anything while her husband drives the scooter.


Thailand is a long way from car seats.

If you think that's bad about two years agoI saw a woman on two occasions riding a motorcycle with one hand and holding the newborn against her with the left hand and that was on a busy road

Also saw a woman jump on the back of a motorbike as a passenger and as they drove away immediately start to breastfeed a very young baby

The mind boggles

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5 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

thais are oblique to safety

In my previous life, I used to hold with all stakeholders risk analysis and mitigation brain storming sessions; I imagine the silent room full of glazed looks, if it had been here. Glad I am a retired.


In the Land Of Morons everything is governed by good or bad luck.

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On 7/1/2017 at 5:12 AM, fruitman said:

Those childseats are much cheaper in Europe, but since the Thai love to show their wealth more i would expect to see more of them in Thailand, the most expensive ones that is.

I don't expect to see any in Thailand,

When passengers are happy to sit in the back trays of pick-ups risking death,

babies are sat on the laps of mothers who are driving at the time...  babies are even perched on the legs of motorcycle riders just being held with one hand with the other hand steering the motorcycle

No I don't expect to see any child seats in cars!

It will be given the usual Thai response... NONE

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On 7/1/2017 at 7:22 AM, LazySlipper said:

As usual Thailand is 30 years behind the times.


Been compulsory in Canada since the 80's.


The term RETARD seems to suit well here.

maybe your the one with retarded and simplistic thoughts. You are comparing Canada (Western country) with Thailand (developing country)... next time think before you type

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13 hours ago, Alantct said:



I wonder also how they will organise a baby seat that fits in the back of a smartcab.
Half the Thai population have trucks with no rear seatbelts.
Are they going to subsidise retrofits to be able to fit the baby seats?
Yet another stupid plan by the government.
Yes we all agree it's safer to use a car seat and do I wish everyone stayed safe ? Yes of course but these pointless plans and new laws are so insanely thought out the mind boggles.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




Are you suggesting 'nothing is done because its too difficult' ? - Yes, the mind boggles. 


Legislation could work, where enforcement of Infant Car Seats 'where possible'... i.e. in ALL vehicles where there is a seatbelt. 


Even an incentive where Car Seats are 'given' with new vehicles (when a child is in the family). That said, as another poster has pointed out, the issue with the lack of use of car seats is rarely money, its simple ignorance and in some cases blind stupidity. 



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1 hour ago, davidst01 said:

maybe your the one with retarded and simplistic thoughts. You are comparing Canada (Western country) with Thailand (developing country)... next time think before you type

The comparison is valid - extremely valid...  It is for these very reasons* that Thailand remains a developing Country where attitudes, education and corrective action have allowed other nations to continue their development even in times of poorer research and less information. 


In the 1950's and 60's countries could be forgiven for not implementing certain safety measures because there was no information. Once this information surfaced governments and legislating bodies took note. The sad part if this picture is that here in Thailand the statistics and information are readily available yet widely ignored in a culture where inaction is the default setting. 

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On 01/07/2017 at 6:38 AM, quadperfect said:

Every day i see a few dozen familys on motorbikes and a few dozen moms with infants in bamboo seats in front of them.

Why even bother with a article like this. 

This is just another article that shows how far thailand is behind in road safety.

I am guessing about 30 years from now thais will have similar road safety as to western worlds today.

But in 30 years the west will have high speed guided transport and thailand will have baby car seats and law enforcement .


I would of said 50 years behind most western advancements.

There's faster internet & modern cars.

Commercials advertising Toyota/Mazda/Nissan pickup trucks to name a few, blasting through Canyons, rivers and streets doesn't help the way people think about road safety. 

You cant make Thais use car seats without a complete road safety structure & Inforce it.


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On 7/1/2017 at 7:31 AM, Orton Rd said:

woman round the corner had one, took it away after about a week in the car. Seems the kid no like and preferred to be sitting on mums lap while she drives. Older kid has already smashed his head into the windscreen after her slamming on the brakes, you just can't tell them!

It seems often Thai children are often over pampered brats especially among the wealthy elite. It seems many have no knowledge of the word no. A child of mine would not make any demands more less to sit on my lap instead of a car seat. 

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Hmmm.......been telling my thai wife this for years. As usual they think they know better.... the 5000 baht child seat i bought 5 years ago still sits unused. Fortunately I haven't been able show her she is wrong

So instead of putting your foot down you just stopped talking and indirectly jeopardizing your kids life and safety.

Great parenting going on there.

Can your kid also play with knives and firearms if your wife allows it?
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On 2017-7-1 at 6:53 AM, sirineou said:

People do the best they can with what they have, Thais are no different.

No.Thas just have different priorites,until it happens.Then it is whoa is me,it was gunna happen,karma etc.Wouldn't even think of self blame.

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5 hours ago, davidst01 said:

maybe your the one with retarded and simplistic thoughts. You are comparing Canada (Western country) with Thailand (developing country)... next time think before you type

Thats crap.How long does it take to catch up.The people have been beaten down to expect nothing and that's what you get,nothing,so they except that.No thought for the future,whatsoever.Generalizing a bit,i know.

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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

At Bumrungrad hospital I see wealthy Thai's in expensive cars (some with chauffeur drivers) pull up and their kids are unrestrained... seeming wealthy and educated Thai's are simply uneducated when it comes to child safety. 


I know of few Thai's who use a child seat in their car... their usual excuse is that their child doesn't like it. 


Now our son is 3.5 yrs old the car seat is like 'baby heroin'... As soon as he's strapped in he falls asleep (most of the time).




It's amazing how many adults will listen to  small child on important matters,dont want to put up with a crying baby.Around my way it was eating veggies,they basically eat white rice and crap from the shop.The bro in law is dead now,so i can change a few bad habits.A few bannings of the mobile phone fixed all that.You wouldn't believe they actually like veggies now.

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18 hours ago, sirineou said:

the point is that they can hardly afford the gas to run the car to go to work.

Did you ever try to stuff a baby seat in the gas tank ,? It takes hours.

This myth about Thais being poor has gone one too long.It's amazing the money always appears for their essentials.

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20 hours ago, janclaes47 said:



I told my ex that the son had to wear a helmet when her mom took him to school.


She answered, my mom doesn't ride where the police checks.


I told her, this is not about police checks, but staying alive when you get an accident.


She then answered, my mom doesn't get accident.


That is where I gave up.

Thai Logic contiues onto another generation.I have even seen weeks after facial injuries from bike accident,no helmet again.Just going round the corner was the reply.I hate to admit it,but you can't fix stupid.

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5 hours ago, overherebc said:

Rough calculation for 45 kilo body in a car travelling at around 50 kph coming to a sudden stop means the 45 kilo has become nearly 500 kilo.

Anyone can correct me, as I said rough calculation..

I got my DIL to sit in the front seat of our car - which was her normal place when driving with her husband - with me in the driving seat and Mrs.L in the back. I gave her a bag of rice weighing 19 kg., the weight of her son at the time. I told her to hold the bag as if it were her son out for a drive, so she put on her seat belt (which was a surprise in itself) and sat the bag on her lap with her arms around it, quite tightly to begin with. We then drove off and, when she seemed to be quite relaxed and in a very quiet area, I slammed on the brakes. The bag of rice smashed into the dash and she was and was 'quite upset' with my sudden braking. I asked her what would have happened if that bag had been her son, would he have been hurt? At least she accepted that she couldn't have held the rice bag no matter how hard she tried.


She and her husband still won't use the child seat we bought for them - the boy cried the first and only time they put him in it, which is only natural, and they won't use it for that reason. No matter how often I try to tell them "Parents are the boss, not the baby", they're adamant they won't use the seat. They now have a 3 year old and a baby of 2 1/2 months. I scored a slight victory - she now sits in the back seat with baby and the older boy is left free to play, unhindered, as they drive along, often climbing into the front of the car. Fortunately he's quite a good lad and doesn't jump about but that could so easily change.


I try to push the potential dangers for the kids buts it's like the proverbial 'hitting your head against a brick wall'.

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