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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

You know things are bad when the President gets his inspiration from a racist bigoted troll and the Republican party seem happy to let him continue with it. They seem incapable of recognizing what the rest of the world worked out a long time ago. Trump is unfit to be POTUS and to have any credibility whatsoever, the Republicans need to remove him from office as quickly as possible. Trump has absolutely no desirable qualities whatsoever, and Americans who voted for this imbecile should be hanging their heads in shame for what they have done.

If these numbers are correct I would say President Trump's Administration has accomplished a lot in the five months he has been in office.


President Trump promised to “set the stage for a great revival” for American factories – to “Buy American and Hire American.”

In the first five months of last year, American manufacturers lost 24,000 jobs. But in the first five months of this year, businesses large and small have created more than 600,000 new good-paying jobs – including 55,000 new jobs in manufacturing. This is the difference with President Trump in The White House.

Going back decades, manufacturers have invested in jobs and factories in other countries – but this year, company after company are making record investments worth billions of dollars in this country.

But today, American manufacturers are more optimistic than at any point in the past 20 years thanks to the President. Thanks to the President’s decisive action, American manufacturing is getting stronger every day.

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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

I have a lot of american friends that did not wote for him and yes they are embarrassed. The people woting for him are to stupid to be embarrassed.

In my state we had a drought for quite a while. It finally ended sometime after Trump was elected. Some say it was the rain but we all know it was tears from people like you and from liberals all around the world.

Thank you, really.


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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

I have a lot of american friends that did not wote for him and yes they are embarrassed. The people woting for him are to stupid to be embarrassed.

Likewise I know quite a few Americans (I do business in the US) and have some very good American friends and they are all embarrassed and angry about what Trump is doing to their country.  Don't think that all the people who voted for him are stupid and many realise now that they made a terrible mistake.  As for the ones that still defend him...... well that is harder to understand although there are not many left.  You can only bury your head in the sand for so long.

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If American manufacturing is doing so well- why are they not hiring; why are they not providing healthcare for their workers;  why is the stock market going flat.  I will give Trump credit for talking up the market when he first came in and possibly stopping American business from relocating abroad because they were afraid of tariffs when bringing the products back. However, his agenda is stalled- as Ford is going to build cars in Mexico and Carrier is going ahead with its plan to move jobs to Mexico. He is finding out that his bluster has no bite.  If he puts tariff on products made in Mexico- he will find out the Mexicans will stop buying US agricultural products.  Now what's he going to do?  Nothing- it's called free enterprise.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

This isn't about me losing, this is about America losing. If you believe Trump is America's savior, please provide one positive thing he has done to increase jobs in America; or bring in affordable healthcare; or make the tax code work for everyone. Instead, the Trump supporters keep telling me I don't know anything and attack me personally. How is any of that going to make America great again? Please do tell.

Nothing meant as personal - please dont take it that way.


Please read post above from KenKadz. And that is just a start - as in Trump's own words:

Stock Market at all time high, unemployment at lowest level in years (wages will start going up) and our base has never been stronger!

If you only listen/see liberal media, you would think things were worse than under Obama - they are in fact starting to get better - and another 7.5 years to go.


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Enough with the sugar coating the real primary reasons that trump won.

It was not the economy.


It was actually:




Russian interference


I'm not saying that there weren't some people that voted for him just based on his economic con man showman act.

Just saying it's totally false to spread the lie that that was the main reason that he won

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5 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

If these numbers are correct I would say President Trump's Administration has accomplished a lot in the five months he has been in office.


President Trump promised to “set the stage for a great revival” for American factories – to “Buy American and Hire American.”

In the first five months of last year, American manufacturers lost 24,000 jobs. But in the first five months of this year, businesses large and small have created more than 600,000 new good-paying jobs – including 55,000 new jobs in manufacturing. This is the difference with President Trump in The White House.

Going back decades, manufacturers have invested in jobs and factories in other countries – but this year, company after company are making record investments worth billions of dollars in this country.

But today, American manufacturers are more optimistic than at any point in the past 20 years thanks to the President. Thanks to the President’s decisive action, American manufacturing is getting stronger every day.

Do the nummer of new jobs he created include the people that are making his ties, or Ivanka shoes in SE Asia? If so, than I believe you.

As long as the Trump family, you know them, most have now a job in the WH, will do what they tell other people and companies to do, than You have a point. But in the mean time the WH will go the same way as his Atlantic City casinos, down the drain.


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Judging by all the anti-Trump rhetoric on this thread you would think Obama must have been FANTASTIC as a POTUS. After all he was smooth and refined and articulate and globally aware and politically correct and won a nobel prize and he promised change and he never tweeted (like Trump).

So how come this is Obama's actual 'outputs' - his actual results !!

I could say so many things why - but these will do:

1. "never judge a book by its cover".

2. "substance and outcome are far more important than style and appearance".



obama legacy.jpg

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is a president not allowed to have any fun?


He's not a cunning linguist like obama.


Chill out, bingo players.



Ooooh 'cunning linguist', wow so clever mate. Is it 2009? And no, 'having fun' is not in the job description.

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I don't take any of this personal- and I am neither liberal nor conservative but believe in a progressive agenda. In fact, I watch  Fox News; CNN;  Japan English; Australian ABC and many Thai stations.  While the stock market has gone up it is stating to stagnate and unemployment is low but Trump has not been in office long enough to get credit for lowering the unemployment rate.  However, I will give credit to Trump when I see the following-

-A Universal Healthcare bill that is a single payer system that eliminates insurance and forces lower pharmaceutical prices.

-A radical restructure of the US tax code raising the tax rate on the 1% and redistributing that wealth back to the poor and struggling middle class.

-A raise in the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

-The provision of  free tuition to college or trade schools

-A real Immigration reform that allows the undocumented to be documented and establishes a guest worker program. Stop the border wall.

- A Reduction in the Defense Budget and the Budget for Intelligence agencies using the savings for healthcare.

-Treatment of all people with respect even if they don't agree with you.


Let him do these things  and you will see a completely different narrative emerge.

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4 hours ago, TGIR said:

I just heard on FOX News that this tweet was wildly popular.......maybe because it is funny (if you're not a Democrat).  With all the B.S. and criticism the President has had to put up with since he decided to run he deserves his opportunity to reply in kind.



Yeah that criticism, just so annoying. 

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7 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Judging by all the anti-Trump rhetoric on this thread you would think Obama must have been FANTASTIC as a POTUS. After all he was smooth and refined and articulate and globally aware and politically correct and won a nobel prize and he promised change and he never tweeted (like Trump).

So how come this is Obama's actual 'outputs' - his actual results !!

I could say so many things why - but these will do:

1. "never judge a book by its cover".

2. "substance and outcome are far more important than style and appearance".



obama legacy.jpg

So many problems with these graphs. Jesus just look at the first one: it says "Student Loans" in big type. But when you read above that, it says its actually including Federal government debt and consumer credit. Well of course its going to skyrocket starting in 2009 - that was exactly when QE kicked off.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I don't take any of this personal- and I am neither liberal nor conservative but believe in a progressive agenda. In fact, I watch  Fox News; CNN;  Japan English; Australian ABC and many Thai stations.  While the stock market has gone up it is stating to stagnate and unemployment is low but Trump has not been in office long enough to get credit for lowering the unemployment rate.  However, I will give credit to Trump when I see the following-

-A Universal Healthcare bill that is a single payer system that eliminates insurance and forces lower pharmaceutical prices.

-A radical restructure of the US tax code raising the tax rate on the 1% and redistributing that wealth back to the poor and struggling middle class.

-A raise in the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

-The provision of  free tuition to college or trade schools

-A real Immigration reform that allows the undocumented to be documented and establishes a guest worker program. Stop the border wall.

- A Reduction in the Defense Budget and the Budget for Intelligence agencies using the savings for healthcare.

-Treatment of all people with respect even if they don't agree with you.


Let him do these things  and you will see a completely different narrative emerge.

Is that all.  I think you should vote for Bernie next time.  


Or maybe move to Europe? I hear they are letting anybody in.


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2 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Judging by all the anti-Trump rhetoric on this thread you would think Obama must have been FANTASTIC as a POTUS.

I will let you into a little secret.  The USA has been sliding south for some years now and after GW Bush's terrible presidency, well the USA was left licking it's wounds.  Before Bush there was the King of sleaze Clinton so it's not all about republican failures. Obama was flawed and struggled on domestic issues but compared to Bush the world saw him as a breath of fresh air.  Now you have Trump and he makes  all who went before him look not bad at all.


It is accepted that Obama was far more popular abroad than at home.  Trump, on the other hand is proving to be not only despised at home but also despised and ridiculed by the rest of the world.  Now you could argue that it doesn't matter what the outside world thinks of Trump and believe me we all wished it didn't.  But because the USA had such a major, positive influence on world affairs it affects us all when Trump goes about destroying everything that the USA was justly proud of.


Surely it is time to take the blinkers off and stop desperately scratching around for anything positive to say about Donald Trump.

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7 minutes ago, kblaze said:

So many problems with these graphs. Jesus just look at the first one: it says "Student Loans" in big type. But when you read above that, it says its actually including Federal government debt and consumer credit. Well of course its going to skyrocket starting in 2009 - that was exactly when QE kicked off.

So I assume you agree then? Obama's outcomes were awful, but he was 'nice' and that is what counts. You remind me of an article I read that said:  Do you know why President Trump is working so hard to tear down former President Barack Obama’s legacy? Because Mr. Obama represents everything that Mr. Trump is not: an articulate orator, a deep thinker and someone who is elegant in style, words and actions.

Liberals just dont get it - the People voted in Trump because he promised to make things better for Americans. Not because he sounded and looked good - they know after the Obama disaster that they need results.


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I am not European- I am America and  Donald Trump is President not Bernie Sanders.  If Trump is to make America great again- those are just some of the things he must accomplish. America will never be great as long as people can't be paid a living wage; all the tax breaks go to the wealthy; and all low cost labor is being deported.  Please let me know when Mr, Trump has accomplished all those things so I can get on the bandwagon.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

This isn't about me losing, this is about America losing. If you believe Trump is America's savior, please provide one positive thing he has done to increase jobs in America; or bring in affordable healthcare; or make the tax code work for everyone. Instead, the Trump supporters keep telling me I don't know anything and attack me personally. How is any of that going to make America great again? Please do tell.

No attacks here. Apologies, I just looked at this post and I got carried away.....


I have to admit some of those tweets are not very presidential, but then I don't think Politically Correct is in the job description.

The Trump Administration has only been working for five (5) months, hardly enough time for anyone in a new job, and certainly not enough time to pass judgement.


Despite all the distractions from the job and obstructionism (from the entrenched Swamp creatures and K Street), Trump's Administration is working to:

Improve the Veterans Administration, (recently signed bill making VA more accountable to veterans)

Create more jobs/improve the economy, (as mentioned below)

Provide security for U.S. citizens with the travel ban that allows Federal Agencies time to reevaluate their practices and operations to better protect against this new style ISIS terror threat.

The Tax Code and Healthcare you mention are on-going works and in reality are the responsibility of the U.S. Congress (Legislative Branch) who controls the money. Both of which are nightmare scenarios, i.e. Put three people in a room and ask a question, you will receive three answers/opinion. Now ask Congress (535 voting members: 435 Representatives and 100 Senators) to agree on anything and you see the magnitude of the problem.


If these numbers are correct I think President Trump's administration has accomplished a lot in five months.


(Copy Paste)

President Trump promised to “set the stage for a great revival” for American factories – to “Buy American and Hire American.”

In the first five months of last year, American manufacturers lost 24,000 jobs. But in the first five months of this year, businesses large and small have created more than 600,000 new good-paying jobs – including 55,000 new jobs in manufacturing. This is the difference with President Trump in The White House.

Going back decades, manufacturers have invested in jobs and factories in other countries – but this year, company after company are making record investments worth billions of dollars in this country.

But today, American manufacturers are more optimistic than at any point in the past 20 years thanks to the President. Thanks to the President’s decisive action, American manufacturing is getting stronger every day.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I am not European- I am America and  Donald Trump is President not Bernie Sanders.  If Trump is to make America great again- those are just some of the things he must accomplish. America will never be great as long as people can't be paid a living wage; all the tax breaks go to the wealthy; and all low cost labor is being deported.  Please let me know when Mr, Trump has accomplished all those things so I can get on the bandwagon.

I have made an appointment for you to meet Donald Trump, so you can explain to him how to make America great again.  Friday 12th at 3pm - are you available? 

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33 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Enough with the sugar coating the real primary reasons that trump won.

It was not the economy.


It was actually:




Russian interference


I'm not saying that there weren't some people that voted for him just based on his economic con man showman act.

Just saying it's totally false to spread the lie that that was the main reason that he won

Sorry, but it is you that is spreading lies.





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35 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

Do the nummer of new jobs he created include the people that are making his ties, or Ivanka shoes in SE Asia? If so, than I believe you.

As long as the Trump family, you know them, most have now a job in the WH, will do what they tell other people and companies to do, than You have a point. But in the mean time the WH will go the same way as his Atlantic City casinos, down the drain.


I do not know about shoes, but Ivanka is a sweetie. ;)

You are right, I am not happy with the nepotism in the WH either.

I am willing to give the Trump Team a chance to prove themselves, five months is pretty short.

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2 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

No attacks here. Apologies, I just looked at this post and I got carried away.....


I have to admit some of those tweets are not very presidential, but then I don't think Politically Correct is in the job description.

The Trump Administration has only been working for five (5) months, hardly enough time for anyone in a new job, and certainly not enough time to pass judgement.


Despite all the distractions from the job and obstructionism (from the entrenched Swamp creatures and K Street), Trump's Administration is working to:

Improve the Veterans Administration, (recently signed bill making VA more accountable to veterans)

Create more jobs/improve the economy, (as mentioned below)

Provide security for U.S. citizens with the travel ban that allows Federal Agencies time to reevaluate their practices and operations to better protect against this new style ISIS terror threat.

The Tax Code and Healthcare you mention are on-going works and in reality are the responsibility of the U.S. Congress (Legislative Branch) who controls the money. Both of which are nightmare scenarios, i.e. Put three people in a room and ask a question, you will receive three answers/opinion. Now ask Congress (535 voting members: 435 Representatives and 100 Senators) to agree on anything and you see the magnitude of the problem.


If these numbers are correct I think President Trump's administration has accomplished a lot in five months.


(Copy Paste)

President Trump promised to “set the stage for a great revival” for American factories – to “Buy American and Hire American.”

In the first five months of last year, American manufacturers lost 24,000 jobs. But in the first five months of this year, businesses large and small have created more than 600,000 new good-paying jobs – including 55,000 new jobs in manufacturing. This is the difference with President Trump in The White House.

Going back decades, manufacturers have invested in jobs and factories in other countries – but this year, company after company are making record investments worth billions of dollars in this country.

But today, American manufacturers are more optimistic than at any point in the past 20 years thanks to the President. Thanks to the President’s decisive action, American manufacturing is getting stronger every day.

Sorry Ken, but the job creation you are talking about was in progress before Trump came to office. I recall in January he said the 227,000 jobs created that month were down to him. Utter rubbish. He had been in office 10 days at the time. And the 235,000 in February had nothing to do with him either, it was just part of the general trend that had been in place the preceding months.. It takes a year or more for fiscal policy to really affect the working place, so any statistics before this time next year cannot be attributed to Donald. He likes to claim good things are his work, but sadly, it is just another in the very long string of lies.

Lets be honest. His infrastructure plan that would create jobs isn't even off the drawing board yet. Many jobs in renewable energy will now be going overseas. I wish I could see some redeeming features in the man, but there are none I see.

Those from overseas, not blinded by the left/right rhetoric can see the man for what he truly is and it is not at all pretty. I can only hope in time Americans will also see the light.

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Theodore Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick'.  The trouble with President Trump is he doesn't speak softly and he has no real stick.  I might be able to get past his nasty personality if I could find one piece of legislation or action that he has taken that will help Americans to a better life.  For example, Trump supported the House Healthcare bill and then the Senate bill- both of which will put millions of Americans without healthcare. If he had any real understanding of healthcare- he would demand a single payer system which is government sponsored which would immediately give every American healthcare.


I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt when he was elected- but his cabinet choices are from the swamp that got America into the situation it is in now- greedy business people not paying proper wages and becoming wealthy off the backs of the middle class and the poor. Do you really think any of these people care about you and me. They are the problem- not the solution.


I could go and on and if I actually could meet Trump- I would tell him to shut the hell up about fake news; stop watching television; stop speaking to people in a denigrating manner and do your job ad get rid of the inner circle you have that knows nothing about governing and is dragging the country and the Presidency down.

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2 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Sorry Ken, but the job creation you are talking about was in progress before Trump came to office. I recall in January he said the 227,000 jobs created that month were down to him. Utter rubbish. He had been in office 10 days at the time. And the 235,000 in February had nothing to do with him either, it was just part of the general trend that had been in place the preceding months.. It takes a year or more for fiscal policy to really affect the working place, so any statistics before this time next year cannot be attributed to Donald. He likes to claim good things are his work, but sadly, it is just another in the very long string of lies.

Lets be honest. His infrastructure plan that would create jobs isn't even off the drawing board yet. Many jobs in renewable energy will now be going overseas. I wish I could see some redeeming features in the man, but there are none I see.

Those from overseas, not blinded by the left/right rhetoric can see the man for what he truly is and it is not at all pretty. I can only hope in time Americans will also see the light.

Keep Hope Alive!

I was hoping for a more responsive infrastructure plan also. The Legislative Branch (Congress) controls the necessary monies for that I think.

I am willing to give the Trump Team the benefit of the doubt. I think five months is not enough time to judge.

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10 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

I am willing to give the Trump Team the benefit of the doubt. I think five months is not enough time to judge.

This is Trump's honeymoon period!  When he get's this much criticism within the first five months where do you think he will be after one year? (if he survives that long).



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Once again one of the trumpeteers mention the resignation of CNN reporters, because they f**** with there reporting. Hey, at least they where man enough to resign!
Now we are all waiting for the want to be POTUS to cough up to his lies and resign!
You better get real, sometime, because POTUS has a big agenda the comming days. But instead of working for the American people, he spend his time on twitter or in one of his resorts.
So, who has to get real, I will give you the answer;
Trump, you and the other trumpeteers that keep defending this lying, nasty, narsistic bully.
Stop defending sombody that only shows no repect for anybody but himself. You and the other Trump fans are taken for a ride, and you don't want to see this.


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...and his base (ket of deplorables) still loves it!

"But...but...but...Kathy Griffin...."

Kathey Griffin is a dumb cow and her "joke" may have been out of line...but she is NOT the #$%^&*( president of the #$%^&*( USA! 

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I see comments like childish, no dignity, not presidential like etc. etc.

Well, let’s see:

Clinton used the oval office for his personal soi 6 bj bar.

Bush and Cheney lied America into a war in Irag where thousands of boys came home missing arms, legs and parts of their heads, and some came home in bags. And they’re still there.

Obama expanded the wars and then illegally spied on millions of Americans and lied about it and was recently described by 25 year veteran of the CIA; Kevin Shipp,  as a subversive and outlined just a few things that Obama did that boggles the mind.

So, if Trump wants to have a bit of fun at the expense of the media, go for it Donald. Just practice your body slam. It’s a bit rusty.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Judging by all the anti-Trump rhetoric on this thread you would think Obama must have been FANTASTIC as a POTUS. After all he was smooth and refined and articulate and globally aware and politically correct and won a nobel prize and he promised change and he never tweeted (like Trump).

So how come this is Obama's actual 'outputs' - his actual results !!

I could say so many things why - but these will do:

1. "never judge a book by its cover".

2. "substance and outcome are far more important than style and appearance".

I am continually puzzled by Trump supporters who continue to (try and) point out President Obama's perceived failures and shortcomings. Trump's failures are his own and what Obama did or didn't do during his administration is immaterial in that context.


If you want to defend Trump, do so on his "merits". 

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3 minutes ago, klikster said:

I am continually puzzled by Trump supporters who continue to (try and) point out President Obama's perceived failures and shortcomings. Trump's failures are his own and what Obama did or didn't do during his administration is immaterial in that context.


If you want to defend Trump, do so on his "merits". 

Yes, especially as President Obama wasn't even running last time!

But of course if he had (and the rules were different on third terms) he would have easily won. 

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