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Thailand – the hub of brilliant toilets


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17 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Why is it that every tap in Thailand is loose ???? Never been able to figure that one out :smile:

Or the toilet seats. They seem always to have loose attachment bolts.

I spend a ridiculous amount of time tightening them with a one baht coin, having once had one slip sideways and catch a very sensitive bit of anatomy. :sick:

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Yes there are places that outsmart the "so called perfect western facilities". It's all in the big and expensive  malls where most people living in the rural areas never get to see them and forget about using them.. it's true that we can't generalize things taking into consideration of one such incidents or situations. Any government should primarily focus on providing basic infrastructure in the rural and to the poorer sections of the society which will enhance the quality of the living. There should be proper sanitary facilities at all schools and government institutions that provide services to the people directly. 

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Well normaly I don't see many good things haoppen in this country and yes it is still a 3rd world country but the washrooms i have seen are much much more kept clean then in most of the european countries as you always find some one looking after them.

Just go to Europe and look for a clean public washroom! Awful mostly!


So yes for me also Thailand is the hub of clean washrooms and sometimes quite fancy (dont talk about proper maintanance )

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I'm a happy toilet
Yes I am
I'm the happy toilet that's in Siam.

If you can find me have a seat
even my room is nice and neat.

I am joy of every bumm,
That can get to Bangkok's Emporium.

A lot of my friends also have good spots
Central, Siam Square but theres' not a lot.


If you come to Siam you must take care, my poor upcountry relatives
don't compare.

I am one of the priveledged, only for the elite.
Most of my relatives have no seat.


If you leave Bangkok you must take care.
You'll have to squat with your bumm in in the air.


Ladies please always look down the drain,   before you make your golden rain.

If you see snakey eyes looking back at you.
Come back to Bangkok for your poo.



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7 minutes ago, Juan B Tong said:

I'm a happy toilet
Yes I am
I'm the happy toilet that's in Siam.

If you can find me have a seat
even my room is nice and neat.

I am joy of every bumm,
That can get to Bangkok's Emporium.

A lot of my friends also have good spots
Central, Siam Square but theres' not a lot.


If you come to Siam you must take care, my poor upcountry relatives
don't compare.

I am one of the priveledged, only for the elite.
Most of my relatives have no seat.


If you leave Bangkok you must take care.
You'll have to squat with your bumm in in the air.


Ladies please always look down the drain,   before you make your golden rain.

If you see snakey eyes looking back at you.
Come back to Bangkok for your poo.



Hip Hop hit in the making...

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Well it does look nice and new and colourful. 

But the change table is between the soap and the sink? 

But this modernality is not common except for shopping malls. 

Even some stand alone shops (Makro, Big C and Tesco have nice modern toilets, but I don't understand why bum guns are missing. 

The main toilets at Victory Monument some years ago had only one western toilet, in the men's disabled cubicle. 

And soap? Mai mee (no have). 

The ministry of health and BMA later said they would fix that. 

I have not returned to see if anything changed. 


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Very difficult to get middle quality plumbing fittings here. Plenty of cheap Chinese rubbish made down to a price or high end expensive imports from Europe or the US, but nothing similar to B&Q or similar DIY superstores in UK, even in HomePro and Global. I've noticed this with products/shops throughout Asia, maybe need more Muji or Uniqlo standards for hardware and electrical goods.

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Terminal 21 in Korat has the best toilets I have ever experienced, and an experience it really is. There is a control panel on which you can adjust the direction, strength and temperature of the water jets that will wash your parts after you finish your business. There is a control to adjust the strength, temperature and direction of the forced air jets that will dry you after the water has finished cleaning. Apart from that the rest of the toilet is kept spotlessly clean. As far as Thai toilet experiences go this is the best........and it's free!

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12 hours ago, Tim207 said:


Tip for the uninitiated, always check that there is a pipe connected to bottom of urinal before use. Maybe I have been around too long but I always laugh at my own carelessness when I find myself pissing in a urinal that is directed straight at my feet below.

I got that particular T Shirt :smile:

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21 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:



So, if caught out whilst travelling around the country always carry bog roll in the car and always use the disabled loo. 

Good advice, if there is one......


The facilities in Terminal21 in khorat are pretty good. Actually so good that on a normal ( wife not screaming about some mythical crime I have allegedly committed) day when the urge for a number two starts to stir in the lower abdomen I quickly dash to the car, drive to T21 and use those facilities, 


they even have the USS Enterprise "post pony" equipment that offer  gently spray, pulsating jet or circular massage to clean any remaining "klingons" and to top the bill there is a warm air drying jet to soothe your golden eye. 


They are very very clean too. 

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The story is accurate - toilets in Thailand in general are clean and tidy - and much better than the average public toilets back home.  They are kept clean and are often in excellent condition. 


I will never forget that 'awful feeling' when I was first in Thailand and saw a girl walk by as I was taking a leak. The feeling that I had entered the female toilets was strong, until I realised she was just cleaning. That they can afford to pay people to do the job, versus the once a day/week quick scrub they get back home, is the reason they are far better on average. 

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the public toilet facilities that i use in bangkok, mainly in shopping malls and airports, are far superior to the malls and airports that i visit in america.  i think about that very thing every time i use one in bangkok.  as one person noted, regular cleaning is critical.  it seems to happen more frequently in bangkok than major cities on the west coast of USA.


i have expat friends that have lived in asia for years (HK, the PI, SIN).  when we meet up, one of us always brings up how hard it was to find a decent toilet in asia 20 yrs ago.  a hotel lobby was typically the best choice.  back then, you often had to schedule your toilet visit, 'well, i'll be going from here to here and should probably stop at XXX as i won't see another decent toilet for a few hours.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

The story is accurate - toilets in Thailand in general are clean and tidy - and much better than the average public toilets back home.  They are kept clean and are often in excellent condition. 


I will never forget that 'awful feeling' when I was first in Thailand and saw a girl walk by as I was taking a leak. The feeling that I had entered the female toilets was strong, until I realised she was just cleaning. That they can afford to pay people to do the job, versus the once a day/week quick scrub they get back home, is the reason they are far better on average. 

Have you been around LOS or just hotels.....?

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On 10/07/2017 at 2:44 PM, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

What for are those strange looking white pots with taps and mirrors behind them?

Foot washing for people of certain religions?  Mind you though, the Westgate kiddie handbasins would be jim-dandy for that. 555

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  • 5 months later...

Four pages of mostly carping and complaining. And mostly by the usual suspects.  Why is it that every little bit of good news that goes up about Thailand gets met with ridicule, exaggerated complaining, and "I can do it better" posts? Public toilets throughout Thailand have improved, are better, and the ones in many of the shopping malls are absolutely first rate. Better than the ones in Europe and the US.

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yeah, but it's not "stuff"..... that can be copied from elsewhere.... that keeps Thailand where it is. they can build and copy stuff. yes. another analogy: building a new airport hub thing for aircraft maintenance.... but you still need top notch MRO engineers as well.... the people.... so the 'hub' reference is apropro..... but the cheerleading doesn't go very far.  at all.     

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On 10/07/2017 at 3:53 PM, Golden Triangle said:

Why is it that every tap in Thailand is loose ???? Never been able to figure that one out :smile:

Got a toilet in the garage at home and the toilet bowl and tank had a few drips I tried to fix. Ended up having to hacksaw some of the joints as they had too much ptf and were cross threaded and couldn't go back together. The remaing ones were finger tight and the sealing ring between the bowl and the tank was off centre and mis-shaped.

Apart from that it was ok. ??

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I know how you feel, we woke up one morning to find the Bum Gun spraying water all over one of the bathrooms, the whole bloody thing was buried in the wall as per the feed to the loo as shown, a lot of time and effort to dig it out add extension and reconnect, lazy useless flippin workmanship. Fortunately not my house, its my landlords problem.


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On 10/07/2017 at 2:36 PM, ldiablo72 said:

Wow, a few places in Bangkok and other big cities with nice bathrooms vs the rest of Thailand.


As said, you need to get out and see more of Thailand before making those statements based on a single location in the sticks.

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