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Thai soldiers arrest Israeli businessmen


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I accept the truth that you suffer some kind of obsession about Israeli tourists enjoying themselves in ways of their choosing that may not include you perhaps you could brush up on Hebrew.


Maybe see a good Jewish headshrink to talk about it.


Not my problem.




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So it is no surprise to me that they are trying to claim that "jealous people" are behind it.


They used the same for their defence of calling their 'clinic' a shop and working without licence nor permit. 

On the other hand they state that their clinic works with all of the Israeli Insurance companies. Expressly stating that people should not contract with companies outside Israel. Asserting that it is because these non-Israeli companies will abandon you in your time of need.

Reason being of course is that responsible insurance companies will not pay for treatment via an unlicenced clinic/shop/whatever.


So if a responsible medical practice reported them for practicing without licence or permit, then rightfully so.

If they don't want to abide by the laws of Thailand, they should go where they can do their thing without impediment. 


I don't agree with them having an unlicenced clinic and him pretending that he is some kind of doctor.

It was only after him being reported and fined that he began to ask for volunteer doctors and nurses....offering to get them visas and work permits down the line.

Erm...to work, you need a work permit beforehand. So they are flouting the law, pure and simple. They certainly didn't employ any Thai staff. 


So once again, No. It is not Israel, it is Thailand. Respect their laws or get out.





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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I accept the truth that you suffer some kind of obsession about Israeli tourists enjoying themselves in ways of their choosing that may not include you perhaps you could brush up on Hebrew.


Maybe see a good Jewish headshrink to talk about it.


Not my problem.






Transparent to all that you have no cogent response. So you resort to childish nonsense.

Enjoying themselves in the ways of their choosing should not impact on the way of life of others.

Just like the British can insist on no Sharia Law in the UK. If the Muslims want it, go elsewhere.

Why, pray tell me, should I need to brush up on Hebrew? 


This is a discussion forum and we are discussing Israelis on Samui. If you don't want to do that perhaps you should leave the thread.

If you would like to discuss it, perhaps you can raise the level of your posts to beyond the playground.





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Transparent to all that you have no cogent response. So you resort to childish nonsense.
Enjoying themselves in the ways of their choosing should not impact on the way of life of others.
Just like the British can insist on no Sharia Law in the UK. If the Muslims want it, go elsewhere.
Why, pray tell me, should I need to brush up on Hebrew? 
This is a discussion forum and we are discussing Israelis on Samui. If you don't want to do that perhaps you should leave the thread.
If you would like to discuss it, perhaps you can raise the level of your posts to beyond the playground.

You're obviously obsessed. Why would any normal person care so much if there is an Israeli nightclub any more than if there was an Indian one?

That does not hurt you. Just don't go.
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28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're obviously obsessed. Why would any normal person care so much if there is an Israeli nightclub any more than if there was an Indian one?

That does not hurt you. Just don't go.


To me it's not just about the nightclub. It's the fact that they have this segregated lifestyle. Samui is not Pattaya.

They don't have Indian only clinics, do they?


You droning on about me being "obsessed" only illustrates the paucity of your retorts.


I am posting facts, not just emotional responses, as you are wont to do here.


I don't want Israeli enclaves on Samui, especially illegal ones. The general behaviour described has been well documented. I took the trouble to present it in a balanced way.

It seems that you have trouble coming to terms with the way that they behave and would prefer that the reason for their poor reputation is some perceived bias. 

But that is not the case here.


The difference between you and I when it comes to this discussion, is that I have a deep knowledge of and many contacts on Samui.

Whereas you are replying from a position of no knowledge at all.

Which is why you resort to childlike retorts instead of intelligent discussion. So if you are unable to discuss this in any kind of intelligent manner, perhaps you should leave it to those who can.













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Yes I would be against illegal nightclubs of any kind. You're clearly against Israeli nightclubs even if legal. Samui or Mars ... that is prejudice. You can sugar coat it with excuses that Israelis deserve your disdain but I doubt you will fool many people.


Just because you live in Samui does not mean you have license to shamelessly bash an entire nationally and act like that's innocent.





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On 7/12/2017 at 10:00 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes I would be against illegal nightclubs of any kind. You're clearly against Israeli nightclubs even if legal. Samui or Mars ... that is prejudice. You can sugar coat it with excuses that Israelis deserve your disdain but I doubt you will fool many people.


What kind of nonsense is that? Why should I care about an Israeli nightclub? I've been to one in Israel. Have you?

Besides which, I was referring to an illegal clinic.

You really need to stop writing rubbish. You've been getting away with it for far too long.

You are desperately trying to paint me as anti-semitic and failing to do so. So now you are slinging mud in the blind hope of some of it sticking. But you are missing by a mile.

No one is being fooled by me. I have posted links from Jewish and Israeli publications that confirm my assertions.

Whereas you have nothing, but your usual persecution complex and denial with which to work. It's sad, but altogether predictable.


Of course just about everyone reading our exchanges can see that you are simply unable to refute any of the information linked to earlier. So instead you try to attack my character.

I am just posting from experience and expressing my opinion.

I don't want the islands to be overrun with Israelis or Chinese or Russians or... 

Imagine going to the Full Moon Party and 80% people there, excluding Thais, are Israeli. 

I don't go to Thailand to meet Israelis. 

This is my opinion. I am sure that others share it. It doesn't make them nor I anti-semitic.  I prefer a balance of interesting peoples.


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I also prefer a balance of people. You explicitly said you oppose an Israeli enclave in Samui. That comes off as bigotry. Plain and simple. An enclave is not the same thing as taking over.


You also explicitly challenged the need for an Israeli nightclub there. How is that your concern? If Israelis support such a business there is the good reason.



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I also prefer a balance of people. You explicitly said you oppose an Israeli enclave in Samui. That comes off as bigotry. Plain and simple. An enclave is not the same thing as taking over.


So what is your argument? That an enclave is ok, but taking over is not?


I see it as an attempt to do both. 


Yes, I oppose their setting up of an illegal clinic with illegal workers. I made that very clear. 

You should also understand that if they claim to be setting up the biggest Israeli nightclub in Thailand, it is not because they expect a small influx of Israelis.

So it is clear that I am suggesting that there are too many. Nothing to do with bigotry and exactly to do with what I wrote, segregation. 

I don't go to the islands to be surrounded by Israelis. If that makes me a bigot in your eyes, then your eyes do not matter to me.


I wrote exactly what I meant, as I know what happens on the ground on the islands, as opposed to your childish word games.


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So what is your argument? That an enclave is ok, but taking over is not?


I see it as an attempt to do both. 


Yes, I oppose their setting up of an illegal clinic with illegal workers. I made that very clear. 

You should also understand that if they claim to be setting up the biggest Israeli nightclub in Thailand, it is not because they expect a small influx of Israelis.

So it is clear that I am suggesting that there are too many. Nothing to do with bigotry and exactly to do with what I wrote, segregation. 

I don't go to the islands to be surrounded by Israelis. If that makes me a bigot in your eyes, then your eyes do not matter to me.


I wrote exactly what I meant, as I know what happens on the ground on the islands, as opposed to your childish word games.


Better childish than an adult kind of ugly intolerance.

I agree of course with opposition to illegal activities. Let the Thai courts judge about that.


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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Better childish than an adult kind of ugly intolerance.

I agree of course with opposition to illegal activities. Let the Thai courts judge about that.




At least you admit that you are childish. I certainly don't think nor accept that I am intolerant.

As I wrote earlier, I kept my opinions to myself for a long time, fearing that perhaps I was not being patient enough.

But their behaviour was beyond acceptable. So when I spoke out, it was almost a relief to know that most everyone else thought the same. Even fellow Israelis and Jews. Illustrated by the links that I posted.

So your claims of ugly intolerance are false and without basis.


I don't need to stand by quietly when bad people do wrong. 


Once again, you cannot dispute anything that I have written about their awful behaviour and illegal activities.


So instead you attempt to attack me personally.



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    At least you admit that you are childish. I certainly don't think nor accept that I am intolerant. As I wrote earlier, I kept my opinions to myself for a long time, fearing that perhaps I was not being patient enough. But their behaviour was beyond acceptable. So when I spoke out, it was almost a relief to know that most everyone else thought the same. Even fellow Israelis and Jews. Illustrated by the links that I posted.

So your claims of ugly intolerance are false and without basis.


I don't need to stand by quietly when bad people do wrong. 


Once again, you cannot dispute anything that I have written about their awful behaviour and illegal activities.


So instead you attempt to attack me personally.







You've attacked me personally very viciously. I find your anti-Israeli obsession ugly and vile. Trying to Jew wash your rants is typical of the game bigoted people play to try to sanitize their ugly agenda. It's like xenophobic trump who ran on a white supremacist agenda standing behind a few black people with Blacks for Trump signs. Fooling almost no black people. It's a universal game whether the target is Israelis, blacks, Latinos, Roma people, gays, etc.

Transparent to anyone with minimal consciousness.


You talk about victim hood. Funny that's the most fantastic thing about Israelis. They refuse to be victims.


Based on your rants I hope the Zionists totally take over Samui and then you can find a new place to complain about some other group taking over.












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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You've attacked me personally very viciously. I find your anti-Israeli obsession ugly and vile. Trying to Jew wash your rants is typical of the game bigoted people play to try to sanitize their ugly agenda. It's like xenophobic trump who ran on a white supremacist agenda standing behind a few black people with Blacks for Trump signs. Fooling almost no black people. It's a universal game whether the target is Israelis, blacks, Latinos, Roma people, gays, etc.

Transparent to anyone with minimal consciousness.


You talk about victim hood. Funny that's the most fantastic thing about Israelis. They refuse to be victims.


Based on your rants I hope the Zionists totally take over Samui and then you can find a new place to complain about some other group taking over.













How exactly have I attacked you? Have I written anything about fat, ugly, vile men of a certain persuasion?  

The only one attacking someone personally here is/was you. 

I posted facts and documented opinions, from Jews and Israelis. 


The fact is that you know absolutely nothing about the events on the ground in Samui, but here you are defending the lowlife, because they are Jewish/Israeli.

That to me is the height of bigotry and discrimination. You are more concerned about nationality and religion as to what may be right and wrong.

Every here knows where you stand and no one believes that you can be impartial.


If I had posted the same from a neo-nazi group, you would have an argument. But since they were from Jewish/ Israeli sources, that avenue was blocked to you.


As to your nonsense of Israelis refusing to be victims, to me it appears to be the kind of thing in which they revel.

Claiming to be victims whilst taking advantage. That is ugly and vile behaviour to my eye.


So you can continue the tradition of claiming that anyone who doesn't see all Israelis through rose tinted glasses as being a bigot. But no one will believe your entirely predictable emotional outbursts.


What I write is true and that is that.


Go to Samui and ask around. Is everyone there not Israeli a bigot?

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What you write is true?

More like - - what you write is poison..

You've got an agenda and it is hateful and ugly.

If being around Israelis bothers you so much I reckon there are some very nice Judenfrei islands in nearby Malaysia.




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Just now, Jingthing said:

What you write is true?
More like - - what you write is poison..
You've got an agenda and it is hateful and ugly.
If being around Israelis bothers you so much I reckon there bare nice Judenfrei islands in nearby Malaysia.


Naah...I was here first. They can go.


What exactly is my agenda according to Jingthing?


You argue like a girl. You lose one argument, so then you move the goalposts and start on another.

You claimed that I was against Israeli nightclubs, but when I revealed that I have been in one, in Israel and asked about your experience. you moved on to something else.


Now you are claiming that I have an agenda.


If my agenda is to shine a light on what has been going on down there for many years, I'm ok with that.

I don't post but a fraction of what is known. But since this particular case is in the limelight, I am discussing it.



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I assume you're not Thai so the humor in that comment is epic.


Only humourous if you are lacking in knowledge and intelligence. It's not that there weren't Israelis around, it that their numbers grew disproportionately. Their behaviour was always disgusting as far back as I can remember.


Once again, travel down to the island and speak to the people who live there. You don't need to take my word for it.

They take the p*ss. Of course in your eyes, that is them refusing to be victims. For me, it is just rude, disgusting and arrogant behaviour. 



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Naah...I was here first. They can go.
What exactly is my agenda according to Jingthing?
You argue like a girl. You lose one argument, so then you move the goalposts and start on another.
You claimed that I was against Israeli nightclubs, but when I revealed that I have been in one, in Israel and asked about your experience. you moved on to something else.
Now you are claiming that I have an agenda.
If my agenda is to shine a light on what has been going on down there for many years, I'm ok with that.
I don't post but a fraction of what is known. But since this particular case is in the limelight, I am discussing it.
You explicitly said you opposed both an Israeli enclave and an Israeli nightclub in Samui. Being in one in Israel is irrelevant. More cynical games. If you're not Thai and Israelis want to "take over" Samui whatever that means in a country where foreigners can't own land that is up to the Thais to allow or not.
Argue like a girl? So not surprised a person obsessed with keeping the Israeli numbers down would resort to cheap misogyny as well.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You explicitly said you opposed both an Israeli enclave and an Israeli nightclub in Samui. Being in one in Israel is irrelevant. More cynical games. If you're not Thai and Israelis want to "take over" Samui whatever that means in a country where foreigners can't own land that is up to the Thais to allow or not.
Argue like a girl? So not surprised a person obsessed with keeping the Israeli numbers down would resort to cheap misogyny as well.


Men understand that men and women have differing attributes. So men will refrain from arguing with their partners because they know that women move the goalposts during an argument. So find it endearing.

You aren't a girl, so i don't find you endearing.

Perhaps you are confused as you are trying to act like a woman, but don't at all look like one.

I have no problems with women and am in a long term relationship with one.

How about you?


Your arguments are foolish.

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8 minutes ago, JamJar said:


Men understand that men and women have differing attributes. So men will refrain from arguing with their partners because they know that women move the goalposts during an argument. So find it endearing.

You aren't a girl, so i don't find you endearing.

Perhaps you are confused as you are trying to act like a woman, but don't at all look like one.

I have no problems with women and am in a long term relationship with one.

How about you?


Your arguments are foolish.

Sexist, homophobic garbage. It doesn't end with Israelis for you. That's very clear. Again, I'm seriously rooting for a total takeover of Samui by people of the Hebronic persuasion now. Bring them on! 


Reminder where you're coming from --


Bad enough having them as tourists ...


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28 minutes ago, JamJar said:


Only humourous if you are lacking in knowledge and intelligence. It's not that there weren't Israelis around, it that their numbers grew disproportionately. Their behaviour was always disgusting as far back as I can remember.


Once again, travel down to the island and speak to the people who live there. You don't need to take my word for it.

They take the p*ss. Of course in your eyes, that is them refusing to be victims. For me, it is just rude, disgusting and arrogant behaviour. 



Israelis don't take no crap from haters, that's for sure.:post-4641-1156694572:

It is true generally Israelis wouldn't bother pushing back against someone with an obsessive vile anti-Israeli agenda as I have here. Why waste the time down a black hole? Start another nightclub and get on with the party! 



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Just now, Jingthing said:

Israelis don't take no crap from haters, that's for sure.:post-4641-1156694572:

They ran away from me. Literally :smile: 


There is your fantasy and there is the reality.


You can keep your fantasy. Your life is already sad enough. Let's just say it is clear why you moved to Thailand. You know and I know. 

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2 minutes ago, JamJar said:

They ran away from me. Literally :smile: 


There is your fantasy and there is the reality.


You can keep your fantasy. Your life is already sad enough. Let's just say it is clear why you moved to Thailand. You know and I know. 

I'd have to see a picture of how scary you look to understand that comment in context.


No personal attacks from you. Uh huh. You're a real piece of work. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sexist, homophobic garbage. It doesn't end with Israelis for you. That's very clear. Again, I'm seriously rooting for a total takeover of Samui by people of the Hebronic persuasion now. Bring them on! 


Reminder where you're coming from --


Bad enough having them as tourists ...




I was specifically referring to the low lives carrying out illegal activities and also made it clear as to how my opinion of their tourists was formulated.

I also posted relevant links to people of the same opinion worldwide. So it is no small problem. They are exporting a particularly ugly kind of behaviour.


Whereas you have nothing but attempted personal abuse to offer.


You are just laughable and not in a good way.


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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'd have to see a picture of how scary you look to understand that comment in context.


No personal attacks from you. Uh huh. You're a real piece of work. 


Scary as in when a group of them took the p*ss.....  I'll say no more about it here.


As I stated, you have your fantasies and I know the reality.

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