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Alien fish species pose a serious threat to native fish species


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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

They can survive in your bathtub for days, I used to keep a dozen in my in Panama to clean them out before putting on the BBQ  -  lots of bones but you can eat them as well...........


1 hour ago, CLW said:

Maybe a new business idea.
Raise them in tanks and sell as exotic fish BBQ

Could be a nice alternative to balconies as well :whistling:


"he felt in the tub" :cheesy:

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On 12-7-2017 at 11:36 AM, CLW said:

Maybe a new business idea.
Raise them in tanks and sell as exotic fish BBQ

Yup and after the flooding they are all over the country eating swimming kids.


They should be illegal to import cause i think they will breed fast in the Thai rivers.

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Thailand borders have basically been open (including many rivers) to bordering countries & import of fish species pretty well uncontrolled for hundreds of years. It is a little bit late to start to worry now.

NZ has had this problem from time to time of an aggressive species somehow getting into the rivers or birds

or snakes getting in but they are an island with strict controls. In Thailand,,,,,, no show only the strong will survive

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On 11/7/2560 at 8:38 PM, CLW said:

Tilapia are actually also alien species but they have become accepted.
So I don't understand the fuzz.
You can eat this species as well.
If the population gets too much it should regulate by themselves.
Use net or electro fishing andmake fish meal from it.
How can they get into shrimp and fish farms?
It's a closed system, cleaned and emptied after each harvest.

Tilapia were brought to Thailand as a gift for a previous Thai king.

In Isaan, talipia is probably the most common fish that is for sale.

This particular fish is a hybrid and one that will never grow large (200 grams at most).

Impossible to eradicate (far too late and why would they want to anyway?).

Fish can get into a closed system by birds carrying either them or fish spawn.

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