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Midweek Rant: Thai adults are letting down their children


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Midweek Rant: Thai adults are letting down their children



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I am quite sick of hearing stories about child abuse.


There is nothing new there.


I long since realized that the party line, holier-than-thou approach that said Thais were beyond reproach when it came to the care of children was just pie in the sky.


Those early images of older people standing up for kids on the bus have faded as the reality has kicked in.


Thais are probably no better or worse than any other nationality when it comes to children.


Though there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that shows children being treated like chattel I prefer not to dwell on that.


What is sickening in the extreme is not necessarily when the abuse itself occurs.


That is bad enough.


No, what really sickens me is the response of those adults who should be investigating the allegations.


The case in point this week is the ghastly case of the little five year old boy who had a hot water bottle thrust down his trousers while his hands were tied behind his back.


The little boy had to have part of his genitals amputated.


It hardly needs to be stated that this is inhuman in the extreme.


But what did the police do? If the mother is to be believed….precisely nothing.


Why the hell should it make a difference that the alleged torturer is a soldier?


The couple who were paid to look after the child because the mother had to work have not just shown themselves to be unworthy of trust.


They have tried to squirm out of responsibility and escape punishment.


Both should be jailed with the soldier doing twenty years if found guilty.


Instead they are free and it is clearly the connivance of the police that has enabled this to be so.


And to what degree are the medical staff responsible in not following up on the case?


This is just as sickening as the original sub-human event perpetrated against such an innocent child.


Why should a mother have to go to a prominent human rights lawyer to get justice?


Why do the supposed upholders of the law think they can do nothing?


Is it just a question of corruption or don’t people care about children enough to do anything?


This case needs instant and decisive action. With the highest levels of government getting involved.


Firstly, against the couple whose behavior is sickening.


Then against the people who have let the case go cold.


The pictures of the little boy are gut wrenching in their sadness.


If his treatment and torment goes unpunished then society should hold its head in shame.


People who abuse children are the scum of the earth.


Those who protect abusers are equally culpable.


It is time for responsible adults to act on behalf of the Thai children.


Or it won’t just be Thai –ness that you have let down.


You won’t even be considered human yourselves.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-07-12
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Tragically true. Realistically instant and decisive justice does not seem to exist here. There are of course many contributing factors none of which are going to be fixed anytime in the near future.

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There appears to be an empathy deficiency here. I don't think it's new, I think it has always been here. This is a hard place when you fall outside of rings of influence. We can't judge it with our western Judeo Christian ethic, Doing so will fill you with rage and what can you do with that?


Although I am filled with rage, despite my advice.

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There is a very serious problem in the fabric of society when incidents of this nature can occur the way they did. The child has been let down at every level, sickeningly so. Sadly, as we have seen, it is not an isolated case, though this one was particularly brutal. equally sadly, there is no quick fix solution. Attitudes need to change across the country towards children's welfare, hospitals need to be forced to report all incidents involving a child, sentencing for crimes against children need to become punitive and probably most important of all, Thais need to develop their sense of moral outrage, so it is understood such actions are absolutely disgusting and unacceptable.

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People often think that kids just raise themselves. Also, you tell them something once and that's it. Job done. 


Kids need to be told again and again - "Don't do that" "Put that in the bin" "Eat all your dinner or no activities. I will sit here and wait!". It's hard work but it ultimately will make your life easier in the long run. 


I don't have kids, and that's because I'm too lazy and selfish to be bothered right now. Having kids is a full-time job in itself. If you think you're 'normal' because you've ticked off the 'had kids' box, but you can't be bothered to then raise them properly - stay at home with your kids and keep out of other people's way. Just 'cos you're too lazy and selfish to raise your kids properly and have to put up with their s***, doesn't mean everyone else should have to. 


Also, don't do what my friend did and have a kid with a woman who shipped her other kid off to her grandparents. You can't really be surprised when you realise she's not cut out to be a mother with your kid either. And men and women who think they're superheroes 'cos it ain't easy raising a kid, that's your job. You have a kid and you raise it. Don't suggest to me to get married, or I'll suggest back that you try divorce. Don't try and make me feel guilty that I don't have kids, or I'll suggest that you put your kids in a boarding school. 


Rant over. 



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If the PM gets the nformation of this story and does nothing about it  then I give up on the Thai society.

  The guy being a soldier, makes it even more disgusting that nothing has been done so far to him or the

woman. Neither deserve to be free.

  Thanks for your words on this issue. It is disgusting that this boy has not seen justice with these

two scum bags getting arrested and sent to jail.


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True words,

  This was utterly appalling & nothing being done for six month beggars belief,  While I try to make allowances for Thai society being the way that it is, this is truly contemptible......  

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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

If the PM gets the nformation of this story and does nothing about it  then I give up on the Thai society.

  The guy being a soldier, makes it even more disgusting that nothing has been done so far to him or the

woman. Neither deserve to be free.

  Thanks for your words on this issue. It is disgusting that this boy has not seen justice with these

two scum bags getting arrested and sent to jail.


Don't hold your breath as chances are the 'Soldier' is the Son of some high ranking Officer or a Policeman , which will make him immune to any form of suitable punishment.  Such disgusting incidents are far from rare here and severe punishment IS rare.

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This Country does need some sort of intervention with regards to Human Rights, Equality and alike apart from some fishing labor issues and what not. This story is absolutely appalling and its stories like this and even things that happen in my own life that makes me furious. Yet if i were to return the favor to the Army Fag myself or anyone i would like to seek justice on for hurting otherwise innocent civilians i would be jailed, deported, tortured and what not. And even if not its clearly the impression people in Thailand, tourists and the rest of the world have of what should be upstanding public servants and alike. There is no trust. Just enslaving Fear!. People WAKE UP the only thing to fear is fear itself. Stop empowering these idiots.


On another note Children in this country are used as pawns sometimes. Right now my family is being taken advantage of for caring for a crippled grandmother and her grandson. The Grandfather died of cancer due to being allowed to illegally make and sell charcoal for many years. The family of these people within days of the funeral were trying to get rights to the land. My family had to intervene and get lawyers and mayors involved to stop this. Its almost a year now and we have been voluntarily taking care of them. Turns out weve done such a good job they are trying to send more children to the crippled and deformed grandmothers house for us to care for and the excuse is so these parents can work harder and send more money. Well i havent seen a cent because i have control over all accounts and know drug addicts when i see them. We can not take on more, most likely will but it shouldn't be our responsibility. What gets on my nerves living here is farangs are treated like criminals and have to report all the time and what not yet i see the generosity of farangs is actually giving a better form of life for many. Its a big loss of Face.

There is no human compassion. Even this crippled old grandmother lies to try and better her situation financially and the parents threaten to move back and hurt the grandmother and kids. Its appalling and this is a pretty familiar problem through out the country. Irresponsible parents giving up there kids they should never have had to party basically. If my small family can run business and send all there kids to school and so on then there is no excuse there own parents cant do so.

Perhaps whats lacking is compassion in the first place. Perhaps that Army Fag if shown compassion as a child he might not have been capable of such brutality.


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