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Who are those uneducated scumbags who walk into people's houses with shoes on?


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Many years ago I broke both my feet skiing, and in spite of re-constructive surgery walking barefoot is truly agony. It feels like I am walking with pebbles glued to my feet. Walking at all is painful all the time, but without some protection on I just can't walk.


In my own home I have an outdoor and indoor set of flip flops, and at others homes I avoid going into their home. If I must, I ask if I may wear my flip flops and no one has ever acted offended. I feel guilty enough that I even explain to people visiting my house why I wear shoes inside. 


So there may be extenuating circumstances.. 

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21 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

So no offence but I can hardly believe your Thai wife/girlfriend truly does not care if someone is walking in the house with his shoes on.


No offence taken.



My girlfriend is smart, she understands and accepts my house rules .


I think she would be pee'd off if a Thai did.

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Just now, Jip99 said:



So not using bum guns i snow "ignorance"  ?????   :smile:

I think so. Ignorance of the cleanliness of washing with water as opposed to wiping with paper.  I'll wager there would be fewer skid marks on your shorts if you used the bum gun

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2 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Think about it--wiping the feces around with paper as opposed to washing it off with water.



Oh, I am with you all the way on that one.



But, I accept, and respect the fact, that others see it differently.

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Some people have to enter houses wearing shoes because they cannot walk without shoes. They include people who have lost their big toe, people with other deformities and those with various forms of arthritis for which shoes provide support and a level of comfort that allows them to move.



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1 minute ago, smotherb said:

I think so. Ignorance of the cleanliness of washing with water as opposed to wiping with paper.  I'll wager there would be fewer skid marks on your shorts if you used the bum gun



Eating somtam and pad krappow pet pet rarely resuts in that being an issue.................

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1 minute ago, humqdpf said:

Some people have to enter houses wearing shoes because they cannot walk without shoes. They include people who have lost their big toe, people with other deformities and those with various forms of arthritis for which shoes provide support and a level of comfort that allows them to move.






Laces are the issue for me.


Slip on shoes and flip flops, no problem.

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17 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

In Canada only rurals and uneducated or no class people take off their shoes. I have been t houses with expensive persian rugs on the floor and people come into the house straight from the rain with shoes on. If you took your shoes off to go into those homes you would not be welcome back because you had no class. To take off your shoes is just not done. We leave that to other less refined people.

What utter nonsense

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17 hours ago, giddyup said:

Have a bum gun in both bathrooms, never used it once in 7 years, neither has my Thai partner. She prefers paper as do I.

 Yuk. I guess dried sh!t smeared on the underside of someone shoes is the least of your issues

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14 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I think so. Ignorance of the cleanliness of washing with water as opposed to wiping with paper.  I'll wager there would be fewer skid marks on your shorts if you used the bum gun

yes but my arse would be WET....

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17 hours ago, Topah said:

I am not talking about your house. I got bad feedback about badly behaving farang who went to a Thai house where older people sleep on the floor. Did not ask should he take shoes off just walked in. Should at least ask or know how to behave in Thailand.

I would agree with that, but I will not take my shoes off before going into a shop, I am not going to sit in the step, unlose the laces on my trainers and take them off before I go into a place to give them my business.

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20 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I think so. Ignorance of the cleanliness of washing with water as opposed to wiping with paper.  I'll wager there would be fewer skid marks on your shorts if you used the bum gun

A bum gun is useless without soap....:stoner:

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17 hours ago, colinneil said:

People in Yorkshire taking of their shoes back in the 70s WOW.

I am shocked i thought they all wore clogs.:cheesy:

Colin, in my experience, people from Yorkshire are more fonder of shouting their mouths off, my father was from Yorkshire,

and the two guys I knew very well in Thailand were always shouting their mouths off.

My apologies if any of the decent guys from Yorkshire are reading this, I know there must be some.

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17 hours ago, giddyup said:

Wiping a wet arse with the tissue paper that poses as toilet paper, sounds messy.

You clean yourself with the spray and then dry yourself with the toilet paper.  It's far more hygienic than rubbing excrement round your ring.  It's not just done in Thailand or East Asia (the Japanese have it down to a fine are), it's also done in the Middle East and North Africa. 

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15 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Shoes is a culture thing and yes I do respect the Thias and remove my shoes here. 

 But what gets me about uneducated  thias is they do not close gates or doors. I had a real problem with friends of the wife and daughter  and family members coming to the house. We keep the gate closed to keep the dogs in . these people would come leave the gate open and the dogs would get out. It made me look bad in the village as an irresponsible dog owner. I started locking the gate. They also never close doors. When family or friends come to the house I am kept busy closing doors they just leave open. I do not want mosquitoes in my house but they do not care. Leaving gates and doors open is not culture it is as the op would put it."uneducated scumbags" If you come on some ones property and a gate is closed close it after you enter not culture but lazy ignorant. When you come in their house if door is closed ,close it after entering.that is not culture that is ignorant and lazy.

My gate is open all the time during the day, and none of the two dogs ever go out unless it is with someone.

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17 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

In England no one takes their shoes off and I only came across it in Russia, before I came here, where it is common. It's just cultural 'norms' nothing to get excited about. I do take them off now because i can see it's quite sensible not bringing dirt into the home but I would not get over excited.


Thais are actually very impolite, queue jumping, talking over people and picking their teeth with toothpicks in the middle of restaurants.  You try any of those in London, New York or Berlin and watch the stares of disbelief! 

You are a real uneducated Thai Basher. Thais are very polite people, much more so than westerners. But perhaps you associate with the wrong kind, bargirls   perhaps?

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I have no problem taking off my shoes in a private house where it is expected of me.


I do NOT take my shoes off in tiled floor commercial premises such as a vets, hairdressers and village convenience stores, even when there are signs that this is expected. Nobody is sleeping on these floors and they are already full of crap that I do not want on my bare feet, thank you. And usually there are no slippers provided for customers at these places either.


My house has a tiled floor downstairs and we have dogs inside the house. We tell everyone to keep their shoes on and 90% of our visitors are Thai. They keep them on.

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17 hours ago, kevozman1 said:

I find that hard to believe. Taking your shoes off in absolutely any culture I have experienced would be looked at as an act of respect, even if it is not social etiquette to do so. Also don't give that "rural" crap, there is dog shit on pavements in Manhattan and Central London... No this is just another case of Asian cultures being more clean than most Western cultures. Argue all you want, some things are done better in the East.

and some are done better in the west and with some things are just a matter of opinion

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18 hours ago, Jip99 said:


What has being in Thailand got to do with it. I set the rules for my house.



I know some Farang houses that don't have bum guns............ what would you make of that, being in Thailand ?

"when in Rome, do as the Romans do"

that's MY feelings, but it IS your home, you're welcome to set the rules (i won't be visiting, btw) :coffee1:


houses with no bum  guns? what would i make of it? how utterly uncivilized to go around with

partially clean behinds, as well as having to touch  the deritrious with one's hand holding the paper,

how gross and unsanitary... 

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3 minutes ago, gamini said:

You are a real uneducated Thai Basher. Thais are very polite people, much more so than westerners. But perhaps you associate with the wrong kind, bargirls   perhaps?




Have you actually been to Thailand...... ever ??  :smile:

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Just now, jenifer d said:

"when in Rome, do as the Romans do"

that's MY feelings, but it IS your home, you're welcome to set the rules (i won't be visiting, btw) :coffee1:


houses with no bum  guns? what would i make of it? how utterly uncivilized to go around with

partially clean behinds, as well as having to touch  the deritrious with one's hand holding the paper,

how gross and unsanitary... 



You certainly won't be visiting..


So virtually the whole of the West is uncivilised ?


Quite a sweeping statement.

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25 minutes ago, humqdpf said:

Some people have to enter houses wearing shoes because they cannot walk without shoes. They include people who have lost their big toe, people with other deformities and those with various forms of arthritis for which shoes provide support and a level of comfort that allows them to move.



Yes, some people have physical conditions, some a hard time getting their shoes off, and some people don't wear shoes because they have no feet; barring those individuals, why wouldn't removing your shoes be cleaner. 

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