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Trump picks lawyer Ty Cobb to handle Russia probe


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Trump picks lawyer Ty Cobb to handle Russia probe


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U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrive for dinner at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, July 14, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump announced in a statement on Saturday that veteran Washington lawyer Ty Cobb will serve as special counsel, and sources familiar with the hiring said Cobb would handle the White House's response to Russia-related investigations.


Cobb, a partner at the law firm Hogan Lovells in Washington, is expected to be an intermediary between the White House and Congress, as well as outside attorneys as probes into the Trump campaign's connections to Russia continue.


A federal special counsel and several congressional panels are investigating allegations by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and potential connections between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.


Moscow has denied any interference and the president has denied any collusion.


The last person to hold a similar position to Cobb's was lawyer Emmet Flood, who worked in the George W. Bush administration to respond to Congressional inquiries.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-16
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34 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Not yet six months in office and Trump, his family, and his staff have had to hire more lawyers than the mafia. Poor Trumpy, everybody is picking on him and he is so innocent.

he did say he was going to create a lot of jobs.

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14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

given the crap being thrown at him and his team…..all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises. i think he's wise to get as many lawyers as possible to frustrate the designs of the lefties.

Oh, you poor misguided sole. Which campaign promises are those, the ones from which he has now distanced himself,  the ones which were unconstitutional, or the ones his own party has shot down.

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11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

given the crap being thrown at him and his team…..all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises. i think he's wise to get as many lawyers as possible to frustrate the designs of the lefties.

He needs all the crap thrown at him, and than some more as long as he and his family keeps lying.

I can understand that you wanted a change in politics, but you realy think Trump is the answer? This clown lies in everybody's face, multiple times, as  he proofs all the time when interviewed. So no fake news here! I asked you this before, why are you supporting a notorious lyier to be your president. Even you deserve better.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises.

i think he's wise to get as many lawyers as possible to frustrate the designs of the lefties.


"all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises."

Really? That's what you think this is all about?


"to frustrate the designs of the lefties."

Yeah, those Rebublicans Dir. Comey and Special Counsel Mueller must frustrate him and his cronies even more...


Fortunately, the wheels of justice are turning... :thumbsup:


And heck, we already have this on record:

The occupier of the White House' son, along with a Senior White House adviser to his father and a Russian connected Trump campaign director, had a clandestine meeting with agents from a hostile foreign adversary.



Plus of course, 

The White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.


The House Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee

The House Oversight Committee


And Special Counsel Mueller.


Unprecedented in American history.



Edited by iReason
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Fantastic choice. If he is half the lawyer as he was a baseball player, he will get the job done. The Georgia Peach was pretty ruthless on the diamond. I'd hate to meet him in a courtroom.


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7 hours ago, bkkgriz said:

Fantastic choice. If he is half the lawyer as he was a baseball player, he will get the job done. The Georgia Peach was pretty ruthless on the diamond. I'd hate to meet him in a courtroom.


I was thinking the same thing. ?

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10 hours ago, easton said:

I was thinking the same thing. ?

The baseball player died in 1961--so now Trump is recruiting from the dead--they may be the only ones on his team not involved with the Ruskies and who know the truth about God

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18 hours ago, iReason said:

The White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.


The House Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee

The House Oversight Committee


And Special Counsel Mueller.


Unprecedented in American history.




I'm also currently talking to 6 chicks with the hope of banging them…but that doesn't mean I have or Im going to.

Keep bangin' away.



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18 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I'm also currently talking to 6 chicks with the hope of banging them…but that doesn't mean I have or Im going to.

Keep bangin' away.


The Henny Youngman of the Trumpeteers comes up with another one liner. :laugh:


Keep bangin' away on your Trolling.

I'll stick with reality.

And facts.



"6 chicks with the hope of banging them"


From the admirer of: "decency and politeness"



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22 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


I'm also currently talking to 6 chicks with the hope of banging them…but that doesn't mean I have or Im going to.

Keep bangin' away.



Trump Jr. was informed beforehand that this info came from the Russian government. Whether it was or not, the fact is he was willing to accept it.  Not just willing, but eager.

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22 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

given the crap being thrown at him and his team…..all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises. i think he's wise to get as many lawyers as possible to frustrate the designs of the lefties.

.... to make America re-gre(a)t again ???

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23 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

given the crap being thrown at him and his team…..all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises. i think he's wise to get as many lawyers as possible to frustrate the designs of the lefties.

If these probes slow the Dufus in Chief from fulfilling his harmful-to-America ideas, then that's icing on the cake.


Note: Dem congresspeople aren't up in arms about starting impeachment proceedings.  I think some of the reasons are.....


A.  Republicans wouldn't vote for impeachment, even if Trump was caught on video giving Putin a blow job

B.  If Trump resigned or was kicked out of the WH, then Ryan would be prez - because Pence will probably get booted out of the VP job before or during the time Trump gets booted out.   Dems obviously don't want night-of-the-living-dead Ryan in the top seat.

C.  Dems are hoping to take the House in 2018, and get seated in early 2019.  That way, when both Trump and Pence get their marching orders, a Democratic Speaker of the House will take over.


Those are some reasons why Democrats aren't in a big hurry to get the treasonous crooks out of the WH.  In the meantime, they'll sit back and watch Trump and the Republicans slowly self-destruct, and hope the ding dongs don't do too much more harm to the USA and its natural environment.

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1 minute ago, White Christmas13 said:

Can we have a topic just concerning Donald Trump I am sick and tired of reading the news

and every second article is about him ( the least liked Potus in modern history )

I kinda agree with you, but on the other hand, no one is forcing you to read things you don't want to read (as happens in High School English classes).


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


I'm also currently talking to 6 chicks with the hope of banging them…but that doesn't mean I have or Im going to.

Keep bangin' away.



With the hope you say; that is intent. It's the intent that matters--intent to obstruct justice just being one of the potential charges against Trump. Nixon was done in for his intent to cover-up Watergate.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Sez the guy who cant even think up one original line…just constant cut and paste….


Facts. Facts and information.


They will set you free.


I could think up all sorts of silly, superfluous lines.


But then, I would just be Trolling, deflecting and attempting to derail a thread.


I wouldn't dream of doing that.



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  A guy goes into a bank - hands the teller a note which says, 'give me all the money or I'll shoot you.'   The teller says, 'Sorry, I just sent all my cash to the vault.  I only have 3 bucks.  Here it is.'


According to Trumpsters' logic: the guy didn't do anything wrong, because he didn't successfully rob the bank.



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A guy who doesnt have any original thoughts or analytical ability  goes to a website 

hostile to a political figure he loathes. He highlights a huge chunk of text and pastes it on a chat forum like its coming from him.....with a disguised hyperlink.  

At least bank robbers make an effort...lol. 


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


Sez the guy who cant even think up one original line…just constant cut and paste….

If someone comes up with an original line, you'd ask for a link.  Someone provides a link, you say he can't come up with an original line.  You Trump guys have nothing left. 

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2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

If someone comes up with an original line, you'd ask for a link.  Someone provides a link, you say he can't come up with an original line.  You Trump guys have nothing left. 

I dont say rubbish like link please. 

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Trump Brings On Lawyer Ty Cobb to Oversee Russia Probes Response


"Administration officials want someone to enforce discipline in the White House regarding Russia matters -- and that includes the president, who frequently vents his frustrations about the investigations on Twitter, two people familiar with the plan said on Friday."


"According to the people familiar with the move, Cobb is intended to be traffic cop, enforcer of discipline, and public spokesman -- the point person for queries from congressional panels and the Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller."


"Some Trump allies are concerned that the president’s biggest legal liability isn’t the suspicion about his campaign’s possible collusion with the Russian government but rather obstruction of justice charges related to his response to the investigation, including his tweets and his decision to fire FBI director James Comey."



"Obstruction of justice charges"

Yup. That will be the start...

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Better get crackin' Donnie.

Apparently, not many lawyers left given the fact that:


Four top law firms turned down Trump: report


"Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly, Ted Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Paul Clement and Mark Filip of Kirkland & Ellis and Robert Giuffra of Sullivan & Cromwell are reportedly among those who turned the White House down."


"Some lawyers familiar with the situation cited existing commitments, upcoming trials, possible damage to a firm's reputation and potential conflicts with clients as part of their reasoning for not representing Trump."


“The concerns were, ‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen”



"possible damage to a firm's reputation"  :whistling:

"The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen"


Where have I heard that last one before?

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10 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

Can we have a topic just concerning Donald Trump I am sick and tired of reading the news

and every second article is about him ( the least liked Potus in modern history )


As far as broadcast news and new media news goes it is a sort of fillibuster: just about all the energy of the reporters goes to Cheeto Cheeto Cheeto.  It started during the campaign, and continues on now.  And it's not really the reporters who are to blame, it's their bosses: the Orange One generates ratings.  Even the "liberal" cable stations can't get enough of him.  Ummm, anything else going on in the world other than DT's band of gypsies and outrage of airline passengers?


I try to catch one Al Jazeera Newshour a day - biased?  You bet, but you're supposed to be smart enough to see through it.


There was a little creep on a reality show in the 1990s called Puck (can't recall the name of the show) and somehow nearly everyone got to know who he was, even those of us who never watch that crap, like myself.  I think this is one of Cheeto's role models.



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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

You Trump guys have nothing left. 


They'll always have Hillary and Obama.  Oh, I forgot, Hillary died last week. :wink:


(this is according to one of the tinfoil hat sites)



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