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Nate apologises for railway-track coin prank and may face charges


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He goes a bit far and comes over as bit annoying at times - but I have to admit I find some of his videos quite entertaining. Then again I am also thirtysomething and my wife believes I am still somewhat of a child grown big - at least outside of work. I guess I and others like that fact that he lives a less serious life than most of us. Others may despise him for the very same reason. I assume he has learned a lesson here and it may be appropriate to fine him a bit. Otherwise I plead to leave him be and for all to be a bit more relaxed. 


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7 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

I used to get my ass beat by Mom, Dad, Uncles, Aunts older cousins etc for being out there anywhere near a train.

It was the early 1970's for Chrissake! Freight train that ran maybe a couple times a week at 30 MPH.

I'd lay a nickel out there & be amazed.

I was 8 years old. Gimme a break!


That thing DID derail once. Probably because of my older brothers & cousins, or because the rail was 150 years old?

It spilled a boxcar of Florida orange juice in small cans for a quarter of a mile.

We had OJ for months. The railway guys told us to help ourselves.

Lolz yes. The good old days before we had mobiles or internet to keep us at home - when we had to go out and do our own stuff.


Nate's just doing that for the rest of the kids imprisoned by their over-protective parents. That's why people like watching pranks on Youtube isn't it?


When my son's family come home he isn't allowed past the front door - it's so dangerous (in a moobahn) because a car might go past the front of the house at about 10km/h every 10 minutes!!!


Sure, there are some in bad taste... but no real harm done.

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The usual over the top responses from the usual suspects. The guy has found the perfect way to make money in Thailand and to stay legit. He has hurt nor injured anyone other than a few moral compasses which are spinning out of control trying to find North.

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3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Pretty spiffy suit.


Better dressed than most English teachers :)



precisely lol your post reminds me how truly annoying the indian tailors on the sidewalk are. nobody forces you to go to nates websites. no doubt the tv forum academics will be out in force again on this thread.

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3 minutes ago, djayz said:

If the internet community ignored all his videos, etc. that would hurt him more than any fine or detention would ever achieve. 

I saw about 3 seconds of one of his videos. Aside from his fluency in Thai, I quickly saw he was an idiot.

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3 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

I saw about 3 seconds of one of his videos. Aside from his fluency in Thai, I quickly saw he was an idiot.

I couldn't agree more. 


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5 minutes ago, moe666 said:

The usual over the top responses from the usual suspects. The guy has found the perfect way to make money in Thailand and to stay legit. He has hurt nor injured anyone other than a few moral compasses which are spinning out of control trying to find North.

Heaven FORBID that you have any success in Thailand.


While I agree that he's a <deleted>'er, I have nothing against him.


Just an idiot kid is all.....And weren't we all at some point?


We just had the good fortune that Youtube didn't exist. I'm 50 BTW.

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Nice to see that the State Railways of Thailand (SRT) seem to have no other problem whatsoever.


This coin flattening has been done by boys, albeit much younger than this idiot, all over the world. Our physics teacher took us along and explained physics of weight, speed and how different metal react. All supervised by the teacher and some helpers on a two-kids-on-one-adult basis. Scotch-taped coins made of copper, nickel and silver were used to explain the impact of rapid expansion (the coins were still hot three minutes after the train had passed) and no, there were no marks whatsoever on the track itself as the track was made of harder steel than all the various coins.

So dig in your law books and fine regulations (no pun intended); reprimand this clown accordingly and get on with business. The SRT might look into their rolling stock of historic decay and the BiB might look into the Red Bull's grandson file - which is of course considerably less important than flattening foreign coins by an alien. 

Good luck prankster Nate did not resort to local coins .......... he would rot in hell for that! 

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The poster who did ask about his defacing the late King's image was I believe correct. You can and should be jailed for that stupidity as Thai revered the late King. I was sitting in a bar a number of years back in Nana Plaza when a row erupted and it was due to a dumb ar.se Aussie throwing a crumpled up 500 baht note at the server that hit the floor. She went ballistic and soon this jackass was surrounded by the security guys and from there it went very badly for him. The police showed up and he was taken away with the 500 baht note taken as evidence. You simply do not insult the memory of the late King in any way, shape or form. Fo his insult this clown should be given free room and board at the prison in Bangkok then deported. Let him do his scams on the suckers who follow him back in the good old U.S. of A.

Sent from my SM-T805 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

Nor would I want to be making thousands of $$$ in Bangkok without a work permit. If you have evidence of him making all that money you have a responsibility to report that to the police so they can take their 75% cut of the profit.


What's his downside?  He may get booted and have to start all over in Cambodia?  Boo hoo.  He'll have quite a nest-egg to take with him.  And that's assuming he doesn't have proper documents.


According to another thread, he's garnered 591 million views which are estimated to have brought in between $1 million and $4 million USD in advertising revenue.  That's in addition to his merchandise sales.


I'd certainly risk it rather than sitting on a barstool commiserating every day about not being able to work in Thailand.  Even if I couldn't get legal.  Which I think he did, at least at one time.


And I have absolutely no responsibility to report anything to anyone.  Not my job.  Not even my country.  I'm a guest.  Edit:  And if I'm not mistaken, investigating people could be construed as working.  And that would be illegal without a WP, wouldn't it?


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Just now, impulse said:


What's his downside?  He may get booted and have to start all over in Cambodia?  Boo hoo.  He'll have quite a nest-egg to take with him.  And that's assuming he doesn't have proper documents.


According to another thread, he's garnered 591 million views which are estimated to have brought in between $1 million and $4 million USD in advertising revenue.  That's in addition to his merchandise sales.


I'd certainly risk it rather than sitting on a barstool commiserating every day about not being able to work in Thailand.


And I have absolutely no responsibility to report anything to anyone.  Not my job.  Not even my country.  I'm a guest.


Good for you ........oh humourless one.

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My Mate Nate has Non-B visa, released from immigration

By Coconuts Bangkok 



File photo of Nate Bartling, also known as My Mate Nate. Photo: My Mate Nate/ Facebook


BANGKOK: -- Immigration Police released controversial American YouTuber My Mate Nate last night, after they found out he is staying in Thailand on a business visa.


To answer the burning question that many people have, Nate Bartling showed his Non-Immigration Visa “B” to Immigration officers yesterday. They had detained him after he finished a press conference with the State Railway of Thailand over his latest YouTube stunt.


Bartling was allowed to go home after showing his documents.


The Non-B visa allows foreigners to work and conduct business in Thailand. Bartling’s visa is valid for three months and will expire at the end of August, Daily News reported.


Full story: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/mate-nate-non-b-visa-released-immigration/

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-07-18
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We used to do this when we were kids never saw it damage trains or tracks just crushed coins. But the train and tracks were British steel maybe it was better quality. Difference here is we were kids this fool is earning a living larking about like a kid.

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7 hours ago, jaywalker said:

Completely idiotic.


I did this when I was 8 years old (1975 or so). There was an ancient train that came by twice a week in front of my Grandfather's house.


Oh yeah.....He's appealing to 4.5% of Thai folks (3.2 million/ 70 million). 


Where is his stupid hat in the picture above?

On Backwards of course, plenty of grovelling now though!

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I really couldn't care less what this guy gets up to (bar the cat and the scorpion incident which I didn't like).


There is a silver lining in this story though - 'Farangs' and Thais who have so much shared vitriol for this guy merely 'cos he's foreign and somewhat successful. Finally they are uniting through xenophobia and self-loathing. 

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23 minutes ago, chezy86 said:

We used to do this when we were kids never saw it damage trains or tracks just crushed coins. But the train and tracks were British steel maybe it was better quality. Difference here is we were kids this fool is earning a living larking about like a kid.

Yes many of us did it back home. My favourite was the old English penny; finished up as big as a saucer!! Then we took them to Barking Creek and skimmed then across the river.


Surely the train has to be going quite fast to flatten coins.


Up here in the outer sticks the trains only move at 5/6 K per hour (if that). Plenty slow enough for the driver to stop and go pick up the coins or even even jump off, run in front, pick them up and jump back on when the train catches him up.



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7 hours ago, webfact said:

He lamented that he had done many good videos but was negatively criticised for only two mistakes.

Let him show us what he considers a 'good' video

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10 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

On Backwards of course, plenty of grovelling now though!

Grovelling it may well appear but I notice that in one of the pics he had the fingers on his left crossed. That negates any integrity of his groveling down to b--------ks.




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33 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

There is a silver lining in this story though - 'Farangs' and Thais who have so much shared vitriol for this guy merely 'cos he's foreign and somewhat successful. Finally they are uniting through xenophobia and self-loathing.

My thoughts too.


The guy is a bit daft but he has hit the headlines. Here in the LOS farangs usually make the Thai news by committing suicide. Flattening coins is a novelty to Thais.  


All the good stuff we generally get up to, goes by unnoticed.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

and some damage to the tracks, making them believe that it was the location where Bartling had placed the coins.


>>>  and some damage to the tracks, making them believe that it was the location where Bartling had placed the coins.


What? the tracks were less resistant than the coins?


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1 hour ago, impulse said:

According to another thread, he's garnered 591 million views which are estimated to have brought in between $1 million and $4 million USD in advertising revenue.  That's in addition to his merchandise sales.

I doubt he has made anywhere near this amount. A monetized Youtube account can make money if it is English.  In Thai, not so much.  Just a small fraction of what English language Youtube videos generate. A Thai language video with 500,000 views may generate US$25, nowhere near what English language revenue is.

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The SRT is yet another Thai bureaucracy to place itself if front of the world as a complete laughing stock.   How many tons of steel vs a 10 gram flat piece of metal??? In my childhood, I didn't know too many kids who hadn't flatten coins on rail tracks.  


This is utter nonsense.  The SRT would better spend their time monitoring the safety of their sub-standard tracks.  A coin is not going to derail a train; poor maintenance will.  

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"He reiterated that the public should know that putting something on the railway tracks could do harm to the trains."

No mention of Public Safety, I suppose that means  it doesn't mean anything to him;

so the train system exists only to run the trains

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5 minutes ago, CALSinCM said:

The SRT is yet another Thai bureaucracy to place itself if front of the world as a complete laughing stock.   How many tons of steel vs a 10 gram flat piece of metal??? In my childhood, I didn't know too many kids who hadn't flatten coins on rail tracks.  


This is utter nonsense.  The SRT would better spend their time monitoring the safety of their sub-standard tracks.  A coin is not going to derail a train; poor maintenance will.  

Thai maintenance =do nothing

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The fact that he had a non-B visa and was legally in Thailand wasn't in dispute.  I believe he previously said he had a non-B from teaching when he got in trouble for the scorpion vs. cat video.  The real issue will be whether MOL starts an investigation as to whether his you-tubing constitutes working without a proper work permit.  His work permit only allows him to teach at a specific school, not engage in work on youtube at various locations.  This goes to the heart of the matter, because if there is no investigation by MOL, it demonstrates that the MOL has no desire to prosecute digital nomads who perform all their "work" on a computer through use of the internet.

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