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German man admits to Phuket girlfriend's murder

Jonathan Fairfield

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I really don't understand the need for this reenactment rubbish, especially since the whole thing is orchestrated by the cops, it isn't even a genuine reenactment. The man has admitted what he has done, and he will duly be sentenced, hopefully harshly, for that. What purpose does this stupidity have, other than give the cops a chance to get their faces in the press.

A re-enactment does seem to have some unmistakable implication.

A re-enactment usually means:

a. They are certain to be tried and convicted.

b. They have little or no money.

c. They will receive a harsh penalty.


On the other hand if there is no re-enactment it can leave the door open for people (Thai only) to "envelope" their way out of trouble.

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2 hours ago, weri said:

Hope he get's the DEATH sentence, what an idiot 


He will get 20 years, reduced to 10 years if he confesses. After a few years he will transferred to the relative luxury of a German prison for the balance of his sentence. But consider that the lady has no life ... dead.

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18 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

"Political correctness" at Thai Rath to pixellate his face.

Just that the internet is full with clear pictures of him and German news sources will tell you what village he comes from.


Not a full year in Thailand and totally ruined his life.



Correction:  Steroid abuse or other performance enhancing probably ruined his life.........clouding his judgement, and instilling anger tendencies - lets just hope this doesn't become a defense for  a lower sentence.  This man should be put away for life without possibility of parole.  Can't remember when a Farang has been put to death in the Kingdom, but if they would pass this sentence if found guilty, it would be justified.  RIP to the Pretty Lady brutally murdered and mutilated.

Edited by TunnelRat69
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I once had a Thai girlfriend back in Sydney, Australia, she was a very jealous type, I knew we wouldn't be going for much longer as the 2 years of constant who is calling you, who are you texting was driving me insane, although the sex was exceptional, to only find out that a text message was sent to her phone when she was in the shower, me thinking her phone rang, so I went to answer it and saw the message which said" call me when he's out as I need to talk to you, the message was from her X, who she said had a restraining order on and hadn't seen or been in touch with since before my coming along.


I told her that her phone made a sound when she was in the shower, and she said it was probably her friend wanting to know if she wanted to go shopping, I said you should check, she said why, I said that's because it is what we normally do, she did, she said, see I told you it was Barbara, she wants to know if I want to go shopping with her, I said, well why don;t you send her a message back, she got all defensive and said what do you think it wasn't her and it is someone else, you make me feel like I am a liar, with my reply being; are you sure it was Barbara, and not your X, maybe that's why you feel you are a liar, she then screamed and through the phone against the wall, and that is when I walked out, never to return or communicate with her again, luckily I wasn't living with her which made it that much easier.


No need to kill someone over a text message, move on, the pain will heal in time, and hopefully you will find love again, one without a prison term.  

Edited by 4MyEgo
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10 hours ago, perthperson said:

No I do not.


However if examined by a competent forensic clinical psychologist or psychiatrist I am sure his illness or personality disorder would be revealed. 


Perhaps there was no reason for an examination by anybody before he came to Thailand

Its that little word IF again, plus a large dollop of wishful thinking of absolutely no real use to anybody as usual

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Just now, oldlakey said:

Perhaps there was no reason for an examination by anybody before he came to Thailand

Its that little word IF again, plus a large dollop of wishful thinking of absolutely no real use to anybody as usual

Neither you nor I know that.


However, it would be highly unusual for a sane, sober person unaffected by illicit substances or illness to commit such a crime. 


I would also be very surprised if this person's behaviour has not given rise to concern in the past. 


Of course, there is always going to be very rare instances of a person who has never given any previous cause for concern,  committing a horrendous offence, Such cases , when subject to professional examination,  are usually found to have a serious personality defect or a mental illness. 


There is plenty of forensic evidence etc if you wish to look it up. 



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4 minutes ago, perthperson said:

Neither you nor I know that.


However, it would be highly unusual for a sane, sober person unaffected by illicit substances or illness to commit such a crime. 


I would also be very surprised if this person's behaviour has not given rise to concern in the past. 


Of course, there is always going to be very rare instances of a person who has never given any previous cause for concern,  committing a horrendous offence, Such cases , when subject to professional examination,  are usually found to have a serious personality defect or a mental illness. 


There is plenty of forensic evidence etc if you wish to look it up. 



The only evidence needed in this case is that he arrived in Thailand as a FREE man


The subsequent events that then took place are now the subject of this thread simple really


Not what might have been, could have been or indeed IF only


Legal proceedings to follow


Look up what, past events oh the beauty of hindsight

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Just now, oldlakey said:

The only evidence needed in this case is that he arrived in Thailand as a FREE man


The subsequent events that then took place are now the subject of this thread simple really


Not what might have been, could have been or indeed IF only


Legal proceedings to follow


Look up what, past events oh the beauty of hindsight

You started this particular sub thread --- I you do not like what you have been told then tough. 


I personally am very pleased this deranged previously "Free" man is now in custody and unlikely to be 'Free' again for a very long time -if ever. 

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2 minutes ago, perthperson said:

You started this particular sub thread --- I you do not like what you have been told then tough. 


I personally am very pleased this deranged previously "Free" man is now in custody and unlikely to be 'Free' again for a very long time -if ever. 

You are suggesting he should have been stopped before it got this far, he arrived in Thailand as a Free man because thats what he was at the time

Unless evidence to the contarary surfaces he was not wanted for anything

Simple really

I will suggest there wont be anybody on here who is not pleased that he is in custody now, which includes myself

Yes, it would be nice if he had been locked away before this happened, but how would you have gone about that as he had not become known to the authorities, or so it would seem 

No Sir, this exchange is entirely due to your suggestion that he could have been stopped   IF   he had been examined 

by the medical profession

I have said my piece I will now move along




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According to a  German newspaper article he said:


He had been with her for about 3 to 4 months.

He lend her a substantial amount.

She recently told him that she had enough of him and wants to return to her former Israeli boyfriend.


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On 7/18/2017 at 9:24 PM, KhunBENQ said:

"Political correctness" at Thai Rath to pixellate his face.

Just that the internet is full with clear pictures of him and German news sources will tell you what village he comes from.


Not a full year in Thailand and totally ruined his life.



He may have been smoking...........

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 0:42 AM, oldlakey said:

You are suggesting he should have been stopped before it got this far, he arrived in Thailand as a Free man because thats what he was at the time

Unless evidence to the contarary surfaces he was not wanted for anything

Simple really

I will suggest there wont be anybody on here who is not pleased that he is in custody now, which includes myself

Yes, it would be nice if he had been locked away before this happened, but how would you have gone about that as he had not become known to the authorities, or so it would seem 

No Sir, this exchange is entirely due to your suggestion that he could have been stopped   IF   he had been examined 

by the medical profession

I have said my piece I will now move along




It's been proven that the German medical profession will not prevent someone from flying even if there are warning signs.


Case in point - Andreas Lubitz

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11 hours ago, Old Croc said:

It's been proven that the German medical profession will not prevent someone from flying even if there are warning signs.


Case in point - Andreas Lubitz

Perhaps so, But how would the German Medical  Profession have been involved in the first place if the subject of this thread had not committed any offence

Any ideas, this involves a murder so no room for IFs


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Lending money to a thai ? as a falang ?


555, never see it back, sure :)


That was his second mistake , first BIG mistake was to to fall in love with a thai girl.


Thailand is a wonderful country, so many fish I the sea , some would be stupid to get into relationships, being a prisoner rest of the life ,LOL


October come quick, please, my tee rak's waiting.




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On 7/18/2017 at 8:29 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Police told Thai Rath that the suspect would be taken on a reenactment to two locations.

are these re-enactments used in a court of law ? videoed ? if not, then what good are they ? seem total mindless foolishness

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He'll be thinking much more clearly now that the steroids are losing their effect and he faces a long prison sentence in a Thai jail.  What a complete dork for doing that to another human being especially one that could not defend herself. I'll wait to hear what his pathetic reason was but I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it was jealousy.

Either the German guy was jealous because she "talk to another falang" or she "dumped him" or both in that order!

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I don't pity that guy too much, but his peer group and family in Germany. 
German yellow press (BILD Zeitung and the like) will stage a witch-hunt not only against him but also against everyone who knew him. 
Even worse: the racist part of the German public might blame it on the victim, by calling her names and - if they don't know her name - simply generalize and put the blame on all Thai ladies (Again) 

Really? Is that how many German react! Not much changed from third reich period ?

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On 7/18/2017 at 8:29 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

he continued to deny involvement until the late afternoon when he admitted what he had done.

i wonder about these 'admissions' and 'confessions'; surely these alleged perps understand that if they confess to serious crimes in a place like thailand, they are screwed; perhaps they are just badgered and threatened and worn down by people that likely enjoy that kind of thing

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