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Repealing Obamacare alone would leave 32 million more uninsured - CBO


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Repealing Obamacare alone would leave 32 million more uninsured - CBO

By Yasmeen Abutaleb and Richard Cowan



Healthcare activists with Planned Parenthood and the Center for American Progress protest in opposition to the Senate Republican healthcare bill on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 28, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thirty-two million Americans would lose their health insurance by 2026 if Obamacare is repealed without a replacement, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office reported late on Wednesday as President Donald Trump pushed fellow Senate Republicans to reach an agreement on overhauling the country's healthcare law.


    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell planned to hold a vote for a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act next week after a bill to repeal and replace collapsed on Monday with the Republican party sharply divided.


    According to the CBO, a nonpartisan office that analyses pending legislation, 17 million Americans would lose health insurance alone in 2018 with a repeal while premiums on individual insurance plans would rise 25 percent next year and double by 2026.


    Trump told 49 Republican senators at a White House lunch on Wednesday that he wanted more than a straight repeal.


    After taking a hands-off approach to the healthcare debate last week and suggesting on Tuesday that he was fine with letting Obamacare fail, Trump on Wednesday demanded that senators stay in Washington through their planned August recess until they can find common ground on healthcare.


    "We're close. We're very close," Trump said at the start of the meeting.


    He demanded that lawmakers keep their campaign promises to repeal and replace Obamacare and find a new approach to healthcare.


    "We can repeal, but we should repeal and replace, and we shouldn’t leave town until this is complete," he said.


    After the lunch, McConnell said he will go ahead with a vote early next week to begin debate on a repeal of the ACA, former President Barack Obama's signature legislation, despite indications it will fail after the defections on Tuesday of at least three Republican senators.


    Moderate Republican Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Shelley Moore Capito said they oppose McConnell's plan for a repeal that would take effect in two years, giving Congress time to develop a replacement. All three attended the lunch.


    With Democrats united in opposition to repeal, McConnell can only lose two votes from Republicans' 52-48 majority in the 100-seat Senate to pass healthcare legislation.


    (Writing by John Whitesides and Lisa Lambert; Additional reporting by Susan Cornwell, Richard Cowan, Yasmeen Abutaleb and Susan Heavey; Editing by Mary Milliken and Leslie Adler)

    -- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-20
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    what they don't tell you is that many if not most of those that would lose it now have terrible policies with deductibles they can't afford.  And what they don't tell you is that Obamacare drove up the cost by probably 300% above what the previous policy costs were, caused many insurance companies to fold, etc.  And that at the moment no policy alternatives are available.  All the current plans mandate a so called minimum essential coverage which is ridiculous.  My plan tripled in cost so that I could have drug counseling, maternal care, etc.  Gee, I am 60, don't smoke, don't do drugs.  what a bargain

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    One day I expect America will wake up to the fact that it is time to stop pumping billions of dollars into Insurance companies profits and move to a Universal Healthcare system. You have the most expensive health care system in the world, that just doesn't provide anything remotely close to the best care. Not by a very long way. America is so far down the list of countries in health care provision and its populations overall health it is a disgrace. And yet here it is being suggested that an extra 17 million lose cover within a year, just so Republicans can repeal Obamacare. How many of those 17 million will fall sick and die before a replacement system is in place?

    Healthcare is only super complicated when you allow the Insurance companies to make it so. Massive sums of money will be saved and the health of the nation improve once that fact is understood and acted upon.


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    30 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    what they don't tell you is that many if not most of those that would lose it now have terrible policies with deductibles they can't afford.  And what they don't tell you is that Obamacare drove up the cost by probably 300% above what the previous policy costs were, caused many insurance companies to fold, etc.  And that at the moment no policy alternatives are available.  All the current plans mandate a so called minimum essential coverage which is ridiculous.  My plan tripled in cost so that I could have drug counseling, maternal care, etc.  Gee, I am 60, don't smoke, don't do drugs.  what a bargain

    I know many who love the ACA.  Without it, they'd have no coverage.  Yes, some have been stung with higher rates, but many were able to get coverage.


    Trump wants to kill it because it's tied to Obama, same reason for the republicans.  Yes, they can't come up with a better alternative, nor fix the flaws in the ACA.  Sad times in US politics when the people come last in politicians decisions.  Trump was suppose to deal with this "swamp", but has just made it worse.

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    51 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    what they don't tell you is that many if not most of those that would lose it now have terrible policies with deductibles they can't afford.  And what they don't tell you is that Obamacare drove up the cost by probably 300% above what the previous policy costs were, caused many insurance companies to fold, etc.  And that at the moment no policy alternatives are available.  All the current plans mandate a so called minimum essential coverage which is ridiculous.  My plan tripled in cost so that I could have drug counseling, maternal care, etc.  Gee, I am 60, don't smoke, don't do drugs.  what a bargain

    What they don't tell you is that the same medications used in the US are exported to foreign countries where they play 1/10th of the amount, and the companies still make a profit.   But there is no indication there is any effort to bring down the cost of medication.   I wonder why?


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    40 minutes ago, Credo said:

    What they don't tell you is that the same medications used in the US are exported to foreign countries where they play 1/10th of the amount, and the companies still make a profit.   But there is no indication there is any effort to bring down the cost of medication.   I wonder why?


    Greed that's why!. Big companies driven by profit know they won't sell their products in developing countries at that price. But in the west they will sell for as much as they can, not a care for the patient or wether they recover. As long as their execs get their bonuses.

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    1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

    what they don't tell you is that many if not most of those that would lose it now have terrible policies with deductibles they can't afford.  And what they don't tell you is that Obamacare drove up the cost by probably 300% above what the previous policy costs were, caused many insurance companies to fold, etc.  And that at the moment no policy alternatives are available.  All the current plans mandate a so called minimum essential coverage which is ridiculous.  My plan tripled in cost so that I could have drug counseling, maternal care, etc.  Gee, I am 60, don't smoke, don't do drugs.  what a bargain

    And I don't have kids. Yet they make me pay taxes to support schools. God blasted socialists!

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    Just now, chezy86 said:

    Greed that's why!. Big companies driven by profit know they won't sell their products in developing countries at that price. But in the west they will sell for as much as they can, not a care for the patient or wether they recover. As long as their execs get their bonuses.

    No, not in the West. In the United States. Other western nations pay less. In fact, even in the USA because Congress hasn't banned Medicaid from setting prices, it pays much less than Medicare for the same drugs.


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    2 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    what they don't tell you is that many if not most of those that would lose it now have terrible policies with deductibles they can't afford.  And what they don't tell you is that Obamacare drove up the cost by probably 300% above what the previous policy costs were, caused many insurance companies to fold, etc.  And that at the moment no policy alternatives are available.  All the current plans mandate a so called minimum essential coverage which is ridiculous.  My plan tripled in cost so that I could have drug counseling, maternal care, etc.  Gee, I am 60, don't smoke, don't do drugs.  what a bargain

    Ahhh..but you ignore what was happening before the ACA.


    I was self employed. Had paid for my own health coverage for a decade. Around the early 1990s premiums started to rise...a lot.  I was paying $300 per month (single person) to Cigna for a decent, not bare bones but not super great policy. Then my renewal came: $700 + per month.Called Cigna and they basically told me to go stuff it.


    Switched to BlueCross, a bit better, found a plan for $450 per month...slowly crept up to over $550 per month. Once needed a CAT scan, the doctor sent me to the wrong Imaging Center and I ended up being liable for $2500 in fees because they said I went outside the system, after explaining and showing the doctor's scrip, same answer ...go stuff it.


    The system was a mess and a disaster when left to the companies to prey upon individuals. The ACA did raise costs for some, for me it added a subsidy so the same BlueCross plan cost me net $275 instead of $550 with better coverage.


    The real solution is to control costs, stop keeping corpses alive for 10 years while they develop bedsores just so we can bill them and stop putting our healthcare in the hands of profit sucking scumbags..

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    1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    One day I expect America will wake up to the fact that it is time to stop pumping billions of dollars into Insurance companies profits and move to a Universal Healthcare system.

    Completely agree, but isn't this considered to be "Communism" or the like by the US folks, is it? So, they will never ever have such an insurance system. I have been told the Australians have this, and it's working fine.

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    5 minutes ago, Ralf61 said:

    Completely agree, but isn't this considered to be "Communism" or the like by the US folks, is it? So, they will never ever have such an insurance system. I have been told the Australians have this, and it's working fine.

    The have a less diverse and likely more educated population than we do. We have been commandeered by the those who have used the less informed to become foot soldiers for their greed, and they don't even know they are being used.

    Edited by tonray
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    1 hour ago, chezy86 said:

    Greed that's why!. Big companies driven by profit know they won't sell their products in developing countries at that price. But in the west they will sell for as much as they can, not a care for the patient or wether they recover. As long as their execs get their bonuses.

    If it wasn't for the profits they make, we'd have no research into new drugs.  Look into what it costs to bring a new drug to market.  It's insane.


    What business doesn't want to make a profit?  And to say they don't care about patients is BS.  People go into medicine to help others, not just make money.

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    29 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    If it wasn't for the profits they make, we'd have no research into new drugs.  Look into what it costs to bring a new drug to market.  It's insane.


    What business doesn't want to make a profit?  And to say they don't care about patients is BS.  People go into medicine to help others, not just make money.

    In the past, most of the research and development was done by Universities, which were less driven by a profit motive and more driven by a public health motive.   Pharma is only interested in the profit, and it's not just research, but huge dividends paid to share holders.   Generally, they don't care about Public Health and seldom are they doing research on drugs for primary diseases.   Take a look at the number and types of blood thinners available to heart patients, then take a look at the number of medications available for Malaria.  


    Quite a few years back, Thailand threatened to break the patent on HIV medication -- something which India had already done.   Until they did so, big Pharma would not negotiate on the price of medication, which was well over US$1,500 per month (that was around 52,000 baht per month, per patient).   After some negotiating, and under threat, the drugs were made available for a price of approximately US$85 per month.   At $85 per month, Pharma was still making a profit.   The US medication was largely available through private hospitals, a cheaper version was available from India, but private doctors were not recommending it until it was proven to be as effective as the US version.  


    The greed in this situation is compounded by the poor business sense.   Instead of many thousands of people dying of AIDs, Pharma now has customers who will have to take the drugs for life.   There are many other examples.  


    So, as we have an array of Cholesterol lowering drugs, blood thinners, and countless prescriptions for stopping smoking, we still can't effectively treat some of the biggest killers.  


    There are even laws to prevent people from traveling to Canada or Mexico to get the medications made in the US at a cheaper price and bringing them back.   The pills are a different color, so customs people can tell if they are being re-imported.  


    Somebody is making a LOT of money and it ain't going into research.  

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    The Health care problem in the US is many-faceted.  One reason, in the bigger perspective, is overpopulation coupled with a sicker and longer-living populace.  


    I predict such problems, with health care and its costs, will become more evident in other places around the world.  It's cropping up again in Thailand, for example, as Thaksin's 30-baht system is rotten at its core.

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    I spent many years working with the big pharmas back East.  Been to their campuses many times, been to many meetings, sold them a lot of stuff.  I'm no expert.  But yes, there is big money to be made.  It's a big mess.  But the people I met really felt they were making a different.  Paid well?  Absolutely.  You don't pursue advanced degrees like these just for fun. LOL

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    If it wasn't for the profits they make, we'd have no research into new drugs.  Look into what it costs to bring a new drug to market.  It's insane.
    What business doesn't want to make a profit?  And to say they don't care about patients is BS.  People go into medicine to help others, not just make money.

    My point is there is profit then there is greed and a lot of drugs that cost pennies to make and distribute are sold at vast profits so where's the caring for patients who can't afford to pay?

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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    6 minutes ago, chezy86 said:

    My point is there is profit then there is greed and a lot of drugs that cost pennies to make and distribute are sold at vast profits so where's the caring for patients who can't afford to pay?

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    My friend gets his drugs via the ACA due to his low income.  He's got a co-pay, but it's not much.


    Some drugs do cost pennies to make.  Others, lots of pennies.  Some make it to market, some don't...at huge losses to the company. 


    This is a must read article if you have the time.  No easy answers, plenty of blame to go around.



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    People are always last to politicians especially republicans. Since people turn whiles is economy in the country and generate more money for those politicians supporters, politicians have no choice but providing a real minimum care for people. 

    People never ask themselves that why they vote to those politicians on every election. The politicians who become senators by people, but actually work for that special 1% wealthy who have spend money for their campaign.

    God bless people of America.

    Edited by Foozool
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    They'll lose extremely expensive insurance that they can't use because of the high deductibles???  


    The government needs to either get out of the health care business or go to a single payer model.   Up to this point they have simply fubared the health care system.  

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    It's interesting that trumpists are totally freaking out about this website of harmless fun where people can move some pixels around and enjoy the fantasy of throwing trump off a cliff. Again and again and again, as much as you want. Just a fiction on a comedic website. In real life, trump wouldn't be so brave as to get anywhere near the edge of a cliff. 


    But the very same people mostly have no problem with trump's proposal of throwing millions of real life living people to their real life deaths by taking away their access to health care. 


    It is my view that trump and indeed the republican party which sells itself as "pro-life" is in reality the American political party that is mostly pro death. 



    Edited by Jingthing
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    2 minutes ago, nasanews said:

    Don't republicans have nothing to do except revoke what democrats have worked hard for!

    Apparently not.

    They have a historic opportunity to rebrand their party in a positive way. They're blowing it big time. Not saying the democrats are smelling like roses either, but right now the republicans have control of the entire government. 

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    5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Apparently not.

    They have a historic opportunity to rebrand their party in a positive way. They're blowing it big time. Not saying the democrats are smelling like roses either, but right now the republicans have control of the entire government. 





    Republicans fear a disappointed base amid health care struggles

    Already facing an energized Democratic opposition, Republicans are now confronting the prospect of a deeply disappointed conservative base that has watched the party fall short on health care despite controlling the House, Senate and presidency.


    Causing further alarm for Republicans: A new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 52% of registered voters want Democrats to control the next Congress, while just 38% want Republicans to remain in charge.



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    3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Here's a great article on opiods.  No easy answers.  Plenty of blame all around.  Big pharma, government agencies, etc....and ourselves. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-hari-prescription-drug-crisis-cause-20170112-story.html

    That is a very good article.  Thanks for posting its URL.  It's not long, and must be read in its entirety, because it offers a sensible solution in its final paragraphs.   

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    2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    My friend gets his drugs via the ACA due to his low income.  He's got a co-pay, but it's not much.


    Some drugs do cost pennies to make.  Others, lots of pennies.  Some make it to market, some don't...at huge losses to the company. 


    This is a must read article if you have the time.  No easy answers, plenty of blame to go around.



    What is important to note is that big pharma spends more on marketing than on research.


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    1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

    That is a very good article.  Thanks for posting its URL.  It's not long, and must be read in its entirety, because it offers a sensible solution in its final paragraphs.   

    What? A sensible solution? You can be sure no republicans will listen to anything like that!

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    Another angle is psychological.  People fear death.  It's understandable, but can it be taken too far?  I think so.


                          We all can agree that we all will die someday.  Some in middle age, some in old age, and so on.  Some people commit suicide (doctor-assisted or self-inflicted), so there's at least a small segment who want to die.  


                          Similar to fearing death, is fear of disease.  Fear of disease is more understandable, particularly if it's painful or debilitating.  Death, on the other hand, doesn't involve pain (for more than a moment, at most).  Yet both fear of death and fear of disease are overwrought for several reasons.    


                               I mentioned in an earlier post, that stats show that about 50% of the average American's health costs are incurred in the last few weeks of his/her life.   If people weren't so afraid of death, and instead viewed it as a natural phenomena, then expenses and mental stress could be lessened.  How many other stresses, mental and physical, do people suffer due to obsessing about the concept of something feared, rather than the thing itself.   


    Example: The Jones family move into a 2nd hand house.   After living there for months, one of the neighbors say there are 12 murdered bodies buried under the basement.   The Jones' are, from that moment, going to be haunted by horrible thoughts of the dead bodies.  Two years later, they decide to dig under the floor and .........nothing is found except dirt.    Conclusion:  All those months of misery were for naught.   It's a reflection of how our complicated brains + fears + ignorance + superstition = self-administered misery.




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    15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    What? A sensible solution? You can be sure no republicans will listen to anything like that!

    You're right.  I was going to add that - including how Trump would never read an article like that.  It's more than 1 paragraph and doesn't have a lot of color pictures. 


    Note:  Nixon spearheaded the massively flawed 'War on Drugs.'  How many billions have been shoveled into the furnace of the 'War on Drugs'?   And how many added billions have been shipped out to foreign countries like Thailand, to try to prop up the asinine policy?


    Several things the War on Drugs accomplished:


    It shoveled hundreds of billions of dollars into law enforcement

    It exposed tens of thousands of young men (mostly black and brown) to hard core criminals, and therefore made them hard core also.  Plus it bolloxed career opp's for many of those poor suckers

    It kept alcohol's position as #1 recreational drug

    It made some men filthy rich, including Pablo Escobar, and other S.American cartel bosses.

    It criminalized millions of young folks who merely wanted to experiment with smoking pot.

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