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Have you had a good or great life?

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I had an amazing life, and went to many places few westerners have been, courtesy of the military, and my other job, but have come to wish I had kept more links to people back home as I will have few if any friends once I get stuck in a nursing home, and left to rot.

It's not something we think about when life is more interesting overseas.


Every expat should read "The men that don't fit in" by Robert W Service.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While I had an amazing life; went to many places few westerners have been, courtesy of the military, and my other job, but have come to wish I had kept more links to people back home as I will have few if any friends once I get stuck in a nursing home, and left to rot.



So true..

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6 hours ago, elgenon said:

A great life and it still is. I have always been sure to never "grow up" and be old and bored. Have fun!

I never envied the boring old stick in the muds that stayed at home, got married, had families, bought houses, became boring and bereft of humour, ended up divorced and bitter or lived in horrible marriages. Of all that I know, I envied only one couple for their simple but happy life,  then he died. So, IMO it doesn't matter what one does, it all ends up like s*** in the end.


If I know anything, it's that I did the right thing by not having any sprogs, but sometimes I daydream that I had nice children to pass my legacy onto, and then I wake up.

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Found a spiritual path to God 44 years ago.....meditate daily for all those years. I have travelled to about 93 countries. But the best times have been on this journey and helping people in many countries. None of the rest of it makes it as fulfilling, but I take it all as a gift and a blessing and many profound lessons along the way. The joy that is present each day is a choice. The best part is the other human beings I have met along the way.

God bless you all on your individual journeys.

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Have I had a good life so far? Yes! 


Would I change anything given the chance to do it again? Maybe but would those changes remove some of the fun I have had?


Secluded childhood growing up pretty much carefree in a small shire village, went to a posh school and wasted the education. Decided to go against Fathers advice and join the army went in the navy instead. Travelled the world in the late 70's early 80's and got paid for it. Met many interesting people likewise slept with many too. Came ashore, lived in Saudi, Dubai, Singapore, Italy then ended up in London ( hated it). 


Had two two lovely daughters with whom sadly I became separated from during divorce.


Decided to move to LoS where , in reflection, life took a downwards turn.


Dealing with that now. 


Reconciliation with daughter #2 due Wednesday, #1 early next month. Back in UK now and taking back my life. 


Would I change any of it? Maybe but would I have been as content as I am now? Dunno. 


The challenges are what made us what we are, learning from failures, getting strength from adversities, strangers giving support, recovering belief in human nature.


It's  been a hell of a ride so far and the trip is far from over yet (I hope)

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I had an amazing life, and went to many places few westerners have been, courtesy of the military, and my other job, but have come to wish I had kept more links to people back home as I will have few if any friends once I get stuck in a nursing home, and left to rot.

It's not something we think about when life is more interesting overseas.


Every expat should read "The men that don't fit in" by Robert W Service.

The war bit never goes away. But, as you say, it brought some good things.

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A lady I met when I first arrived back than and now.  Singing both times.  I saw her recently and search the INTERNET and my mind and finally figured it out.  Makes me realize I have had a long life and like her, I'm still singing (figuratively).  In case any of you younger guys wondered where KPop came from this is it.  The lady singing lead started it. 



Edited by amvet
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Yes of course. When we cross roads our hands connect almost telepathically or when we are relaxing in a park or something but holding hands to do the weekly shop is not on either of our shopping lists but if she wants to hold my hand anywhere it's always there. Apart from when I'm smoking I like to smoke alone preferably with no discussion and quickly.

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i think i am {or have been} like more and more people, in developed countries---cost of living is very expensive,lots of pressures,trying to set up businesses or getting education from an early age...personally, i worked for over 25yrs  100plus hrs per week-this is never healthy,not good for kids or marriage...at 66 things are only just turning out realy good retiring in thailand, nice condo,regular passive income, for rest of life,property investments to cater for inflation and-most of all--good health...

i dont reccommend this type of lifestyle,to young people----they need to provide for future,though---i cant think of anything worse--than getting to retirement age--then having minimal funds to live off----for me --i intend to live it up...make the most of every day

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I must admit that my kids have been one of the best things in my life ,but now they have their own lives , theirs like my siblings lives have been nowhere near as wilde as my younger years were , then i settled down after my divorce and lived with someone for many years ,no great escapades just a nice easy lifestyle with money and even a little "fame" in my chosen field . but then in my 40s another break to and the wilder side of me broke out and although it was nowhere near my 20s lifestyle it was quite "busy" for a guy in his 40s 

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On 7/24/2017 at 4:22 PM, transam said:

So true..

Few people have any friends left when they get stuck in a nursing home, as (perhaps fortunately) many of our class mates do not make it that far.  If they were still able to get down the pub for their gossip with their drinking buddies (or a game of canasta over an Earl Grey or whatever) then they wouldn't be going into the home,


It's a sad state of affairs when people live longer than they can look after themselves, but the alternatives are worse, and we should be grateful for the people who do their best to look after the aged and decrepit amongst us- particularly since many of their charges have gone past the point of being grateful and appreciative of their care



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