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Father slammed for letting 10-month-old baby play with steering wheel en route


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3 hours ago, hobobo said:

And just where would his daughter land if he had to slam on the brakes suddenly? That would definitely merit the manslaughter charge

Exactly, and you can guarantee the idiot is not wearing a seatbelt himself.

And it's not like he's going slowly on some back road ... no he's hauling ass on the highway! WTA<deleted> is wrong with these people?

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1 hour ago, Rodjrin said:

Proof, if ever it was needed, that this country has more than its fair share of numpties. And don't accuse me of Thai bashing, because it's a fact. Two days ago I was forced off the road by an idiot overtaking a lorry on a blind bend. Why on earth don't the powers that be use a little of their tv scheduling to incorporate short clips on sensible driving. Like, for instance, advising that headlights should be turned on in the rain, not to see but be seen. And that children have some form of protection. Where is the logic of the motorcyclist wearing a helmet and not the passenger? It's all about education which, in Thailand, is sadly lacking.


How many times have I heard Thais say "I don't need lights I can see fine". 

Their lack of compassion and understanding of the concept of "other people" is borderline psychopathic. 

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How is this any different to mum's holding (sometimes 2) kids whilst riding a motorbike one handed. I can't understand why anyone is shocked. You must of all seen kids on motorbikes, sometimes stood up, sometimes fast asleep somehow holding onto the back of their mother, often at the front holding onto the mirrors. Rarely wearing a helmet. 

I cringe every time I see this and worry as the slightest mishap and it's probable the kids get huge injuries. The mothers are usually not taking too much notice as they pull into traffic as they are busy keeping their balance. I see this daily at school drop off and pickup times.

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35 minutes ago, speckio said:

funny... this type of shit happens all over the world... you make it sound like stupidity is exclusive only to Thailand.  


("happens all over the world",) the favorite Thai apologist line,    No replies on this thread said that it only happens in Thailand. Wise up.

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2 hours ago, mike324 said:

pretty common for Thais to have babies in the front seat, seen it all too much.

Well I just want to remind everybody that Britney Spears was doing something very similar a few years back....she obviously got badly slammed for it and the sh*t storm was huge......

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People say this parent is so bad and should be treated like a criminal. These same people probably see no problem with a parent getting on a leaky boat with no engine and venturing out to sea as a refugee as a caring parent. What double standards. the refugee in the boat is welcomed but the guy who works in a community supports his children and lets them play while driving is seen as a bad parent. If he was a refugee doing it well crossing a border  would it be ok.

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1 hour ago, speckio said:

funny... this type of shit happens all over the world... you make it sound like stupidity is exclusive only to Thailand.  


But the rest of the world doesn't rank as the second most lethal country in the world to drive a car -  and Thailand does :blink:

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3 hours ago, hobobo said:

And just where would his daughter land if he had to slam on the brakes suddenly? That would definitely merit the manslaughter charge

Not to mention what would happen if an incident occurred wherein he needed to react quickly... What would be his priority - reacting to and avoiding the incident or saving his daughter from being jettisoned forwards / sideways or into his face. The most outrageously stupid prank ever... An imbecile of the first order!

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2 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Big deal we used to do this all the time in US when I was a kid ,check out link'

Title--  19-things-your-mom-did-that-no-mom-would-think-of-doing-now





What kid doesn't remember their mom letting them "steer" the car when they were little? It was especially dangerous since this was while she was driving on the freeway, without a seatbelt and smoking. Now we need only remember the public flogging Britney Spears got to make us afraid of even letting our kids touch the car when it's in the driveway.

I repeat, imbeciles of the first order....

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2 hours ago, kcpattaya said:

In terms of quality and safety it probably doesn't make a big difference whois driving; papa or his daughter....

Actually, the family dog would do better. Not sure about the local soi dog. 

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My father did it with me when I was a kid. I did it with mine. Back then not many cars on the road. We are all still here.


I thought the young kid was taking it seriously.


My friend did it with his step daughter. When he got back home his partner went off. What we found out was her dad never did it with her. It hit a raw bone with her about the love her dad didn't show.


Maybe the kid will develop better esteem or have greater confidence in the future, over such an interaction.


Wow young babies are being killed in Syria and an article like this gets people upset? Hope they felt better after such a shocking act of parent hood or did they miss out as kids?

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6 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

My father did it with me when I was a kid. I did it with mine. Back then not many cars on the road. We are all still here.


I thought the young kid was taking it seriously.


My friend did it with his step daughter. When he got back home his partner went off. What we found out was her dad never did it with her. It hit a raw bone with her about the love her dad didn't show.


Maybe the kid will develop better esteem or have greater confidence in the future, over such an interaction.


Wow young babies are being killed in Syria and an article like this gets people upset? Hope they felt better after such a shocking act of parent hood or did they miss out as kids?

Didn't miss out at all. My Dad let me drive when I was about 13, but not on a public road to endanger other road users. Irresponsible morons simple as....

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Nothing will ever change in LOS until the government gets the police to do their job and actually start stopping people and booking them. Ever see a radar trap set up by police for speeding, breathalyser unit set up for drink driving anywhere, The only thing the police seem to do is stop people and check if they have a licence and in my area, they seem more concern about booking people for double ranked parking, don't bother with people who run red lights and kill people, which has happened on several occasions in our district at a major intersection. I watch the police at their little hut next to our main intersection in our village, people with no helmets, speedsters, cars and motorbikes going the wrong way, while the attending cop plays with his phone. They don't give a shit, no see, no paperwork, job done, go home.




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4 hours ago, minikev said:

How is this any different to mum's holding (sometimes 2) kids whilst riding a motorbike one handed. I can't understand why anyone is shocked. You must of all seen kids on motorbikes, sometimes stood up, sometimes fast asleep somehow holding onto the back of their mother, often at the front holding onto the mirrors. Rarely wearing a helmet. 

I cringe every time I see this and worry as the slightest mishap and it's probable the kids get huge injuries. The mothers are usually not taking too much notice as they pull into traffic as they are busy keeping their balance. I see this daily at school drop off and pickup times.

It's different because it's probably safer than what you describe.... which is kind of ironic, given that some Thai netizens probably do far worse every day (I doubt there's many occasions where I've left the house, and not seen worse than this)

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