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Having lived in Thailand for quite a while I have established many expat acquaintances of different races and groups that I socialise with at times.


During my associations with these people I have become shocked and astounded by the high rates of racist and bigoted attitudes among them, some are really into the extremes, not only those of European descents, but also some from other Asian countries as well. A lot of it I can compare to the Nazi rhetoric of WW2, it really is that bad.


I am not sure if some have certain political agendas they are trying to peddle in Thailand, or whether they have been brainwashed by opinions from those they knew in their own countries or whether they are just losers who blame everyone else and the system for their own failures?


Whatever it is, I think it’s dangerous and scary, as when having discussions with these people, nothing will sway their opinions. I’ve been wondering how many Thailand expats hold these extreme views, people that we never know how they really think behind their unbiased appearances and the smiles?  


Just think this is a subject that should be address, because it`s among us, here and now.

I am referring to Expats, not Thai people, that is another subject.

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I think places like Pattaya tend to attract a disproportionately high number of people like that. I find that in Bangkok there are many open-minded, liberal types, although maybe that's just the company I mix in!


Very broad ranged & widely roaming statements.....


Any specific examples other than Nazi WW2 rhetoric involving people from different countries and ethnicities.....?


These racists and bigots are living in a foreign country, with very little influence.  How much of a threat can they be?


The funniest ones are the guys who bare children to thai women then slag off non whites or blame their countries take on immigrants and yet they are pretty much in the same boat as the people they complain about.





I think the OP would benefit by providing some specific examples.

I have noticed a certain contempt for the locals, but that applied to people posted to Derby as much as Bangkok, and certain nostalgic Victorian opinions which I think are not unusual.  I think if the op wants to compare people to Nazis, he would be better to look at the European nationalists, Trump's demagoguary and England's ridiculous Brexit referendum.


Jaded old bar stool Alf Garnetts are (amongst) the least of our worries    



3 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

I think the OP would benefit by providing some specific examples.

I have noticed a certain contempt for the locals, but that applied to people posted to Derby as much as Bangkok, and certain nostalgic Victorian opinions which I think are not unusual.  I think if the op wants to compare people to Nazis, he would be better to look at the European nationalists, Trump's demagoguary and England's ridiculous Brexit referendum.


Jaded old bar stool Alf Garnetts are (amongst) the least of our worries    



Why does this require specific examples? Racist is racist, full stop. And you are taking this thread off track. I am talking about extreme racist and bigoted expats living in Thailand, not elsewhere and not swaying this thread towards politics abroad.


I have met several expats here who appear to be extreme right wingers. Yet, as one poster has mentioned, I`ve met several expat men who are in relationships or married to Thais in Thailand, some with children, that for reasons I don`t understand seem to have made Thais exempt from their superioristic points of view. Maybe it`s because it suits them to do so? But these people do hold a type of arrogance bringing their old prejudices over to Thailand that I don`t like.



7 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

I don't believe anyone is herding minority members into ovens at this point... :unsure:

"Like" does not mean "exactly the same as"

When history repeats itself, it does so sufficiently differently as to confuse those who did not learn from when it happened before.


Our job is to understand the similarities, so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past, rather than looking for the differences, and repeating them in a different way.  We can learn lessons from experience, but let's hope we can minimise the revision and repetition 



18 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Why does this require specific examples? Racist is racist, full stop. And you are taking this thread off track. I am talking about extreme racist and bigoted expats living in Thailand, not elsewhere and not swaying this thread towards politics abroad.


I have met several expats here who appear to be extreme right wingers. Yet, as one poster has mentioned, I`ve met several expat men who are in relationships or married to Thais in Thailand, some with children, that for reasons I don`t understand seem to have made Thais exempt from their superioristic points of view. Maybe it`s because it suits them to do so? But these people do hold a type of arrogance bringing their old prejudices over to Thailand that I don`t like.



I've met some of these types. It's quite bizarre that they don't make the connection between some of the stuff they rant on about in their home country and their own situation here.


I think that Thailand works quite well for them though. One, because the locals often don't understand what they're going on about and won't argue even if they do. Two, because the locals sometimes agree and don't think about the wider implications. Three, if they're married, the wife isn't really interested and has much better things to do (and then also refer back to one and two above). 


It's not a way I could live but there's definitely a few of them around. 

13 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Why does this require specific examples? Racist is racist, full stop. And you are taking this thread off track. I am talking about extreme racist and bigoted expats living in Thailand, not elsewhere and not swaying this thread towards politics abroad.


I have met several expats here who appear to be extreme right wingers. Yet, as one poster has mentioned, I`ve met several expat men who are in relationships or married to Thais in Thailand, some with children, that for reasons I don`t understand seem to have made Thais exempt from their superioristic points of view. Maybe it`s because it suits them to do so? But these people do hold a type of arrogance bringing their old prejudices over to Thailand that I don`t like.



I don't understand what you mean.


Is your complaint that some men who are married to Thai ladies are dismissive of fuzzy-wuzzies as uncivilised, based on their race?

Is it that some people who live in Thailand are anti-semitic?

Is it that some expats think that Thailand is inferior because things are done differently here than in their own country?

Is it that some expats seize on short-comings in Thailand, and use them to condemn the whole nation?

I don't understand what your original post is about, without more specific examples.


Or is it your concern that for some people, wherever they go, a Tim is still a Tim?



12 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

I don't understand what you mean.


Is your complaint that some men who are married to Thai ladies are dismissive of fuzzy-wuzzies as uncivilised, based on their race?

Is it that some people who live in Thailand are anti-semitic?

Is it that some expats think that Thailand is inferior because things are done differently here than in their own country?

Is it that some expats seize on short-comings in Thailand, and use them to condemn the whole nation?

I don't understand what your original post is about, without more specific examples.


Or is it your concern that for some people, wherever they go, a Tim is still a Tim?



I`m not going to be drawn into discussing and getting into religious and racial debates, as again I prefer this thread not to go off track.  Usually when certain people are racist, have bigoted and superior views, they cover a whole range of people who they consider are inferior to them and this includes Asians I have met as well as whites.


Over the years I`ve discarded some expat friends and acquaintances who have such obnoxious views including their views on Thai people that truly sickened me. This happened to me during an encounter I had with an American 2 days ago and why I feel so strongly about it enough to publish a thread on the subject.


Otherwise in which other ways would you like me to explain? I`m sure some posters have their own examples they can tell.


I think you are correct OP and i understand where you are coming from. On this forum the Brexit debate was a classic example of where nationalism, bordering on Imperialism came to the fore from many members. But the irony to me was the level of patriotism when they have chosen to live away from their home country.


I also believe that a lot of guys who are living here feel that they can let their guard down and feel that they have greater freedom to express views (on all manner of subjects) that would be taboo in their homeland. In a way i guess it is good that people can express their views but like you i often don't like what i hear and the lack of an open mind which is often so evident both in expat  life in Thailand and on this forum.



4 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Very broad ranged & widely roaming statements.....


Any specific examples other than Nazi WW2 rhetoric involving people from different countries and ethnicities.....?

Not sure wht specifics are needed here. Go to a few expat bars and start chatting or listening to conversations and i think what the OP is getting at is clear. I don't think for 1 minurte the OP is suggesting all are like that but the percentage is significant. And yes it is an irony that they set aside a small group of local females from their otherwise bigoted views.

4 hours ago, rogeroc said:

Not sure wht specifics are needed here. Go to a few expat bars and start chatting or listening to conversations and i think what the OP is getting at is clear. I don't think for 1 minurte the OP is suggesting all are like that but the percentage is significant. And yes it is an irony that they set aside a small group of local females from their otherwise bigoted views.

That's why I don't see or hear it....


Don't frequent expat bars.....

Tried a few times but after watching & listening = just not my type of group/people.....

Didn't frequent bars in the States either.....

I think you are correct OP and i understand where you are coming from. On this forum the Brexit debate was a classic example of where nationalism, bordering on Imperialism came to the fore from many members. But the irony to me was the level of patriotism when they have chosen to live away from their home country.
I also believe that a lot of guys who are living here feel that they can let their guard down and feel that they have greater freedom to express views (on all manner of subjects) that would be taboo in their homeland. In a way i guess it is good that people can express their views but like you i often don't like what i hear and the lack of an open mind which is often so evident both in expat  life in Thailand and on this forum.

Brexit and Trump certainly seem to bring them out of the woodwork!

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that it was going to be from a left-winger. Racist, bigot, fascist are words that naturally roll off their tongue. Now add to that, leaver or Brexiteer. These descriptions, the left apply to anyone who's political beliefs are in opposition to theirs. Even when they're in the minority, ie the US election and Brexit referendum result as cases in point, they still think the majority are extremists for not voting the same way as them. A bit like the soldier who says "Look mum, I'm the only one in step".


I genuinely believe that the left are the extemists, in fact I think a lot of their beliefs are evil. Without getting into a debate about it, I personally think that the killing of unborn babies is abominable. I think that letting immigration get out of control is letting the people of a country down. I believe that murderers should be put down. I abhor violent leftist protestors. I think that Brexit is a good thing for the UK, despite living in Thailand and struggling because of the low pound. I believe that everyone has the right to like or dislike who they choose and for whatever reason. Take you, I suspect you dislike right wingers and in my opinion, you have the right to do so. 


I don't like starting political threads on here, but when I see a post like yours I feel that it needs a response from someone who doesn't agree with what you say. I can't understand how you'd want to start a thread about it though. You're that soldier who I referred to in my first para.


By the way, I've been with my Thai wife for ten years and I'm incredibly happy, but I reserve the right to criticise her and other Thais whenever I choose. It doesn't make me a Thai basher. Same goes for what I think of other people and races. Goodness knows, I moan about the UK often enough. You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about, probably moan about their own country as much as any other. Of course, you won't admit that because it doesn't fit your political agenda.




9 minutes ago, jesimps said:

I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that it was going to be from a left-winger. Racist, bigot, fascist are words that naturally roll off their tongue. Now add to that, leaver or Brexiteer. These descriptions, the left apply to anyone who's political beliefs are in opposition to theirs. Even when they're in the minority, ie the US election and Brexit referendum result as cases in point, they still think the majority are extremists for not voting the same way as them. A bit like the soldier who says "Look mum, I'm the only one in step".


I genuinely believe that the left are the extemists, in fact I think a lot of their beliefs are evil. Without getting into a debate about it, I personally think that the killing of unborn babies is abominable. I think that letting immigration get out of control is letting the people of a country down. I believe that murderers should be put down. I abhor violent leftist protestors. I think that Brexit is a good thing for the UK, despite living in Thailand and struggling because of the low pound. I believe that everyone has the right to like or dislike who they choose and for whatever reason. Take you, I suspect you dislike right wingers and in my opinion, you have the right to do so. 


I don't like starting political threads on here, but when I see a post like yours I feel that it needs a response from someone who doesn't agree with what you say. I can't understand how you'd want to start a thread about it though. You're that soldier who I referred to in my first para.


By the way, I've been with my Thai wife for ten years and I'm incredibly happy, but I reserve the right to criticise her and other Thais whenever I choose. It doesn't make me a Thai basher. Same goes for what I think of other people and races. Goodness knows, I moan about the UK often enough. You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about, probably moan about their own country as much as any other. Of course, you won't admit that because it doesn't fit your political agenda.




Post of the week. ?


I am from America and because I was born white, I am now considered a racist by many on the left in my country. I don't believe the white people (or any other color of people) are superior to another. I believe that are really only two kinds of people in the world, those that are decent and those that are not. I also believe that the color of your skin has nothing to do with if you are a decent human being or not. In America the debate about race has degenerated to the point of if you are white you are racist, and you benefit from "white privilege", even if you grow up as poor as anyone else. 


Examples of what you are talking about are important, because many of the claims of "racism" (in places such as the USA) are total kwai scat. It has gotten to the point that I tell people that I am racist (just because of my skin color), even though I believe that skin color is no more important than the color of one's eyes in determining a persons character. This is where the race issue has devolved to in the USA (in my opinion), so an example would be nice.

7 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I`m not going to be drawn into discussing and getting into religious and racial debates, as again I prefer this thread not to go off track.  

But your original post was about racism expressed by expats in Thailand. If you are unwilling to be drawn into a debate about racism, why start a post about a topic you are unwilling to discuss?  Am I missing something from the OP?

18 minutes ago, jesimps said:

By the way, I've been with my Thai wife for ten years and I'm incredibly happy, but I reserve the right to criticise her and other Thais whenever I choose. It doesn't make me a Thai basher. Same goes for what I think of other people and races. Goodness knows, I moan about the UK often enough. You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about, probably moan about their own country as much as any other. Of course, you won't admit that because it doesn't fit your political agenda.

I think you missed the point of the OP. It's not criticism he's talking about. It's racist, bigoted abuse. If that's not you, then I don't think he's referring to you.


Too much polarization these days. You say you 'abhor violent leftist protestors'. So you don't abhor violent right-wing protestors? Why not just say you abhor violent protestors?




Doesn't matter what country they are from....just stay

away from the drunks,  BS Artists  and those constantly 

complaining about how their money has gone down in

value,  complaining about everything Thai  and how their 

wives took everything from them....most had little or

nothing to take.   You'll be happy in Thailand!!


I don't doubt the OP - however, I guess I just run in different circles - I live upcountry, not in a tourist area and do not go to expat bars... I also don't see any of the Thai being prejudice against foreigners either... if you are friendly, that is what is given back... people still value polite behavior here, no matter what race or religion... 


Though I have to say, places like Pattaya barely seem to be in Thailand... a world of its own, for better or worse. 

12 hours ago, rijb said:

These racists and bigots are living in a foreign country, with very little influence.  How much of a threat can they be?

It can big danger to people life I noticed myself people of one certain European nation who always drink a lot of beer and I guess have to fight with other Asian people no matter where they come from.

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