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Any opinions on the new MG SUV?


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33 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

MG when British = Headaches, now that it is Chinese MG = more headaches.


With all the negative regardless of how it looks at 1.2  that is a lot of problems at that price, especially minimum service locations etc...I'll stick my Toyota Fortuner

There's a huge dealer on the Phitsanulok road less than 10 minutes from the house.


And there seems to be plenty more. I count 39 provinces having at least 1 dealer...



And I agree...stick with your extended farm vehicle.

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What's bizarre to me is why Hyundai have such a poor reputation here, but Korean cars are at least two decades ahead of the Chinese (their mg), yet they sell a lot of mg's here but hardly any Hyundais. I guess it's mostly to do with marketing and development of their service centres. There are two mg dealerships within 5 kms of where I live. No idea where to closest Hyundai one is.

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Strange, I have not seen any mention of electrical issues except the terribly overpriced battery. British cars have been notorious for bad electrical design in the US since the 1970's. i had a friend that got his wife an XJ-S he told me if you can get one expect around $500 to $2000 a month for repairs. 

My personal experience, i had a 1960 something MG-A 1600. It had been completely re-wired and had few problems loved it (except the wood floorpanels).

Then there was my JCB 1700 and 217 backhoes. Electrical nightmares. But to be fair the 217 was assembled by rats in Savanah, GA but still designed in GB. 

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9 hours ago, DavisH said:

What's bizarre to me is why Hyundai have such a poor reputation here, but Korean cars are at least two decades ahead of the Chinese (their mg), yet they sell a lot of mg's here but hardly any Hyundais. I guess it's mostly to do with marketing and development of their service centres. There are two mg dealerships within 5 kms of where I live. No idea where to closest Hyundai one is.

Actually it has to do with the past of Hyundai in Thailand. 15, 20 years ago Hyundai was actually quite active in the Thai market, until the Thai distributor suddenly decided to call it a day and leave all those customers without any place to service their cars. Then a few years back, they returned to Thailand under a Japanese distributor (Sumitomo), but have not yet gained much popularity due to their past. Seems Thai people are reluctant to buy a Hyundai for that reason.

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15 hours ago, dave_boo said:

It was pretty much all over by the time I was born; but hearing the old timers wax on about them, as well as seeing them in old Bond movies and appreciating the styling means that I can still feel the twinge of sadness that comes from those companies losing their way.


Of course the best of those cars had to use Ford engines.


And yes that barb there is to stir the pot.

Who used a Ford engine other than the small guys....?

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4 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Wonder if the MG will develop the same electrical problems.....had a mini, been there done that. 

Why would it, they aren't even close to an original MG.

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30 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Why would it, they aren't even close to an original MG.

Maybe not. But by all reports its way behind the competition in terms of its drivetrain. This is reflected in the poorer fuel economy.

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1 minute ago, DavisH said:

Maybe not. But by all reports its way behind the competition in terms of its drivetrain. This is reflected in the poorer fuel economy.

I was responding to your comment re electrical.

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1 minute ago, Henryford said:

I would be embarrassed to own a car that pretends to be an "MG".

Weeeeeeeeeeell, the "real" MG's finished in the middle of the last century when it was brought into the British Motor Corporation fold. All marks, MG, Austin, Morris, Riley, Wolsely etc used the same engines, A,B and C. The hotrods just had twin SU's and perhaps a cam change..Even chassis were the same, just ended up the badge related to trim..

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5 hours ago, giddyup said:

Would you be embarrassed to own a car that pretends to be a Mini (BMW).

No, because the Mini is produced by BMW who have a long history of producing high quality vehicles. Their brand and reputation speaks for itself.

The "MG" on the other hand is from a Chinese company who have a very short resume. Nobody has heard of them so they hope to enter foreign markets using the "reputation" of a historic UK brand. Many Chinese companies are using this ruse.

As yet Chinese no company produces high quality cars.

Yes, many of the major foreign manufacturers have factories there ( to evade import taxes and have access to a booming market ) But nothing home grown is worth a mention. Their dubious claim to fame is copying famous Eurooean designs. Google "Chinese copy Evoque" or "Chinese copy Rolls"


Possibly in another 20 years they will have gained experience and can can produce a World class car. But at the moment they are in their infancy, quality control, corruption, poor materials and lack of accountability all result in an inferior product.


They will get there in the end. There are lots of new high quality companies there able to compete internationally, DJI, Huawei and even Ali Express. But that still has to trickle down to vehicle manufacturers. The new MG may be fine for less less well off, less sophisticated Chinese and third World consumers. But it has a long way to go before it can compete with models from Honda, Toyota, Land Rover etc in established Western markets


People who buy them here in Thailand are just not well informed. They are buying based on price, marketing or just a whim. They will regret it.

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23 hours ago, transam said:

MG's when they were MG's


 were not a headache......Look up Morris Garages history...


Where you gonna stick your Toyota Fortuner............:shock1:.......?

I take your word for it, but MG, (British) same how I feel about the old Ford, Chevy, which I've owned poorly made and design. Although when I was looking to buy I nearly got a Ford, but from history learn my lesson no wheels from the U.S. even if they are made here..

Today, just want to kick back and where is my Fortuner sitting in the driveway out of the sun, whenever I take it out starts up and zero problems.  No need to stick it anywhere but the driveway.

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22 hours ago, dave_boo said:

There's a huge dealer on the Phitsanulok road less than 10 minutes from the house.


And there seems to be plenty more. I count 39 provinces having at least 1 dealer...



And I agree...stick with your extended farm vehicle.

No problem to each his own!  That is how the Malay car started now where are they when someone needs them.

I will stick with the best, my farm vehicle as you call it but at least I know I don't have to walk in the hot sun.:partytime2:

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Multiple off topic posts and replies have been removed, topic is about the new MG SUV not about Mustangs, Chevy's, Camero, Mini, Morris Marina's  and beetle sun roofs.

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