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Trump replaces chief of staff Priebus with retired General Kelly


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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Another example of Trump's weird ideas as THE leader of the US - encouraging police to assault prisoners.




watch the vid of his speech. The President of America actually called for MORE POLICE BRUTALITY!!


This is not normal, folks. We are now on the other side of the looking glass and if it still feels normal to anyone, they are like the proverbial frog in a pot of warm water that's heating away on the stove. If you ask that frog, "how's it going?" He'd smile, give the A-OK sign with his webbed feet and say, "So far so good!"




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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

Trump once summoned Reince Priebus to his office and ordered him to kill a fly

“At one point, during a meeting in the Oval Office, a fly began buzzing overhead, distracting the president,” reports The Post. “As the fly continued to circle, Trump summoned his chief of staff and tasked him with killing the insect, according to someone familiar with the incident.”

The demeaning treatment played a role in Priebus leaving.



And then there's this:







And here's another instance of Obama swatting a fly.



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6 hours ago, Grouse said:

It really is time for Americans to remove this nut case before he does real harm. Nobody of sound mind can possibly still support him. I'd even tolerate that evangelical VP who's keeping a remarkably low profile.



It seems quite bizarre that this circus carries on regardless of the insanity that is now obvious to everyone.  Pence would also be a disaster but less so than Trump.  However it is not easy to remove a POTUS, even one as nuts as this one.  Will they find enough provable dirt to impeach the moron? Hard to say but something must be done to halt the destruction. 

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

The screenplay writers on House of cards have been shown up to be weak with little imagination. Never did they come up with fantasy story lines as good as this. If it were not for the fact that what Coco the clown is doing is hurting the world and potentially my children's future, I would love this show to continue. TV stations and good old fashioned paper media have never had it so good.

The behind closed doors interview between Trump and Preibus probably went along the lines of "Trump:   You are out and if you say one word against me, just one, my lawyers will bury you and strip you of any asset you have including your Grandmothers zimmer frame - remember the NDA I made you sign - don't forget".

Speaking of Non-Disclosure Agreements:  Trump is renown for using them often, since the 1980's.  Yet, it's inevitable that several of the people Trump dumped on will write memoirs - and they'll be doozies.  There's also one, two or 3 of his wives - who could break out of goosestepping to Trump's drum beat.

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When the inevitable movies are made, in the future, about Trump's brief presidency, future generation will watch and think, "No way.  It's too dramatized.  No person with so much political power could act that crazy.  It's too fictional to be believable."  


 .....then they'll ask their great grandma (who was born in the early 2000's) and she'll say, "oh yes, children. It's not dramatized for video.  There really was a crazy man who hoodwinked enough rednecks to become president, and he caused more damage to the US than any ten attacking foreign countries could have caused."

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

When the inevitable movies are made, in the future, about Trump's brief presidency, future generation will watch and think, "No way.  It's too dramatized.  No person with so much political power could act that crazy.  It's too fictional to be believable."  


 .....then they'll ask their great grandma (who was born in the early 2000's) and she'll say, "oh yes, children. It's not dramatized for video.  There really was a crazy man who hoodwinked enough rednecks to become president, and he caused more damage to the US than any ten attacking foreign countries could have caused."

And they'll say "grandma, you're full of shit.  He couldn't have become president with only the rednecks to support him.  Who else was to blame?"

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48 minutes ago, rijb said:

And they'll say "grandma, you're full of shit.  He couldn't have become president with only the rednecks to support him.  Who else was to blame?"

Actually you have a point.  It wasn't just the rednecks who were gullible and we can now see that.  I think a large number of people couldn't bring themselves to vote for Clinton (thanks in part to Trump's Russian friends) and instead of sitting on their hands as they should have done, they naively voted for the moron.

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50 minutes ago, rijb said:

And they'll say "grandma, you're full of shit.  He couldn't have become president with only the rednecks to support him.  Who else was to blame?"

Obama and the DNC!!!

If it was not for Obama's deal with Hillary we would now be looking at President Biden

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

"...really is crazy?"


I think the way out for America is to get him sectioned...


Sorry, Sectioned is a British thing, meaning to be committed compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act.

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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Obama and the DNC!!!

If it was not for Obama's deal with Hillary we would now be looking at President Biden

You mean President Sanders.  The wonder of hindsight eh!  Well it didn't happen and they are stuck with Trump, the worst nightmare imaginable.

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It seems to me that the new chief of staff has to prioritise the following ;

An interior designer , preferably a 'good man ' or woman and definitely a ' great American ' needs to be urgently recruited.

His , or her, brief would be solely to construct a new play pen for the president. Nothing elaborate , just some sofas , a full length mirror , a hairdressing salon plus a bank of digital appliances.

Purely for security purposes , the apartment would be sound proofed, the walls and floors elaborately padded and the single means of entry secured from the outside.

Entry would restricted to close family , domestic staff ,lawyers and those 'friends ' deemed beneficial ( by an independent commitee of physchiatrists ) to the general wellbeing of the man who would drain the 'swamp '. 

The great one would not be troubled by those inconvenient policy details that he finds so troublesome , nor would he be besieged by either the 'fake ' media or other irritants such as reality.

He would pass his time conversing and agreeing with his reflection , musing on a ( censored ) twitter feed and of couse having his splendid shock of orange hair teased and cajoled into a state of magnificence.

In short Trump would do what he is best at , the country would no longer be run as his personal fiefdom and he could proudly boast that ( by staying well away ) he was making 'America great ' again.



Edited by joecoolfrog
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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This is a good article, but my friends in the medical/social work field tell me that it is insulting to people who are actually suffering with a real mental illness to associate this sickening buffoon with them. However that he has severe personality disorders - Narcissism and sociopathy for a start - is without doubt, it is also clear that he has totally lost touch with reality, maybe the mentally ill diagnosis should be re-considered. How embarrassing for Americans that they have elected this B movie monster,  but probably worse is having to cope with the fact that some 30+% of the population are so poorly educated that they still support him.  

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9 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

It seems to me that the new chief of staff has to prioritise the following ;

An interior designer , preferably a 'good man ' or woman and definitely a ' great American ' needs to be urgently recruited.

His , or her, brief would be solely to construct a new play pen for the president. Nothing elaborate , just some sofas , a full length mirror , a hairdressing salon plus a bank of digital appliances.

Purely for security purposes , the apartment would be sound proofed, the walls and floors elaborately padded and the single means of entry secured from the outside.

Entry would restricted to close family , domestic staff ,lawyers and those 'friends ' deemed beneficial ( by an independent commitee of physchiatrists ) to the general wellbeing of the man who would drain the 'swamp '. 

The great one would not be troubled by those inconvenient policy details that he finds so troublesome , nor would he be besieged by either the 'fake ' media or other irritants such as reality.

He would pass his time conversing and agreeing with his reflection , musing on a ( censored ) twitter feed and of couse having his splendid shock of orange hair teased and cajoled into a state of magnificence.

In short Trump would do what he is best at , the country would no longer be run as his personal fiefdom and he could proudly boast that ( by staying well away ) he was making 'America great ' again.



Or just put him in a padded cell and throw the key away.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

You mean President Sanders.  The wonder of hindsight eh!  Well it didn't happen and they are stuck with Trump, the worst nightmare imaginable.

The DNC certainly did his part in obstructing Sanders Candidacy  Sanders would had made toast of Trump since Sanders had some of the same populist issues as Trump but without the Crazy,.

But Biden had the experience ,  had paid his dues, is well liked on both sides of the isle, charismatic, articulate.  solid middle class. If he was allowed to run, Sanders would had never opposed him for the nomination. 

But like you said, " Hindsight"

 though for many of us it is not hindsight. back during Hillary's campaign for the nomination many of us that supported Sanders, did warn about Hillary's " baggage " and the skeletons in her closet bursting to get out.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

When the inevitable movies are made, in the future, about Trump's brief presidency, future generation will watch and think, "No way.  It's too dramatized.  No person with so much political power could act that crazy.  It's too fictional to be believable."  


 .....then they'll ask their great grandma (who was born in the early 2000's) and she'll say, "oh yes, children. It's not dramatized for video.  There really was a crazy man who hoodwinked enough rednecks to become president, and he caused more damage to the US than any ten attacking foreign countries could have caused."

I raise a glass to all the optimism implied by your post:

The Trump presidency will be brief.

Our kids have grandkids, meaning things are generally OK 3 generations hence.

Movies will still be made.

Kids will be engaged enough in politics to watch those political movies.

There will be intergeberational family discussions at dinner that don't involve telling the kids to put those damn screens away.


I need all the optimism jabs I can get in these days of despair.



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Classic Trump


“Firm behind anti-Trump dossier also worked for Russia, Senate witness says,” 


The president added, without providing any particulars: “In other words, Russia was against Trump in the 2016 Election – and why not, I want strong military & low oil prices. Witch Hunt!”


No, Donald, that's not what it means at all. It means they have dossier on you, they can use it to manipulate you



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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

It seems to me that the new chief of staff has to prioritise the following ;

An interior designer , preferably a 'good man ' or woman and definitely a ' great American ' needs to be urgently recruited.

His , or her, brief would be solely to construct a new play pen for the president. Nothing elaborate , just some sofas , a full length mirror , a hairdressing salon plus a bank of digital appliances.

Purely for security purposes , the apartment would be sound proofed, the walls and floors elaborately padded and the single means of entry secured from the outside.

Entry would restricted to close family , domestic staff ,lawyers and those 'friends ' deemed beneficial ( by an independent commitee of physchiatrists ) to the general wellbeing of the man who would drain the 'swamp '. 

The great one would not be troubled by those inconvenient policy details that he finds so troublesome , nor would he be besieged by either the 'fake ' media or other irritants such as reality.

He would pass his time conversing and agreeing with his reflection , musing on a ( censored ) twitter feed and of couse having his splendid shock of orange hair teased and cajoled into a state of magnificence.

In short Trump would do what he is best at , the country would no longer be run as his personal fiefdom and he could proudly boast that ( by staying well away ) he was making 'America great ' again.



Don't forget the steady supply of Russian hookers willing to provide golden showers.

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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

The DNC certainly did his part in obstructing Sanders Candidacy  Sanders would had made toast of Trump since Sanders had some of the same populist issues as Trump but without the Crazy,.

But Biden had the experience ,  had paid his dues, is well liked on both sides of the isle, charismatic, articulate.  solid middle class. If he was allowed to run, Sanders would had never opposed him for the nomination. 

But like you said, " Hindsight"

 though for many of us it is not hindsight. back during Hillary's campaign for the nomination many of us that supported Sanders, did warn about Hillary's " baggage " and the skeletons in her closet bursting to get out.

 I too hoped for a Sanders candidacy. however, given what was known at the time, I understand why Clinton was the logical choice. That the DNC supported Clinton should not be a criticism of the DNC. Sanders was a lifelong Independent. Clinton was a lifelong Democrat. The so-called "Clinton baggage" is an almost entirely Republican-created false narrative that has gone on for so long that some people have accepted unthinkingly as a given. 

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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

 I too hoped for a Sanders candidacy. however, given what was known at the time, I understand why Clinton was the logical choice. That the DNC supported Clinton should not be a criticism of the DNC. Sanders was a lifelong Independent. Clinton was a lifelong Democrat. The so-called "Clinton baggage" is an almost entirely Republican-created false narrative that has gone on for so long that some people have accepted unthinkingly as a given. 

Though it's merits arguable , there is no denying that Hillary had a lot of issues   spanning from the Arkansas state house, to travel gate , to private server. and  many other in between.

Though arguable , the argument distracted from the message. So while Trump promised a "Chicken in every table" 

Hillary was busy playing defence and promising she was no Trump, to which many disenfranchised voter replied .

"we know" 

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3 hours ago, rijb said:

And they'll say "grandma, you're full of shit.  He couldn't have become president with only the rednecks to support him.  Who else was to blame?"

                        Not all rednecks have sunburned necks and chew tobacco.  Lots of Americans have redneck-tendencies, buy lots of guns, feel uncomfortable if a dark-skinned family moves into the neighborhood, etc. - some do it more privately than others.   Plus, what grandchildren say  'you're full of shit' to their grandparents?  


                            As for the election of 2016, sure there were many factors involved - not least, Russian interference - some of which manifested from former E.Bloc countries' teenagers glued to their computers. They realized they could make decent amounts of money ($6000/month or more) by sending out fake news disguised as real news - which badmouthed HRC.  It worked, and it probably swayed a lot of (redneck-thinking) voters.  It also swayed at least some left-wing voters.  


You might ask, why did they send out fake news about HRC and not target Trump?   The answer is:  Right Wingers are much more gullible / easily-duped than liberals.   Scammers get paid by # of hits on their fake news websites (50,000+ hits = payments).  So, scammers targeted the audience who gave them the most hits, therefore translating to more payments.  


My daughter, actually volunteered for the Sanders campaign. She's far left politically.  Yet, when I met her in December, she was parroting hard-right fake news about HRC.  It surprised (and slightly saddened) me, but I didn't want to argue with her, because we don't often meet (she's based in California, I'm in Thailand).  She had believed even the ridiculous stories of the Clintons keeping sex-slaves in the WH basement.  It showed me how far-reaching and effective Right-Wing propaganda (aided by the Russkies) was in affecting voters' outlook on the candidates and issues.


2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Actually you have a point.  It wasn't just the rednecks who were gullible and we can now see that.  I think a large number of people couldn't bring themselves to vote for Clinton (thanks in part to Trump's Russian friends) and instead of sitting on their hands as they should have done, they naively voted for the moron.

Also, many voters who would have voted for HRC, wound up wasting their votes or not going out to the polls - because they were so sure that HRC would win.  Just in Florida, for example, the number of voters who wrote-in 'Micky Mouse' (and other cartoon names) on their ballot, for example, exceeded the # of votes Trump won the state by.

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

They should make Obama president!

There well could be an Obama again as president.  There's Michelle, Malia, and Sasha, .......all amazing women!  Any of those 3 would beat any Trump children in an open election.   Ok, wishful thinking on my part, but I want to have some positive outlook for the future.   It will take generations to shake off the problems that Trump is saddling the US with.

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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Also, many voters who would have voted for HRC, wound up wasting their votes or not going out to the polls - because they were so sure that HRC would win.

Same problem in the UK over the Brexit referendum.  Nobody thought that the leavers would win so many remainers didn't bother voting.  Big mistake as we now see, not only in the UK but also the USA.

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Where are the Trumpeteers the Trumpettes? Are they away for the Summer hols? Astonishing!


Actually, it's all over don't you think? I can hear the men in their white coats snapping on their rubber gloves! Nurse! Nurse! Mr Trumps's out of bed again!

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Same problem in the UK over the Brexit referendum.  Nobody thought that the leavers would win so many remainers didn't bother voting.  Big mistake as we now see, not only in the UK but also the USA.

Is this the "How Could it Happen" thread?

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