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Trump fires communications chief Scaramucci in new White House upheaval


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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I have not been keeping a number count , but how many firings has any former president done in their first year on the job. Not this many I am sure and not so public , or quick, like 10 days on the job. Amazing America!


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12 minutes ago, iReason said:

EXCLUSIVE: Kelly called Comey to express anger over firing, sources say


"New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning, according to two sources familiar with a conversation between Kelly and Comey."


"Comey, who took Kelly's call while traveling back from Los Angeles to Washington, responded to Kelly by telling him not to resign, one of the sources said."


"The sources said Comey and Kelly are not close friends but that they had a professional relationship and a deep mutual respect for each other."




Kelly, by dint of his superb military career knows the meaning of, "I've got your back."


On the other hand, there's Jeff Sessions...

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52 minutes ago, Jack100 said:

Far be it for me to defend Trump but I am old enough to remember Billy  Clinton  (1992 campaign)  when he picked his communications   director  ,  had a similar  long name - George Stephanopoulos -  he was a total embarrassment and only lasted a few weeks longer .than Tony and was replaced.



Scarramucci's start date was August 15th.  He didn't even START his job.

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24 minutes ago, iReason said:

"The sources said Comey and Kelly are not close friends but that they had a professional relationship and a deep mutual respect for each other


If Mueller can't investigate Trump for the Comey firing because of "conflict of interest" for knowing each other, how can Kelly work for Trump as that too would be a "conflict of interest"?


Let us start the following rumor and spread it in the Right Wing Blogosphere:


Kelly is a clever plant by Comey to take this WH down, get secret inside  info on Trump so that Comey can get revenge on t.rump for his humiliating dismissal.


Get to work, people!




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23 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

I agree, but his exhaustion is, as we've seen, short lived.  Trump is said to thrive on the action - creating a mess then acting decisively to "fix" it.  A predictable cycle at this point, IMO.

Yes, I would call it a symptom of his mental disorder rather than a cycle. People with mental disorders function at high levels in society. But we've reached a limit with trump. He's inflicting his insanity on the world. It's not OK. 

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Some sources say Scaramucci was in office 10 days - well, at least in the office for 10 days - and others say 11. Clearly this is a critical point. If it was 10 days, that would be disgraceful. But 11 is a whole different story.

It's actually negative 10 because he wasn't to officially start till Aug 15.


until time travel is invented, nobody's gonna beat that record.



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52 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm not sure. Maybe trump is exhausted and has enough self awareness that he isn't presidential material. Maybe he'll let Kelly more or less BE president. Stranger things have happened in U.S. history. 

Maybe Trump has rational moments when he realizes he isn't qualified for the job, but I doubt it.  Even if it were true, his overwhelming desire for the spotlight and inability to control his own mouth or tweets means he will never be under control.

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A weird segment of the trumpist fanatic base calls him Daddy and The Emperor. The sleazy clown himself acknowledges he was a bad, bad boy and his Daddy straightened him out by forcing him to attend a faux military academy. Possibly trump is repeating a pattern now that he's been so bad as president to bring on his own military Daddy/The Emperor (Kelly). Daddy wants his own Daddy! 


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2 hours ago, docshock13 said:

He was caught in a landslide. No escape from reality. 

Now he is just a little silhouetto of a man. 

He's just a poor boy from a poor family - spare him his life from this monstrosity. 

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Having  general in the position that the very soft and weak Priebus occupied before, is a good idea. It is possible he might begin to reign in the chaos. I think he will not hesitate to put his foot up the ass of anyone in the very white house, including Trump, and will slap the crap out of anyone acting up. They need that desperately. He might even take Trumps phone away, and stomp on it, which needs to be done by someone. He is tweeting himself into oblivion. 


It seems like we are getting a new president mid-term. The man-child "POTUS" will be sidelined to the campaign trail touting whatever his base wants to hear while President General Kelly will run the White House. Kelly will be a great stand-in POTUS and an excellent nanny to the man-child.


Looks like the clown train finally got a solid conductor. I wonder how long it will stay on the tracks. 


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13 hours ago, Emster23 said:

In this ongoing soap opera with nukes, is the divorce still going to happen? That's what we really are concerned about.....

and you should be concerned about it. If we are unlucky, and it is not a soap opera, then martial law could be imposed giving the prez full control.

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OK before we all get carried away by having someone new who seems to have a brain, let's not forget that he is answerable to the lunatic man-child in charge.  If he proves popular with the media or has the respect of the people around him I am sure Trump will dump him pretty quickly.  He will not be able to cope with anyone who, in his eyes, is "outshining" him.  Would Kelly make a better President than Trump?  Let's face it Donald Duck would make a better President than Trump but like Kelly he isn't going to get that chance.


Kelly was a General in the military and probably a very good one.  Now he is chief of staff in the White House he may be able to weed out and sack the dross but It will be Trump who will be appointing their replacements and with his track record that spells disaster and just more chaos.

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Like watching a dog chase its own tail, occasionally catching it and biting it, but being truly flummoxed that the bite hurt. The Eastern Front is disintegrating and the Chancellor is desperately changing Generals. Who's to blame? The American people. They don't deserve him. Ends badly. Sad.

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2 hours ago, Neurath said:

Like watching a dog chase its own tail, occasionally catching it and biting it, but being truly flummoxed that the bite hurt. The Eastern Front is disintegrating and the Chancellor is desperately changing Generals. Who's to blame? The American people. They don't deserve him. Ends badly. Sad.

So bite the tail harder and really teach it a lesson...

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I really don't care about the reasons, he made a mistake and corrected.
I get the feeling that some here are so blinded by their hatred they simply can't acknowledge this.  On the other hand, some are so blinded they don't see any mistakes at all.

Yet he didn't. Kelly did.
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Far be it for me to defend Trump but I am old enough to remember Billy  Clinton  (1992 campaign)  when he picked his communications   director  ,  had a similar  long name - George Stephanopoulos -  he was a total embarrassment and only lasted a few weeks longer .than Tony and was replaced.
George and Clinton however , were supposed to be polished , experienced   politicians and  not   real estate moguls
and talk show hosts. 

And I am old enough to remember Reagan's neo nazi guy lasting 11 days... what's your point?
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