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What do I do now?


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last night sometime after midnight an evil spirit entered our house, sneaked upstairs and stole a part of my son.


He came down this morning to get ready for school and though he looked and acted the same as yesterday morning I knew somehow that he was different.


The evil sprirt changed him last night from a lovely sweet young boy into an Alien Life Force.


This morning he changed into something so many parents dread.


His 13th birthday is today and he became overnight, a "Teenager".


The last time that this happened to me was 26 years ago in another country with my other son.


What do I do now as the Dad of a teenage boy?


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Creatively written but even that won't save you I am afraid - or you should be afraid...


One of my nephews was the nicest the kid, very considerate - he used to come stay with us in Bkk... lived in the house next to us in the village - did the change when he was 16 - total lunatic monster - he would wake us up, banging on the door at midnight  and screaming - wanted money or whatever. He was so impossible, and frightening as he was a powerful kid. We thought about throwing him out or calling the police... luckily, the phase did not last too long and he became interested in girls, which was another set of problems, but married now w/a kid of his own and back to being a lovely guy...


I think you have a few years before it gets bad, but that will give you plenty of time to shop for a 2nd home, address unknown. Just take your valuables, and leave the keys on the table. 

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You've spent the last 13 years bringing him up in a decent and caring home, and setting a good example for him to follow.

There will likely be a few hiccups along the way (hormones will see to that), but his underlying moral code has already been set.


Try not to catch him doing things wrong - best to catch him doing things right, then reward him. Get Mum to do the same. You can not win in a fight with a teenager.


Sorry to get a bit serious, but I remember going through the same thing with my boy. An older workmate of mine gave me this advice and it helped me a lot.

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On 02/08/2017 at 8:46 AM, Daffy D said:

My eldest girl is set to become one of THEM in the next couple of days  :shock1:


Don't know which is worse, an ALF boy or ALF girl


Guess time will tell :sad:

Girls can be put on the pill but boys cannot be made to use condoms.  Yes, I realize this only prevents  pregnancies, not STD's, but I didn't write the rule book.

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Hide everything that is yours before it becomes his. Retreat to your den and stay there for as long as you can. Seven years is the normal period of self exile. I know. I have been through it with myself, 2 daughters, a stepson, another daughter approaching teens in a few years, two granddaughters, past their teens and a great granddaughter heading that way in a number of years hence.

The best experiences, though costly, of my life!

Enjoy his brief time as a teenager!

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Good thread, and many humorous posts, brought a smile until I suddenly realised........My Son will be 13 next April........That gives me eight months to prepare.......Anyone know where I can pick up a nuclear fallout shelter on the cheap please.....:wacko:

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My  son took a different tack. When he was young, I was in the Military, doing all sorts of exciting stuff.  I didn't know it at the time, but he spent his young years scared for me and my safety.  I was just having fun and took the family a bit for granted.   Now he's in his 30's and an extreme sports nut.  I'm spending all my days worried sick about him and he tells me he's just getting his own back on me.  Clever boy! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

He will spend a lot of time in his room and he may go mooching about any old magazine collections and this may result being spanked wirh a slipper, it will not deter him. He will need to get washing done more regularly and you will definitely notice your razor being used without permission. He may one day run upstairs and interrupt hos mother whilst she is on the toilet and gleefully announce "I snogged a girl" his mother will tell him great but I'm on the toilet and inside she will be whooping with joy as at least it was not a boy. 

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