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Road rage knife man turns himself in - and is fined just 500 baht!


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3 hours ago, z42 said:

A bag of tablets = 50 years. Pick some mushrooms = 15 years. Sell some copied discs = 3 years. Road rage attack using a knife = 500 baht.


For christ sake what a shower of $#ite ?

Dropping a cigarette butt = Fine 2,000 Baht.

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Actually this happens all around the world....A man flashing a knife or sword in a fight between two persons but where nobody comes to harm, even if the perception of the person not having the knife is that his life is in danger at the time. When it goes to court, for example if the guy who was attacked by the knife wielding guy (remember nobody came to harm) takes it to court, the court will look at prior records, the situation in which the knife came into play, the situation between the two antagonists. The court will conclude there is no cause for any conviction and dismiss the case or the guy with the knife will be lightly sentenced to probation. If he had killed or severely harmed with the knife/sword....then it would have become another matter altogether....that's how justice works.....in most places....Of course in Thailand we always have this special situation where cops are not really interested in doing their job unless there is some payback for it.

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4 hours ago, z42 said:

A bag of tablets = 50 years. Pick some mushrooms = 15 years. Sell some copied discs = 3 years. Road rage attack using a knife = 500 baht.


For christ sake what a shower of $#ite ?

You forgot feed some fish......A night or two in the cells and 100,000 Baht fine....:wacko:

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It´s nice and safe to know, that it´s totally legal to always drive around with a machete under the passenger seat. I mean, if someting bad lika this would happen. The public just needs to be able to protect themself, don´t they?

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43 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


Please name another nation which could serve as a model for this 'third world country'. Yours, perhaps ?




Doing so would be 'too much syrup'. (education) I haven't the slightest inclination to educate racist people.

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28 minutes ago, Xonax said:

Dropping a cigarette butt = Fine 2,000 Baht.

Not to mention that we farangs could be slapped with a 5,000 THB fine by Immigration for the "serious" crime of failing to submit our 90-day report on time!

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500 Bht for threatening with a bloody big knife/sword!!????????




(Serious thought/question -  WHAT would have happened if it were a faring doing the same thing!!!)

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its a shame it wasn't a westerner at least then maybe the police would of taken a different attitude to save Tourist dollars.

Not only its not a deterrent it sends the wrong message to other people that think its ok to now to have a big machete in the back of the motor. Really makes you think what a good job the police back home do.

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53 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

Actually this happens all around the world....A man flashing a knife or sword in a fight between two persons but where nobody comes to harm, even if the perception of the person not having the knife is that his life is in danger at the time. When it goes to court, for example if the guy who was attacked by the knife wielding guy (remember nobody came to harm) takes it to court, the court will look at prior records, the situation in which the knife came into play, the situation between the two antagonists. The court will conclude there is no cause for any conviction and dismiss the case or the guy with the knife will be lightly sentenced to probation. If he had killed or severely harmed with the knife/sword....then it would have become another matter altogether....that's how justice works.....in most places....Of course in Thailand we always have this special situation where cops are not really interested in doing their job unless there is some payback for it.

sorry but that is absolute nonsense - what countries are you talking about ?


Someone caught in possession of such a weapon would face serious charges never mind actually attempting to use it against another person, it could very easily be attempted murder if you could prove intent 

Edited by smedly
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3 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"A man caught on film attacking another motorist with a sword ...."

Only in Thailand could a man be fined B500 by the police  no less, for assault with a deadly weapon. In countries with a proper legal system, the case would be decided in a court of law on whether it was a misdemeanor or a felony, based on various factors.

This dick head, the quoted owner of "an auto parts dealership", probably managed a donation to the Police Benevolent Fund prior to agreeing to be a good boy in future and paying his pathetic fine..:bah:

(I like his " CALL OF THE SURF" shirt.)

Exactly it's not up to the Police to decide on what the punishment will be, Arrested, charged, taken to court. That's where their responsibility ends

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2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

This country is a joke when it comes to punishing its people,

A rather sad joke indeed, but the courts seem to severely punish poor "wrongdoers" (mushroom pickers, bridge players etc) and the wealthy so-called hi-sos get away with murder when they drive their cars and kill people. Too numerous to list, but you know who they are. And we all know how the system works here.

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2 hours ago, Yann55 said:


Please name another nation which could serve as a model for this 'third world country'. Yours, perhaps ?




Oh look... there's one.... just over there. :cheesy::cheesy:


(Pointing wins all arguments... TIT.... ???)





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4 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

I guess at the very least we know the outcome of this idiots actions.


What about the taxi driver that hacked the American to death with a sword on Sukhumvit Rd near Ekamai about 5 years ago??


What was the outcome of that?

1000 baht fine??

Yes, this was another case involving a crime against a farang, that we strangely never heard the outcome of.

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Quite ridiculous, there are surely are enough offences there where the total punishment can exceed a paltry fine.

When the authorities fail to enforce the law, it becomes lawless....

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7 hours ago, halloween said:

In Thailand in many cases, up to and including murder, the BIB replace the courts as deciders of guilt and punishment. I don't know if they actually have the legal authority to do this, especially in major crimes like murder, or whether they have assumed it unilaterally.


To save later explanation, a friend's brother was murdered in a drunken brawl. The BIB arranged for him to pay (IIRC) B5000/month for 100 months to BIB who would pass it on to the dead man's family, minus 10% commission. No further action would be taken if he complied in full.

This is true.


I suppose this could be colloquially known as village justice or tribal justice.

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