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Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Trump Jr., Russian lawyer meeting - sources


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Exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Trump Jr., Russian lawyer meeting - sources

By Karen Freifeld and John Walcott



U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. arrives ahead of the inauguration with his father aboard a U.S. Air Force jet at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, U.S. on January 19, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Grand jury subpoenas have been issued in connection with a June 2016 meeting that included President Donald Trump's son, his son-in-law and a Russian lawyer, two sources told Reuters on Thursday, in a sign that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is gathering pace.


The sources added that Mueller had convened a grand jury in Washington to help investigate allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.


Russia has loomed large over the first six months of the Trump presidency. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia worked to tilt the presidential election in Trump's favour. Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is leading the probe, which also examines potential collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia.


Moscow denies any meddling and Trump denies any collusion by his campaign, while regularly denouncing the investigations as political witch hunts.


Mueller's use of a grand jury could give him expansive tools to pursue evidence, including issuing subpoenas and compelling witnesses to testify. The impaneling of the grand jury was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.


A spokesman for Mueller declined comment.


A grand jury is a group of ordinary citizens who, working behind closed doors, considers evidence of potential criminal wrongdoing that a prosecutor is investigating and decides whether charges should be brought.


"This is a serious development in the Mueller investigation," said Paul Callan, a former prosecutor.


"Given that Mueller inherited an investigation that began months ago, it would suggest that he has uncovered information pointing in the direction of criminal charges. But against whom is the real question."


U.S. stocks and the dollar weakened following the news, while U.S. Treasury securities gained.




News last month of the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer who he was told had damaging information about his father's presidential rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, fuelled questions about the campaign's dealings with Moscow.


The Republican president has defended his son's behaviour, saying many people would have taken that meeting.


Trump's son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort also attended the meeting.


Ty Cobb, special counsel to the president, said he was not aware that Mueller had started using a new grand jury.


"Grand jury matters are typically secret," Cobb said. "The White House favours anything that accelerates the conclusion of his work fairly. ... The White House is committed to fully cooperating with Mr. Mueller."


John Dowd, one of Trump's personal lawyers, said: "With respect to the news of the grand jury, I can tell you President Trump is not under investigation."


A spokesman for Manafort declined to comment.


Lawyers for Trump Jr. and Kushner did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


One source briefed on the matter said Mueller was investigating whether, either at the meeting or afterward, anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign encouraged the Russians to start releasing material they had been collecting on the Clinton campaign since March 2016.


Another source familiar with the inquiry said that while the president himself was not now under investigation, Mueller's investigation was seeking to determine whether he knew of the June 9 meeting in advance or was briefed on it afterward.


(Additional reporting by Noeleen Walder, Jan Wolfe, Anthony Lin, Jonathan Stempel, Tom Hals, Julia Ainsley and Joel Schectman; Writing by Frances Kerry and Phil Stewart; Editing by Bill Trott and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-04
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10 minutes ago, LazySlipper said:


Well, I like the narcistic lying hero.

Congratulations for successfully derailing the thread. I suggest what you really like is "the show". You really like the fact that he gets up people's noses, people you dislike.


Anyway back to the issue at hand, the grand jury. In these investigations of powerful and rich people, investigators tend to work from the outside in, picking off the less-well connected, less-well protected low-hanging fruit first and then see what information they can get out of them to go after the bigger fruit. This investigation has years and years to run yet.

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23 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Congratulations for successfully derailing the thread. I suggest what you really like is "the show". You really like the fact that he gets up people's noses, people you dislike.


Anyway back to the issue at hand, the grand jury. In these investigations of powerful and rich people, investigators tend to work from the outside in, picking off the less-well connected, less-well protected low-hanging fruit first and then see what information they can get out of them to go after the bigger fruit. This investigation has years and years to run yet.

                          You're right.  And your closing sentence is sad truth.  It will take many moons before results are published.  There is such a cavalcade of law-breaking by dozens of people, that sifting through the morass will be a herculian task.  


               Each week Trump and his fellow criminals occupy the Oval Office, is another week they can unleash harm for the USA and the bits of natural environment which still exist on the surface of the planet.    

Speaking of the environment.  What have Trumpsters done (or tried to do) to improve natural environment?  They put an environment-disliking person in charge of EPA.  They pissed on the Paris Accords.  They're trying to de-classify National Monuments to open them up for drilling and mining.   ....and they're just getting started.

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What we know is that DT has delusions of grandeur and that he is untouchable.   He is his own worst enemy with his mouth and tweets.   He also has a distinct lack of credibility due to his consistent lying.   


The other part of the puzzle is that he does not cut anybody any slack -- with the exception of Putin.   DT would never do that unless there was some very, very, very good reason and that could only involve information or links that Putin has that could put Donald into a lot of trouble.   I have no idea what it is, but for someone who sees himself as untouchable, it must be something significant.


How many times has Congress enacted such a bill to limit his ability to take sanctions off Russia and by such a huge margin.   When has Donald ever hidden in another room to sign a piece of legislation.   


His next book should be titled:  Profile in Cowardice.


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this is an excellent article if you want to understand the current grand jury and if there were any laws broken.  Not enough is known now, but it doesn't look good for the Junior.




If it were determined that Donald Trump Jr., in fact, solicited a thing of value (the opposition research), his conduct potentially could provide the basis for a substantive federal election law violation. This is so because the act of soliciting a thing of value (or assisting in such a solicitation) can be, in and of itself, a criminal violation. The law does not require the solicitation must be accepted, that anything must be received, or that the recipient determined that the thing solicited was worthwhile.


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Grand jury subpoenas have been issued in connection with a June 2016 meeting that included President Donald Trump's son, his son-in-law and a Russian lawyer, two sources told Reuters on Thursday, in a sign that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is gathering pace.



4 hours ago, webfact said:

A grand jury is a group of ordinary citizens who, working behind closed doors, considers evidence of potential criminal wrongdoing that a prosecutor is investigating and decides whether charges should be brought.



Well bust my buttons.


Grand juries and subpoenas would not exist if there weren't evidence. :thumbsup:


And we're only getting started.


And poor Jr. has been in hiding since he admitted to colluding with agents from a hostile foreign adversary during a clandestine meeting.




collusion noun secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, esp. in order to cheat or deceive others

Law illegal cooperation or conspiracy

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One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail


"Federal investigators exploring whether Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russian spies have seized on Trump and his associates' financial ties to Russia as one of the most fertile avenues for moving their probe forward, according to people familiar with the investigation."


"The web of financial ties could offer a more concrete path toward potential prosecution than the broader and murkier questions of collusion in the 2016 campaign, these sources said."


"Sources described an investigation that has widened to focus on possible financial crimes, some unconnected to the 2016 elections, alongside the ongoing scrutiny of possible illegal coordination with Russian spy agencies and alleged attempts by President Donald Trump and others to obstruct the FBI investigation."



Follow the money.  :thumbsup:

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This could get very interesting in several ways. If the man-child's tax returns are subpoenaed I think he will go into panic mode and try to have Mueller fired. That will open up a huge can of worms and I don't think this travesty of a presidency will survive it.:partytime2: (first time I've used that particular emoticon!)

If he doesn't fire Mueller I believe sooner or later they will dig up some financial shenanigans that will force the man-child to resign. Again; :partytime2:

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Bob Mueller Impaneled a Grand Jury. Here’s What It Means.


"There’s no doubt that this move is significant: It means Mueller believes that there is sufficient evidence that a crime was committed to warrant a criminal investigation."


"Sometimes, when prosecutors are facing obstacles in obtaining evidence, they seek an indictment of one individual or a group of individuals prior to completing their investigation, if they believe that those individuals might cooperate with the government and provide evidence."


"The evidence in the public domain was already enough to warrant an investigation, which is why Mueller was appointed in the first place."


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14 minutes ago, Becker said:

This could get very interesting in several ways. If the man-child's tax returns are subpoenaed I think he will go into panic mode and try to have Mueller fired. That will open up a huge can of worms and I don't think this travesty of a presidency will survive it.:partytime2: (first time I've used that particular emoticon!)

If he doesn't fire Mueller I believe sooner or later they will dig up some financial shenanigans that will force the man-child to resign. Again; :partytime2:

He might not be able to fire Muller soon.  Luckily!




Senators push bill to protect Mueller


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55 minutes ago, iReason said:

Follow the money.  :thumbsup:


Trump has already said that poking around into his financial life will be sufficient reason for firing Mueller.



President Trump warned special counsel Robert Mueller from investigating his family’s finances beyond the scope of the probe into ties between his administration and Russia in an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday.


In other words, don't follow the money OR ELSE!

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13 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Trump has already said that poking around into his financial life will be sufficient reason for firing Mueller.

In other words, don't follow the money OR ELSE!

Senate blocks Trump from making recess appointments over break


"The Senate blocked President Trump from being able to make recess appointments on Thursday as lawmakers leave Washington for their summer break."


"Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), doing wrap up for the entire Senate, locked in nine "pro-forma" sessions — brief meetings that normally last roughly a minute."


"But the current deal comes after Trump repeatedly lashed out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, sparking speculation that he would fire the former senator and try to name his successor while Congress was out of town."



And Sessions ain't gonna fire Mueller...


The clown is playing checkers with chess masters.


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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                          You're right.  And your closing sentence is sad truth.  It will take many moons before results are published.  There is such a cavalcade of law-breaking by dozens of people, that sifting through the morass will be a herculian task.  


               Each week Trump and his fellow criminals occupy the Oval Office, is another week they can unleash harm for the USA and the bits of natural environment which still exist on the surface of the planet.    

Speaking of the environment.  What have Trumpsters done (or tried to do) to improve natural environment?  They put an environment-disliking person in charge of EPA.  They pissed on the Paris Accords.  They're trying to de-classify National Monuments to open them up for drilling and mining.   ....and they're just getting started.

Federal grand juries are empaneled by a US District Court judge and not by prosecutors as is commonly believed; however, the judge tends to stay out of the proceedings unless intervention is requested by the prosecutor.


They are empaneled for 18 months, and can be extended by the judge in certain circumstances. They usually do not meet every day as most state level grand juries do. Finally, it is more than likely that Mueller himself will not be presenting evidence to the grand jury, but rather members of one of his teams. The grand jury can either indict, or return a no-bill.


From what has been written about the parameters of Mueller's appointment, it does not appear that there will be a stream of indictments or no bills over time but rather the results will all be released at one time when Mueller decides he has gone as far as he can go.


So yes, it will take some time for all of this to come to fruition, but when it does, it will be momentous.

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There’s now a bipartisan bill to protect Mueller’s investigation from Trump


"Top Senate legislators are moving to protect former FBI Director Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference

in case President Donald Trump tries to derail it."


"On Thursday, Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Chris Coons (D-DE), two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee,

announced they would introduce a bill to allow Justice Department special counsels, like Mueller, to challenge their removals in court."


"A three-panel judge would then get to adjudicate the challenge — meaning Trump could be overruled should he try to fire the special counsel."


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Exclusive: top FBI officials could testify against Trump


"You are going to have the former FBI director testify, and then the acting director, the chief of staff to the FBI director,

the FBI’s general counsel, and then others, one right after another."


"This has never been the word of Trump against what James Comey has had to say."


"This is more like the Federal Bureau of Investigation versus Donald Trump.”





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6 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Does this mean the Nothing Burger was fake news ?

The only fake news eminates from Trump's namesake orifice, where the sun don't shine.


3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

It's frustrating to have these statements coming out bit by bit.  In the meantime Trump continues to do harm to the USA by his ludicrous actions and ridiculous tweets. 

Actually, I don't mind the drip drip drip.  I wish Trump was allowed to keep tweeting.  The entertainment value is tops.


Meanwhile, Ivanka and Jared haven't had their security clearances yanked.  Ridiculous.  If the Kushners had a modicum of decency, they would voluntarily stay away from the WH.  By staying, it proves at least two things:  Trump and his family don't give a crap about security, and Kelly leaves his balls in a sack outside the WH gates, each day he goes to work.

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Continuing to very much resemble the Watergate scandal and the path that led to Nixon's resignation.


Then and now, the allegations of wrongdoing started with folks at the edges, and then as pursued, began to reach progressively more and more senior people in the White House, and then the attempted coverups and obstruction of justice, and finally reaching directly to the President himself.


Let's just hope, he ultimately gets what he deserves.


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