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Three students taken to hospital after attack by teacher for uniform violation


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Three students taken to hospital after attack by teacher for uniform violation



Picture: Daily News


From Ayuthaya comes more sickening news of assault on children at a Thai school.


This time three children were taken to hospital after a teacher whacked them on the head with a stick for not wearing the correct uniform.


A total of 21 children were attacked by the teacher on Wednesday.


The director has set up a committee of investigation.


Yesterday four parents led by Theerasit Chunchawarj, 42, went to Bang Pahan police in Ayuthaya province to make a formal complaint.


The incident happened on Wednesday morning when the children arrived at the local school for a day when they were meant to wear scouts'



Some were improperly attired according to the school rules.


Consequently the teacher hit 21 students in the head. Six complained of headaches and bumps on their heads - three were taken to hospital.


The director has been in touch with parents and has set up an inquiry ahead of a meeting next Wednesday.


There was no report about the teacher being suspended in the Daily News story.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-08-04
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Are they forced to join the Scouts, or is it just forcing them to wear the uniform one day a week in School, if so why? Pity Thai parents how many silly outfilts do they have to buy for the fancy dress parade anyway, at our local School they even have to dress up in sleep wear on Fridays, madness.

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1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

Are they forced to join the Scouts, or is it just forcing them to wear the uniform one day a week in School, if so why? Pity Thai parents how many silly outfilts do they have to buy for the fancy dress parade anyway, at our local School they even have to dress up in sleep wear on Fridays, madness.

I had to buy 5 uniforms for my son this year already! The teachers hit the kids if they show up with the wrong uniform! The day my son get hit by a teacher is probably the day I will get kicked out from Thailand, I am not buying this BS.

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5 uniforms, that has nothing to do with education has it, all about indoctrination and control. Education should be about teaching kids to think for themselves, here it's about teaching them what to think and how to act. Even at a Sarasas private School i have seen them marched up and down in the mornings in Scouts get ups, ludicrous waste of time.

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11 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

There was no report about the teacher being suspended in the Daily News story :shock1:

No, he needs re-educating.


If someone breaches the strict uniform regulations they obviously need dealing with. The army supports strict measures but not news coverage.


In future, they should have identifiable items removed, be shaved, lined up against a wall and shot.


This should deter other students from leaving a button undone.


People complaining are obviously oblivious to the problems of militarisation of a nation. Studying Hitler Youth behaviour, we see perfectly normal people doing things which we (in our priviliged civilised manner) might find difficult to understand.

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Time parents got together and refused to buy into this uniform brainwashing nonsense, marching about to nationalist music, bowing and scrapping, it will all go eventually. No need for any more than one uniform, if that, and sports kit.

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"The director has set up a committee of investigation". should be the Police.....BUT

Thailand slowly creeping out of the Dickensian era,please sir .....,whack on the head .

regards worgeordie

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38 minutes ago, webfact said:

The director has set up a committee of investigation.


It´s amazing! The school director has started an investigation? Was the teacher attacked by the students first? NO! What is there to investigate? Sack the teacher and let him face the children and parents in court without backing from school. That´s the only reasonable thing to do.

After this comes the question. If not even the teachers can control themselfs and show good moral and judgement in school without violence. How can we expect the children and students to act intelligent without violence?

Now it doesn´t look suprising at all that one student attacked another with a sword just for a sticker. Does it? 

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25 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Are they forced to join the Scouts, or is it just forcing them to wear the uniform one day a week in School, if so why? Pity Thai parents how many silly outfilts do they have to buy for the fancy dress parade anyway, at our local School they even have to dress up in sleep wear on Fridays, madness.

Tell me about it, 5 uniforms a week, I only know what day of the week it is because of my sons uniform. Yes they have to join the scouts,even the teachers are dressed up in scouts uniform

new term2.JPG

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45 minutes ago, webfact said:

The director has been in touch with parents and has set up an inquiry ahead of a meeting next Wednesday.

not knowable based on the details given here but the director may agree with the behaviors and results; police will file the complaint in a drawer and next week/month we will get a repeat of this story

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Pathetic that this happens tbh. I have seen incredibly competent Thai teachers whack students with a bamboo stick before.

Actually spoke to the teacher about why do it. They said its closely tied with militaristic style of discipline which is the only way the students (mostly boys) learn and went on to openly admit that the majority of said students had no mental capacity to be talked round.

Kind of fits in with the way most disputes are settled here. Violence first and a pathetic wai and hollow apology after the fact.


Teacher in this case obviously went way too far. Should never teach again, but will probably be transferred elsewhere so no more face is lost.. TIT ?

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7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Tell me about it, 5 uniforms a week, I only know what day of the week it is because of my sons uniform. Yes they have to join the scouts,even the teachers are dressed up in scouts uniform

new term2.JPG

Lapels not done up, no socks, boy needs a good thrashing what, what. Not about education at all, poor little buggers.

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Let's keep things in proportion. Think of Thailand, culturally & educationally, as moving gently through the 1960s ...


I can remember life at Hamilton Boys' High School in NZ in the mid-1960s. A pretty good school I think BUT:

- It was the time when the fashionable length of hair for young gentlemen was beginning to lengthen and the Headmaster used to jump up & down for 5 minutes at morning assembly most days yelling at those boys whose hair showed over the collar of their uniform

- Each year we had a week of "military drill" where we put on army uniforms and marched up & down while one of the more thuggish boys dressed up as a sergeant got to scream at us, learned how to dismantle a machine gun (I never learned to remantle one) and then went off to Army camp for a couple of hours to fire a Lee Enfield 303 (mine dated from 1903) in the general direction of a target.


Don't worry. Things can only get better.

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Ask any student or teacher three questions regarding the Boy Scouts and it is usual the student cannot answer any and it is doubtful if the teacher can either.  Question 1 - Who founded the Boy Scouts?  Question 2 - Where were the Boy Scout originally founded?  3 - What is the Boy Scout motto?  Most of them cannot even tie or tell the function of a simple reef knot.


Incidentally, it is supposedly illegal for teachers to physically punish a student by hitting, etc.

Edited by wotsdermatter
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15 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Are they forced to join the Scouts, or is it just forcing them to wear the uniform one day a week in School, if so why? Pity Thai parents how many silly outfilts do they have to buy for the fancy dress parade anyway, at our local School they even have to dress up in sleep wear on Fridays, madness.


What if you sleep in the buff?   :shock1:

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Don't tar an entire nation with the same brush. There are good, and bad, apples in every country/race/walk of life. 


What this teacher did was despicable! Hitting one student is inexcusable but hitting 21?!?! The teacher in question should be sacked effective immediately! 

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1 hour ago, ben2talk said:


People complaining are obviously oblivious to the problems of militarisation of a nation. Studying Hitler Youth behaviour

Why does Thailand need militarisation in the first place?

Who and where is the enemy the nation needs to prepare against?

External or internal?

Some clear, logical information would be most enlightening.


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and people wonder why there is so much violence in this country, it is ingrained from a very early age.


The whole idea of school uniforms is also ridiculous in this day and age, an expense that many families should not be having

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38 minutes ago, djayz said:

Don't tar an entire nation with the same brush. There are good, and bad, apples in every country/race/walk of life. 


What this teacher did was despicable! Hitting one student is inexcusable but hitting 21?!?! The teacher in question should be sacked effective immediately! 

The  high rate of occurrence makes me think otherwise

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Tell me about it, 5 uniforms a week, I only know what day of the week it is because of my sons uniform. Yes they have to join the scouts,even the teachers are dressed up in scouts uniform

new term2.JPG


My son has a blur shirt and blue track suit bottoms on Monday and Thursday, white shirt and brown shorts on Tuesday and Friday and scout uniforms on Wednesday. This however can change. This week it has been blue shirt and blue track suit bottoms for 4 days and white shirt/brown shorts today. He has 2 sets of blues, 5 of white and brown and 1 scout set. My washing machine earned it keep this week.



IMG_20170531_070907 resized.jpg

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3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Tell me about it, 5 uniforms a week, I only know what day of the week it is because of my sons uniform. Yes they have to join the scouts,even the teachers are dressed up in scouts uniform

new term2.JPG

Baden-Powell would be proud of them.


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2 hours ago, djayz said:

Don't tar an entire nation with the same brush. There are good, and bad, apples in every country/race/walk of life. 


What this teacher did was despicable! Hitting one student is inexcusable but hitting 21?!?! The teacher in question should be sacked effective immediately! 


And I bet this isn't the first time he's whacked the kids either!

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