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One a day by an exceptional attractive lady 2 days off a week Bkk 100,000 a month easy.
If the government were to legalise and regulate the entertainment sex trade they would be able tax the industry.
6 minutes ago, agudbuk said:
On 8/6/2017 at 7:39 PM, Kwasaki said:
One a day by an exceptional attractive lady 2 days off a week Bkk 100,000 a month easy.

If the government were to legalise and regulate the entertainment sex trade they would be able tax the industry.

That would take tang out of some of the pockets who work for them.:biggrin:


I read only posts of the first couple of pages. I think the following was not mentioned:


Many of the girls have no idea how much money they make. They get their salary normally at the beginning of the month but that is obviously only a (small) part of their income. They get money for lady drinks maybe two or three times per month. And then they borrow in between which is obviously deducted from their next salary. And if they go out and make money they often go drinking, karaoke, etc. and the money is gone again. I think very few really know they made amount x last month.


And about only the best looking girls making big money (like >=100k a month). Good look and presentation obviously helps but I think it is a lot more important how active they are. Many pretty girls spend a lot more time looking at their mobile phones then talking with customers and then they are surprised that they don't make money. Other girls, maybe not so good looking, are active and go and talk to the customers and ask the customers to take them out. It seems like many customers are too shy to ask. But if the girl tells them we could do this and that and let's go then many of the customers go with the active girls.

On 06/08/2017 at 7:51 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Be careful not to get into specifics, or thread will probably be locked due to forum rules.


Probably not a valid comparison, as most bargirls will have unacknowledged income.


In my experience, most bargirls will not make a great deal of money as I doubt many get taken out more than a few days a month, if that. In Chiang Mai, I reckon most are making sod all at the present time, other than wages.


The CM GG girls and BGs are not making money because they don't need to or don't want to or are not attractive to be in the BG game. For tang I stuck to the soapies and MPs


The top looking, good performing, smart girls can make several hundred thousands a month, but that's maybe 0,01% of the girls.

In average the girls probably make less than 50k a month. They just do this type of job because they are lazy and they like this lifestyle, it's just easy, not because they make really big money with it.


Here is my observation of salaries:


"normal" workers, working in this job for 2-3 years:

minimum salary jobs (cashier, factory..., if they do some ot): about 8k

the girls who studied "english" or "tourism" and now work at the reception: 10-12k

some basic office job, like accounting: 14-20k

government teacher or nurse: 13-17k (but they get a higher pension, free healthcare for the family and stuff like that)

nurse working in private hospital / clinic: 25-35k

higher qualified office job: 25-30k

stewardess at the cheap airlines: 40-60k

stewardess at international airlines: 120k


people who have worked > 10 years:

higher qualified office job: 40-45k (and usually a company car)

head of the department at tv channel: 70k

manager position at a bigger company: 100-150k

nurse working in private clinic: 40-50k


Usually people get 1-2 months of salary as a bonus at the end of the year and in the higher positions then get stuff like payed health insurance


  • 11 months later...

Dec 22 2018 report:


Chiang Mai: asking 2500 for short term, 5000 for long term. True pricing should be closer 1500 short term and 3.5K long term...Girls are very ugly compared to Bangkok options, with 1-2 exception.


Bangkok: 2500 short term, 5000 long term...pretty standard across multiple bars in soi cowboy.


GG bar girl's self-reported breakdown on earning:


180 bar drink, keeps 80/drink

bar fine over 12/month, gets 20% rebate from bar owner (i.e. 9600 total bar fine for 12 instance, gets 1920 back)

I didn't ask on fixed monthly income...will check it on my next visit with her.

penalties from the bar are in many form, not dancing the 20 mins...etc


high-season actual earning: 80K-120K/month

low season: 30K-40K, when it rains, the bar is almost empty.


She said if we average out the 12 months she makes 60K/month. So high season per above hits the number disputed above, but on an annual average it's lower. She is a real hottie, one of the favorite in her bar.


she admitted she spends more of it, than she would like to but always tries to save more. She is afraid of hitting 30 yrs and getting dropped out of the business with fading beauty. Currently owns one apartment in Bangkok after 2 year of work ( I need to check on the cost of these...if she doesn't save that much, the numbers make little sense...perhaps she got these in a less expensive area)

9 hours ago, New Pilot said:

Dec 22 2018 report:


Chiang Mai: asking 2500 for short term, 5000 for long term. True pricing should be closer 1500 short term and 3.5K long term...Girls are very ugly compared to Bangkok options, with 1-2 exception.


Bangkok: 2500 short term, 5000 long term...pretty standard across multiple bars in soi cowboy.


GG bar girl's self-reported breakdown on earning:


180 bar drink, keeps 80/drink

bar fine over 12/month, gets 20% rebate from bar owner (i.e. 9600 total bar fine for 12 instance, gets 1920 back)

I didn't ask on fixed monthly income...will check it on my next visit with her.

penalties from the bar are in many form, not dancing the 20 mins...etc


high-season actual earning: 80K-120K/month

low season: 30K-40K, when it rains, the bar is almost empty.


She said if we average out the 12 months she makes 60K/month. So high season per above hits the number disputed above, but on an annual average it's lower. She is a real hottie, one of the favorite in her bar.


she admitted she spends more of it, than she would like to but always tries to save more. She is afraid of hitting 30 yrs and getting dropped out of the business with fading beauty. Currently owns one apartment in Bangkok after 2 year of work ( I need to check on the cost of these...if she doesn't save that much, the numbers make little sense...perhaps she got these in a less expensive area)

You must have talked with the only girl who knows how to count, remembers how much she made, and tells you the truth.

Over the years I talked with some girls about the money they make. They all know their salary and how much they get per drink. But I don't think I ever met a girl who was able to tell me last month I made in total x amount. And the month before that and in average that.

They collect money and they spend money. Many use their salary to pay the rent. And the rest of the time they live from tips, drinks commission, and other income. And if they have a good night then maybe they go party and it's gone the next day. How much did you make last month? No idea!

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