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PM Prayut orders strict regulation on alcohol ban near schools


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Nice Tunic Gen' is wearing and has he dyed his hair again .. He looks a bit stern though almost authoritarian needs to smile abit more , chew some gum , get animated with his hands , crack a few jokes with the press , wink at the ladies that sort of thing .. Has he got a P R type thingy person like all the Western Sheriff's have .. You know the people the sort that help the main man get his message across in a friendly engagement convincing manner so it don't come across like a military order .. :saai:

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Many kids have scooters and ride them illegally.

Having to travel a few more minutes to a place to get alcohol is not such a big issue

Why are the kids getting pissed?


Dont have proper morals?

Need to unwind after a day of conflicting education

Tired of listening to Prayut

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7 hours ago, Cadbury said:


Seems the RTP are not doing their job so far as sales of booze (and the wicked practice of advertising) near universities and more particularly street racing but no surprises there. Probably because there is no money in it for them and in the evening they are at home relaxing after a hard day on the road collecting "insurance" or sitting in the office playing with their smartphones. .

So now PM Prayut asks the public to do their job for them by lending a hand and giving them the tip-offs they need and expect.

Also I notice a pattern emerging regarding the PM's regulations "orders" to his subordinates. No one seems to take any notice of him any more........a lone voice in the wilderness so to speak.

e.g. faces will not be shown in media finger pointing line-up parades.

Maybe it's to stop the teachers getting s&#t faced in their lunch hours and then either beating up students or mistaking them for shoe racks.

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7 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Is it law? or does he just decide? 

They passed the law a couple of years back since the coup without specifying how close to schools you could not sell booze.  It is actually a technical enforcement issue.  One police man can collect at least twenty 200-500 baht fines for no licence or not displaying current road tax sticker in the time it takes three or four police to process just one DIC / DUI suspect.  Poor use of resources.  Read that either way!!

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In a way it would be good to see it happen - only so that fools were forced to face the consequences of being fools, would lose face, credibility and would learn to shut up until they had thought a bit first.

Could start by bringing the Khao San Road tourism hub to an end.

Pimarnwit School

Satriwithaya School

Wat Sangvej School

Bowon Niwet

Wat Mai Amatarot School

Wat Ratchanatda School

Thammasat University......

How long before they start to explain further, seek to clarify, offer more chance for understanding etc.

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I remember being amused when thailand first brought in the law that no hospital, school, police station or government building should sell alcohol anymore, about 8 years ago. I used to use the Singha sign on the side of the hospital in Phuket as a land mark to find my gf's house! But when this silly unclear distance law came in in 2015, i was a bit worried because my street has 3 schools in it and the 7/11 is right next to my condo... but they have never stopped selling alcohol, nor the 50 restaurants in this street also.  I think the government is just offering a situation (open to interpretation) which will foster corruption and pay-off's.

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6 hours ago, Lupatria said:

So if one bar or pub owner at the corner end of the soi want to get rid of his competition, all he has to do is rent a shop and open an education center 300 m away teaching Ikebana, 12 core values, and fruit carving to teenagers?

But from fruit carving they can progress to soap carving .. No .? And then a career in a night time market beckons .. they'll never be more than a few mtrs away from a bloke with booze then .. :shock1:

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I have a question that nobody appears to have touched upon, so far, re PM Prayut's response to the alcohol ban near schools. He states - and I quote: "that actions have been taken against people who have violated the ban, including parents of persons involved in the illegal street race circuit",  my question being 'why on earth are the 2 issues of (1) banning alcohol near schools and (2) illegal street racing, being mentioned by our clearly out-of-touch or very badly briefed PM, not only in the same media clip but in the same sentence?


Is Prahut banking on the 'economy of scale' factor, here; thinking perhaps that killing the two birds with the one stone, i.e. one policing initiative to tackle breaches of two completely separate areas of law, i.e. 'alcohol abuse' and 'traffic/highways,' will halve or, at least, reduce policing costs? If a prime minister was ever to be found, as ill-equipped, ill-prepared and ill-qualified as PM Prayut, I have yet to hear of him. The whole world is laughing, both at his diminutive stature, amongst world leaders and his apparent unawareness that the military coup that he had, unless he could prove me wrong, both planned and led is now into its forth year. Whilst he struts around, trying on different regal outfits and jewellery, can he not realise that there are about fifty-million honest and good Thais who deserve proper, good and honest governance? 


And, whilst I'm having my regular anti-Prayut rant, how many of you recall, a month or so ago, Prayut's or his PR team's reference to (to quote loosely) 'a visit to the US in the coming fortnight, for a meeting with Donald Trump, which, it was stated, had been agreed by the American President?' Who, in their right mind, could envisage a 'face-to-face' between Prayut and Trump and what, for heaven's sake might they want to discuss . . . rice exports or cleaning up Pattaya's beaches or, perhaps, Thailand's intervention with its recently purchased 3 nuclear subs, to keep N. Korea and The States from hurting each other? I declined to believe it then and that was two weeks before the meeting was supposed to happen. Have I had my head buried in the sand? . . . has this meeting taken place? . . . or is PM Prayut clutching at the most outrageous straws, with which to attempt to save his face, after his recent public embarrassments, most notably his farcical 'key election questions', which I suggest can only have been conceived whilst simultaneously breaching alcohol and street-racing restrictions, along the lines of . . . "Gee whizz, that was a near one; let's do something that even school-kids wouldn't attempt, this time!"


Please, Mr Prayut . . . return to your barracks, for the army, by implication, must need you a site more than Thailand does. And, having mentioned the army, how did you manage to amass such considerable personal wealth on a soldier's pay . . . honestly, now, how did you?

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3 hours ago, madmitch said:

Most Thai University students are over the legal drinking age: they start at age 19 and finish four years later. Not difficult to do the sums.


The younger ones are supposedly catered for in the ridiculous 2pm to 5pm alcohol sales ban.


I wonder what incident has spurred Prayuth's latest declaration? It usually happens as a knee-jerk reaction.



They start at 19 finishing 4 yrs later .!  Blimey thats one helluva bender .. You're right about the sums must cost a fortune but I s'ppose the girls will blag a lot of their's .. 

Prayuth and jerk in the same sentence .. That Sir is genious .. 

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15 minutes ago, DavidHenryPilkington said:

I have a question that nobody appears to have touched upon, so far, re PM Prayut's response to the alcohol ban near schools. He states - and I quote: "that actions have been taken against people who have violated the ban, including parents of persons involved in the illegal street race circuit",  my question being 'why on earth are the 2 issues of (1) banning alcohol near schools and (2) illegal street racing, being mentioned by our clearly out-of-touch or very badly briefed PM, not only in the same media clip but in the same sentence?


Is Prahut banking on the 'economy of scale' factor, here; thinking perhaps that killing the two birds with the one stone, i.e. one policing initiative to tackle breaches of two completely separate areas of law, i.e. 'alcohol abuse' and 'traffic/highways,' will halve or, at least, reduce policing costs? If a prime minister was ever to be found, as ill-equipped, ill-prepared and ill-qualified as PM Prayut, I have yet to hear of him. The whole world is laughing, both at his diminutive stature, amongst world leaders and his apparent unawareness that the military coup that he had, unless he could prove me wrong, both planned and led is now into its forth year. Whilst he struts around, trying on different regal outfits and jewellery, can he not realise that there are about fifty-million honest and good Thais who deserve proper, good and honest governance? 


And, whilst I'm having my regular anti-Prayut rant, how many of you recall, a month or so ago, Prayut's or his PR team's reference to (to quote loosely) 'a visit to the US in the coming fortnight, for a meeting with Donald Trump, which, it was stated, had been agreed by the American President?' Who, in their right mind, could envisage a 'face-to-face' between Prayut and Trump and what, for heaven's sake might they want to discuss . . . rice exports or cleaning up Pattaya's beaches or, perhaps, Thailand's intervention with its recently purchased 3 nuclear subs, to keep N. Korea and The States from hurting each other? I declined to believe it then and that was two weeks before the meeting was supposed to happen. Have I had my head buried in the sand? . . . has this meeting taken place? . . . or is PM Prayut clutching at the most outrageous straws, with which to attempt to save his face, after his recent public embarrassments, most notably his farcical 'key election questions', which I suggest can only have been conceived whilst simultaneously breaching alcohol and street-racing restrictions, along the lines of . . . "Gee whizz, that was a near one; let's do something that even school-kids wouldn't attempt, this time!"


Please, Mr Prayut . . . return to your barracks, for the army, by implication, must need you a site more than Thailand does. And, having mentioned the army, how did you manage to amass such considerable personal wealth on a soldier's pay . . . honestly, now, how did you?

Brave man!!!!! Or doesn't live here and  does not expect to visit any time soon. Like many on this forum.

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There is no need to prohibit places within a whatever distance you want to make up depending on 'circumstances' nudge nudge selling alcohol. Ask to see the ID of anyone who looks as if they might be underage.


Why do Thais so often make the simplest things so complicated?

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1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:

There is no need to prohibit places within a whatever distance you want to make up depending on 'circumstances' nudge nudge selling alcohol. Ask to see the ID of anyone who looks as if they might be underage.


Why do Thais so often make the simplest things so complicated?

It's the same in many other countries.


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Yes, I have seen idiotic booze laws in the states, too.  No sales from midnight to six...no happy hours (they offered food instead), pizza places that didn't sell, but you could byo.  And then dry counties with no bars..but you could get a one night pass for a club.  But, Thailand is the shoot yourself in the foot capital of the kind of free world.  Taking away peoples livelihoods usually comes with a heavy political price.  Be glad they don't play baseball here...I am sure many would carry bats.

Edited by KhonKaenKowboy
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1 minute ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Yes, I have seen idiotic booze laws in the states, too.  No sales from midnight to six...no happy hours (they offered food instead), pizza places that didn't sell, but you could byo.  And then dry counties with no bars..but you could get a one night pass for a club.  But, Thailand is the shoot yourself in the foot capital of the kind of free world.  Taking away peoples livelihoods usually comes with a heavy political price.  Be glad they don't play baseball here...I am sure many would carry bats.


There is no political price to be paid in Thailand because people are not allowed to vote. Haven't been for years.

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26 minutes ago, DavidHenryPilkington said:

I have a question that nobody appears to have touched upon, so far, re PM Prayut's response to the alcohol ban near schools. He states - and I quote: "that actions have been taken against people who have violated the ban, including parents of persons involved in the illegal street race circuit",  my question being 'why on earth are the 2 issues of (1) banning alcohol near schools and (2) illegal street racing, being mentioned by our clearly out-of-touch or very badly briefed PM, not only in the same media clip but in the same sentence?


Is Prahut banking on the 'economy of scale' factor, here; thinking perhaps that killing the two birds with the one stone, i.e. one policing initiative to tackle breaches of two completely separate areas of law, i.e. 'alcohol abuse' and 'traffic/highways,' will halve or, at least, reduce policing costs? If a prime minister was ever to be found, as ill-equipped, ill-prepared and ill-qualified as PM Prayut, I have yet to hear of him. The whole world is laughing, both at his diminutive stature, amongst world leaders and his apparent unawareness that the military coup that he had, unless he could prove me wrong, both planned and led is now into its forth year. Whilst he struts around, trying on different regal outfits and jewellery, can he not realise that there are about fifty-million honest and good Thais who deserve proper, good and honest governance? 


And, whilst I'm having my regular anti-Prayut rant, how many of you recall, a month or so ago, Prayut's or his PR team's reference to (to quote loosely) 'a visit to the US in the coming fortnight, for a meeting with Donald Trump, which, it was stated, had been agreed by the American President?' Who, in their right mind, could envisage a 'face-to-face' between Prayut and Trump and what, for heaven's sake might they want to discuss . . . rice exports or cleaning up Pattaya's beaches or, perhaps, Thailand's intervention with its recently purchased 3 nuclear subs, to keep N. Korea and The States from hurting each other? I declined to believe it then and that was two weeks before the meeting was supposed to happen. Have I had my head buried in the sand? . . . has this meeting taken place? . . . or is PM Prayut clutching at the most outrageous straws, with which to attempt to save his face, after his recent public embarrassments, most notably his farcical 'key election questions', which I suggest can only have been conceived whilst simultaneously breaching alcohol and street-racing restrictions, along the lines of . . . "Gee whizz, that was a near one; let's do something that even school-kids wouldn't attempt, this time!"


Please, Mr Prayut . . . return to your barracks, for the army, by implication, must need you a site more than Thailand does. And, having mentioned the army, how did you manage to amass such considerable personal wealth on a soldier's pay . . . honestly, now, how did you?

Dude you gotta understand that nothing here is what it first appears .. Cleaning up the vice trade , Cleaning up the beach , and cleaning up whatever else needs cleaning is all part of the exercise of smoke and mirrors .. People feel good about the News that everyday something will get cleanse up and sorted out .. Have you not read about the one man crime fighting machine that is ( district ) Chief Naris .. That dude knows how to kick crim' ass .. But in fairness the alcohol issue here is becoming a problem the number of D D accidents alone is horrendous so give Gen ' P credit for speaking so authoratively on the matter .. As for the man hiself you gotta remember that trying to resurrect the reputation of the totalitarian Dictator is not easy given the way the title was bespoiled by some of the 20th torch bearers .. and the crazy Korean kid with the bad haircut's not helping is he .. Factor in some of the other defining influence's here like Superstition , Self absorbtion , Greed , Class division , Obfuscation , Immorality etc etc and you've got the sort of heady mix that give visitors a real 3D V R experience of what a fantasy city  is really like .. just remember its not really 'erm real .. And the Gen's regalia and jewels again you gotta bear in mind that here is a leader who places great emphasise on " Luckee " so it follow he has lucky rings , lucky trousers , has a personal fortune teller to tell him when his luckee is in and douses hiself with blessed water to ward off any bad luckee .. These are not the attributes of any old Dictator you know even Idi Amin didnt aspire to those heights of eccentricity .. So again we have to give the Gen ' time it may work this time and if it does'nt they'll turn to something else to clean up .. As for the Submarine's Thailand's buying they're actually diesel electric powered which should come as a blessed relief to everyone as the thought of allowing Thai's anywhere near any Nuclear weaponry is not a comforting one .. I mean you don't give you're 5 yr old a chainsaw to play with do you .. 

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1 hour ago, joeyg said:

No.  I meant it sounds like a good idea.


They have a lot of those here .. Look at the tunnel's .. but making 'em work is a different thing .. Thats the way it is here .. I admire you're optimism though its just you tend to put on the " I'll believe it when ( if )  it happens " cloak more and more the longer you stay here .. :saai:

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56 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

They have a lot of those here .. Look at the tunnel's .. but making 'em work is a different thing .. Thats the way it is here .. I admire you're optimism though its just you tend to put on the " I'll believe it when ( if )  it happens " cloak more and more the longer you stay here .. :saai:

First arrived in Thailand 1971.  Been coming back ever since.  Living here for 3 years.  I think "same same" describes the situation.  Pick a country, any country...

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Dear God.

Priorities, priorities.

Booze sales near schools and uni's - it's just so goddam important.

The man just does not understand that you cannot drag Thailand back into the 19th century. It is now the 21st century, and he sure as hell does not like it.....
Not for want of trying...

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3 minutes ago, sandemara said:

How about authorities give society a break and impose one final giant Crackdown on crackdowns. A month would be enough.

Crackdown on crackdown would help Thailand to establish themselves as the hub of crackdowns

Edited by JohnLick
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On 8/7/2017 at 7:48 AM, Lupatria said:

Or is it "I am the law"?


To avoid major losses in the industry a certain brewery will offer a vacant consultant position soon, preferably to a high ranking police officer.

Is it vacant or is the previous paid advisor keeping a low profile?:saai:

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22 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Dude you gotta understand that nothing here is what it first appears .. Cleaning up the vice trade , Cleaning up the beach , and cleaning up whatever else needs cleaning is all part of the exercise of smoke and mirrors .. People feel good about the News that everyday something will get cleanse up and sorted out .. Have you not read about the one man crime fighting machine that is ( district ) Chief Naris .. That dude knows how to kick crim' ass .. But in fairness the alcohol issue here is becoming a problem the number of D D accidents alone is horrendous so give Gen ' P credit for speaking so authoratively on the matter .. As for the man hiself you gotta remember that trying to resurrect the reputation of the totalitarian Dictator is not easy given the way the title was bespoiled by some of the 20th torch bearers .. and the crazy Korean kid with the bad haircut's not helping is he .. Factor in some of the other defining influence's here like Superstition , Self absorbtion , Greed , Class division , Obfuscation , Immorality etc etc and you've got the sort of heady mix that give visitors a real 3D V R experience of what a fantasy city  is really like .. just remember its not really 'erm real .. And the Gen's regalia and jewels again you gotta bear in mind that here is a leader who places great emphasise on " Luckee " so it follow he has lucky rings , lucky trousers , has a personal fortune teller to tell him when his luckee is in and douses hiself with blessed water to ward off any bad luckee .. These are not the attributes of any old Dictator you know even Idi Amin didnt aspire to those heights of eccentricity .. So again we have to give the Gen ' time it may work this time and if it does'nt they'll turn to something else to clean up .. As for the Submarine's Thailand's buying they're actually diesel electric powered which should come as a blessed relief to everyone as the thought of allowing Thai's anywhere near any Nuclear weaponry is not a comforting one .. I mean you don't give you're 5 yr old a chainsaw to play with do you .. 

Great comment, J . . . you ain't a Herdwick by any chance?

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