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North Korea ready to teach U.S. 'severe lesson', says U.N. abused its authority


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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

tThe Dali Lama might disagree with you on this....LOL


Here's a recently list:


So as it states technically it is not a country .  Care to introduce Catholicism or Hindu or any other spurious  religious claims into your already debased argument ?


But again that is not the point of the topic.

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Just now, gummy said:

So as it sates technically it is not a country .  Care to introduce Catholicism or Hindu or any other spurious  religious claimd into your already debased argument ?


But again that is not the point of the topic.

I dare say the people in these "countries" would say it's more than a technicality. LOL  What's religion got to do with it?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

North Korea ready to teach U.S. 'severe lesson', says U.N. abused its authority

HOW ABOUT?????? U.S. ready to teach North Korea "Severe Lesson??????

But is taking care first for South Korea and Japan and Guam so have a slight delay. The delay time North Korea could use to 'come to it's senses' but very likely won't do............

That 'squirly' little fat guy, Kim Jon Un, Has a serious case of 'tunnel vision' and will die soon........ He is past his 'Expiration Date' NOW.............

Sad how many of his 'brain-washed' followers will join him...........

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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Don,t expect any help from China, they are loving this !

As is Russia and Iran.. Probably both of whom helped directly in arming and developing WMD's for NK, plus China supplying some backroom assistance (missile transports etc). One off the wall solution would be, declare a four week vacation for all those in Seoul and surroundings with instructions to head south, then go at it tooth and nail. An unthinkable solution I admit, but who wants a nuclear device taking out LA, Hobson's choice for sure.

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2 hours ago, gummy said:

I don't believe that China, as a state, has ever invaded any country. In fact the issues in that area were exasperated initially given the Japanese colonisation of the Korean peninsula and of course imperialistic moves into China but that is distracting the subject a little. 

The US would never win a land war there, simply outnumbered by boots on the ground although they will puff their chests and threaten perhaps before backing down. Lets face it they had 3 years at it 60 odd years ago and the result is the current stalemate and division. The  Chinese won't let it happen either.


Didi you forget about China invading both N and S Korea during the Korean war? How about Tibet in the 1950s. The attempted invasion of parts of India. Or for something a little newer there is also taking over most of the islands and attols in the South China Sea.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                                   Every day, Kim and his medal-laden generals go through war games.  Have you ever had an argument with an Asian?   They don't warm to the issue, they explode.  Often, an Asian will pretend like all is fine, and/or they'll stare intensely without saying anything - but then they explode.  It's particularly scathing with Asian women.  They go from zero to sixty in 2 seconds.  Before you realize what happened, they will be screaming as if their arms are being pulled off by tractors.  


                        Kim and his generals will go 100% from the first minute if/when war breaks out.   That doesn't bode well for his supply chains and ammo (which may last between 1 and 3 weeks), but that's all secondary in their view.  Primary, for them, is to throw everything at the enemy, as quickly as possible.


Characterization of Kim and his regime as "irrational " are actually helping him. It is all based on cold calculations of continuing the regime. 



But when I spoke to scholars and historians of North Korea, they uniformly rejected the idea that Kim is a lunatic. His ruthlessness and fierce rhetoric should not be confused with irrationality, they explained. Instead, he should be understood as extremely calculating and disciplined when it comes to maintaining his grip on power — just as his predecessors (his father, Kim Jong Il, and his grandfather and the country’s founder, Kim Il Sung) were.


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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Next military parade in Pyongyang drop a big one get most of the military hardware and most of the nutjobs in one go.


Some collateral but most of the ordinary folks will not be there.

The ordinary folks are required to be at the parade whether they want to or not. And wave their little flags.


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11 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

Come on , not much lost there ...:smile:

A nuke on the supervolcano at Yellowstone or an EMP above the US ...choices, choices , Kim...

I get your point, but the potential for it to become a reality is too real... Reminds me of the Cuba crisis and Kruschev threatening to drop a 100 Megatons on London, problem is we have someone at the US helm who is not a JFK, I hope I'm wrong.

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15 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

Come on , not much lost there ...:smile:

A nuke on the supervolcano at Yellowstone or an EMP above the US ...choices, choices , Kim...

I have family living in LA.  Show some respect.  Horrible post.

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

Next military parade in Pyongyang drop a big one get most of the military hardware and most of the nutjobs in one go.


Some collateral but most of the ordinary folks will not be there.

Good idea. Their military will never for a second have considered that possibility. 

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13 minutes ago, PeCeDe said:

I get your point, but the potential for it to become a reality is too real... Reminds me of the Cuba crisis and Kruschev threatening to drop a 100 Megatons on London, problem is we have someone at the US helm who is not a JFK, I hope I'm wrong.

No possibility of that at all if we leave them be.

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Just now, baboon said:

No possibility of that at all if we leave them be.

How about if they abide by UN mandates, as agreed upon by most civilized nations, and abandon nuclear weapons. They can still develop weapons of mass destruction, just not nuclear.


Even Japan's thinking about building up their military now to counter the NK threat.  Great job Kim!



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5 hours ago, maewang99 said:

one of them is an art studio. 

2 folks with Chol as last name, no passport numbers just a DOB.  

if you could just name names like this in a parliament.... or Congress.... oh boy....  let's do one right now... if your name is Ted Cruz.....

yeah. this is total war. it's like what we did with Al Quaeda in Cuba and Thailand etc black sites or whatever...

yeah okay. IT MIGHT JUST WORK THEN, EH?????

go Trump (sorry, but this seems to have his name on it, to me it does).

doesn't it?



Crack ? Yaba ? K ?

What you on bru :)

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22 minutes ago, PeCeDe said:

I'm Interested why you fly the flag, you must have some affinity?



Fair question. 

Firstly, I am always interested in the other side of the story. All too many people don't bother to put themselves in the shoes of their adversary: Why do they act the way they do? What are they thinking?


Secondly, I do not trust for a moment the kind of people who brought us Iraq, the weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan,  et al, who aided and abetted the Mujahadeen who went on to become the Taliban... I think you get the picture.

Nor do I trust their media cronies like Rupert Murdoch who are only too keen to do their bidding and overhype negligible threats to the West as a clear and present danger to humanity itself.


Thirdly, I do not want to see untold lives lost in a confligration on the Korean peninsula and especially not when those screaming the loudest for war are the ones only prepared to fight to the last drop of other people's blood. Want war? You first.


And fourthly, just because I can be a bit of an awkward bastard at times as Mrs baboon will attest...:biggrin:

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6 minutes ago, baboon said:

Fair question. 

Firstly, I am always interested in the other side of the story. All too many people don't bother to put themselves in the shoes of their adversary: Why do they act the way they do? What are they thinking?


Secondly, I do not trust for a moment the kind of people who brought us Iraq, the weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan,  et al, who aided and abetted the Mujahadeen who went on to become the Taliban... I think you get the picture.

Nor do I trust their media cronies like Rupert Murdoch who are only too keen to do their bidding and overhype negligible threats to the West as a clear and present danger to humanity itself.


Thirdly, I do not want to see untold lives lost in a confligration on the Korean peninsula and especially not when those screaming the loudest for war are the ones only prepared to fight to the last drop of other people's blood. Want war? You first.


And fourthly, just because I can be a bit of an awkward bastard at times as Mrs baboon will attest...:biggrin:

From the UK. Anti US.  Love NK...or anybody anti US.  You make Afghanistan sound like it's all a US problem.  Wasn't the UK in there a long time ago?  And Russia? oops...Russia is back in arming the Taliban.


If you don't want to see untold lives lost, how about support efforts to get rid of nuclear weapons there?  Like the rest of the world is doing.  Even China and Russia voted for the UN resolution!  LOL  NK is run by a maniacal dictator.  Who's killed thousands of innocent civilians.  Just like his relatives did before him.  An embarrassment to have the NK flag as your avatar.  Bizarre.


Rupert Murdoch?  Too funny....

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20 minutes ago, baboon said:

Fair question. 

Firstly, I am always interested in the other side of the story. All too many people don't bother to put themselves in the shoes of their adversary: Why do they act the way they do? What are they thinking?


Secondly, I do not trust for a moment the kind of people who brought us Iraq, the weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan,  et al, who aided and abetted the Mujahadeen who went on to become the Taliban... I think you get the picture.

Nor do I trust their media cronies like Rupert Murdoch who are only too keen to do their bidding and overhype negligible threats to the West as a clear and present danger to humanity itself.


Thirdly, I do not want to see untold lives lost in a confligration on the Korean peninsula and especially not when those screaming the loudest for war are the ones only prepared to fight to the last drop of other people's blood. Want war? You first.


And fourthly, just because I can be a bit of an awkward bastard at times as Mrs baboon will attest...:biggrin:

A well rounded and sensible answer,

but,  eventually all the high minded attempts to negotiate peace fall flat on its collective face, because of ego's and money. Try as we might to "appease" the animal who's flag you fly,  will come to an end, just as it did for Chamberlain in WW2. We can all ask why Japan attacked Honolulu, or Hitler Poland, but eventually after all the arguments to and fro, the fact is it happened and they used every armament they could, in trying to attempt to force the result in their favor. KJI will be no different, and we shouldn't delude ourselves like Chamberlain tried to... the error of his ways became clear after 40 million or more people died.


Which brings me back to LA, do we really want the person who's flag you fly to destroy LA and everyone within 500 miles? No, and I know you agree. 

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The best either side can hope for is another half a century of tense stalemate, and that's the most likely outcome, regardless of what Kim, Trump, or the Chinese say.


Kim Jong Un really is crazy enough to launch nukes and see his country turned into a parking lot if provoked enough, and it's better for all involved if it doesn't come to that.


He's crazy enough that the Chinese can't be sure what he's going to do next either.  One of the last missile tests was headed towards them as a message, related to them boycotting coal shipments there to send a message to keep it all reasonable.  


It seems certain enough that both the US and the Chinese have contingency plans for leveling North Korea in a couple of hours if it comes down to it.  If one nuke falls on LA or Shanghai it's definitely not worth it, though; killing 99% of everyone in North Korea won't undo the damage.


It's kind of a shame there is a deranged idiot in charge of the US too but Trump's blustering isn't likely to be enough to set it all off anyway.

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Well actually Kim is sticking to his script and saying (yet again) that if attacked by the US he will defend himself with all his might.  The language is more threatening but the message is the same.  He is not going to attack the USA and his only likely target would be South Korea which is highly unlikely.


I doubt that Kim will be deterred by the latest sanctions because he is off his trolley and that makes him dangerous.  There are no easy answers while he is in power and removing him seems to be harder than it should be.

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18 minutes ago, honu said:

The best either side can hope for is another half a century of tense stalemate, and that's the most likely outcome

Not going to happen.


History shows us the first strike usually comes by surprise. Trouble is we now have very big toys, not just British gunboats, German Stuka's or Japanese Zero's or whatever else. First strikes will take out entire cities. Welcome to the New World order. I know that's very negative, but show me an instance in history when humans haven't used everything they've got. Hence the urgency to disarm NK.

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1 minute ago, PeCeDe said:

...First strikes will take out entire cities. Welcome to the New World order. I know that's very negative, but show me an instance in history when humans haven't used everything they've got. Hence the urgency to disarm NK.


The Cold War was an example of when humans hadn't used everything they've got, wasn't it?  


It got close during the Cuban Missile Crisis but they realized that was a bad idea.


I'm not sure how they could possibly disarm NK.  Threats aren't going to force them to give up, and the sanctions are already as complete as any have ever been.  


China could essentially force their hand by shutting down all remaining trade but that would be very risky for them; Kim might just decide to go out with a bang. 

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6 minutes ago, honu said:


The Cold War was an example of when humans hadn't used everything they've got, wasn't it?  


It got close during the Cuban Missile Crisis but they realized that was a bad idea.


I'm not sure how they could possibly disarm NK.  Threats aren't going to force them to give up, and the sanctions are already as complete as any have ever been.  


China could essentially force their hand by shutting down all remaining trade but that would be very risky for them; Kim might just decide to go out with a bang. 

I sincerely hope you are correct.


Consider this, I don't think seeing Trump coming back from Pyongyang with an agreement saying "peace in our time" will cut it. Let's face it, without any doubt the US is now weighing up the possibility of losing a City if they don't make the right decision. I'm far from being a war monger, but I am a realist, and have had many years studying human nature, including myself. What would you do, trust a promise from a vicious proven killer to keep your family safe? This is not the Cuba crisis, KJI already has or soon will have the weapons to carry out his threats. Cuba was stopped before they did.

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14 minutes ago, PeCeDe said:

I sincerely hope you are correct.


Consider this, I don't think seeing Trump coming back from Pyongyang with an agreement saying "peace in our time" will cut it. Let's face it, without any doubt the US is now weighing up the possibility of losing a City if they don't make the right decision. I'm far from being a war monger, but I am a realist, and have had many years studying human nature, including myself. What would you do, trust a promise from a vicious proven killer to keep your family safe? This is not the Cuba crisis, KJI already has or soon will have the weapons to carry out his threats. Cuba was stopped before they did.

At the risk of repeating myself (yet again) Kim has consistently said that he will defend himself from any attack and hasn't said that he would strike anyone first.  So his threat is to defend himself with striking back if attacked.  Not many countries that haven't said that. 

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