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Video: Shocking scene as Thai woman hangs baby boy because her husband won't pick up the phone.


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24 minutes ago, henry15 said:

And what about the father who don't take up his responsibilities.

There's no evidence of anything the kid's father may or may not have done in this case. However, he didn't leave the kid abandoned at home alone, and he also didn't attempt to hang him on camera. 

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34 minutes ago, binjalin said:

It is shocking and a cry for help. I'd like to know more about the 'why's' rather than just join the 'hang her' brigade. Mental Illness is a horrifying thing. 

 And with no support, no money and a small child with a lot of needs to send her over the edge. 

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Some of these Thai women are completely off their heads.


15 years ago my girlfriend`s brother was married. His wife if angered could actually kill. He used to be terrified of her. Later he managed to divorce her and to this day always looks over his shoulder in-case she suddenly appears with a knife. 

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3 hours ago, JSPS said:

Is this a new occurrence? Because I seem to remember a very similar occurrence that happened over a year ago.

Something similar happened in Brazil a while back, perhaps it's that one you're thinking of?

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Ah; yes, another one of the 85% of the population with ''Mental Issues', the excuse used by all who do something savage in this country and expect sympathy instead of punishment.


Savages breed more savages and the cycle goes on and will continue to do so for decades to come in a morally bankrupt society.


Small wonder that when you talk to people in neighbouring countries most consider Thailand to be a large lunatic asylum !

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But as a seasoned EX-PAT.............. I can tell you that 'Thai Men' can drive the mother's of 'their' babies over the edge, as most likely happened here............

I am not condoning a cruel act as this but I can be quite understanding 'Thai Men' causing young women to try such crazy thing as this........... He will probably walk on 'in his normal' 'carefree' manner while she 'rots in Hell' for what she did in a fit of anger............

Ask me how many Thai women I know who survived the 'abuse' of Thai Men......... Please have a lot of time to listen to my stories.................

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6 hours ago, thaifan01 said:

Theres a lot behind the smile in Thailand for sure, but no thais does this kind of shit if they aint on drugs or is mentally ill. Probably on drugs, lets hope she never get near a kid anymore and get locked up for a long time! 


Thailand is the wild west. 

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Lets not dwell on this case alone,it is just barbaric,but if we are honest and take a quick look at this type of crime,we see over the whole population with problems,regardless what they are,They all boil down to not getting there own way,one way or another.Whether its a girlfriend thats messing around or visaversa,or he or she is not getting a fair share of the yaba profits.It all boils down to tantrums that is normally in kids for a while only.it has to be their way or nobodys,and whether its a gun a knife,or whatever it has to be used this time a rope,not to loose face but to be the number one prat.The big problem as we all know very well,the punishment does not fit the crime,end of.It starts at the top and if they can getaway with it so can I,that is exactly the thoughts of all Thai people.When they have money people like RED BULL HEIR,getting away with killing a policeman and not even stopping to help the man,or even bothering to send him some help,what can we expect.HIGH and MIGHTY HEARTHLESS SCUM.No doubt his time will come,perhaps not in Thailand.Thankfully this baby is safe hopefully she will be kept away from kids in the future.Just watch what happens to her,I think NOTHING.

Edited by paddyjoe41
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7 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

She has been caught, claims she was stressed for the husband not caring for her and her kid. 

Claims she didn't really exert too much force and was in control all the time.

If she was careless and the kid died, she would have commit suicide as well.

she was shocked that the video went viral and claims the mother-in-law does not like her and thats why leaked the video on social media. 


BS if you ask me.


I don't want to be heartless but she is in no state to take care of those kids now. 

She needs to get help or the police and authorities need to intervene. The kids should be left with immediate family.





4 hours ago, z42 said:

A bullet between the eyes is all that is required. I swear if any person harmed my kids in such a way I would find restraint from doing the above mentioned VERY hard.

This is inexcusable and I hope nobody even tries ?

probably had a mental breakdown who knows ? many reasons why people do this type of thing or jump out of windows, fall off balconies .i think she needs medical help the kids gone that's the saddest part of this whole tragic event / murder or whatever , she needs help institutional medical treatment  .  i dont know really , feel sorry for all ! RIP to the child not just thailand it happens every where in the world daily , some people just snap lose it , too late now .

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3 minutes ago, Mad mick said:


probably had a mental breakdown who knows ? many reasons why people do this type of thing or jump out of windows, fall off balconies .i think she needs medical help the kids gone that's the saddest part of this whole tragic event / murder or whatever , she needs help institutional medical treatment  .  i dont know really , feel sorry for all ! RIP to the child not just thailand it happens every where in the world daily , some people just snap lose it , too late now .

The child isn't dead.

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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

How awful, poor innocent kid being subjected to that.

Woman has mental issues.

   She needs good farlang , take care her and baby ,   any volunteers out there .

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This is not just a thai thing; happens all over the world. Too many family murder suicides to recount. To a lesser extent I see so many break ups where children are used as weapons, leverage or bargaining tools. It is the ultimate way to hurt someone who's hurt you. 


Someone quoted 85% of cases are attempted to be excused by mental illness. Is there a stigma in Thailand about seeking help the same as the west? What is the provision like? Is it the reserve of the rich as it is in the west if you need urgent help? 


And really why was the MIL posting pleas for help on fb rather than calling emergency services. Maybe I missed it but does it say the husband was Thai? I thought I'd read he was called Joe. TBH though I don't care if he was out in a room with 50 prostitutes this reaction was not justified whatever he was up to.


His downfall was leaving the child with her if he at least suspected she was unstable... that's if it is their child.



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Utter lowlife that can´t call herself even partly human. Very disturbed individual that immediately should be taken away from the face of the earth. Not even the possible ashes should be permitted to stay on the planet.

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you think this only happens in Thailand; have a look through any window in a so called first world low socio-economic household and i can guarantee you will see this sort of behavior and far worse, i'm in no way defending her actions but the problems reported here can not be solved or children saved by killing every mother or carer that momentarily loses the plot because she is at her wits end

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11 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

She has been caught, claims she was stressed for the husband not caring for her and her kid. 

Claims she didn't really exert too much force and was in control all the time.


Not true, she was outta control and quite freaky. Little kid was screaming his head off an dangling with the rope around his head. About the only thing she didn't do was swing the child about! 


Sadly, out of curiosity I seen that video on fb yesterday evening. Disgusting and shocking! 

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