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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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What is this supposed to prove?

You earlier stated that Antifa are a terrorist organization. The link you provided at the time showed NOTHING of the sort. You lied.


The link you now provide is merely a petition. Proves zilch. Go back to the drawing board.


Do you know what other petition is at that site, one with SEVEN times as many signatures? It's a petition asking Trump to release his tax returns. Dated February. Has he got around to releasing his tax returns? Will he ever?


They are terrorists. They use violence and threats for their agenda. It's all on the NJ Homeland Security website which I linked to a couple of times.


You claimed they were "Peaceful Protesters". You lied.


Focus is on them now though and everyone is seeing through the facade and their lies.


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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:

They don't hate fascism. They just hate that their candidate lost the election.



So they hate an event.  You're classifying terrorist organizations according to a single event that took place that was not well received.  That opens the door wide for anyone who hates anything to be classified as a terrorist.  Just come up with a catchy name, find one or two odd people who did something bad in the name of your newly invented terrorist group and slap the cuffs on them.


Somebody in a group of protesters threw a bottle!  That makes the entire group TERRORISTS!

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So they hate an event.  You're classifying terrorist organizations according to a single event that took place that was not well received.  That opens the door wide for anyone who hates anything to be classified as a terrorist.  Just come up with a catchy name, find one or two odd people who did something bad in the name of your newly invented terrorist group and slap the cuffs on them.
Somebody in a group of protesters threw a bottle!  That makes the entire group TERRORISTS!

In case you missed this before:


Under "domestic terrorism" and "counter terrorism".

So what does that make them?
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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:


No, that's their excuse to riot and attack Trump supporters.



You're making up reasons out of whole cloth.  It's time for you to back up your assertions.  Find a handful of people who are members of your imaginary terrorist group, who have professed the positions you have assigned to them.

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45 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

A step closer to the inevitable:


I was right from the beginning to condemn all of the hate groups on both sides.

You really aren't doing yourself any favours by posting this link and claiming some sort of vindication. Seems like the wackier the better at We The People...


How 'bout this one:


11. Shut down White House petitions, since they never get a sincere response, few read them & they are ultimately worthless.

Since the White House never actually responds to any petitions in sincerity (like letting the one man whose job it is to oppose marijuana to respond to the marijuana legalization initiative, or having the head of the TSA respond to why we can't de-fund the TSA) we should immediately de-fund and dismantle the White House petition website.

In recent days it has become a mockery with petitions for secession from almost every state, and cities wishing to de-secede in such events.

We ask the administration to admit that this is a mockery of democratic process and immediately dissolve this joke of a website.

Total signatures: 852

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

I was right from the beginning to condemn all of the hate groups on both sides.



On August 17, 2017 at 10:26 AM, KunMatt said:

I don't equate KKK/Nazis and Antifa/BLM.



From your link:

"It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare AntiFa a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety."



I'm sure the Pentagon will get right on it.



And what is this supposed to mean? :

"AntiFa has earned this title due to its violent actions in multiple cities and

their influence in the killings of multiple police officers throughout the United States"


You got something to back up that statement ?



Edited by iReason
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Are you really willing to show us again that you have no understanding of what you are reading on that website?

I am using that website to show that Antifa are not "Peaceful Protesters" which was my first point. I was told that I must side with them but I refuse to support a violent hate group who is causing all of this trouble.

Are they "Peaceful Protesters"?
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Terrorist groups are aggressive and proactive.  They start political dumpster fires, set up protest rallies and marches and often end up killing people.


The so-called alt-left don't set up rallies or protests, they just respond to the provocations of the far right hate groups.  Nazis are a threat, and demand a response.  


You might as well accuse a surgeon of assaulting you with a knife when he cuts you open to remove a tumor.  Yes he caused some pain, but only in response to a cancerous threat.  And it was a measured and appropriate response.  Had there been no threat, there would have been no response.  The same goes for the so-called alt-left.  When Nazis and similar scum aren't stirring up hatred, the alt-left virtually disappears.


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2016



Over the past 10 years (2007-2016), domestic extremists of all kinds have killed at least 372 people in the United States. Of those deaths, approximately 74% were at the hands of right-wing extremists, about 24% of the victims were killed by domestic Islamic extremists, and the remainder were killed by left-wing extremists.


That remainder works out to be 2%, so I'm honestly impressed by the left's restraint.

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8 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Are they "Peaceful Protesters"?



Their response is almost always commensurate with the threat posed by the group being protested.  You can't cherry-pick a couple of loonies out of a group of hundreds of protesters and use them to paint the entire group as terrorists.

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28 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


No, that's their excuse to riot and attack Trump supporters.

It's all a big lie which you seem to either be unaware of or you're totally fine with.


They're resisting alt-right / KKK / Nazis / white supremacists. Not generic trump supporters in general. 

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33 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


They are terrorists. They use violence and threats for their agenda. It's all on the NJ Homeland Security website which I linked to a couple of times.


You claimed they were "Peaceful Protesters". You lied.


Focus is on them now though and everyone is seeing through the facade and their lies.



Nobody but you and your ilk have designated Antifa as terrorists. Your say-so doesn't make them so.


I never said they were "peaceful protesters" I would ask you to please have the integrity to stop putting words in my mouth. I said I support their anti racist stance without supporting their violent means.


Back to your link that you imply "proves" they are terrorists. It is a petition. How does a petition prove anything?


How does a mention of Antifa on a Homeland security website prove they are terrorists? Gov Chris Christie is also mentioned. Is he a terrorist?


The facade and lies are all on Trump's side. And he has now, by his own words, been exposed as white supremacist sympathizer.

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6 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

I am using that website to show that Antifa are not "Peaceful Protesters" which was my first point.

I was told that I must side with them but I refuse to support a violent hate group who is causing all of this trouble.


You are also using your current website link to back up this statement too then, right?


"AntiFa has earned this title due to its violent actions in multiple cities and

their influence in the killings of multiple police officers throughout the United States"


By posting it, you said:

"I was right from the beginning to condemn all of the hate groups on both sides."



"...I refuse to support a violent hate group who is causing all of this trouble."


Got news for ya in case ya missed it, they didn't cause the trouble.

They confronted racist bigots, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and the KKK who illegally gathered the night before their rally:



Blood and Soil.

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4 hours ago, KunMatt said:


No, that's their excuse to riot and attack Trump supporters.

It's all a big lie which you seem to either be unaware of or you're totally fine with.

Trump supporters?  Do you mean the fascists who marched through the University of Virginia campus shouting "Jews will not replace us"?  The people with the swastikas?


A pertinent historical fact:  Robert E. Lee was not replaced by a Jewish general.  The chant proves that the protesters weren't there to object to the removal of a statue.  They were there to put on a display of fascist, racist, anti-Semitic unity.  There were no "good people" in that group.

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To bad KunMatt, so Sad. AntiFa isn't apart of the proposed legislation.


The Illinois Senate has passed a measure that would categorize neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations, following the weekend’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lawmakers said it was important after the recent events to show there was “total opposition” to the groups that were involved in the rally.






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21 minutes ago, RobFord said:

To bad KunMatt, so Sad. AntiFa isn't apart of the proposed legislation.


The Illinois Senate has passed a measure that would categorize neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations, following the weekend’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lawmakers said it was important after the recent events to show there was “total opposition” to the groups that were involved in the rally.






It's Soros financing, I tell you. Antifa used some of that Soros cash to buy themselves OUT of that classification.


If only Trumpsters had some of that sweet Soros money, they could buy themselves a clue. Alas, their mentor Alex Jones just dishes out BS instead of cash.

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LISTEN: Furious Trump supporter leaves an unhinged racist rant on Chicago CEO’s voicemail


“The fact that Trump equated hate groups with those protesting hate lit me up,” Gandhi told the Tribune."


“His moral leadership on this issue is reprehensible.”


“Even though my race is a complete non-issue in my day-to-day life, the sad reality is there’s a group of racists in the USA

that views me as a second-class citizen,” he continued."





Warning: Extremely Graphic Language

Listen to the voicemail sent to Gandhi below:




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To bad KunMatt, so Sad. AntiFa isn't apart of the proposed legislation.
The Illinois Senate has passed a measure that would categorize neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations, following the weekend’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lawmakers said it was important after the recent events to show there was “total opposition” to the groups that were involved in the rally.
Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Good. Neo-Nazis should be classed as terrorist group. I have no idea why they aren't already.
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Anonymous & more tech companies knocking white supremacy groups offline


"White nationalists and neo-nazis cannot use GoFundMe to promote hatred, racism, or intolerance,

and if a campaign violates GoFundMe’s terms of service, we’ll remove it from the platform," Whithorne told RT America."


"On Tuesday, Paypal wrote a lengthy blog post on their decision to ban hate groups from raising money using its services."


"Twitter reportedly suspended accounts related to the leading neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer,

including the @DailyStormer account, according to USA Today."



And more:


Chase the racist bigots back into the Dark Recesses from which they came.

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Same as Antifa.

Of course they are, as are BLM. We have both of these groups causing trouble in the UK. Does the UK have a history of our police killing black people?

Right now Antifa and BLM are talking about pulling down a statue of Gandhi in London in October (Gandhi's birthday), because Gandhi is obviously a symbol of hate and fascism isn't he, and this is what Antifa are against isn't it?

It would be nice if we could just be honest about it and call it what it really is. Anarchism hidden behind a big lie. Exactly the same as what they are doing in the States.
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53 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Right now Antifa and BLM are talking about pulling down a statue of Gandhi in London in October (Gandhi's birthday), because Gandhi is obviously a symbol of hate and fascism isn't he, and this is what Antifa are against isn't it?

Given your history of misrepresentation, I cannot take this assertion of yours as true till you prove otherwise.

Edited by Thakkar
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40 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Right now Antifa and BLM are talking about pulling down a statue of Gandhi in London in October (Gandhi's birthday),

because Gandhi is obviously a symbol of hate and fascism isn't he, and this is what Antifa are against isn't it?


"Right now Antifa and BLM are talking about pulling down a statue of Gandhi in London..."

Just making up inflammatory gibberish to suit your biased "narrative" and agenda.



Ghana: Call to remove Gandhi statue over 'racist views'

"A group of Ghanaian academics, students and artists is calling for the removal of a statue of Mahatma Gandhi from a university campus,

saying that the leader of India's independence movement was racist towards black people."


"The statue of Gandhi, who spent 21 years (1893-1914) in South Africa and fought for the rights of Indians living there,

was erected at the University of Ghana in mid-June during a visit to the country by India's President Pranab Mukherjee."



He was a racist his whole life.

Some of Gandi's words:


Gandhi's Statue at the University Of Ghana Must Come Down

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa."

~ Vol. I, p. 193


“In the face, too, of financial operations, the success of which many of their detractors would envy, one fails to understand the agitation which would place the operators in the same category as the half-heathen Native and confine him to Locations, and subject him to the harsher laws by which the Transvaal Kaffir is governed.” ~ Vol. I, pp. 224-225


“So far as the feeling has been expressed, it is to degrade the Indian to the position of the Kaffir.” ~ Vol. I, p. 229




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It is true that Gandhi was racist against black people and had some other questionable, bizarre views. The myth of Gandhi was not the same thing as the reality of Gandhi.


But I don't think those aspects of him represents the breadth of his historical importance and I seriously doubt any movement from any political group to remove statues of him is going to find much resonance.

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It is true that Gandhi was racist against black people and had some other questionable, bizarre views. The myth of Gandhi was not the same thing as the reality of Gandhi.
But I don't think those aspects of him represents the breadth of his historical importance and I seriously doubt any movement from any political group to remove statues of him is going to find much resonance.

But this is the point. If you take any historical figure of course there will be something they said or did in their lifetime which, when compared to modern day morals, would be seen as wrong.

Destroying history isn't going to change that. I don't see the point with this new wave of wanting to destroy statues of people.

They did it in South Africa with a statue of Cecil Rhodes and in Ghana with a statue of Gandhi too (which is what the London protest is based on).

This isn't really about fascism is it?
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15 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


But this is the point. If you take any historical figure of course there will be something they said or did in their lifetime which, when compared to modern day morals, would be seen as wrong.

Destroying history isn't going to change that. I don't see the point with this new wave of wanting to destroy statues of people.

They did it in South Africa with a statue of Cecil Rhodes and in Ghana with a statue of Gandhi too (which is what the London protest is based on).

This isn't really about fascism is it?


Okay, so should Germany have statues of Hitler placed around the country to commemorate their history? Why not? Would you understand why the victims of Hitler would find that abhorrent and would seek to remove them?

The statues commemorating Lee and other Confederate figures were very much related to the fight against civil rights for black people, as evidenced by the graph I posted several pages back showing that the vast majority of the statues were erected during the time of lynchings and Jim Crow in the early 20th Century and during the Civil Rights protests and desegregation efforts during the 1960's. Coincidence? Of course not. They were symbols of racist opposition to black people having the same rights as they did.


Why did the protestors in Charlottesville have absolutely NOTHING to say about General Lee and the confederacy or the actual statues, but sure had a lot to say about Jews? Because the statues are merely symbols of their core belief, that of "White Supremacy". This is a deflection tactic of the racists masquerading as a supposed reverence for history. 
Image result for participation trophy or confederate statue cartoon

Edited by JCauto
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