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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It is true that Gandhi was racist against black people and had some other questionable, bizarre views. The myth of Gandhi was not the same thing as the reality of Gandhi.


But I don't think those aspects of him represents the breadth of his historical importance and I seriously doubt any movement from any political group to remove statues of him is going to find much resonance.

There is no doubt that Gandhi considered Africans to be inferior. But that's where it ended.* Unlike the Confederate leaders, he did not advocate slavery, did not fight to perpetuate slavery and subjugation by any means. Gandhi's struggles began and ended with equal rights for Indians. It is completely inappropriate to mount any defense of confederate statues on the basis of protests against Gandhi statues.


It is understandable if people in Ghana and South Africa do not wish to commemorate the man. However, while he did not directly fight for Africans, or presumably even care about their freedoms, it must be noted that his success in India, did set a precedent and weakened the British Empire and THAT contributed to a more accelerated decolonization in Africa. 


Africans have countless true and heroic freedom fighters of their own to commemorate and it's OK for them to reject Gandhi as irrelevant, because, for the most part, he was.


*To be clear, that is an unequivocally racist stance.

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26 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


But this is the point. If you take any historical figure of course there will be something they said or did in their lifetime which, when compared to modern day morals, would be seen as wrong.

Destroying history isn't going to change that. I don't see the point with this new wave of wanting to destroy statues of people.

They did it in South Africa with a statue of Cecil Rhodes and in Ghana with a statue of Gandhi too (which is what the London protest is based on).

This isn't really about fascism is it?


No, it is not the point.

Don't even try to suck me into your bizarre theories about fascism. 

The U.S. civil war (on the rebel side) was about preserving slavery and the ideology of white supremacy. That's what those figures in the statues mostly represent.

Again, the Nazi event at Charlottesville was not really about statues. It was about promoting KKK, Nazis, alt-right, white supremacy in the modern day.

They are on the side of total evil. The counter protesters were there to resist the total evil represented by the right wing  fascist Nazis. 

The fact that the clown potus gives encouragement to Nazis basically makes his entire presidency a sham, if it wasn't already. 

Edited by Jingthing
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No, it is not the point.
Don't even try to suck me into your bizarre theories about fascism. 
The U.S. civil war (on the rebel side) was about preserving slavery and the ideology of white supremacy. That's what those figures in the statues mostly represent.
Again, the Nazi event at Charlottesville was not really about statues. It was about promoting KKK, Nazis, alt-right, white supremacy in the modern day.
They are on the side of total evil. The counter protesters were there to resist the total evil represented by the right wing  fascist Nazis. 
The fact that the clown potus gives encouragement to Nazis basically makes his entire presidency a sham, if it wasn't already. 

It is hilarious how much you all hate your POTUS and blame him for everything that happens everywhere now. Haha.
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Just now, KunMatt said:


It is hilarious how much you all hate your POTUS and blame him for everything that happens everywhere now. Haha.


It's hilarious (in a dark way) that the Nazi apologist clown potus has any supporters left at all. But that's politics and the ignorance of the American people. 25 percent of Americans would support Putin as U.S. president, so trump's support isn't much higher than that. 

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It's hilarious (in a dark way) that the Nazi apologist clown potus has any supporters left at all. But that's politics and the ignorance of the American people. 25 percent of Americans would support Putin as U.S. president, so trump's support isn't much higher than that. 


A lot of that support would be for hitler as well.






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23 minutes ago, RobFord said:

Yes, the alt-right is a rising movement, and it's a very scary one. Anyone with any understanding of history can see that.


This article is useful because you can see that many of the alt-right code words are commonly used on this very forum by many trump supporters. It's like an infection and it's spreading. 


It's no mystery at all why trump couldn't quickly and clearly condemn the alt-right scum. They elected him.

His entire campaign was based on hate speech dog whistles.



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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, the alt-right is a rising movement, and it's a very scary one. Anyone with any understanding of history can see that.


This article is useful because you can see that many of the alt-right code words are commonly used on this very forum by many trump supporters. It's like an infection and it's spreading. 



Scary stuff. Humans suck. 

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Yes, the alt-right is a rising movement, and it's a very scary one. Anyone with any understanding of history can see that.
This article is useful because you can see that many of the alt-right code words are commonly used on this very forum by many trump supporters. It's like an infection and it's spreading. 
It's no mystery at all why trump couldn't quickly and clearly condemn the alt-right scum. They elected him.
His entire campaign was based on hate speech dog whistles.

And yet I think the same about the rising of the far-left and militant leftist hate groups that are increasing hugely in number, very quickly and recently, and provoking and instigating all of the riots we've been discussing.

The other day in Boston, a few dozen free speech advocates gathered in a park and they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police.

None of this seems to worry any of you because they are pushing your agenda, so you are happy to overlook all of the violence and threats as long as you agree with their political goals. "Peace through violence" as they put it.

But you're scared of the alt-right. A bunch of internet trolls who make memes and support Trump!!
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43 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Scary stuff. Humans suck. 

Life is short and the world

is at least half terrible, and for every kind

stranger, there is one who would break you,

though I keep this from my children. I am trying

to sell them the world. Any decent realtor,

walking you through a real sh!thole, chirps on

about good bones: This place could be beautiful,

right? You could make this place beautiful.



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1 hour ago, RobFord said:


I'll temper this depressing statistic with the following: While 9% think it's okay to hold certain views, a much smaller percentage think it's okay to actually act on them.  The picture above represents that tiny minority.



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17 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


And yet I think the same about the rising of the far-left and militant leftist hate groups that are increasing hugely in number, very quickly and recently, and provoking and instigating all of the riots we've been discussing.

The other day in Boston, a few dozen free speech advocates gathered in a park and they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police.

None of this seems to worry any of you because they are pushing your agenda, so you are happy to overlook all of the violence and threats as long as you agree with their political goals. "Peace through violence" as they put it.

But you're scared of the alt-right. A bunch of internet trolls who make memes and support Trump!!


Do you ever post anything that can't be easily disproven or which is not a blatant manipulation?

The far left provoked and instigated the riots? You know perfectly well it was the White Supremacists who did so. And to claim the huge counter-protest in Boston was entirely composed of Antifa and "other leftist hate groups" is a shameful distortion of the truth. I'd not have argued if you'd referred to them as "Libtards" or some of the other epithets of the Right. But you characterize anyone on the Left who is counter-protesting a "hate group". The only truth in that is that these groups hate Neo-Nazis and Fascists. Me too. Does that make me a member of a "hate group"? I thought you hated them too?

Your tactics of continuously repeating lies and pretending there are alternative facts only work with your Alt-Right brethren. 

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25 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

The other day in Boston, a few dozen free speech advocates gathered in a park and they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police.


"The other day in Boston, a few dozen free speech advocates gathered in a park..."

No. They confronted racist bigots.


Do your homework and research the scheduled speakers in Boston.


Heck, I'll make it easy for you, I've revealed several of them on this very thread.

Have a look.

It'll be one of the many posts that you have conveniently ignored...


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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I'll temper this depressing statistic with the following: While 9% think it's okay to hold certain views, a much smaller percentage think it's okay to actually act on them.  The picture above represents that tiny minority.



You're probably correct. Unfortunately, the same could be said in Germany in the early 1930s. This is why there is Antifa and why there is vigorous counter-protesting going on. We learned the lesson - silence leads to the ones who don't act on them to eventually become emboldened to do so.

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41 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


And yet I think the same about the rising of the far-left and militant leftist hate groups that are increasing hugely in number, very quickly and recently, and provoking and instigating all of the riots we've been discussing.

The other day in Boston, a few dozen free speech advocates gathered in a park and they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police.

None of this seems to worry any of you because they are pushing your agenda, so you are happy to overlook all of the violence and threats as long as you agree with their political goals. "Peace through violence" as they put it.

But you're scared of the alt-right. A bunch of internet trolls who make memes and support Trump!!


That entire post is fabricated garbage. 40,000 "Antifa" in Boston? Please, dude, do not ever reply to one of my posts again. I can't be bothered with such bizarre extremist propaganda. You're free to spread those lies here and everywhere, this seems to really be the era of fake news from the pro-fascist agenda, but please do not personally involve me in such filth. 

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Do you ever post anything that can't be easily disproven or which is not a blatant manipulation?

The far left provoked and instigated the riots? You know perfectly well it was the White Supremacists who did so. And to claim the huge counter-protest in Boston was entirely composed of Antifa and "other leftist hate groups" is a shameful distortion of the truth. I'd not have argued if you'd referred to them as "Libtards" or some of the other epithets of the Right. But you characterize anyone on the Left who is counter-protesting a "hate group". The only truth in that is that these groups hate Neo-Nazis and Fascists. Me too. Does that make me a member of a "hate group"? I thought you hated them too?

Your tactics of continuously repeating lies and pretending there are alternative facts only work with your Alt-Right brethren. 

I think so far you have called me a racist, a neo Nazi and now alt-right. You couldn't be more wrong about all of these.

But you are doing exactly what I am oppose to. Making false allegations against everyone who you don't agree with so you can try to shut down their arguments. Right now everyone is a bigot and a Nazi according to Leftists, so now those words are starting to lose their meanings. One of our (actually racist) politicians called more than half the country racists because they voted to leave the EU.

Anyways, I'm not alt right. Like I said, from what I gather they are a sad bunch of trolls who lurk on 4Chan and post memes supporting Trump. Although this is obviously why they get on your nerves so much.

However you have no problem with people committing actual violence because they are anti-Trump. So does this mean you are alt-Left?
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44 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


And yet I think the same about the rising of the far-left and militant leftist hate groups that are increasing hugely in number, very quickly and recently, and provoking and instigating all of the riots we've been discussing.

The other day in Boston, a few dozen free speech advocates gathered in a park and they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police.

None of this seems to worry any of you because they are pushing your agenda, so you are happy to overlook all of the violence and threats as long as you agree with their political goals. "Peace through violence" as they put it.

But you're scared of the alt-right. A bunch of internet trolls who make memes and support Trump!!


You have a tendency to make blanket statements with no anchor in reality. When you get exposed, you move on, but only seemingly. You double back and repeat the unsubstantiated thing again and again.


the rising of the far-left and militant leftist hate groups that are increasing hugely in number, very quickly and recently, and provoking and instigating all of the riots we've been discussing.


Where is this "rising far-left"?

Communism is dead. The Antifa are a small fringe group whose sole purpose is to confront racists. Their tactics are questionable, but at least their hearts are in the right place. The white supremacists on the other hand have no redeeming value.


The only "riots" we've been discussing is the Nazi march designed to intimidate minorities.


The huge Boston counter protest was a peaceful show of solidarity against white supremacists whose idea of "freedom" is to be allowed to openly practice their racism. Well, sorry—the majority of Americans are telling them that they can't do that.

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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:



I think so far you have called me a racist, a neo Nazi and now alt-right. You couldn't be more wrong about all of these.

But you are doing exactly what I am oppose to. Making false allegations against everyone who you don't agree with so you can try to shut down their arguments. Right now everyone is a bigot and a Nazi according to Leftists, so now those words are starting to lose their meanings. One of our (actually racist) politicians called more than half the country racists because they voted to leave the EU.

Anyways, I'm not alt right. Like I said, from what I gather they are a sad bunch of trolls who lurk on 4Chan and post memes supporting Trump. Although this is obviously why they get on your nerves so much.

However you have no problem with people committing actual violence because they are anti-Trump. So does this mean you are alt-Left?



I haven't called you a racist or neo-Nazi to my recollection although you seem to vociferously support their provoking of violence and hate more than they those who confront their hateful views as you've stated numerous times. The link by Jingthing on post #427 identifies the language and approach of the Alt-Right, and it matches pretty well with what you post. So there's a basis for that assumption. 

I note that you NEVER address any of the substance of the rebuttals of your posts and always change the subject around to something else as you've done again in this post, which is pure trolling. Tell us, what evidence do you have that the 40,000 counter-protesters in Boston were Antifa and Far Left Hate Groups as stated in your previous post? Don't avoid the subject, give us the evidence. You can't and won't, because you made it up out of whole cloth as you do most of your assertions. When called out, you change the subject and launch a different attack. Pure trolling.


Do I have problems with people confronting White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis? Nope. Should they be prepared for violence given those groups preparing for same by being armed and armoured and practicing military manoeuvres? Yep. Should they start it? Nope. Hope that clarifies my position. By the way, there's no such thing as the "Alt-Left" - it's another fabrication of the Alt-Right. And you wonder why we characterize you as one of them? When it walks and talks like a duck, it generally is a duck.

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I haven't called you a racist or neo-Nazi to my recollection although you seem to vociferously support their provoking of violence and hate more than they those who confront their hateful views as you've stated numerous times. The link by Jingthing on post #427 identifies the language and approach of the Alt-Right, and it matches pretty well with what you post. So there's a basis for that assumption. 


I note that you NEVER address any of the substance of the rebuttals of your posts and always change the subject around to something else as you've done again in this post, which is pure trolling. Tell us, what evidence do you have that the 40,000 counter-protesters in Boston were Antifa and Far Left Hate Groups as stated in your previous post? Don't avoid the subject, give us the evidence. You can't and won't, because you made it up out of whole cloth as you do most of your assertions. When called out, you change the subject and launch a different attack. Pure trolling.


Do I have problems with people confronting White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis? Nope. Should they be prepared for violence given those groups preparing for same by being armed and armoured and practicing military manoeuvres? Yep. Should they start it? Nope. Hope that clarifies my position. By the way, there's no such thing as the "Alt-Left" - it's another fabrication of the Alt-Right. And you wonder why we characterize you as one of them? When it walks and talks like a duck, it generally is a duck.


Well, as usual your assumptions are wrong. I'd love to know what language I use which makes you think I'm alt right? Have I ever posted a meme?? Am I a (British) Trump voter?


And you said this about me before,


An unusual pivot amongst our racist friends on this thread is the sudden emergence of a Yellow-White alliance.


So yeah you did call me racist and alt right.


And if I really wanted to I could find the post where you implied I was a neo Nazi or KKK, I forget which.


Strange how I remember it but you don't when it suits you.


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56 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

But you're scared of the alt-right. A bunch of internet trolls who make memes and support Trump!!


"the alt-right. A bunch of internet trolls who make memes"


Ludicrous. Absolute balderdash.


If you dismiss these psychopaths on the alt-right as "A bunch of internet trolls",

I think it's safe to assume where your apologist sympathies lie...

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32 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Right now everyone is a bigot and a Nazi according to Leftists, so now those words are starting to lose their meanings.
However you have no problem with people committing actual violence because they are anti-Trump.




"Right now everyone is a bigot and a Nazi according to Leftists..."


More made up hyperbolic balderdash.


Along with a healthy dash of paranoid conjecture:

"people committing actual violence because they are anti-Trump"




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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Well, as usual your assumptions are wrong. I'd love to know what language I use which makes you think I'm alt right? Have I ever posted a meme?? Am I a (British) Trump voter?


And you said this about me before,




So yeah you did call me racist and alt right.


And if I really wanted to I could find the post where you implied I was a neo Nazi or KKK, I forget which.


Strange how I remember it but you don't when it suits you.


Off the top of my head, Antifa, Alt-Left, left wing hate groups, come to mind. I'd never even heard of Antifa before this thread. 


As to your claim of my calling you a racist, that's something you've self-identified. Someone who has a bigger problem with people protesting Neo-Nazis than they do the actual Neo-Nazis may, as the Jeff Foxworthy joke goes, be one.


One again, please provide evidence of your statement that the 40,000 Boston protesters were Antifa or Far Left Hate Groups. Stop avoiding the question.  






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Off the top of my head, Antifa, Alt-Left, left wing hate groups, come to mind. I'd never even heard of Antifa before this thread. 


As to your claim of my calling you a racist, that's something you've self-identified. Someone who has a bigger problem with people protesting Neo-Nazis than they do the actual Neo-Nazis may, as the Jeff Foxworthy joke goes, be one.


One again, please provide evidence of your statement that the 40,000 Boston protesters were Antifa or Far Left Hate Groups. Stop avoiding the question.  


So because I knew who Antifa was and you didn't, that makes me alt-right, and yet you now support and defend Antifa but you are not alt-left?? Strange argument.


And you were directly referencing my post where I said the red shirt thugs used the same big lie as Antifa to pretend to be peaceful protesters when they were in fact the instigators and the people who provoked the trouble.


So are you saying there wasn't 40,000 people in Boston counter protesting a free speech demo and they didn't fight with police?





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5 hours ago, KunMatt said:

But this is the point. If you take any historical figure of course there will be something they said or did in their lifetime which, when compared to modern day morals, would be seen as wrong.

Destroying history isn't going to change that. I don't see the point with this new wave of wanting to destroy statues of people.

They did it in South Africa with a statue of Cecil Rhodes and in Ghana with a statue of Gandhi too (which is what the London protest is based on).

This isn't really about fascism is it?


No. The point is Gandhi is Gandhi. Please draw parallels for me to illustrate the breadth of REL's humanitarian efforts.

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

So are you saying there wasn't 40,000 people in Boston counter protesting a free speech demo and they didn't fight with police?


I wasn't even there but I'll go on record as saying that no, 40,000 protesters were not fighting with police.


I called you out on this weaselly, Hannity-like behavior yesterday - stop applying a label to an entire crowd of thousands based on the actions of a handful of people.  Just stop it.

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20 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump supporters?  Do you mean the fascists who marched through the University of Virginia campus shouting "Jews will not replace us"?  The people with the swastikas?


A pertinent historical fact:  Robert E. Lee was not replaced by a Jewish general.  The chant proves that the protesters weren't there to object to the removal of a statue.  They were there to put on a display of fascist, racist, anti-Semitic unity.  There were no "good people" in that group.


6 hours ago, KunMatt said:


But this is the point. If you take any historical figure of course there will be something they said or did in their lifetime which, when compared to modern day morals, would be seen as wrong.

Destroying history isn't going to change that. I don't see the point with this new wave of wanting to destroy statues of people.

They did it in South Africa with a statue of Cecil Rhodes and in Ghana with a statue of Gandhi too (which is what the London protest is based on).

This isn't really about fascism is it?


Swastikas, Nazi salutes, chants of "Jews will not replace us"....  It certainly looks like fascism to me.

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:


So because I knew who Antifa was and you didn't, that makes me alt-right, and yet you now support and defend Antifa but you are not alt-left?? Strange argument.


And you were directly referencing my post where I said the red shirt thugs used the same big lie as Antifa to pretend to be peaceful protesters when they were in fact the instigators and the people who provoked the trouble.


So are you saying there wasn't 40,000 people in Boston counter protesting a free speech demo and they didn't fight with police?





As noted, there's no such thing as Alt-Left, that's just equivocation again. That you parrot all the Alt-Right talking points makes us assume you're one, perhaps you're not, but you certainly read and repeat all their stuff. I don't know you, so can only go by what you write.


I already debunked your similarly hyperbolic point with respect to the Red Shirts, and Attrayant and others have done so with respect to the Boston Protest. I do appreciate however that you finally addressed it, that's proper protocol and I hope you'll continue to stay on topic in future. Well done. But as they note, because a dozen or so protesters out of 40,000 were arrested, that in no way means that "they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police." That's deliberate obfuscation. It doesn't make anyone go "he's got a point", it makes them go "he's disingenuous". Why make us think the worst of you, why not be like others on your side who argue with integrity?

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I wasn't even there but I'll go on record as saying that no, 40,000 protesters were not fighting with police.
I called you out on this weaselly, Hannity-like behavior yesterday - stop applying a label to an entire crowd of thousands based on the actions of a handful of people.  Just stop it.

Who is even talking to you? I've not replied or made even one comment to you. Stop trying to join the outrage bandwagon. Just stop it. [emoji3]

Or you can always just use the block feature on this site, it's worked pretty well for me for the people that kept trolling me in this thread.
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As noted, there's no such thing as Alt-Left, that's just equivocation again. That you parrot all the Alt-Right talking points makes us assume you're one, perhaps you're not, but you certainly read and repeat all their stuff. I don't know you, so can only go by what you write.


I already debunked your similarly hyperbolic point with respect to the Red Shirts, and Attrayant and others have done so with respect to the Boston Protest. I do appreciate however that you finally addressed it, that's proper protocol and I hope you'll continue to stay on topic in future. Well done. But as they note, because a dozen or so protesters out of 40,000 were arrested, that in no way means that "they were met with 40,000 Antifa and other leftist hate groups who fought with the police." That's deliberate obfuscation. It doesn't make anyone go "he's got a point", it makes them go "he's disingenuous". Why make us think the worst of you, why not be like others on your side who argue with integrity?


Only a dozen? 33 people were arrested for fighting with the police. Many more were attacking the police they just weren't arrested.


(Sorry, forgot to source it: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2017/08/various_charges_in_33_arrests_at_rally)


You all are arguing with me simply because I condemn your own hate group when you want me to condemn all hate groups (except yours).


You don't find that at all hypocritical?

I just wish we could be honest and call it how it is. Antifa are a bunch of terrorists. Aren't they?


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Just now, KunMatt said:


Only a dozen? 33 people were arrested for fighting with the police. Many more were attacking the police they just weren't arrested.

You all are arguing with me simply because I condemn your own hate group when you want me to condemn all hate groups (except yours).

You don't find that at all hypocritical?
I just wish we could be honest and call it how it is. Antifa are a bunch of terrorists. Aren't they?


I said "a dozen or so". That's 0.03%. You say it's actually 33. Okay, that's 0.0825%. So was that significant?


You have stated, quite clearly, that you hate Antifa MORE than you hate the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis. It's on the record. If you'd like to continue to defend that, carry on. I rather doubt you're winning that battle.


You say you'd like to be honest. Okay, great, I'm glad you're ready for this. I applauded you for finally answering one of your rebuttals in the last post. Now you can address my quite clear position with respect to Antifa. Here it is again for your convenience. Kindly respond directly.

Do I have problems with people confronting White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis? Nope. Should they be prepared for violence given those groups preparing for same by being armed and armoured and practicing military manoeuvres? Yep. Should they start it? Nope. 

For the record, nobody has established who threw the first punch, and it's highly doubtful anyone would be able to in such a melee. We do however know who escalated it to driving a car into a crowd like an ISIS coward. But the position outlined above, is in no way terrorism.

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