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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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Jared Taylor, a scheduled speaker at the rally "Unite the Right" in Virginia, explains the alt-right:


"We are a broad dissident movement that includes many different web-sites, organizations, and viewpoints."

"But they all agree, equality is a dangerous myth."

"The alt-right is united in rejecting the current dogma that all races are equal."



"Taylor is a proponent of scientific racism and voluntary racial segregation."


"Taylor argues that Blacks are generally less intelligent than Hispanics, while Hispanics are generally less intelligent than whites, and whites are generally less intelligent than East Asians: "I think Asians are objectively superior to Whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society."


"Writing in [that] journal in 2005, he stated, ""Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears."


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Here's a bunch of videos of your heroes beating up Nazis from yeaterday's riots at Berkeley.

Just kidding. They were beating up Trump supporters and innocent bystanders as usual.


Let's not forget how much you all defended and supported this mob and you can't edit your comments any more.

There will only be more of this as each day passes.

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Here's a bunch of videos of your heroes beating up Nazis from yeaterday's riots at Berkeley.

Just kidding. They were beating up Trump supporters and innocent bystanders as usual.


Let's not forget how much you all defended and supported this mob and you can't edit your comments any more.

There will only be more of this as each day passes.

555. Your snout is buried sooo deep.


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32 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Here's a bunch of videos of your heroes beating up Nazis from yeaterday's riots at Berkeley.

Just kidding. They were beating up Trump supporters and innocent bystanders as usual.


Let's not forget how much you all defended and supported this mob and you can't edit your comments any more.

There will only be more of this as each day passes.

Hey KunMatt, thought we'd lost you. BTW, you'd do much better if you linked to serious publications, which similarly published stories about Berkeley which were also not complimentary about the counter-protesters. Just a free tip to help you restore a smidgen of your credibility. For example, you could link to the Chicago Tribune, a legitimate newspaper, which published the story under the headline "Black-clad anarchists storm Berkeley rally, assaulting 5".




That's one way to get out of the Alt-Right echo chamber so that when you link to it we don't just roll our eyes, and as a bonus you can see that there is no suppression of news in the "lamestream media", but that they report everything. And you're correct that this incident does not reflect well upon the Anarchists, whomever they may be. 

But I'd be interested more in your views on this. Any reason why you can't provide us with an answer? You told us clearly you hated these guys too, but you really dislike Antifa's confrontational approach. So what would you suggest?


  On 8/27/2017 at 1:13 PM, JCauto said:

Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?

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White nationalists Richard Spencer and Evan McLaren

'planned Charlottesville rally from Trump Hotel in Washington, DC'


"Two of the main organizers of the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month reportedly planned the demonstration from Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, it was learned on Friday."


"Richard Spencer, the head of the white nationalist National Policy Institute, and a colleague at the same think tank,

Evan McLaren, were spotted at the hotel in early August, according to The New York Times."


"When McLaren was contacted by the Times reporter asking for comment, he told her that he was 'too busy planning a rally'

in Charlottesville."






Place to be.

The center of their universe. Their Mecca.

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Hey KunMatt, thought we'd lost you. BTW, you'd do much better if you linked to serious publications, which similarly published stories about Berkeley which were also not complimentary about the counter-protesters. Just a free tip to help you restore a smidgen of your credibility. For example, you could link to the Chicago Tribune, a legitimate newspaper, which published the story under the headline "Black-clad anarchists storm Berkeley rally, assaulting 5".
That's one way to get out of the Alt-Right echo chamber so that when you link to it we don't just roll our eyes, and as a bonus you can see that there is no suppression of news in the "lamestream media", but that they report everything. And you're correct that this incident does not reflect well upon the Anarchists, whomever they may be. 

But I'd be interested more in your views on this. Any reason why you can't provide us with an answer? You told us clearly you hated these guys too, but you really dislike Antifa's confrontational approach. So what would you suggest?
  On 8/27/2017 at 1:13 PM, JCauto said:
Do you think the White Supremacists/Neo-Nazis/KKK should be confronted or just be allowed to protest without any counter-protest or objection? What do you think should be done to reduce their relevance and reverse their recent upsurge in popularity and boldness in pushing for ethnic cleansing? I ask for your honest opinion as you've stated repeatedly that you don't support these people and recognize them as a hate/terrorist group. What would you do to stop them KunMatt?

Ban violent groups.

Ban hate groups.

Otherwise it's free speech, right? I know you all hate free speech in this little anti-Trump echo chamber you've got going here but how can you limit free speech? I'm sure there's some things which would offend you which won't offend me and vice versa, so who is going to be the one to set out what is offensive and ban that particular speech? How can you make being offended illegal? I know you are all trying to silence everyone you don't like, and this is exactly why Antifa is trying to do, but it's impossible because there's no standard on offence.

Either it's all ok or none of it is. As long as they are not being violent then it has to be allowed, right?

I don't know why neo nazis are not classed as a hate group in the States. Likewise for Antifa, yet.... [emoji3]
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24 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Ban violent groups.
Ban hate groups.


Let's say with a wave of a wand, none of that exists anymore.

It's all gone.


Now, do you support White Supremacy and an Ethno-State?


Easy yes or no answer.

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Ban violent groups.

Ban hate groups.

Otherwise it's free speech, right? I know you all hate free speech in this little anti-Trump echo chamber you've got going here but how can you limit free speech? I'm sure there's some things which would offend you which won't offend me and vice versa, so who is going to be the one to set out what is offensive and ban that particular speech? How can you make being offended illegal? I know you are all trying to silence everyone you don't like, and this is exactly why Antifa is trying to do, but it's impossible because there's no standard on offence.

Either it's all ok or none of it is. As long as they are not being violent then it has to be allowed, right?

I don't know why neo nazis are not classed as a hate group in the States. Likewise for Antifa, yet.... [emoji3]

All of 5 minutes to find this. Read the article.
Also, source Wikipedia for declaring foreign terror groups.

"The constraints are significant given that, over the past decade, suspects accused of extreme right-wing violence have accounted for far more attacks in the U.S. than those linked to foreign Islamic groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, according to multiple independent studies."


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All of 5 minutes to find this. Read the article.

Also, source Wikipedia for declaring foreign terror groups.


"The constraints are significant given that, over the past decade, suspects accused of extreme right-wing violence have accounted for far more attacks in the U.S. than those linked to foreign Islamic groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, according to multiple independent studies."






Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Like I said, you have 10% of my attention. Which parts of my post you don't agree with?


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49 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Ban violent groups.

Ban hate groups.

Otherwise it's free speech, right? I know you all hate free speech in this little anti-Trump echo chamber you've got going here but how can you limit free speech? I'm sure there's some things which would offend you which won't offend me and vice versa, so who is going to be the one to set out what is offensive and ban that particular speech? How can you make being offended illegal? I know you are all trying to silence everyone you don't like, and this is exactly why Antifa is trying to do, but it's impossible because there's no standard on offence.

Either it's all ok or none of it is. As long as they are not being violent then it has to be allowed, right?

I don't know why neo nazis are not classed as a hate group in the States. Likewise for Antifa, yet.... emoji3.png


I am in favour of free speech, and don't think it's possible to really police without it ending up a complete mess, but they've got reasonable enough standards in most places which tend to correspond to the population's overall view. The current battle over political correctness has been overwrought on both sides, and I cringe when I see some of the positions on the Left. 


And I'm particularly in favour of these cockroaches coming out of their holes and into the light where we can identify them, gauge their strength and confront them. If we don't, then their emergence into the light has the opposite effect, and it attracts more people to their movement and places them closer to the mainstream. The usually silent majority has to rise up and demonstrate to the Fascists that they're not willing to go along with it or ignore it. And having the counter-protesters who outnumber them is a critical aspect of that.


Read the piece in the New Yorker again which talks about how there were quite strong Fascist movements in the UK in the late 30's, and how they were confronted and defeated in a street battle and how that more or less killed the movement. There are several other articles within this thread that have outlined how the Fascists count on passive resistance rather than active and how increasing and unlimited violence is a core strategy. And the weight of evidence, despite how you'd like to try to frame it, is clearly and massively on the side of the Fascists being the ones who planned for, prepared for, instigated and implemented most of it. 


So yes, I'm for confronting them while preparing to respond to any escalation, it's the only language these bullies understand. I am glad that these deep racial divisions that have been papered over for too long are out in the open and people can re-examine what they're seeing and what might be better done about it.

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3 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Here's a bunch of videos of your heroes beating up Nazis from yeaterday's riots at Berkeley.

Just kidding. They were beating up Trump supporters and innocent bystanders as usual.


Let's not forget how much you all defended and supported this mob and you can't edit your comments any more.

There will only be more of this as each day passes.

Do you have relatives that fought the nazis in WWII? If so I bet they will turn in their graves!!

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Exciting??? . Exciting says he who says he know the best words. Donald I have one word for you. IDIOT!!!





Where is that Tweet. I did check his Twitter and it's not there.


However while I was there I found him retweet this about Antifa.




So it's good to see the POTUS still has his focus on these terrorists. Just a matter of time before he does something about them.


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White Nationalist and agent provocateur, Chris Crybaby Cantwell, accused of three felonies, is denied bail.

One less bigot calling for an ethno-state is off the streets. :thumbsup:


White nationalist leader denied bail at hearing on pepper-spray charges linked to Charlottesville clashes


"Christopher Cantwell, the brash white nationalist prominently featured in a Vice documentary on the Charlottesville protests, was denied bail Thursday on felony charges of using illegal tear gas and malicious bodily injury during the weekend clashes."


"Asked about the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, who was run down by a white supremacist sympathizer who has been charged with murder, Cantwell said the suspect had acted in self-defense."


“I think that a lot more people are going to die before we’re done here,” he told Reeve."



Fortunately, we have brave Patriots out there confronting Nazi thugs like him.

And the severely twisted individuals advocating an Ethno-State.





Edited by iReason
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Here's your heroes with their chant "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all".



But this is really all about Nazis isn't it?


You can't keep pretending this big lie isn't a big lie.



Edited by KunMatt
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Here's a timeline of your heroes' violent riots just for the year to date.




If you'd never heard of them before and was reading about Antifa for the first time here, would you say they were anti-fascists or anti-Trump??


It's getting harder and harder to keep defending the big lie.


Let's just all admit now that they are an anti-Trump violent hate group and that's why you all love them.

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34 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Here's a timeline of your heroes' violent riots just for the year to date.




If you'd never heard of them before and was reading about Antifa for the first time here, would you say they were anti-fascists or anti-Trump??


It's getting harder and harder to keep defending the big lie.


Let's just all admit now that they are an anti-Trump violent hate group and that's why you all love them.

Quoting a Ben Shapiro founded/run website is akin to quoting TASS. The bias runs deep.

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Quoting a Ben Shapiro founded/run website is akin to quoting TASS. The bias runs deep.

Haha. Always attacking the source, never the facts within the content.

You know why you do this, right? Because you are wrong and you know the facts are not on your side.

There's a week of free speech at Berkeley in a couple of weeks which Antifa are planning to riot. No Nazis will be there but Antifa are already shutting it down.

Now If it does go ahead despite Antifa's best efforts, do you think after that week the world is going to have more proof that Antifa are a group of anti-fascist who just hate Nazis or will there be a whole lot more proof that Antifa are in fact a mob of violent anarchists who just hate Trump and his supporters?
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9 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Haha. Always attacking the source, never the facts within the content.

You know why you do this, right? Because you are wrong and you know the facts are not on your side.

There's a week of free speech at Berkeley in a couple of weeks which Antifa are planning to riot. No Nazis will be there but Antifa are already shutting it down.

Now If it does go ahead despite Antifa's best efforts, do you think after that week the world is going to have more proof that Antifa are a group of anti-fascist who just hate Nazis or will there be a whole lot more proof that Antifa are in fact a mob of violent anarchists who just hate Trump and his supporters?


What exactly am I wrong about Matt? I make no comment on the "facts" you have presented. I don't know enough about it. 


I do see an inherent problem of quoting a source without an acknowledgement of the intrinsic bias of said source.

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What exactly am I wrong about Matt? I make no comment on the "facts" you have presented. I don't know enough about it. 
I do see an inherent problem of quoting a source without an acknowledgement of the intrinsic bias of said source.

Like I said, you attack the source, not the content. Yesterday I posted a page just because it contained a bunch of YouTube and Vimeo vids showing Antifa doing what they do and instead of discussing the content of the videos everyone just attacked the container.

So feel free to discuss the content of the posts and the points I make.
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Caroline O. (@RVAwonk)

8/29/17, 4:08 PM

Often, the most effective means of countering misinformation/disinformation is not to engage with it at all. 



As tempting as it may be, try not to repeat claims you're trying to debunk. Even negative exposure reinforces myths.


These are some of the reasons people believe misinformation. Note that frequency of exposure increases the acceptance of falsehoods.





i.e., drawing too much attention to specific false claims will increase the likelihood that some people accept them.


...and that's why, if your goal is combatting falsehoods, it's more effective to focus on the method of manipulation, not the manipulator.





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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Like I said, you attack the source, not the content. Yesterday I posted a page just because it contained a bunch of YouTube and Vimeo vids showing Antifa doing what they do and instead of discussing the content of the videos everyone just attacked the container.

So feel free to discuss the content of the posts and the points I make.


I am not attacking anything Matt. I am however pointing out that all news reporting has a bias and that debaters should be mindful of the biases within the the organizations they quote to support their positions. Not doing so could make a poster appear deficient in an otherwise logical narrative. 

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I am not attacking anything Matt. I am however pointing out that all news reporting has a bias and that debaters should be mindful of the biases within the the organizations they quote to support their positions. Not doing so could make a poster appear deficient in an otherwise logical narrative. 


Yes, and when you all post CNN and NYT material I discuss the subject not the fact you've posted a biased left wing fake news outlet.


So again, looking at the timeline of Antifa's riots and violence this year, If you'd never heard of them before and was reading about Antifa for the first time here, would you say they were anti-fascists or anti-Trump??


Feel free to fact check the timeline I posted and let me know if it's all a lie or if it's true.


The reason you all refuse to debate properly is because I'm correct and the only way you have of ignoring it is either calling me names or saying everything is fake or a lie.

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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Yes, and when you all post CNN and NYT material I discuss the subject not the fact you've posted a biased left wing fake news outlet.


So again, looking at the timeline of Antifa's riots and violence this year, If you'd never heard of them before and was reading about Antifa for the first time here, would you say they were anti-fascists or anti-Trump??


Feel free to fact check the timeline I posted and let me know if it's all a lie or if it's true.


The reason you all refuse to debate properly is because I'm correct and the only way you have of ignoring it is either calling me names or saying everything is fake or a lie.

This is because we already know the biases of CNN and NYT. Unfortunately the Dailywire is a wee bit less well known so it is salient to point out its bias.


I sincerely hope you are not falling into the trap of painting everyone who comments with the same brush. Most commenters have not resorted to name calling nor condemning "everything" as fake or lies.


Most just seem disagree with you.

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