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VIDEO: Thai tourists shamed for trespassing in fragile thermal area at Yellowstone Park


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I witnessed similar at  Noboribetsu (Hokkaido). Amazing place but , saw Thai women climb through a railing on one of the paths to take photos. One area up there on the had so much noxious gas coming out it is completely fenced off. I don't think the thermal crusts being damaged are a problem It is really active, they will come back soon (not like at that Yellowstone spot). The Thai women were on unstable hot sand right next to pits of bubbling hot mud and boiling water in girly shoes. Idiots!

The  Happy "From Thailand" gal sounds like she was drunk. The video taker got real close to an international incident. Thai man was being aggressive enough the American guy told his female companion to keep moving. One or two more Thai males there would have been a punch-up. Then they would get a good lesson in our justice system. In a public place (generally) one can film/photo anything or anybody. Such activities are protected by the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States. You can't go around threatening people or demanding "delete".



Edited by Dipterocarp
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I'm sorry but I only see one small warning sign , if they expect big tourist groups , why do they keep the area open like that when it's very dangerous ?   It should have been a barrier to prevent people from doing stupid things. Thais caught on camera this time , but any tourist that do not read English could end up in trouble. 

Edited by balo
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11 minutes ago, balo said:

I'm sorry but I only see one small warning sign , if they expect big tourist groups , why do they keep the area open like that when it's very dangerous ?   It should have been a barrier to prevent people from doing stupid things. 

The US has huge National parks. Not all places need large barriers and they would detract from natural beauty. I don't know how hot that water is there,  but tourists go off the trail and trample up the thermal crusty area with footprints  it can take DECADES to fix itself. 


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Just now, Dipterocarp said:

The US has huge and amazing National parks. Not all places need huge barriers and they detract from natural beauty. I don't know how hot that water  but go off the trail and trample up with footprints the thermal crusty area it can take DECADES to fix itself. 


Yes. They don't want to ruin it's natural state and people obey the signs. No need for fences.

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

"Clueless, ignorant, and loving the attention, another Thai lady does the peace signs to Jeff’s camera and shouted proudly “From Thailand!!”


Thailand 4.0....


Just the usual "we can do anything we want and if caught just smile and say sorry. The carry on doing what we want mentality."


They think every where is the same. Have money can do as you wish, ignore any rules. 


The dick in the cap was typical - another "do you know who we are, who my dad is" type. Listen to his inflection. Used to demanding, with an expectation of getting his own way. 


Many many Thais hate this sort of selfish arrogance when they see it.

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8 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Just the usual "we can do anything we want and if caught just smile and say sorry. The carry on doing what we want mentality."


They think every where is the same. Have money can do as you wish, ignore any rules. 


The dick in the cap was typical - another "do you know who we are, who my dad is" type. Listen to his inflection. Used to demanding, with an expectation of getting his own way. 


Many many Thais hate this sort of selfish arrogance when they see it.

Yet so many do it

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Just now, The Dark Lord said:

Yet so many do it


Yep. Mixture of culture, education and self stereotyping behavior - "I'm entitled and know better so must show it in my behavior".


Saw similar thing with some Indians. When in hotels or expensive restaurants, on on expensive holidays, had to behave arrogantly and with bad manners as if needing to perceive their self opinion of their "new" class status.

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1 hour ago, tbryant15 said:


When you visit Yellowstone, you are made aware to remain on the footpaths and not wander about. You must be aware of "danger signs". They don't want to place a fence over every geyser at the park because it takes away the natural beauty of it.. there are hundreds. 

I do agree with not putting their faces on youtube for anything because I don't care about that. Would rather prefer to blur their faces out but educate people on visiting national parks.

Yes but him no spea inlit and he dunnow..he only look water with family and make picture sir.


But even if there was a fence the Thai would probably have ignored it.


Last week i was with my wife in a hote in Italy and we were at the pool. There was a rope around the pool so the only entrance into the water was by an automatic shower.

Suddenly i saw my wife lifting the rope and jump in the pool, without showering. There was even a poolmaster watching.


I asked her why she did that, she said the poolmaster and his friends sit all around that shower to watch the ladies, so she didn't shower because she's a paying guest...


Thai don't care for fences and rules.

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This story is an example of what can happen...  These idiots were blindly ignorant when someone else was simply considering their safety.


Going of the trail in such areas can and does have dire consequences, perhaps this is not expressed sufficiently upon entering the parks ?



Of course, in the case of the above, even though a body could not be recovered, perhaps there would be sufficient outrage in Thailand that they attempt to send their own team to recover any remains :passifier:



For the most part tourists behave well, but there are always a handful who's behavior is an example of the worst of their society, this Video (Topic) is such an example and is embarrassing for Thailand more for the blatant show of stupidity rather than the defiance of regulations - these people clearly had no idea of the danger they were placing themselves in. 


That said, the guy making the video did so in a somewhat provocative manner instead of offering polite advice and identifying exactly how and why it is dangerous for the ignorant tourists to step outside the pathways. 


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The video is still available on You Tube even though it was reported to have been deleted.  Had the Park Ranger caught up with them each was subject to a $1,000US fine. so far there is no other news I could find.

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43 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



This story is an example of what can happen...  These idiots were blindly ignorant when someone else was simply considering their safety.


Going of the trail in such areas can and does have dire consequences, perhaps this is not expressed sufficiently upon entering the parks ?



Of course, in the case of the above, even though a body could not be recovered, perhaps there would be sufficient outrage in Thailand that they attempt to send their own team to recover any remains :passifier:



For the most part tourists behave well, but there are always a handful who's behavior is an example of the worst of their society, this Video (Topic) is such an example and is embarrassing for Thailand more for the blatant show of stupidity rather than the defiance of regulations - these people clearly had no idea of the danger they were placing themselves in. 


That said, the guy making the video did so in a somewhat provocative manner instead of offering polite advice and identifying exactly how and why it is dangerous for the ignorant tourists to step outside the pathways. 


"Going of the trail in such areas can and does have dire consequences, perhaps this is not expressed sufficiently upon entering the parks ?"


Thailand? Waterfalls? British TV "star"?

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I emailed a ranger friend who works there to see if there was any further action taken.  Will post if I get a reply back.  Park service doesn't take this lightly.  One guy years ago got fined $3,500US for violating the hot springs area.

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4 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

I see several starfish in that picture. Hope nobody fed them.

Is it not one of the wonders of Engrish that the mention of starfish can conjure up a wholly different meaning within the imagination of the reader .. Especially if it follows the word  ' chocolate ' .. :smile:

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Don't know why the man who confronted them didn't just explain the danger they were in and the rules of the park rather than ordering them to get out of there with no explanation in a semi hostile manner. There was a language barrier and they might not have seen the sign. No need to film them and then embarrass them by uploading the clip.

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