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Thai woman defends trespass at Yellowstone Park after online criticism


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Thais are exempt from following the rules in national parks in other countries but visitors to Thailand are expected to respect nature, even without warning signs. Visitors to Thailand's national parks get fined and jailed for similar acts such as feeding fish. When and accident caused by a Thai happens all Thailand cry about unjust treatment like the recent one involving two students that drove over a cliff in California. Get real people.

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I can imagine this woman discussing with her friends what to say in reply to their stupidity. I guess the mantra would have been, "Can't admit fault - can't admit fault". Looking stupid is not as important as not taking responsibility for your actions. 


Let's hope these people never get their hands on a bottle of bleach. Bleach also has small warning signs on, but it looks like a liquid that could be drunk.  On the other hand........

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

“No, I didn’t violate any rules. Had I broken a rule, I would have received a warning from park officials,” she said in a phone interview yesterday with the Thai Channel 3 Tieng Wan Tun Hetkarn TV programme. 


She said she did not think the area was dangerous because the warning sign was very small. 


“Had it been dangerous, there would have been a big sign or fence to prevent tourists from going into the area,” she said.

Talk, talk, talk: the utter and heartbreaking stupidity of words.


William Faulkner, Mosquitoes


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This seems to be a cultural difference between the 2 countries...She states she didn't break any rules b/c she wasn't warned/fined. It's a sad but self-righteous mentality I didn't get caught so I will do as I please and therefore I am in the right and not in the wrong.....


This is the same mentality one sees on the Thai roads whether running a red light, speeding, going the wrong way or turning from the middle lane..I didn't get caught so i will continue with this type of behavior.....I am convinced they truly believe it is not wrong behavior so this behavior persists... 

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3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

I can imagine this woman discussing with her friends what to say in reply to their stupidity. I guess the mantra would have been, "Can't admit fault - can't admit fault". Looking stupid is not as important as not taking responsibility for your actions. 


Let's hope these people never get their hands on a bottle of bleach. Bleach also has small warning signs on, but it looks like a liquid that could be drunk.  On the other hand........

Sounds like Lao Khao. That retard in the video looks like he's had a few shots of bleach.

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14 minutes ago, asiaexpat said:

Thais are exempt from following the rules in national parks in other countries but visitors to Thailand are expected to respect nature, even without warning signs. Visitors to Thailand's national parks get fined and jailed for similar acts such as feeding fish. When and accident caused by a Thai happens all Thailand cry about unjust treatment like the recent one involving two students that drove over a cliff in California. Get real people.

And Thais are allowed to batter little kids in Siem Reap with candies (as happened a few years ago)...

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And yet, they get so angry when tourists misbehave in their own country? Who does she think she is?  Cannot accept any fault. Now it all makes sense to me. This explains many things. I cannot elaborate because my health and well being is more important to me.


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In defense of the US National Park Service, they make the warning signs small so that the overall scenery is not spoiled.  Having large, hideous warning signs would certainly detract from the natural beauty of the park.  The park is extremely large and there is no way that there would or could be enough park rangers to monitor every area of the park.  So, the fact that she didn't break any rules because she didn't receive a warning from a park ranger is ridiculous.  The National Park Service expects all visitors to respect the beauty, fragility, and uniqueness of the area without being constantly policed.  But, as so many others have already commented, this group of Thais just chose to ignore the rules and disrespect the area, solely because they wanted to.  They deserve a strong punishment, but, unfortunately, that will never happen and they'll continue to believe that it's ok to disregard rules as long as you're not caught.  


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To be fair, Americans do the same stupid things as this group did in our National, state and city Parks and often die because of it. And then their family sues government as their dead or severely injured family member couldn't have possibly have seen the well posted signs  exclaiming "danger" "do not enter" "do not go any further" "stay on the marked trail" etc.

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25 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

This seems to be a cultural difference between the 2 countries...She states she didn't break any rules b/c she wasn't warned/fined. It's a sad but self-righteous mentality I didn't get caught so I will do as I please and therefore I am in the right and not in the wrong.....


This is the same mentality one sees on the Thai roads whether running a red light, speeding, going the wrong way or turning from the middle lane..I didn't get caught so i will continue with this type of behavior.....I am convinced they truly believe it is not wrong behavior so this behavior persists... 

Problem is - when many locals are confronted about their behaviour, they simply deny any wrong doing. Then they have the audacity to call you crass for calling them out on their poor behaviour. It's an absolutely deluded cycle of behaviour. 



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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

haha. crazy but typical Thai rationalization. The sign was small so it couldn't have been dangerous.  Too funny

Thai never read signs they ignore those and do what they want there are no rules for them.

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3 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

If they had fallen through the thin crust, I'd have thrown them packets of lemon grass, some shrimp and straw mushrooms, chopped hot pepper, a couple limes and a dash of fish sauce.  Dom Yum Thai, sot, sot. 


Maybe they need signs pointing down, with a message saying "Hell is this way.  Enter at your own risk."

And blaming Us rescue services for not performing like Thai rescuers and diving into boiling water to retrieve their corpses

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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

haha. crazy but typical Thai rationalization. The sign was small so it couldn't have been dangerous.  Too funny

Always blaming others for their their own faults....That's typical Thai response.  

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Oh well that clinches it then, the sign was small. Now we know why they ignore junction 'stop' signs and other road rules back home...the signs are usually small aren't they! Well just how big a sign do they want?

Image result for Thai road signs

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