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Trump's attacks could leave him friendless if impeachment comes


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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


They don't support Trump as much as they'd like to flush the Big DC toilet to purge the other choices.

Hopefully his supporters see his promises to do this were just a lie. They've been duped.

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Hopefully his supporters see his promises to do this were just a lie. They've been duped.


True, but if he can hold on for 3-1/2 more years, the door's open for a Warren Buffet, or a Bill Gates, or a Matt Damon, or an Oprah Winfrey run.  (You'll have to guess which ones I'm serious about).  If the entrenched politicians are able to send him away in disgrace, that door slams shut and we're back to the career politicians taking their turns at the trough.  


We can't afford another 30 years of wealth redistribution from the masses to the powerful.  Or we'll see that 2nd Amendment kick in- and not the way the NRA would like...


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52 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump will not be 'friendless.'   He's got Russkie agents who like him, not least because he's a great depository for laundered funds.  He's got mafia buddies in NYC who love the no-bid contracts they get from him - with money paid under-the-table.   He's got thousands of fans who will back him, no matter if he tossed babies in a bush shredder.  His family, same-same, will jump with him into the cesspool of hell.


Bernie Madoff is making plenty of friends and is still running a business

Edited by Opl
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4 minutes ago, impulse said:


True, but if he can hold on for 3-1/2 more years, the door's open for a Warren Buffet, or a Bill Gates, or a Matt Damon, or an Oprah Winfrey run.  (You'll have to guess which ones I'm serious about).  If the entrenched politicians are able to send him away in disgrace, that door slams shut and we're back to the career politicians taking their turns at the trough.  


We can't afford another 30 years of wealth redistribution from the masses to the powerful.  Or we'll see that 2nd Amendment kick in- and not the way the NRA would like...


I find your logic very flawed.

He's not failing because he ran as a non-politician.

He's failing because of who and what he is. 

I don't think dumping him early impacts the chances of a future non-politician having a chance to win. 

Hopefully, the people will have learned something about not being duped by demagogues though.

Seasoned politicians can be demagogues too. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Keep in mind that political partisanship has all the characteristics of cult membership and when you have a charismatic leader like Trump, it becomes no different than a cult. Cult leaders can effectively get their members to do anything, even drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid or kill innocent people. This is why they will never give him up...they need him to make them whole because their lives are missing some element and they think that he and he only (see those words) can fix them.

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I find your logic very flawed.

He's not failing because he ran as a non-politician.

He's failing because of who and what he is. 

I don't think dumping him early impacts on the chances of a future non-politician having a chance to win. 

Hopefully, the people will have learned a less about not being duped by demagogues.


Did we learn nothing from the Perot run?  Look at what the entrenched politicians did to him and his family as a warning to any interlopers who may try to take away their rightful turn at the presidency.  Took 30 years for the next serious outside contender.  (Edit: and when I say look at what they did, I mean behind the scenes and not reported in the press- secret squirrel crap that will be coming out in dribs and drabs for decades- just like what happened to Sanders)


One more time, I'm not a Trump supporter.  But I think allowing the entrenched politicians and the mainstream (owned by the wealthy) press to torpedo him would be worse for the USA than 4 years of gritting our teeth and putting up with him.  Then maybe we can replace him with someone better than the next shysters the Repubs and Dems will be putting in front of us.


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2 hours ago, Briggsy said:

The Republican Senators and Representatives are for the most part spineless and easily cowed. Trump has discovered this and made them his bitches. Their cowardice is pathetic.

This is a funny post. Thanks for the laugh. I'm assuming this is sarcasm.

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Republican senators are striking back in Trump's public war of words


"I do think there needs to be radical changes," Sen. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, 
"The President has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful."
"He added: "Helping inspire divisions because it generates support from your political base is not a formula for causing our nation to advance, our nation to overcome the many issues we have to deal with right now."
Friends? What friends?
That small, shrinking minority he calls his "base"?
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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I believe the headline contains two mistakes. The word "could" should be replaced by "will" and "if" by "when."

if that happens, you think there are riots now just let those useless cowards try that! you will see blood shed as you have not seen it before. the American People are fed up, they tried the ballot, now if that does not work,stand by!

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


True, but if he can hold on for 3-1/2 more years, the door's open for a Warren Buffet, or a Bill Gates, or a Matt Damon, or an Oprah Winfrey run.  (You'll have to guess which ones I'm serious about).  If the entrenched politicians are able to send him away in disgrace, that door slams shut and we're back to the career politicians taking their turns at the trough.  


We can't afford another 30 years of wealth redistribution from the masses to the powerful.  Or we'll see that 2nd Amendment kick in- and not the way the NRA would like...


Trump is totally supporting wealth distribution to the wealthy. I find it strange you are not aware of this.


What's being shown here is a businessman with zero political experience will fail. Thus, completely shutting the door to any like this in the future.

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5 minutes ago, captspectre said:

if that happens, you think there are riots now just let those useless cowards try that!

you will see blood shed as you have not seen it before.

the American People are fed up, they tried the ballot, now if that does not work,stand by!


"the American People are fed up"

Indeed, the majority of them are.

And will be well pleased when this huckster resigns in disgrace. :thumbsup:


"you will see blood shed as you have not seen it before"

Please crawl back under your rock with your "solution".



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6 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

I think he will resign - via a tweet no doubt - perhaps citing a need to spend more time with his family.


If Donald resigns it will be because he sees it that he has already won and has fully completed his agenda. He will declare his presidency as the best there ever was and that it is time for him to move on to greater things as the office is holding him back. That is how I see him justifying his resignation.


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18 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump is totally supporting wealth distribution to the wealthy. I find it strange you are not aware of this.


What's being shown here is a businessman with zero political experience will fail. Thus, completely shutting the door to any like this in the future.


I'm well aware of it.  But he's just the stepping stone to the guy(s) we need in office.  


What's being shown here is that a nimrod like The Donald has the ego and thick skin to get through the election cycle.  He's still a nimrod, but somebody had to open the door.  Sad as it is, he's our only dog in the fight.  And since we're stuck with him, I'm hoping he can make the entire 4 years so the door doesn't slam shut again.


Tillerson could be a decent President.  Or how about Bezos or Gates?  Their temperaments are worlds ahead of The Donald's.  But without somebody to show the way, who would have ever thought they could survive the election cycle?  And if the entrenched politicians and the media stooges are successful at sending Trump off in disgrace, what decent person is going to risk it?   We'll be back to the party faithful vying for their positions at the cost of our kids' futures.


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He does not deserve to have any friends, as the man knows nothing of loyalty. He is burning the relationships with his allies, daily. And the amusing, and fun part of this, is that he cannot help himself. I am sure he is being advised to build bridges, not burn them. But, he just will not listen to voices of reason, due to the pathological degree of hatred, vengeance, smite, callousness, and crudeness he has in his black heart. The man is tone deaf. Not only is he incapable of reading the writing on the wall, he runs in the opposite direction every time something is required of him.


Just wait. It is going to get better. I guarantee it. The man cannot help himself. Nobody needs to destroy him. He is doing all of the heavy lifting, and doing it all by himself. He is too shallow and too egotistical to see it. He is the polar opposite of a team player, and the best leaders have always been team players. When his enormous ego is wounded, he just cannot let it rest. He has to lash out. And that creates enemies, antagonism, and will result in an absolute refusal to cooperate with this creep. Just wait and watch. Trump is digging himself a deeper hole by the day. And when the time comes for his party to rescue him, they will throw him under the bus as fast as they can. And he will deserve that. He has worked hard and has earned that treatment. He is a clown, charlatan, a neophyte, and obviously he is not a quick learner.


Donald Trump. The art of not being able to make a deal, to save his life.

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4 hours ago, bartender100 said:

He is a Billionaire, he will always have "friends"

Well, he may not even be a billionaire--numerous sources--but he will have friends; racists, bigots, liars and others who deserve no respect.

Edited by smotherb
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22 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'm well aware of it.  But he's just the stepping stone to the guy(s) we need in office.  


What's being shown here is that a nimrod like The Donald has the ego and thick skin to get through the election cycle.  He's still a nimrod, but somebody had to open the door.  Sad as it is, he's our only dog in the fight.  And since we're stuck with him, I'm hoping he can make the entire 4 years so the door doesn't slam shut again.


Tillerson could be a decent President.  Or how about Bezos or Gates?  Their temperaments are worlds ahead of The Donald's.  But without somebody to show the way, who would have ever thought they could survive the election cycle?  And if the entrenched politicians and the media stooges are successful at sending Trump off in disgrace, what decent person is going to risk it?   We'll be back to the party faithful vying for their positions at the cost of our kids' futures.


Showing the way?  How?  By lying, insulting and demonstrating incompetence and ill demeanor while destroying our global leadership position? 


China is the big winner here and whatever Putin's goal was he got a lot more than he bargained for 

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Just now, tonray said:

Showing the way?  How?  By lying, insulting and demonstrating incompetence and ill demeanor while destroying our global leadership position? 


China is the big winner here and whatever Putin's goal was he got a lot more than he bargained for 


He won the election.  Full stop.


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3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

The Republican Senators and Representatives are for the most part spineless and easily cowed. Trump has discovered this and made them his bitches. Their cowardice is pathetic.

That's right. Trump's legislative agenda is going down a storm.

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31 minutes ago, impulse said:

And if the entrenched politicians and the media stooges are successful at sending Trump off in disgrace, what decent person is going to risk it?


"And if the entrenched politicians and the media stooges are successful at sending Trump off in disgrace"

The echo echo echo chamber rattles on...

The disgraceful fool is digging is own grave.

Full stop. Period. End of story.


"what decent person is going to risk it?"

What's to worry about if they are decent?

No comparison...


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13 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Elections are far too often won by the candidate with the most ignorant voters.


You guys keep wanting to make this about Trump.  I'm looking out to 2020, 2024 and beyond.


Up to a year ago, nobody would have believed that a political outsider could win the presidency.  That being the case, no credible outsiders would have wasted their time, money or energy trying.  Trump (with his outsized ego and thick skin) proved that it could be done.  That opens the door for other, more palatable outsiders to give it a try- but only if it doesn't end tragically for Trump.


If the cost of opening that door to citizen presidential candidates is 4 years of Trump, IMO it's still a bargain.  Regardless of what I think of the man.


But you can bet your last dollar that the entrenched politicians want to slam that door shut so they're not up against a Gates, a Bezos, or a Winfrey in 2020 and beyond.  Because if it can be done at the presidential level, it can also be done at the congress level.  And citizen leaders who actually want to serve a few years and not as lifetime careers scare the crap out of them, the lobbyists, and the special interests.  And that's a good thing.


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26 minutes ago, impulse said:


You guys keep wanting to make this about Trump.  I'm looking out to 2020, 2024 and beyond.


Up to a year ago, nobody would have believed that a political outsider could win the presidency.  That being the case, no credible outsiders would have wasted their time, money or energy trying.  Trump (with his outsized ego and thick skin) proved that it could be done.  That opens the door for other, more palatable outsiders to give it a try- but only if it doesn't end tragically for Trump.


If the cost of opening that door to citizen presidential candidates is 4 years of Trump, IMO it's still a bargain.  Regardless of what I think of the man.


But you can bet your last dollar that the entrenched politicians want to slam that door shut so they're not up against a Gates, a Bezos, or a Winfrey in 2020 and beyond.  Because if it can be done at the presidential level, it can also be done at the congress level.  And citizen leaders who actually want to serve a few years and not as lifetime careers scare the crap out of them, the lobbyists, and the special interests.  And that's a good thing.


I am not so sure we need elected officials who do not understand the constitution and human civility. You claim Trump is not a politician, I think he is the worst of the swamp.

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19 minutes ago, impulse said:


You guys keep wanting to make this about Trump.  I'm looking out to 2020, 2024 and beyond.


Up to a year ago, nobody would have believed that a political outsider could win the presidency.  That being the case, no credible outsiders would have wasted their time, money or energy trying.  Trump (with his outside ego and thick skin) proved that it could be done.  That opens the door for other, more palatable outsiders to give it a try- but only if it doesn't end tragically for Trump.


If the cost of opening that door to citizen presidential candidates is 4 years of Trump, IMO it's still a bargain.  Regardless of what I think of the man.


But you can bet your last dollar that the entrenched politicians want to slam that door shut so they're not up against a Gates, a Bezos, or a Winfrey in 2020 and beyond.  Because if it can be done at the presidential level, it can also be done at the congress level.  And citizen leaders who actually want to serve a few years and not as lifetime careers scare the crap out of them, the lobbyists, and the special interests.  And that's a good thing.


This is first class spin. I congratulate you. Nothing you have said is demonstrably false.


Yet you have skilfully ignored the fact that Trump is there purely out of self-interest; to massively increase the value of his very opaque companies and to keep his Russian organised crime partners happy.


You have slid past the fact that he received criminal, covert assistance in securing the election from an ideological enemy of the United States, a state lacking in the rule of law.


You have failed to mention the fact that Trump has no agenda, has failed to achieve anything bar vague promises to build a wall, reduce taxes and make America great again.


You have made no reference to the stunning incompetence of this administration in terms of filling positions, passing legislation, staking out clear positions, negotiating treaties, virtually anything apart from signing Trump branding deals.


You have painted "entrenched politicians" as a homogenous group or an oligarchy immune from any checks and balances (checks and balances Trump is doing his best to undermine).


And finally the impression you want to leave the reader with is that, despite all his faults, Trump is a trailblazing martyr sacrificing himself for the greater good of the country for decades to come.


Nothing could be further from the truth.


If anything, this disastrous Trump experiment will ensure no inexperienced players ever reach the White House again.

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1 minute ago, smotherb said:

I am not so sure we need elected officials who do not understand the constitution and human civility. You claim Trump is not a politician, I think he is the worst of the swamp.


You're still making it about Trump.  That's a mighty short horizon.



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3 hours ago, Silurian said:


By now, there are two realities. One is based on facts and the real world. The other reality is the one inside Donald's head. If the man-child "POTUS" believes it to be true, then it is true no matter what the "fake news" says otherwise.



Yep! He's delusional. He definitely is mentally ill. Hope to see him in the luxury of a padded cell. I think I'd even visit. lol 

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1 minute ago, howbri said:

There is no "collusion" with the Russians, there is no "money laundering". It's all fake news aimed at bringing down an American patriot who wants to clean up the mess left by the kenyan commie and his globalist buddies. The free-loaders and imbedded commie are fighting it because they know he is their worst nightmare and the gravy train from the taxpayers is going to come to an end. They are against securing our borders, against economic improvement, against everything that America has accomplished and stand for. The insurrectionists will lose because obumble and his minions showed what a phony empty suit looks like after trying to destroy the economy and send America back to a third world country. God bless Donald Trump and God bless America.

That's amazing. There are multiple untruths in each sentence, possibly one in each clause. That takes some doing.

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