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Trump's attacks could leave him friendless if impeachment comes


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11 minutes ago, howbri said:

There is no "collusion" with the Russians, there is no "money laundering".

It's all fake news aimed at bringing down an American patriot who wants to clean up the mess left by the kenyan commie and his globalist buddies.

The free-loaders and imbedded commie are fighting it because they know he is their worst nightmare and the gravy train from the taxpayers is going to come to an end. They are against securing our borders, against economic improvement, against everything that America has accomplished and stand for.


"There is no "collusion" with the Russians, there is no "money laundering"

Just making stuff up.



"They are against securing our borders, against economic improvement, against everything that America has accomplished and stand for."

Hysterical, hyperbolic, bombastic gibberish.


Alex Jones, is that you?

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9 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

If anything, this disastrous Trump experiment will ensure no inexperienced players ever reach the White House again.


Not if he makes the full 4 years.  And that's the main reason I want to see that happen.   It ain't about Trump- he's a stepping stone, not the end game. 


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Just now, impulse said:


You're still making it about Trump.  That's a mighty short horizon.



It is about Trump; look about you. No one is saying we had a perfect government, at least no one with any sense. However, what country does? We are far worse off now because of Trump, look at the division he has created in America, even within the Republican party. Surely other business greats may be an alternative, but we have already had presidents who were not elected to any office before they were elected president. Or, we could go the way of other countries and elect our entertainers or relatives of other politicians--oh, wait, we have already done that too. So, you see we are electing people other than just career politicians; however, like in any trade or profession, experience in any position of authority is helpful, if it is properly used.

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1 minute ago, tomwct said:

Keep Dreaming! President Trump will be in office for the next 7 1/2 years. Anybody know if anybody is taking bets on impeachment?

I'll bet No Impeachment and Win!

I can see why you only offer statements that can't, by their nature, be fact checked. It's clear your grasp on reality is tenuous.

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1 minute ago, tomwct said:

Keep Dreaming! President Trump will be in office for the next 7 1/2 years. Anybody know if anybody is taking bets on impeachment?

I'll bet No Impeachment and Win!

If your contention is that Trump will remain President until 2024, a famous bookmaker owned by the Murdoch Group will give you 100/1. That's right. Bet $1 to win $100. Fill your boots. You will lose.

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5 minutes ago, tomwct said:

Keep Dreaming! President Trump will be in office for the next 7 1/2 years. Anybody know if anybody is taking bets on impeachment?

I'll bet No Impeachment and Win!

Well, we already know your limited vision. Let me take a guess.  I tend to agree with no impeachment for two reasons: 1) the House and Senate are Republican, and 2) Trump is already known to run when things look bad; he will do a Nixon if impeachment arises.

Edited by smotherb
correct wording
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4 hours ago, tonray said:

He still has overwhelming support on the Republican voter polls. Don't be confused with 34 % approval rating. He has over 70% support on the right and high 80s with the important electoral base in PA, OH, MI states he can use to gain Presidency again. 

What an appalling indictment of the USA! Land of the free, home of the brave! Now reduced to a laughing stock!



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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I believe the headline contains two mistakes. The word "could" should be replaced by "will" and "if" by "when."

Get a grip.  China deciding to abandon its squatter settlements on those S. China Sea islands is 10x more likely than an impeachment.   This is just more of the incessant sore-loser yammering that's been going on since last November.   ... 'The mother of all broken records.  What is far MORE likely is the GOP giving up its majorities in the House & Senate next year if they don't get their act together.

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The simple fact is that anyone listening to Donald Trump and understand America's history must know that he is ignorant and incompetent. He doesn't understand history and he has no knowledge of how the middle class and the poor exist. He has never done a real day's work in his life and he has existed based upon inherited family wealth. He has never walked in the streets of America or I am sure ever sat down one on one with an African American or an Immigrant family.


While I did not vote for him when he was elected I expected him to stop his divisive rhetoric and move the country together by providing an agenda that was inclusive. Instead, he did the opposite. He pushed for a border wall that costs $20 Billion and angered Mexico by informing them they are going to pay for it. Never going to happen.  He then supported a Healthcare bill that will throw millions off the healthcare insurance rolls instead of going to a single payer system or working with Democrats to fix Obamacare. He is now pushing for an Immigration bill that will exclude foreigners who cannot speak English or are poor. Under this plan my grandfather and grandmother could have never come to America from Europe. Then to top it off- his tax 'reform' package will give the wealthy a huge tax cut which they will pocket while continuing to exploit the poor and middle class.


His supporters claim those who oppose his policies are Socialists, Communists and every other negative word there is. Yet, they don't realize his agenda will push them further and further down the economic path to ruin.


Donald Trump is a pariah- a narcissistic meglomaniac that cares only for himself and he is leading America on a destructive path. His opposition is not fake news but they are the patriots that are exposing his lies and deceit and his plan to make America a neo fascist state which excludes others based upon their skin color, ethnicity or religion. He refuses to understand that what really makes America great is its diversity and openness to other people's of the World who come in to America work hard and contribute to society.

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Trump and friend/s ???


Every culture has its own definition of a friend.


It seems that friendship partially has a some different character in the USA, i.e. economical interests. Citing --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship


  • ....For Americans, friends tend to be people whom they encounter fairly frequently, and that are similar to themselves in demographics, attitude, and activities. While many other cultures value deep trust and meaning in their friendships, Americans will use the word "friend" to describe most people who have such qualities. …..


Therefore I guess Lotus (Liar of ….) Trump will not lose all his friends = being „friendless“. There are a lot of Reps in both chambers of the Congress who worry about their future job if they vote against him, especially in the rust belt.


The question will be how many Reps (out of the rust belt) will feel pressed by their electorate to vote for an impeachment. Their alternative: losing Trump's (buyable) support. That's a problem between the self and public interest of a representative in the congress.

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It's not really about friends- it's about building alliances  with certain groups who have similar interests.  If the House would vote to impeach Trump- I am convinced the Senate will convict him. The Senate Republicans are starting to realize that Trump is not only a political liability but a real danger to the Nation. At some point- even the Republicans will start to put country above party.  Vice President Pence will serve out Trump's term without issue.

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11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

He is now pushing for an Immigration bill that will exclude foreigners who cannot speak English or are poor.

Under this plan my grandfather and grandmother could have never come to America from Europe.


"Under this plan my grandfather and grandmother could have never come to America from Europe."

I venture to say that would apply to virtually all of us here on ThaiVisa.


Oh, the irony...


As for the rest of your post TD; exceptional:thumbsup:

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6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's not really about friends- it's about building alliances  with certain groups who have similar interests.  If the House would vote to impeach Trump- I am convinced the Senate will convict him. The Senate Republicans are starting to realize that Trump is not only a political liability but a real danger to the Nation. At some point- even the Republicans will start to put country above party.  Vice President Pence will serve out Trump's term without issue.

What would a Senator have to gain by this? The hardcore trump factions would never forgive him or her. It wouldn't be a make or break issue for other Republicans.  Same goes for Reps.

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It is Trump himself who is destroying his Presidency. Every time he opens his mouth he shows his party how uniformed and ignorant he is and exposes the party to ridicule. His statements on the White Supremacist and KKK show he has  no understanding of  how offensive these groups are and further alienates Republicans such as Mcconnell; Flake and Mccain. Then he attacks them personally.


I don't know how much longer Trump can survive . It is possible the his Chief of Staff General Kelly can lay down the law and tell him to shut up- but Trump's personality is such that he can't help himself. He  just refuses to listen to reason which means he has a serious personality defect.  Trump's current comments blaming fake news; disloyal Republicans and staff members lead me to believe he will eventually destroy himself.


If he insists on holding another 'Trump Rally' in Phoenix Arizona and then announces the pardon of Ex Sheriff Arpaio (recently convicted of contempt of court and despised by Immigrant groups) he will have sealed his fate.


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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It is possible the his Chief of Staff General Kelly can lay down the law and tell him to shut up- but Trump's personality is such that he can't help himself.


And this picture of Kelly just tells it all.




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Yes- that picture says it all-  General Kelly knows full well that Trump's press conference in which he is free wheeling and expressing opinions which are detrimental to the country are not going to be acceptable to the majority of the electorate.  In addition, there is Mr Cohen who is Jewish and expressed his displeasure with Trump's statements and Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chiao who  looks on in amazement at what she is hearing.


Yet, even with all of Trump's minions expressing dissatisfaction with his statements; the Republican Party disavowing Trump's statement and the reactions of the minority and Immigrant community showing their distaste for what he says- Trump still marches on to his own beat. 


Trump's reaction to all of this is bizarre. A normal person would realize that his statement is wrong and attempt to modify it and correct it. Instead Trump rails against the Press- calling their reports fake news- yet we can all listen to his comments on tape.  He then calls out members of his own Party and puts them on his internal 'enemies' list. This is not the reaction of a normal human being. And I will be very surprised if General Kelly can stop his destructive behavior.

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Just read an article on the internet where Trump's ghost writer on his book -Art of the Deal is predicting Trump will resign soon in order to save face and let VP Pence run the country.  This would be great if he does it but I have my doubts as Trump never indicates he is wrong and never admits to any failure.  There would have to be someone or something to blame. And there is the issue of his hard core supporters- the White Supremists- and the gun crowd who might take to the streets. God- what a mess.

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Impeachment ain't gonna happen. The GOP made a faustian deal with the devil, and now they are trying to figure out what the Hell they are gonna do.

As more of them become emboldened to speak out as Trump unravels they will i think, just start to make plans for a nomination challenge for 2020

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6 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Impeachment ain't gonna happen. The GOP made a faustian deal with the devil, and now they are trying to figure out what the Hell they are gonna do.

As more of them become emboldened to speak out as Trump unravels they will i think, just start to make plans for a nomination challenge for 2020

Probably very little chance before the 2018 midterms, but depending on the results, the chances may increase. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Probably very little chance before the 2018 midterms, but depending on the results, the chances may increase. 

Just think back to Clinton, and how long that impeachment process took. I think even if they pay a price at the midterms the calculation will be, less damaging to try to oust him in a nomination battle than impeachment.

Then again a lot will depend on how the base holds up. Even as we watch approval rating fall overall the rock solid Trump base really isn't moving.

Now I live in a true redder than red  State, and while I tend to bite my tongue, I was having dinner with some of my neighbors, and was quite shocked by the level of anger at Trump.

So who knows!

Edited by GinBoy2
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Most likely not going to happen until the elections of 2018- and the Dems will need to make good gains. It will also depend upon Trump continuing to make bizarre statements and also continuing his alt right agenda. At some point the House may vote yes on impeachment and send it to Senate to convict.  If it gets to the Senate- he is gone. Trump continues to make enemies of his party and he needs their votes to survive.


I am concerned that he may attempt to use the military to start a war with either N Korea or go on a bombing campaign in Syria or the Middle East to take the public mind off of him. I wonder at what point the military refuses to go along with him. I doubt General Kelly ; General Mattis and General McMaster would go along with a war of convenience for Trump.

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