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Trump's attacks could leave him friendless if impeachment comes


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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

Trump grew an approx. 200 million into more than three billion (at one point it was four and a half, but fluctuating global real estate constantly moves the number) while creating a global brand.  He hasn't sat on his laurels.  He is highly successful.


He is well documented as scamming, cheating and outsourcing American labor "while creating a global brand".


"He is highly successful" at lying, as well as scamming and cheating.


He is well documented as a failure in many ventures while stiffing his labor and shareholders.


It's time to live with these facts.


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3 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

just anther irrelevant comparison in attempt to diminish his massive success... and the russians have nothing to do with it, as does chronically making connections where none exist. it's time for an new hobby, you're starting to sound like russell crowe's character in 'a beautiful mind'.

And that Florida property which Trump sold to a Russian oligarch for a 50 million dollar profit above the appraised figure? I assure you that Mueller and his team have that transaction and many other Trump 'affiliates"' shady dealings in his scope. Only question now is who will flip first to save their butt. If -as you suggest Trump was so successful, then "why" is it that US banks would not lend to him (and his son-in-law) and had to seek foreign (i.e. Russia / China) lending sources?.Answer? Bankruptcy manipulations and dead-beat status. Please do your research.

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21 hours ago, iReason said:


"the American People are fed up"

Indeed, the majority of them are.

And will be well pleased when this huckster resigns in disgrace. :thumbsup:


"you will see blood shed as you have not seen it before"

Please crawl back under your rock with your "solution".



don't hold your breath!


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21 minutes ago, captspectre said:

so you would prefer the lying clinton?

Decades of public service, tangibly assisting many people in need, and you're clinging to one or more little lies she may or may not have uttered?  Sad.  Are you upset that she said there were shots fired at an airport in a war zone, when there may not have been shots fired?   Is that what makes you hate her?


In every possible way, HRC is miles superior to Trump Sr.   One works to improve the US, the other is doing everything he can to debilitate the US.  Open your eyes.

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11 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

just anther irrelevant comparison in attempt to diminish his massive success... and the russians have nothing to do with it, as does chronically making connections where none exist. it's time for an new hobby, you're starting to sound like russell crowe's character in 'a beautiful mind'.

No doubt Trump is wealthy. But so is Putin and Bashar al-Assad. Wealth doesn't mean you are successful. Trump has left a long list of investors who've lost money because of him.


And yes, the russians had a lot to do with it. Even his son admitted it. Amazing you are not aware of that.



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He won because people are sick of America being given away

You're a sucker for Steve Brannon's strategy then, and have no problem with their racism.

“The Democrats,” he told the American Prospect’s Bob Kuttner, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”

Bannon is, at least in theory, right: If the left is focused on race and identity, and the Trump administration is focused on economic nationalism, they probably can crush the Democrats. The problem with the plan is that, in practice, the way the Trump administration gets Democrats to focus on race and identity isn’t by focusing on economic nationalism — it’s by being racist in ways that alienate voters and undermine their economic agenda and message.


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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Just read this from politifact.com:

How come Trump supporters don't see this?  Insane. Lying Hillary? Unreal.

My elder brother perfectly fits the character description of a die-hard Trump fan.  Here are his traits;


>>>  married 7 times.  Has 6 children, pays zero child support. Lived off the earnings of every woman he ever shacked up with

>>>  Bible Thumper.  Once stopped his car and walking into a yoga class - yelling at all the practitioners for bowing to a false god.  One of his favorite admonissions "The blood of the lambs will be upon your door!"

>>>  used to be a cocaine dealer.  Spent a month in a Colombian prison for smuggling emeralds.  

>>>  Sees conspiracy theories everywhere.  Is so paranoid, he sleeps with a loaded semi-automatic under his bed.


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37 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

My elder brother perfectly fits the character description of a die-hard Trump fan.  Here are his traits;



>>>  Bible Thumper.  Once stopped his car and walking into a yoga class - yelling at all the practitioners for bowing to a false god.  One of his favorite admonissions "The blood of the lambs will be upon your door!"


>>>  Sees conspiracy theories everywhere.  Is so paranoid, he sleeps with a loaded semi-automatic under his bed.


These are 2 of the biggest problems. Bible thumpers who are hypocritical and those who follow wing nut websites sprouting conspiracy theories. LOL


Of course these wing nut media sites aren't fake news!  55555. Only MSM.

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11 pages so far and 80% from the same 5-7 people.  Like going to an AA meeting and listening to the dangers of drinking by people who lacked self control so the world should abolish drinking. :thumbsup:

President Trump won and this impeachment crap started as soon as the shock wore off the imbedded trough feeders.

There are nuggets and tidbits in here though. If DC would stop crying about grandma losing and actually start trying to do the job they were elected to do we might get somewhere.

I don't see it going well for anyone on President Trump's congressional/senate hitlist in 2018 no matter which party they are in. May be time to start sending grandparents home to garden and play with the grandkids. Just because you've lived to see the horse and buggy give way to the bullet train doesn't necessarily mean you should be designing the next train.

Edited by mrwebb8825
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1 minute ago, mrwebb8825 said:

11 pages so far and 80% from the same 5-7 people.  Like going to an AA meeting and listening to the dangers of drinking by people who lacked self control so the world should abolish drinking. :thumbsup:

President Trump won and this impeachment crap started as soon as the shock wore off the imbedded trough feeders.

There are nuggets and tidbits in here though. If DC would stop crying about grandma losing and actually start trying to do the job they were elected to do we might get somewhere.

I don't see it going well for anyone on President Trump's congressional/senate hitlist in 2018 no matter which party they are in. May be time to start sending grandparents home to garden and play with the grandkids. Just because you've lived to see the horse and buggy give way to the bullet train doesn't necessarily mean you should be designing the next train.

Well, it may not go well for Republicans on his hit list but you're seriously contending that Trump's disapproval is going to hurt democrats? It's not like Trump's legislative agenda is popular.

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4 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

May be time to start sending grandparents home to garden and play with the grandkids.


I agree. Time for Grandpa Donny John to go into the garden and never come back.


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42 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

If DC would stop crying about grandma losing and actually start trying to do the job they were elected to do we might get somewhere.

I don't read any reports about anybody crying about Hillary losing. Only reports about the bs Trump is causing. Only ones who talk about the election results are Trump and his supporters.


Maybe if Trump started acting presidential, things would start getting done? Hard to get legislation passed when you tweet nasty comments about your fellow politicians.  LOL


It's all up to Trump. The ball is in his court and he's fumbling. Sadly.

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42 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, it may not go well for Republicans on his hit list but you're seriously contending that Trump's disapproval is going to hurt democrats? It's not like Trump's legislative agenda is popular.

His "Agenda" is what got him elected. The democratic stonewall is what's keeping it from being implemented along with some really old, tired reps.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

I don't read any reports about anybody crying about Hillary losing. Only reports about the bs Trump is causing. Only ones who talk about the election results are Trump and his supporters.


Maybe if Trump started acting presidential, things would start getting done? Hard to get legislation passed when you tweet nasty comments about your fellow politicians.  LOL


It's all up to Trump. The ball is in his court and he's fumbling. Sadly.

contrary to popular belief, quarterbacks don't win all by themselves and often berate those who are missing their blocks or not catching the pass to help the team win.

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5 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

contrary to popular belief, quarterbacks don't win all by themselves and often berate those who are missing their blocks or not catching the pass to help the team win.

Absolutely! Then immediately get everybody into a huddle, layout a cohesive plan, pat the guy on the back, and support him to do better.


Without the support of his team, a quarterback is worthless and won't be around long. It's a TEAM sport after all. Just like politics.

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56 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

His "Agenda" is what got him elected. The democratic stonewall is what's keeping it from being implemented along with some really old, tired reps.

Uh, where did I miss the breaking news that the GOP have lost control of either the House or the Senate??? 

This total cluster F*** has nothing do do with the Democrats, they have their own existential crisis to deal with, something along the lines of ....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what the Hell are we all about!  The whole Trump crisis of not getting anything done is all him & the GOP. A 'troubled' relationship shall we say!

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Uh, where did I miss the breaking news that the GOP have lost control of either the House or the Senate??? 

This total cluster F*** has nothing do do with the Democrats, they have their own existential crisis to deal with, something along the lines of ....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what the Hell are we all about!  The whole Trump crisis of not getting anything done is all him & the GOP. A 'troubled' relationship shall we say!

Excellent post. I love your avatar.

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Uh, where did I miss the breaking news that the GOP have lost control of either the House or the Senate??? 

This total cluster F*** has nothing do do with the Democrats, they have their own existential crisis to deal with, something along the lines of ....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what the Hell are we all about!  The whole Trump crisis of not getting anything done is all him & the GOP. A 'troubled' relationship shall we say!

The only "breaking news" you seem to have missed is reps jumping ship thus nullifying having the majority.

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2 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

His "Agenda" is what got him elected. The democratic stonewall is what's keeping it from being implemented along with some really old, tired reps.

Trump got elected despite his agenda. Lowering taxes on the rich is a very unpopular idea. Repealing Obamcare was another.  He promised to create good paying jobs and lots of desperate people believed him. And even if what you are saying is true which it clearly isn't, keep in mind that he got less votes than did his chief opponent.

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17 hours ago, puck2 said:

Trump remembers me a man on a one-way street driving in the wrong direction and complaining:

"damn, OMG,  thousands of  ghost drivers" !  :shock1:

^^This probably sounded good in your head as you were writing but care to translate for the native English speakers?

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18 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Because they didn't want to commit political suicide. In other words, they know that their electorate would be against them.

Care to explain why the same electorate that elected President Trump would be against fellow Republicans for voting with him and helping his agenda that they (the electorate) voted for? Honestly, sometimes I think you post gibberish just because it's me you're quoting.

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18 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump got elected despite his agenda. Lowering taxes on the rich is a very unpopular idea. Repealing Obamcare was another.  He promised to create good paying jobs and lots of desperate people believed him. And even if what you are saying is true which it clearly isn't, keep in mind that he got less votes than did his chief opponent.

So,,,just to be clear, anything I say can't be true because it isn't what YOU think. That about it? Now, don't WE sound just like congress and the senate? :tongue:

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22 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

His "Agenda" is what got him elected. The democratic stonewall is what's keeping it from being implemented along with some really old, tired reps.

You obviously missed the comments from some of Trump's team after the election. (e.g. look up Gingrich's observations). Just feed back to the electorate what they wanted to hear without any policy detail & costings, (you could say BS baffles brains),  totally cynical and dishonest campaign. Some swallowed the bait and months later still not regurgitated. To use an Australian expression - stunned mullets - which means "Dazed, stupefied; uncomprehending; unconscious"

Edited by simple1
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