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Two dead, six wounded in knife attack in Finland


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Two dead, six wounded in knife attack in Finland

By Tuomas Forsell


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Finnish police patrol in front of the Central Railway Station, after stabbings in Turku, in Central Helsinki, Finland August 18, 2017. LEHTIKUVA/Linda Manner via REUTERS


TURKU, Finland (Reuters) - A man with a knife killed two people and wounded six others in a stabbing rampage in a market square in the Finnish city of Turku on Friday, police said.


Police shot the suspected attacker in the leg and arrested him. They said they had yet to establish the identity of the man who was of foreign origin, or his motive.


A witness told Reuters she had seen a man stabbing a woman and other people sobbing at what they had seen after running away in terror.


Police warned people to stay away from the city and reinforced security nationwide, with increased patrols and more surveillance, in case more people were involved. People were allowed to return to the city centre a few hours later.


"At this stage, there is only one suspect and we are investigating whether there are more people involved ... but it looks likely (he was alone)," Markus Laine from the National Bureau of Investigation said.


"For now we do not investigate this (as a terrorist attack) but the possibility has not been ruled out," he told a news conference.


Police said they would hold the next news conference in Turku on Saturday at 1100 GMT.


People laid candles and flowers at the scene of the attack in the evening.


Laura Laine, who saw the stabbing from a nearby outdoor cafe, also returned to the square.


"First thing we heard was a young woman, screaming like crazy. I thought it's just kids having fun ... but then people started to move around and I saw a man with a knife in his hand, stabbing a woman," she told Reuters.


"Then a person ran towards us shouting 'he has a knife', and everybody from the terrace ran inside."


"Next, a woman came in to the cafe. She was crying hysterically, down on her knees, saying someone's neck has been slashed open."


The six wounded were taken to hospital, police said.


"The act is utterly deplorable and an exceptionally serious violent offence in the Finnish context – it is deeply shocking for us all," Prime Minister Juha Sipila said in a statement after holding a conference call with his government.


Finland is usually peaceful but the Security Intelligence Service raised the terrorism threat level in June to elevated from low, saying it had become aware of terrorism-related plans in Finland.


The government has grown more concerned about attacks, partly since an Uzbek man killed four people in neighbouring Sweden in April by driving a hijacked truck into crowd in central Stockholm.


On Thursday, a suspected Islamist militant drove a van into crowds in Barcelona, Spain, killing 13 people and wounding scores of others.


European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "It is with great concern that I have learnt of the violent attacks in Turku, Finland. While details are still emerging, we strongly condemn this unprovoked attack which comes only 24 hours after the horror that unfolded in Spain."


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-19


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Another terrible act.  Together with Spain in the last two days I often think that the modern digital age coupled with social media phenomenon has given rise to these random atrocities perhaps.  Before that time would the IS and other fanatics even have been heard about ?  Now any attack is notified around the world in minutes giving these extremists the publicity that they crave for and further impetus in carrying out even more depraved acts of violence.


Too late now of course as we are where we are and no doubt there will be yet more headlines around the world when the next atrocity is committed for these groups to build on yet further.

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19 minutes ago, gummy said:

Another terrible act.  Together with Spain in the last two days I often think that the modern digital age coupled with social media phenomenon has given rise to these random atrocities perhaps.  Before that time would the IS and other fanatics even have been heard about ?  Now any attack is notified around the world in minutes giving these extremists the publicity that they crave for and further impetus in carrying out even more depraved acts of violence.


Too late now of course as we are where we are and no doubt there will be yet more headlines around the world when the next atrocity is committed for these groups to build on yet further.

Agree. Unfortunately social media / digital communications has positives and negatives. If this attack was motivated by Daesh ideology, exactly matches their propaganda / political objectives and as Ron19 stated above won't be the last.

Edited by simple1
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47 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Junckers is so sorry?

When will he understand he and his EU friends are guilty about letting in so many of potential terrorists?

He should just shut up!

That's a bit of cheap shot.  Many of the terrorists have been born and bred in European countries.  

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It is reported in other sources that he shouted the usual Allahu Akbar in the name of Islam. When we people start to wake up and admit that Islam doesn't belong in Europe and the modern world.


You can scream and shout the lefty, liberal views but the truth is that with all the attacks over the last two years in Europe that the assimilation and integration isn't working and is getting worse.


Sadly I will be waiting for more attacks over the next coming months and weeks, whilst the liberal, lefty luvvies will be trying to convince us all, it is only a very small minority and that they probably had an underprivileged and hard childhood.  I don't buy it at all.

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It is reported in other sources that he shouted the usual Allahu Akbar in the name of Islam. When we people start to wake up and admit that Islam doesn't belong in Europe and the modern world.


You can scream and shout the lefty, liberal views but the truth is that with all the attacks over the last two years in Europe that the assimilation and integration isn't working and is getting worse.


Sadly I will be waiting for more attacks over the next coming months and weeks, whilst the liberal, lefty luvvies will be trying to convince us all, it is only a very small minority and that they probably had an underprivileged and hard childhood.  I don't buy it at all.

Looked up your claim and at this time is disputed by some Finns. Finnish Police have still not designated as an Islamist attack. Guess will have to wait for some hours for police to confirm if Islamist terror investigation or not.

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It is no use crying into our beer and blaming few fundamentalist nutjobs for the carnage now being inflicted on Europe as a result of the our political leaders blindly following War on Terror

2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It is reported in other sources that he shouted the usual Allahu Akbar in the name of Islam. When we people start to wake up and admit that Islam doesn't belong in Europe and the modern world.


You can scream and shout the lefty, liberal views but the truth is that with all the attacks over the last two years in Europe that the assimilation and integration isn't working and is getting worse.


Sadly I will be waiting for more attacks over the next coming months and weeks, whilst the liberal, lefty luvvies will be trying to convince us all, it is only a very small minority and that they probably had an underprivileged and hard childhood.  I don't buy it at all.


Europe is reaping the bitter harvest sown when leaders like Tony Blair signed us up to George Bush Jr's  phony War on Terror - in reality a War of Terror (call it shock and awe if you prefer) designed not to bring democracy to the downtrodden but to further US military, political and economic objectives.


After 16 years of brutal  and indiscriminate bloodshed responsible for the deaths and displacement of millions of innocent civilians across the Middle East and North Africa, the gigantic military/industrial sector that is the backbone of the American economy continues to enjoy a bonanza.


On other side of the Pond it is a very different story, with countries like the UK - already heavily in debt - reeling from the double whammy of having to absorb a seemingly endless stream of refugees and economic migrants while at the same time suffering more random acts of terror from home-grown fundamentalists.


One can't help wondering what must be going through Donald Trump's mind as, thanks to a war started by one of his White House predecessors, the EU -  the US's biggest trading rival - lurches into a death spiral.





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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It is reported in other sources that he shouted the usual Allahu Akbar in the name of Islam. When we people start to wake up and admit that Islam doesn't belong in Europe and the modern world.


You can scream and shout the lefty, liberal views but the truth is that with all the attacks over the last two years in Europe that the assimilation and integration isn't working and is getting worse.


Sadly I will be waiting for more attacks over the next coming months and weeks, whilst the liberal, lefty luvvies will be trying to convince us all, it is only a very small minority and that they probably had an underprivileged and hard childhood.  I don't buy it at all.

Don't have to be a lefty luvvie to see common sense and on that note not all conservative minded people are racist. There are over 9 billion muslims in the world if it was really more than a minority we'd all be dead.


Muslims have lived in Britain for decades without this kind of behaviour... through IRA atrocities, did we denounce catholicism as a breeding ground for terrorism, tell the Irish they were not welcome? Even though our egotistical ways had caused the unrest in a similar way. Some muslims integrate some don't but they have not been driving cars into people, bombing kids concerts or slashing people will nilly until the scourge that is Daesh and Al qaeeda reared it's ugly head in response to Bush/Blair criminality.


Blaming a whole creed of people is divisive and is IS best recruitment tool so play into their hands all you want... I will continue to be inclusive and do my bit to make sure that youngsters around me don't feel isolated and have no need to look for somewhere to belong.


Just on another note... how many TV members have integrated in Thailand? Not an accusation, genuine question. 



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Now considered by police as a terrorist attack.



Police said in a statement: "The act had been investigated as murder, but during the night we received additional information which indicates that the criminal offences are now terrorist killings."

They said the identity of the 18-year-old Moroccan was known, but they have not released it.

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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It is reported in other sources that he shouted the usual Allahu Akbar in the name of Islam. When we people start to wake up and admit that Islam doesn't belong in Europe and the modern world.


You can scream and shout the lefty, liberal views but the truth is that with all the attacks over the last two years in Europe that the assimilation and integration isn't working and is getting worse.


Sadly I will be waiting for more attacks over the next coming months and weeks, whilst the liberal, lefty luvvies will be trying to convince us all, it is only a very small minority and that they probably had an underprivileged and hard childhood.  I don't buy it at all.

I can confirm that the "other sources" we wrong, like always they are.

I did listen the clip and the voice was shouting "VARO, VAROKAA". Which translated to Finnish is "BE AWARE, BE AWARE OUT THERE!!".

This incident happened in my own home town, where I grew up. 

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4 hours ago, calexapic said:

Don't have to be a lefty luvvie to see common sense and on that note not all conservative minded people are racist. There are over 9 billion muslims in the world if it was really more than a minority we'd all be dead.


Muslims have lived in Britain for decades without this kind of behaviour... through IRA atrocities, did we denounce catholicism as a breeding ground for terrorism, tell the Irish they were not welcome? Even though our egotistical ways had caused the unrest in a similar way. Some muslims integrate some don't but they have not been driving cars into people, bombing kids concerts or slashing people will nilly until the scourge that is Daesh and Al qaeeda reared it's ugly head in response to Bush/Blair criminality.


Blaming a whole creed of people is divisive and is IS best recruitment tool so play into their hands all you want... I will continue to be inclusive and do my bit to make sure that youngsters around me don't feel isolated and have no need to look for somewhere to belong.


Just on another note... how many TV members have integrated in Thailand? Not an accusation, genuine question. 



The Irish were definitely made unwelcome in England during early 20th century, mainly because of terrorism ....

I don't know a single Muslim person fully integrated into UK society.

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8 hours ago, thaitero said:

Quite good response time from police..

Police received alarm 16:02, Man was shot and down 16:05

I have been watching Finnish police media interviews, which gives me a lot of confidence of them. 96% of Finns trust the police. 

They say, what need to be said, and don't comment, what should be commented. 

It's actually pretty impressive. 

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This was the first ever terrorist act in Finland.

Partly unconfirmed, but the knowledge is based on both Finnish police and Finnish news editors, who do have very high standards of reporting in these kind of news. 


The attacker was an 18 year old Moroccan, who got refuted refugee status. He got to Finland in 2016, most likely during spring.

The attacker went after only women. The two men who got hurt during the spree, were hurt because they were trying to stop the attacker and trying to disable him. The two men who got hurt, were named Husan and Husan. Yes, not Finnish names, yes, there were the immigrants. 

It took 3 minutes for Finnish people to get down this preparator. There were people who slowed him down, Finnish police finished the job, by shooting him to the lower body. One shot was used and it was enough.


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Two Finns died, 8 others were hurt. This includes 5 Finns, 1 Swede, 1 Italian and 1 Brit.


The people who got insulted were from 15 to 68 years. 

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There is 4 more preparators, who are subjected to the investigation. 3 of them has been arrested, one is still on large, but not likely in Finland anymore. Finnish police works together with Interpol. 

I'm a Finn and I think it's perfectly ok for my really trusted police don't have to share all the details of tactical and strategical knowledge, what they have. I rather see all the <deleted> to be caught, than to be real time informed what my police does.


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10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It is reported in other sources that he shouted the usual Allahu Akbar in the name of Islam. When we people start to wake up and admit that Islam doesn't belong in Europe and the modern world.


You can scream and shout the lefty, liberal views but the truth is that with all the attacks over the last two years in Europe that the assimilation and integration isn't working and is getting worse.


Sadly I will be waiting for more attacks over the next coming months and weeks, whilst the liberal, lefty luvvies will be trying to convince us all, it is only a very small minority and that they probably had an underprivileged and hard childhood.  I don't buy it at all.

Why don't you nuts-right scumbag finally say, that your news sources were wrong?

Why don't you nuts-right scumbag finally say that you once again, didn't, knew what you were talking about,. 

I'm tired of the the moronic religious scumbags, who do these terrorist acts. I'm similarly tired of the moronic religious scumbags, who have gained their popularity due these terrorists acts. There is no real difference between you two groups. 

Please delete yourself. 

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10 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

If one runs amok and stabs 2 people dead and injured 8 other people seriously, why shoot him in the leg and not in the head?

Why? Because you first want to disable him to do further damage. Then, after the situation is over, to understand what the terrorist reasons were. This is to make sure that the others, who might have the same reason, to avoid them to acts, before they do anything. 

It's collecting intelligence. Finding what is the problem, then finding how to prevent the same happening again. 

We want to prevent these things to happen again against our people. We don't want just to kill a fuctard person, which solves nothing. 

How difficult is this to understand?


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If one makes a profile of the assassins from the last terror plots in europe, it is in most cases moroccan, algerian and tunisia 

origin, single men between 18 and 40 yo without any family bond.

In almost all cases they are not war refugees. Immediate rejection is here required within the European borders.


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That's a bit of cheap shot.  Many of the terrorists have been born and bred in European countries.  

Trouble is they and their parents never integrated live in enclaves andjust live their lives as they did back home.you all know the old saying " just because a dog is born in a stable doesnt make it a horse"

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9 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

If one makes a profile of the assassins from the last terror plots in europe, it is in most cases moroccan, algerian and tunisia 

origin, single men between 18 and 40 yo without any family bond.

In almost all cases they are not war refugees. Immediate rejection is here required within the European borders.


That's pretty much what the very restricted Finnish police say out loud today. 

Our societies try keep these facts away from our knowledge, even if their responsibility is to protect the people who have not officially accused by anything, by the law?

We do have our privacy laws for a good reason. We can break these 'laws', when the time really, really needs it. It's for our all privacy protection.


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