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SURVEY: What is the most serious problem facing the international community?


SURVEY: Which do you think is the most serious situation facing the international community?  

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5 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

okay.  here goes. 

we need as a shared culture... that we are born with a Chomskian Snowflake.

Nazism:  everybody has it. not just Nazis.

Christians: "we are made in the Image of God"... a particular image eh?

no. if it talks..... it's a sapien. color don't mean a thing. [and Amercians are predominatly Christian or of "christian thoughts"]


Buddhists: don't know about any Image of God..... color is just color.

Trump: was worried about property values... not if blacks have a place to sleep (ya know??? MONEY).. I know... a sicko... maybe.


that's it.  

the Snowflake is Chomsky's idea that we have, just like a dog that knows to dig a hole... etc... a capacity for abstract thought.... and language... EVERYONE got.... and not from God.



This is why no one took your bait.

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that's not an explanation.  it's too vague....

exactly what my post ain't... not any more and not any less than it needed to be.

show me why I am wrong.  something remotely logical, and leave the girlie stuff out. there's way too much emotional nonsense.

many Americans... but not Trump.. are Christians... including his base. 


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yeah. my granddad hated blacks cause he lived in Philly... and blacks stole shit.

and were illiterate.

but we all have a concept of time, and can describe and think about things they can't even see, smell etc..... and we all ain't animals without an abstract thought capacity.

blacks, whites no difference in that. 

but there is a difference if you believe we are Made In The Image of God.  a particular image.  and my granddad believe that and/or many other folks he knows sure did. and then all you need is confirmation... which he got in everyday life.  but a very isolated one. 

no jet setters back then for damn sure.


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2 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

that's not an explanation.  it's too vague....

exactly what my post ain't... not any more and not any less than it needed to be.

show me why I am wrong.  something remotely logical, and leave the girlie stuff out.


No one understands the explanation of your idea after all your attempts. Try articulating, slowly and with more thought structure next time - I think it's too late for this thread already

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1 hour ago, maewang99 said:


what happened to Pakistan & India... those are the first that come to mind.


and not just the USA.... also the USAF and USN have them... and they don't need instructions from Trump.... or they wouldn't be worth a damn.  since 1968 it only takes 5 minutes to hit DC from a Red sub.

Those countries has not acted like crazy folks lately. Now that China is the leader of the world, it's been the one acting like a grandfather. Sometime a bit grumpy and manspreading , but mostly trying to cool the teenager kids (USA, North Korea) down.

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Chomsky believes that about 100,000 years ago, a human like creature got a gift.  not one from God.  whatever that gift is in our heads... physically... we pass it along.  that is what makes us different from Neanderthals for instance.  and it is a core inheritance.

it allows us to subsume things we cannot see or hear.... such as understanding the concept of time... of a past and death too.  the other primates.... and other animals and plants... can't do this.

humans are not a miracle.  not God made.  and every human has the same EQUAL capacity. I'm saying if our shared culture had this as a core belief..... the Nazi's are out of business.

Germans back then were Christians and other deity believers.. not so long ago. 



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8 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Those countries has not acted like crazy folks lately. Now that China is the leader of the world, it's been the one acting like a grandfather. Sometime a bit grumpy and manspreading , but mostly trying to cool the teenager kids (USA, North Korea) down.

China is a really big place.

and we have meds for crazy people.... in China too. 

so "crazy" just don't work as a good explanation for anything. even Trumper.


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4 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

Chomsky believes that about 100,000 years ago, a human like creature got a gift.  not one from God.  whatever that gift is in our heads... physically... we pass it along.  that is what makes us different from Neanderthals for instance.  and it is a core inheritance.

it allows us to subsume things we cannot see or hear.... such as understanding the concept of time... of a past and death too.  the other primates.... and other animals and plants... can't do this.

humans are not a miracle.  not God made.  and every human has the same EQUAL capacity. I'm saying if our shared culture had this as a core belief..... the Nazi's are out of business.

Germans back then were Christians and other deity believers.. not so long ago. 



Better. And how does that tie into the original post?

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what's our biggest threat?

ourselves. you have to "believe" in science to know it, take some folks expertise in it... and not "deny" it.  that is where migration will come from.  Tak is just on the other side of a ridge.

and salt water, even just a centimeter above a fresh water source, below ground where no one can see it evn with Xray equipment..... once it crosses over any contaminates a source of fresh water.. to almost any degree.. it is lost for human and agriculture for a very logn time.

and in Bangladesh......... is a lot of people and they don't speak Pasa Thai and they ain't gonna get into China...

hence our topic du jour.



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4 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Stupid, ignorant, religious fanatics, greedy, corrupt, selfish, bullies.  That is the problem!  Sadly these seem to be the preferred job requirements for positions of power and responsibility.......


yes, full of all kinds of narratives of nonsense.

but if we could have a common narrative... the basic first premise of which were all to accept SOMEHOW.... that each of us humans.... and only humans.... have a capacity for thinking up any kind of shit......

and that you can do that no matter what your color is.

and not from any God.

a dog can only understand what it sees and smells and hears..... it has no idea about time... that's an abstract thing.... but it does know stuff like digging a hole.... it's in it's brain.. and only in dog brains.. pretty much....  even if separated from other dogs at birth.... and so do *****we**** have a capacity for abstract thought in our brains.... to make up nonsense... as well as fear a Boogieman.   

he ain't white yelloe black or brown.

that is Noam Chomsky's idea.  not mine.




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1 minute ago, maewang99 said:

what's our biggest threat?

ourselves. you have to "believe" in science to know it, take some folks expertise in it... and not "deny" it.  that is where migration will come from.  Tak is just on the other side of a ridge.

let me repeat that. Tak is on the other side of a ridge.

and salt water, even just a centimeter above a fresh water source, once crossed contaminates the source of fresh water forever.

and in Bangladesh.........

Silly laidback philosophy, my favourite subject. :)


You need to doubt the science constantly to believe the results it provide are correct. That's how the sciences work. I'm 99.9% sure, no real scientists is 100% sure of anything. In sciences there is no such thing as certainty. There are just degrees of certainties, which always leave the door open for other possibilities. 

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I'm gonna go back to an old topic.

this website works like it was from the 1980's internet. 

why? I know why. to code software you must be able to do the work on your own, even though you collaborate with others... and read and understand gobs of information on your own.... it is so bad. 

to think creatively on your own. to not just be able to read.. but to enjoy reading and learning lots of stuff... on your own. not much of a rarity at home in LA.. or New York or Boston...... but here...............



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30 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

that's not an explanation.  it's too vague....

exactly what my post ain't... not any more and not any less than it needed to be.

show me why I am wrong.  something remotely logical, and leave the girlie stuff out. there's way too much emotional nonsense.

many Americans... but not Trump.. are Christians... including his base. 

OK, I'll try again. Your stream-of-consciousness writing style and constant flitting from thought to thought make it difficult, if not impossible, to suss out exactly what the point of your post(s) are, making salient responses a trying exercise.

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1 minute ago, mikebike said:

OK, I'll try again. Your stream-of-consciousness writing style and constant flitting from thought to thought make it difficult, if not impossible, to suss out exactly what the point of your post(s) are, making salient responses a trying exercise.

Mental masturbation comes to mind ... 

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2 minutes ago, mikebike said:

OK, I'll try again. Your stream-of-consciousness writing style and constant flitting from thought to thought make it difficult, if not impossible, to suss out exactly what the point of your post(s) are, making salient responses a trying exercise.

I am confident that he has interesting ideas. If he would just apply some proper punctuation, and a little sentence structure. 

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8 minutes ago, mikebike said:

OK, I'll try again. Your stream-of-consciousness writing style and constant flitting from thought to thought make it difficult, if not impossible, to suss out exactly what the point of your post(s) are, making salient responses a trying exercise.


it's not simple, no. is very difficult in this forum.

migration will be the big threat. sorry for making that as point blank as that.  I do because I really believe it. obviously.

not Muslims not blacks.  no difference to me.... just tons of folks without water or food.



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1 minute ago, maewang99 said:


it's not simple, no. is very difficult in this forum.

but I also know many folks are kept away from Chomsky's ideas. in the USA he is very popular when he gives a live lecture or is on Youtube.... yet he has not been on TV since The Firing Line in the 1960's..... 

our mass media is fake.  on this I love Trump.


Maybe I should give up already, but I'm still waiting for the correlation between belief in science, migration, and abstract thought.

Like my math teacher said, show your work and not just the answer. Otherwise how do we know how you got there?

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Get thee to Somalia or Libya. Virtually no governments there.

The "semblance" of government these two countries have make an equal mess, generally through greed, that the other 194 governments that are in "power" make! :shock1:

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1 minute ago, cncltd1973 said:

Maybe I should give up already, but I'm still waiting for the correlation between belief in science, migration, and abstract thought.

Like my math teacher said, show your work and not just the answer. Otherwise how do we know how you got there?


everyone one of us has the ability to think in the abstract.  it's an equal capacity.  but if instead you believe we are special creature gifted by a God..... and in the image of a god.... you tend to deny that climate change is real... and you also tend to maybe believe that there is only one particular Image of God.... which the Bible says we were created of.. and that that is a white person.

the mass migrations will be a big problem because we are messing up the atmosphere.

God won't stop or help us.


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Chomsky has an explanation for why humans can think.
Every human has that capacity.  Color of skin is irrelevant.
We are not a gift from the God(s).
The Earth is not a gift from the God(s).

all it is.... is a plasma with ions in an unequal distribution that explains how ATP is made.  that's not Chomsky. that's chemistry.

our gift of human language.. Chomsky explains. not The Bible.

and Climate Change is real and ****might**** cause mass migration on a scale never seen before. and it's probably not just a maybe. last month was the hottest July ever. same as 2016 was. 



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