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After firing, Bannon returns to his 'killing machine'


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After firing, Bannon returns to his 'killing machine'

By James Oliphant and Steve Holland


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White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland, U.S., February 23, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts /File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With Stephen Bannon, the worry always was that he could be even more disruptive to President Donald Trump’s White House from outside than he was within.


In the hours following his firing on Friday, those fears seemed warranted, as the conservative voices who viewed Bannon as one of their own howled in rage over Trump's decision to fire his chief strategist.


The reaction was most notable from Breitbart News, the hard-right news site that Bannon ran before he joined Trump’s presidential campaign last year.


“WAR,” tweeted one of the site's editors, Joel Pollak, who published a piece questioning whether Trump would now move in a more moderate direction with Bannon out of the White House.


"Steve Bannon personified the Trump agenda," Pollak wrote.


Bannon rejoined Breitbart as executive chairman only hours after his firing was announced. He is now expected to use it as a platform to blast those within the White House - and perhaps Trump himself - when they don't hew to the fiercely nationalist policies Bannon advocated as an inside adviser.


As Trump's chief strategist, Bannon fought numerous battles with senior Trump aides and top Republicans in Congress over the administration's policy agenda.


Breitbart frequently backed him up, ripping establishment Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, blaming them for obstructing Trump's agenda.


More recently, the site trained its fire on Trump's national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, after he removed officials who espoused Bannon's foreign-policy world view.


In recent days, Bannon had told friends he is worth tens of millions of dollars, is a worldwide leader in the populist-nationalist movement that propelled Trump to power, and could go back to Breitbart, which he refers to as a “killing machine”, or perhaps other endeavors financed by the family of hedge-fund tycoon Robert Mercer, his longtime ally.


“Steve has a powerful voice, and he’s going to keep that voice up,” said Sam Nunberg, a former Trump campaign adviser and Bannon friend. “He’s going to continue to promote policies that got Donald Trump in the White House.”


Bannon had clashed with the likes of Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, and Jared Kushner, a Trump adviser and the president’s son-in-law, both of whom favored more business-friendly, mainstream economic policies on trade, taxes, and other matters.


While Bannon’s ouster may mean a short-term win for the relative moderates in the West Wing, those he dubbed the "globalists," it does not mean that policy battles on national security, immigration and the economy will dissipate.


Trump has a shown a proclivity for seeking counsel from former advisers such as Corey Lewandowski and Newt Gingrich and from conservative pundits such as Sean Hannity. The outspoken and provocative Bannon could join their number.


And there remain other White House officials sympathetic to Bannon’s world view, such as domestic policy adviser Stephen Miller.


Even so, Bannon's absence will be felt.


“Trump is always going to be Trump on immigration, trade, and foreign policy. But Steve was the highest-ranking adviser who shared Trump's world view. With him gone, there's not a replacement for that voice in internal debates,” one administration official said.


“I think people have always overestimated how influential anyone can be on Trump. But without Steve constantly pushing back on every policy idea coming from the so-called 'globalists,' it's easy to see how they could have a chance to start winning more policy battles.”


Mike Cernovich, an alt-right activist and personality, suggested to his more than 300,000 followers on Twitter that Bannon was sacked to ensure that the White House raises troop levels in Afghanistan, which Bannon opposed.


“This is a full-on coup now, guys,” Cernovich said in a posted video.


Beyond Breitbart and the alt-right, some more traditional conservative groups were also concerned about the implications of Bannon’s departure.


Twenty Republican grassroots leaders, including longtime activists Richard Viguerie, Jenny Beth Martin, and Ginni Thomas, wrote to Trump earlier in the week urging him to keep Bannon on.


“We will miss Steve Bannon in the White House because he helped President Trump keep many of the promises he made on the campaign trail,” Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, said in a statement after Bannon’s ouster.


But she also reiterated her support for the president, saying “he is his own man.”


If Bannon has anything to do with it, he will push to make sure that Trump stays that way.


But some supporters still worried that the radical agenda Bannon fought for could be at risk.


"It's a sad day for the movement," Nunberg said. "I think it will end up being a mistake.”



-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-20
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"killing machine"....what a joke these blowhards are.


the only thing he has killed is any progress for America and his own credibility. What sounds great as a raving lunatic on the net does not translate to anything in the real world. "On day one, I will repeal Obamacare"



So much winning he had to crawl back to his safe space because he couldn't cut it in the real world....ha ha ha

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now that he isn't in the WHITE House.....
and Trump only sleeps 4 hours a day.....

and does have a phone....

Bannon has more influence than he ever did... because Trump can follow what he suggests and no one can credit ****or**** blame Stevie (Trump hates the crediting even more than the dissing so it's a win win)

how it looks it soooooooooo important... for the Anti Trumpers..... a/k/a  The Little People...... a/k/a Al Gore's Optimistic Climate Believers.... who wonder why Indonesia doesn't 'feel guilty' for burning forests to make palm oil for some reason...

....and share their Superior Moral Sensibilities and Responsible Feelings with each other... while Trump's appointees get things done. 



Edited by maewang99
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2 minutes ago, bkkgooner said:

Fantastic news for the rest of the world that this lunatic is nowhere near power anymore. Let him go back to being a rabble rouser and hopefully now Kelly can steer Trump towards the centre. 

Let's hope he steers him to the center of the bowl and flushes twice

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Bannon being fired is the best news this administration has had to offer since day one, though you have to say his very involvement from the beginning was a serious mistake. So now the poisonous little toad has run back to Breitbart, where he will no doubt continue to publish his hate filled agenda, that the twisted and stupid will continue to soak in. You have to be a special sort of stupid to bang the far right drum, whose racist policies are just morally and intellectually unacceptable to normal decent people, who Thank God, are in the massive majority.

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36 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Bannon being fired is the best news this administration has had to offer since day one, though you have to say his very involvement from the beginning was a serious mistake. So now the poisonous little toad has run back to Breitbart, where he will no doubt continue to publish his hate filled agenda, that the twisted and stupid will continue to soak in. You have to be a special sort of stupid to bang the far right drum, whose racist policies are just morally and intellectually unacceptable to normal decent people, who Thank God, are in the massive majority.

The good thing is that there is a law of diminishing returns on the stuff that Fox/Breitbart/etc spew all day every day. Pretty much the people that elected Trump are not going to be swayed anymore than they already have been and without a Democratic bogeyman in the White House, it is difficult to 'flip' new prospects, even though I know they are still trying to use Obama as the devil incarnate, at some point people, even if only subconsciously, will realize that Trump is the one screwing up their lives.


I expect that we have seen the peak in hysteria as it becomes less effective when you are in charge. They have turned to the media and the deep state as bogeymen now but at some point if you fail to deliver, Bannon's only choice is to make Trump out as a sell-out and he becomes the new devil to the right. At which point I believe the whole things comes crashing to earth, stupidity can only defy gravity for so long and it's a long way down.

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Good news for Goldman Sachs, they now completely own the White House.


Re Bannon sacking see the Progressive Huffington Post had a the headline "Goy By", if memory serves that is a Jewish derogatory term for non Jews? Hmm, wonder what that was supposed to mean? They then changed it to "White Flight", apparently more PC in the current era.

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I am not American but I am still watching these events with fascination.

Does anyone think there is any significance to  the fact that Jared Kushner seems to be one of the last men standing and he is unlikely to go for obvious reasons? And yet  before becoming an adviser to the President he was a staunch Democrat and his family have donated generously to that party. He is also reportedly close to Senator Charles Schumer who to me as an outside observer seems to be the main one that has put the spanner in the works as far as all of Trump's aspirations. I keep wondering whether there is an element of sabotage?

Anyway I can't see now what reasons there are for continued euphoria in the economy and markets because Steve Bannon claims the Trump presidency is essentially over? There can be little hope for any tax reform surely?

Edited by midas
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1 hour ago, Rancid said:

Good news for Goldman Sachs, they now completely own the White House.


Re Bannon sacking see the Progressive Huffington Post had a the headline "Goy By", if memory serves that is a Jewish derogatory term for non Jews? Hmm, wonder what that was supposed to mean? They then changed it to "White Flight", apparently more PC in the current era.

Not derogatory, just every day Yiddish.

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He is a raving lunatic, and the further away from the White House, the safer the world is, and the more sane policy may be. The only thing he has ever said, that I like, is that a war with North Korea is not winnable. That is absolutely true. It would more than likely end in astonishing disaster for the US, and could possibly end up bankrupting America. It could go on for decades, and the casualties could be unfathomable. It would be akin to most of the other wars the US has started recently. Look how they have turned out. Though some progress has been made in Iraq lately, Afghanistan seems to be a lost cause. 


My guess, is that he will be a somewhat disgruntled man, and will lash out at Trump, and some of his policies. It just adds one more ring to the circus. A three ring circus, has now added one more ring. 


Personally, I love it. The amusement value is fantastic. Watching Trump shoot himself in the foot daily, is beyond amusing. He just cannot help himself. Twitter for him, is more addicting than heroin. And he rarely helps his cause, when he picks up his device. Keep on tweeting Don. You are doing all of the heavy lifting for those that oppose you. 


Get used to saying President Pence.

Edited by spidermike007
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2 hours ago, Rancid said:

Good news for Goldman Sachs, they now completely own the White House.


Re Bannon sacking see the Progressive Huffington Post had a the headline "Goy By", if memory serves that is a Jewish derogatory term for non Jews? Hmm, wonder what that was supposed to mean? They then changed it to "White Flight", apparently more PC in the current era.

And how did Goldman Sachs get into the White House? Did they stage a night raid with grappling hooks and swung in through the windows? It's not like Donald Trump chose the Goldman Sach alumni.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“This is a full-on coup now, guys,” Cernovich said in a posted video.

a coup, huh?

A) either Bannon was the de facto leader of the US government, in which case a coup is "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government"


B) the firing of Bannon was a coup in the sense of "triumph, accomplishment, master stroke"


The only thing that Cernovich has rearing in his pitiful little head is: "This is full-on now, guys...man, bros, dudes, Coup Coup Coup Clux Clan, arrgh!"

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Bannon being fired is the best news this administration has had to offer since day one, though you have to say his very involvement from the beginning was a serious mistake. So now the poisonous little toad has run back to Breitbart, where he will no doubt continue to publish his hate filled agenda, that the twisted and stupid will continue to soak in. You have to be a special sort of stupid to bang the far right drum, whose racist policies are just morally and intellectually unacceptable to normal decent people, who Thank God, are in the massive majority.

wow; more than a little passion there

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

normal decent people, who Thank God, are in the massive majority.

Unfortunately, the majority Republican congress will continue to support Trump because most of his legislative agenda matches theirs and overlook or apologize for Trump's racism. It will only be when the Republican congressmen so splinter their party ideology (remote but plausible) that they become ineffective in passing key legislation. Then they'll act righteous and blame Trump for being unfit as President.

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message to Trump:  "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."


Already, Bannon is shooting his mouth off:  "The Trump presidency is over"


He said it THREE TIMES in one very recent interview!


It's like a bear and bull fight.  In the old days, men in need of entertainment, would connect the arm of a bear with a rope around a bull's neck - using an 6' long rope tether.  Nasty fighting would ensue.

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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

message to Trump:  "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."


Already, Bannon is shooting his mouth off:  "The Trump presidency is over"


He said it THREE TIMES in one very recent interview!


It's like a bear and bull fight.  In the old days, men in need of entertainment, would connect the arm of a bear with a rope around a bull's neck - using an 6' long rope tether.  Nasty fighting would ensue.

In the old days? Buddy, this is 2017 and in the absence of my being able to influence world events, this political bear and bull fight keeps me entertained 24/7...

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