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BBC journalist on trial for Thailand crime reporting

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10 hours ago, bobbymack said:

yes, the plaintiff has dropped the case against Head but continued against the house owner because he is an easy target and he doesn't want the publicity that will go with suing, effectively the BBC. I hope the BBC support the defendant and continue to publicize the case

Mmmm......I hope that you are correct too and that the BBC (and other British media) will support Jonathon's co-defendant (Ian Rance). But based on mine and my wife's experiences - I wouldn't hold your breath!


We too are victims of a being cheated out of our home and all our money due to rampant corruption (by Thai government agencies and court officials) and arguably the clearest case of fraud, deception and extortion imaginable. We have contacted Mr Head and the BBC about our 'story' - but they have shown absolutely no interest in supporting or even contacting us......

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Removed a duplicate post and the replay to it.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


2 hours ago, Old Croc said:

Have you actually read the facts of the case?

This guy didn't put the properties in the wife's name, but used the limited company method to buy and keep control of his assets.  The crimes committed against him involved the illegal transfer of the titles into the wife's name assisted by the plaintive and a number of unnamed criminal elements. (use your imagination as to their professions) 


From the OP article:




Vent about people who use this method to hold property in Thailand if you must, but at least get your facts right.



Have you actually read my post and understood it?


Whether he put the property in his wife`s name or not, he was still fleeced by his Thai wife with others just jumping on the bandwagon. His not for his wife he would probably still have all his assets in-tact now.

2 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

Perhaps he realised that he doesn't have the resources that the BBC has, nor connections!


What amazes me is that a lawyer can notarize a false signature that gives a wife the power to sell a house and THEN claims his reputation is damaged???


is this 'Thainess'?  

3 hours ago, Doug F said:

I and many potential future investors in retirement homes will be watching this closely.  If Thailand is so corrupt that someone trying to alert people of a potential problem is the one who is jailed, then maybe I should consider some other country in southeast asia to retire in.


It sounds like the lawyer is the real crook.

You would be well advised to do a lot of in depth research into ALL aspects of investing here be that business or residential .. As this story has indicated even members of the Law profession here are not averse to engaging in skullduggery .. Personally you'd be mad to invest here in the currant climate .. 

14 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

You would be well advised to do a lot of in depth research into ALL aspects of investing here be that business or residential .. As this story has indicated even members of the Law profession here are not averse to engaging in skullduggery .. Personally you'd be mad to invest here in the currant climate .. 


Please do not be concerned. I'm sure the organisation/committee responsible for overseeing the professional ethics of lawyers in Thailand will be contacting this lawyer to please explain how he came to be certifying someones signature without them present... probably on the phone to him right now... oh, wait... :sleep:

3 hours ago, Doug F said:

I and many potential future investors in retirement homes will be watching this closely.  If Thailand is so corrupt that someone trying to alert people of a potential problem is the one who is jailed, then maybe I should consider some other country in southeast asia to retire in.


It sounds like the lawyer is the real crook.

As a foreigner I would not invest any money into anything in Thailand. Even if you do everything above board, any problems you`ll always going to be in a lose, lose situation with virtually no statutory rights. But if you`re a gambling man and believe the dice will always land in your favour, then go ahead.

13 minutes ago, hathairat2711 said:

Charges against my codefendant Ian Rance now also withdrawn. Relief for me but Ian's fight 4 justice & restoration of stolen assets goes on

fantastic news for Ian - but we still have to continue to watch this aspect " restoration of stolen assets " -very carefully.

I mean this is another aspect of the many bizarre and inexplicable workings of the Thai " justice system ":unsure:

when you find that a crime has been committed and the assets can be readily identified i.e.  they were just transferred to someone else illegally, what's the big deal about immediately rescinding the illegal transfer? It just needs the court to approve a few documents-I mean it's not rocket science . Yet why do they make such a big deal out of doing this and why wasn't it done ages ago? I hope we will gradually learn the answer to this.

3 minutes ago, tso310 said:

Good news for Ian Rance. A shame nothing will probably happen against this corrupt lawyer.

We don't know that, having already said 'A' the law may feel compelled to say 'B', certainly the lawyers association will want to contain collateral damage by not letting this 'lawyer' get off the hook so easily


Now that Mr Rance has also been acquitted .. Does the " face " ( loss of ) thing come into play for said dodgy lawyer .. And if so is it a double helping as the two he accused who have now walked were also bloody foreigners .. :biggrin:

4 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


Sue him for vexatious suit.  Come on  BBC   'Make Suing Great Again'



I am sure that JH and the BBC will not be bothered about suing this low life, but I am pretty sure that JH is already elevator pitching a follow up documentary to the BBC which will be crushing. 


Ian Rance is but one half of two foreigners cheated out of their rightful property. Colin Vard is the other person swindled and defrauded out of a huge sum of money. His lawyer is equally corrupt and was actually working against him!!. The law council is a non-runner as he has approached them time and again But now they may, a small may, be willing to help. 


The system here is an utterly corrupt legal, court, police and land office system that it rotten to the very core. It is endemic in Thailand and seen as a right to screw any foreigner for whatever they can with absolutely no consequences. 


How can Thailand claim to have a "Justice" system when we see on a daily basis here bizarre and ridiculous cases going to court, and even worse decisions? The recent case here of the German woman who has given up trying to get justice for her murdered son. The clear suspects were arrested, released and nothing further was done. This is the norm here.  

The case against Jonathan Head was so absurd as to be laughable. Why did it ever get this far? Because he is foreign and the lying, cheating, low life Thai "lawyer" knows the ropes in Thailand. I hope he can now counter sue for false accusations, loss of earnings, loss of freedom of movement, etc.


How can the judges/lawyers hold their heads up when they know full well what goes on and seeing pockets lined on every corner of the legal buildings? The courts and its officers should be the epitome of the very best practices and totally free from any taint. When there is a justice system riddled with corruption then the country is a failure. A proper legal system is central to any civilised country. 


Shame on you Thailand....you truly should be ashamed of what goes on in your country. You have fallen a long way from the wonderful country of Siam and old Thailand.



Delighted Ian that you are finally free of this stupid accusation. which has caused you an awful lot of suffering and anxiety.

All the very best in your continued fight.


2 hours ago, robertson468 said:

Perhaps he realised that he doesn't have the resources that the BBC has, nor connections!

He probably has the connections in Thailand, but to take on a huge world-wide, usually highly regarded, news organisation like the Beeb?


No chance.  He suddenly realised just  what he was taking on and that the effect of his actions were going to blow right back in his face.  Not to mention his wallet.  

5 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


Can still counter-sue here. He lost his passport and was greatly inconvenienced with a vexatious law suit. 


Much as I agree with you and wish JH would counter-sue the shark who tried it on, I fear that the Beeb will be happy  not to have to fork out zillions of baht and mix with the slimy low-lifes that are lawyers in this country (and elsewhere).


t would also be a good idea for JH to take a good long holiday in another country once he gets his passport back (which I reckon could be a good long time).  These slimeballs have a knack of getting back at others by many other methods.

2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


What amazes me is that a lawyer can notarize a false signature that gives a wife the power to sell a house and THEN claims his reputation is damaged???


is this 'Thainess'?  


Sadly, yes.  

On 8/23/2017 at 0:59 PM, onthesoi said:

All western countries have defamation/libel laws, including the UK where the BBC adhere to the letter, but they come to Thailand and think they are above the law.


JH is a professional Thai basher... So som nom na!

I would have thought the BBC could find enough dirt in their own organisation to report on, let alone what they, like most try to hide, that's going on/covered up in all major cities, their own 'misdeeds' would keep them going for many a year,the 'News of the World' did enough damage in its day with half truths blown out of proportion.

2 minutes ago, eddysmit said:

I would have thought the BBC could find enough dirt in their own organisation to report on, let alone what they, like most try to hide, that's going on/covered up in all major cities, their own 'misdeeds' would keep them going for many a year,the 'News of the World' did enough damage in its day with half truths blown out of proportion.

The BBC has over 200 correspondence based in UK an abroad.  This case with Jonathan Head is a prime example of the work they do around the world in exposing injustice.    Thank you for allowing me to point this out.


To those amazed at why fraudulently converted documents cannot be rescinded at the stroke of a judges pen then;


Colion Vard has been trying for 6, yes six, years to have his property returned. He has files of proof, his partner was convicted in a criminal court and still the civil court decided to ignore this criminal finding! Criminal convictions require a higher burden of proof....note the O J Simpson case in the States as but one example.


Judge after judge has ignored the truth, ignored the criminal decision, ignored basic law and in one case refused to hear a single word from him and his lawyer (a total crook) to be put to the court! The defence was seen in the judges chambers chatting and laughing during the casae in court. 

What chance have you.....zero, zilch, nothing. 

The cases have cost him everything he had left and this "lawyer" cleaned him out with bully boy tactics and blackmail.....pay me more or I walk and take your papers.


It is so unbelievable as to defy truth.

It should have been a simple case, as pointed out above, of a stroke of the pen and all sales contracts for the properties declared null and void.

But then, there is no money in that for the boys. Now is there?



According to Jonathan Head's Twitter account, charges against his co-defendant Ian Rance have also just been dropped. Hopefully Jonathan Head will write up the story of what happened regarding the court case. Will make for interesting reading.

1 hour ago, tso310 said:

Good news for Ian Rance. A shame nothing will probably happen against this corrupt lawyer.

Of course not, does anyone really expect the corrupt activities of this lawyer will be brought to light in a court of law.


They know that taking on a huge worldwide news media like the BBC, will expose the whole rotten business and who is involved in these rings of corruption. Better to just drop the matter and try to sweep it under the carpet.

12 minutes ago, Nook225 said:

Mr.Head, Sir, just leave it. It is totally hopeless.

No its not, he has already forced an about face by the weasel possibly after advice from higher up!!


Thailand needs more people like him rather than people who just bend over, unfortunately and unsurprisingly the local populace have the cards stacked against them but it is much harder for the scrotes in power to shaft an international news organisation


Each and everytime this is highlighted there can only be a positive outcome so hopefully JH makes a point of highlighting this total pisstake of a justice system

1 hour ago, gummy said:

Bit old hat this thread considering the weasel Thai lawyer has withdrawn all charges

It might be old hat to you posting only an hour ago, but it wasn't old hat when the thread was started a day or so ago.  

16 hours ago, Enoon said:


"How else can we drag a corrupt, wicked and backward group of primates kicking and screaming into the 21st century?"


Absurd, delusional, and grotesquely out of touch with the "21st century".


And thanks for confirming it with this:

"Not that long ago we would have had a battleship parked in the gulf of Thailand for such an outrage."


The last 17 years will, in time, be seen as part of the "hangover" from the 20th century.


As are your comments.


PS If you plan to spend a lot of time in Thailand it might be a good idea not to let the "whole country" know what you think of them (especially those in your immediate area).



I think he was suggesting the Thai law and the legislators need dragging into the 21st century. He's right; they do.


My (limited) understanding of the Defamation Act is that any person can lodge a charge against another (or organisation). Even though it's a civil action a person found guilty can be liable to imprisonment.

It's called a 'civil' action because the charge process isn't liable to the steps of approval, legal nit-picking, analysis of strength of evidence and negotiation required before presenting a case in court to deal with a standard criminal charge that ends with a jail sentence.  

A complainant who loses their case is not liable for legal costs.

It's a very useful tool of suppression in the right hands.

3 minutes ago, sandemara said:

My (limited) understanding of the Defamation Act is that any person can lodge a charge against another (or organisation). Even though it's a civil action a person found guilty can be liable to imprisonment.

It's called a 'civil' action because the charge process isn't liable to the steps of approval, legal nit-picking, analysis of strength of evidence and negotiation required before presenting a case in court to deal with a standard criminal charge that ends with a jail sentence.  

A complainant who loses their case is not liable for legal costs.

It's a very useful tool of suppression in the right hands.

THe CCA is not just a civil act its criminal and the BIB do all the work.

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