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Ex-PM’s flight ‘will not end the fight for democracy, say red shirts


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Thailand is what it is ...  and the nayers should not stay as I am sure it's better to stay in a place you enjoy ...   but i guess the TV complainers won't do that as they nothing more than keyboard warriors who just complain but live here. :clap2:

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“Thaksin Shinawatra was like the soul of Pheu Thai


Thaksin Shinawatra was like the wallet for Pheu Thai, things will remain the same as long as he pays the bills. We love democracy, as long as the money rolls in.

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6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Every time I see a post like this whingeing about Thaksin paying money, I have the same thoughts;


Who funds the Democratic party? Who funded Suthep and his mob?


And I never get an answer...


And U won't either.

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The bottom line is that until the population of the N & NE the majority of the country BTW, are convinced that any political party are going to do anything for them, rather than just Bangkok and the South they will, if given the chance continue to vote for Pheu Thai who have a proven track record of helping the poor in the N and NE which none of the other parties have done.

 It may just be crumbs off the table to buy their votes but it's the only crumbs that they have ever been given, so they will vote for them.

 Until the Bangkok & Southcentric parties stop treating them like surfs nothing will change, the genie has been let out of the bottle and anyone who has made any sort of study of history knows where this is going to go sooner or later if nothing changes.....

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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

Would you please be so kind to explain what the care of the Shins for the North an Northeast exactly means, besides garnering votes?

The free health care system for those outside the government employee's system or social security system (only applicable to employees of plc companies); the special low interest loans for  business start-up initiatives in the north; subsidised local housing; establishing decentralised local education authorities - all introduced during Thaksin's era.

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10 minutes ago, aslimversgwm said:

The free health care system for those outside the government employee's system or social security system (only applicable to employees of plc companies); the special low interest loans for  business start-up initiatives in the north; subsidised local housing; establishing decentralised local education authorities - all introduced during Thaksin's era.

I think this is all undeniably correct and even though some of his ideas had actually been floated before, to his credit he brought them in and took them further.
But at the same time, Thaksin did nothing for the development of democracy and even started moving things backwards. He put down the slowly emerging more open and critical press by slapping lawsuits on any who put him under scrutiny. There was a spike in the murders of community/environmental activists. The Tak Bai murders (can be blamed on the military but Thaksin's comments were utterly repugnant). The escalation of the use of lese majeste laws against political opponents actually started under Thaksin when he was at odds with Sondhi Limthongkul. 

The development of democracy is about more than just holding elections. The Shinawatras have never offered a genuine democratic alternative but it seems that some of those who originally supported them perhaps as a stepping-stone to something different have got stuck with the idea that they offer the only alternative to dictatorship. Time to move on and come up with other ways to move forward without being reliant on individuals or dynasties.

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9 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

I think this is all undeniably correct and even though some of his ideas had actually been floated before, to his credit he brought them in and took them further.
But at the same time, Thaksin did nothing for the development of democracy and even started moving things backwards. He put down the slowly emerging more open and critical press by slapping lawsuits on any who put him under scrutiny. There was a spike in the murders of community/environmental activists. The Tak Bai murders (can be blamed on the military but Thaksin's comments were utterly repugnant). The escalation of the use of lese majeste laws against political opponents actually started under Thaksin when he was at odds with Sondhi Limthongkul. 

The development of democracy is about more than just holding elections. The Shinawatras have never offered a genuine democratic alternative but it seems that some of those who originally supported them perhaps as a stepping-stone to something different have got stuck with the idea that they offer the only alternative to dictatorship. Time to move on and come up with other ways to move forward without being reliant on individuals or dynasties.

It is true he did all those things and many more but he was greedy. He actually had the seed of greatness and squandered it on self-satisfaction. As you rightly say 'Time to Move On' (from Shins to Juntas) but how?

Edited by LannaGuy
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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Every time I see a post like this whingeing about Thaksin paying money, I have the same thoughts;


Who funds the Democratic party? Who funded Suthep and his mob?


And I never get an answer...



The old elite who own the DP fund it. Just like Thaksin and his clan fund the political organizations PTP, Red Shirts and UDD that he owns.


And some posters still pretend this is about democracy 555!

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12 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Every time I see a post like this whingeing about Thaksin paying money, I have the same thoughts;


Who funds the Democratic party? Who funded Suthep and his mob?


And I never get an answer...


The reason it is difficult to answer is that nobody funding them demands to be PM and dictate policy. One of the Dem sources of funding is MP levies, rather different from drawing a salary, something illegal in most democracies.


Happy now?

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5 hours ago, ramrod711 said:


Thaksin Shinawatra was like the wallet for Pheu Thai, things will remain the same as long as he pays the bills. We love democracy, as long as the money rolls in.

I think they meant to say a word that be deleted if used, but generally abbreviated to AH.

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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


"The Democrat Party is partly supported by its own MPs paying 10% of their salary to the party"




I bet that covers a lot of costs.


You have no idea at all.


But, But, But Thaksin...



You complain that you never get an answer, then when a polite logical response is givern you deride and dismiss it. Democrat funding is much the same as any other political party, the big  exception being  those bought and bribed by the Shinawatras.


Laughing won't change the inconvenient facts.

Edited by halloween
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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


The old elite who own the DP fund it. Just like Thaksin and his clan fund the political organizations PTP, Red Shirts and UDD that he owns.


And some posters still pretend this is about democracy 555!

You seem to be amused by a rather common method of funding of political party or organization. What is amusing though is your weak effort to confuse funding with democracy. Failed miserably. 

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

You seem to be amused by a rather common method of funding of political party or organization. What is amusing though is your weak effort to confuse funding with democracy. Failed miserably. 

What's "rather common" about a criminal fugitive billionaire paying MPs to join his party, being allowed access to cabinet meetings, and being allowed to dictate policy to his appointed ministers? In which democracy is that legal, let alone common?


Where else does a political party have its own gang of propagandists and agitators, with a militia of thugs to stifle dissent? Where else are a group facing serious criminal charges including inciting terrorism and arson appointed as party list MPs so they can avoid prosecution?

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12 hours ago, halloween said:

The reason it is difficult to answer is that nobody funding them demands to be PM and dictate policy. One of the Dem sources of funding is MP levies, rather different from drawing a salary, something illegal in most democracies.


Happy now?


Respectfully, how do you know that there are no policy demands? Are you suggesting that they do it out of the goodness of their hearts?


MP levies? 10 % of salary? That might cover 1-2 low-level staffers. Who funds all the other staffers? Who funds the various offices? Who funds the Dem Rallies? Who funds the Dem advertising? Who funds the Dem travel costs? Who funds the Dem vote-buying?


No, not happy.


Questions still unanswered.


Who funds the Democrats? Who funded Suthep's mob?



Edited by Samui Bodoh
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On 8/27/2017 at 10:05 AM, LannaGuy said:

I support democracy and have a natural aversion to ANY military junta in ANY nation. This is not about support for any one person or any one party it;s about support for principle, ethics and freedom.

".....for principle, ethics and freedom." Well, it isn't about to happen anytime soon if at all. Like it or not the then military junta did stop the 'bloody' street riots.

Moving on from there, the current ruling classes are not about to give up their power anytime soon even if a thinly disguised democracy is put in place. The military will still continue to hold power in the background, as they have always done. The leopard does not change it's spots. :thumbsup:


On 8/27/2017 at 10:12 AM, steven100 said:

Democracy is not cast in stone. It's only a word and a smoke screen.  As I have said before democracy will not work in Thailand as there are too many who want power.  It has been shown many times over.

It is good for Thailand that Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha is in control. Thailand can move ahead toward economic sustainability.

How has democracy improved the US, Australia, Africa or many other nations,  it's just a smoke screen that covers up the corruption, cheating and multinational thief's.  imo

Democracy is not perfect but it is better than whatever else is second! Easy for you to criticise but what is your viable alternative? :whistling:

And what was there in the U.S., Australia, Africa or many other nations that was better than the current democracy?


"Thailand can move ahead toward economic sustainability." Bulls hit - who are going to be the beneficiaries of this? The rich (and the connected/powerful) will get richer but not much flows down to the ordinary Thai citizen (and probably never has in the past). Look at the education system. Corruption is rampant. Justice is near non existent and where it may exist it is of a two tier system. The PM (via the military coup) stopped the 'bloody' street riots but since then, it would seem, that any advance towards your 'economic sustainability' will continue to be at the expense of the poor. The country seems to be stuck in a far old and distant feudal system where it will remain as long as people are not educated enough to be able to seek away out of their 'serfdom'.

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