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U.S. selects four construction firms to build U.S. border wall prototypes


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42 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Of course not. Desist with your low grade shameless baiting. 

Who's the one baiting here? You are the one using unnecessarily inflammatory and incitant language such as xenophobic, racist, hard core to describe an element of Trump supporters who want the wall built.


Do you own property on or in close proximity to the US/Mexican border or reside there? I should think not.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Who's the one baiting here? You are the one using unnecessarily inflammatory and incitant language such as xenophobic, racist, hard core to describe an element of Trump supporters who want the wall built.
Do you own property on or in close proximity to the US/Mexican border or reside there? I should think not.

My rhetoric about trump's wall true believers is entirely accurate. The key inflammatory agent in the dangerous racial divisiveness in the USA is trump itself.
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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

My rhetoric about trump's wall true believers is entirely accurate. The key inflammatory agent in the dangerous racial divisiveness in the USA is trump itself.

Please do try to enjoy each miserable second of this Trump countdown.


Pray for you sanity's sake* that he doesn't get a second term and you be lookin' at a reset countdown. :biggrin:


* = Maybe it's a bit late for that?

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Please do try to enjoy each miserable second of this Trump countdown.


Pray for you sanity's sake* that he doesn't get a second term and you be lookin' at a reset countdown. :biggrin:


* = Maybe it's a bit late for that?

It might already be too late for the entire nation. 45 is that extremely toxic. Even if he is removed or forced to resign with good legal cause he's created a monster of fascistic white resentment politics that might be impossible to put back in the bottle until it's fully played out to it's tragic bloody end.


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2 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Who 'here" is neither here nor there.

Even if someone wanted a free ride (by either migration or immigration) in a nice, tenable welfare state,

they probably wouldn't post that desire here.


"if someone wanted a free ride ... in a nice, tenable welfare state"


By your second sentence you've already gotten to your one-dimensional, stereotypical Fox Views bullet point.



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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It might already be too late for the entire nation. 45 is that extremely toxic. Even if he is removed or forced to resign with good legal cause he's created a monster of fascistic white resentment politics that might be impossible to put back in the bottle until it's fully played out to it's tragic bloody end.


Wrong thread,

You do understand the wall is not a new idea. In 2006 Obama and Clinton both voted in favor of a Wall. But now Trump wants to do it and all the supporters are racist and all kind of phobes. The far left has gone off the deep end with hatred. No longer do you see things with a clear head.



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Wrong thread,
You do understand the wall is not a new idea. In 2006 Obama and Clinton both voted in favor of a Wall. But now Trump wants to do it and all the supporters are racist and all kind of phobes. The far left has gone off the deep end with hatred. No longer do you see things with a clear head.
That's a total deflection. Nobody is against fences and walls in strategic locations. But the trump wall fantasy is about a literal wall the full length of the border.
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26 minutes ago, iReason said:


"if someone wanted a free ride ... in a nice, tenable welfare state"


By your second sentence you've already gotten to your one-dimensional, stereotypical Fox Views bullet point.



I believe I've warned you before about editing the content of my posts without any indications of their being edited and this includes editing extracts from my posts that you've quoted in your reply. By not doing so, your credibility on this forum is zilch, AFAIC.


To correct your deluded conclusion that I watch Fox News - I don't watch TV at all because I don't have cable or out-of-the-air TV and am entirely internet-based. Additionally, Fox News is (for the most part) gone too far left for my tastes, except for Sean Hannity, who I have not listened to or watched for some time.


IMHO, If anything is shameful on this forum it's your poor forum participation habits.



Edited by MaxYakov
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21 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

To correct your deluded conclusion that I watch Fox News - I don't watch TV at all because I don't have cable or out-of-the-air TV and am entirely internet-based. Additionally, Fox News is (for the most part) gone too far left for my tastes, except for Sean Hannity, who I have not listened to or watched for some time.


Nice dodge/deflection of you previous hyperbolic, myopic statement. NOT.


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I believe I've warned you before about editing the content of my posts without any indications of their being edited and this includes editing extracts from my posts that you've quoted in your reply. By not doing so, your credibility on this forum is zilch, AFAIC.
To correct your deluded conclusion that I watch Fox News - I don't watch TV at all because I don't have cable or out-of-the-air TV and am entirely internet-based. Additionally, Fox News is (for the most part) gone too far left for my tastes, except for Sean Hannity, who I have not listened to or watched for some time.
IMHO, If anything is shameful on this forum it's your poor forum participation habits.

He clearly indicated he was posting a snippet. That's totally OK except in cases of blatant distortion. For example posting it was great snipped from a sentence saying it was a great disappointment.

Next ...
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2 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Who's the one baiting here? You are the one using unnecessarily inflammatory and incitant language such as xenophobic, racist, hard core to describe an element of Trump supporters who want the wall built.


Do you own property on or in close proximity to the US/Mexican border or reside there? I should think not.

Hey, I got some interesting news for you. There's not one member of the house, democratic or republican representing a district that shares a border with Mexico, who is in favor of the wall.


 Ya think they're taking that stance because they're politically suicidal?

I suspect I won't be hearing back from you on this one.


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59 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

In 2006 Obama and Clinton both voted in favor of a Wall.

But now Trump wants to do it and all the supporters are racist and all kind of phobes.


Try not to get all your information from that blighted White House and Fox "Views":


Fact-check: Did top Democrats vote for a border wall in 2006?

"White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said he doesn’t understand Democratic opposition to funding the border wall because top Democrats voted for it just over 10 years ago."


"The Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President George W. Bush, authorized about 700 miles of fencing along certain stretches of land between the border of the United States and Mexico."


"Obama, Clinton, Schumer and 23 other Democratic senators voted in favor of the act when it passed in the Senate by a vote of 80 to 19."




No 2000 mile, 30 foot wall, no wall that "just got 10 feet higher". (That's never going to happen)

A 700 mile fence.

But don't let the facts get in the way of a "good" Fox "Views" story...


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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Hey, I got some interesting news for you. There's not one member of the house, democratic or republican representing a district that shares a border with Mexico, who is in favor of the wall.


 Ya think they're taking that stance because they're politically suicidal?

I suspect I won't be hearing back from you on this one.


I don't know where (or if) there is a physical description of the wall, but (Thanks) your The Hill article does say, among other things, this:


"According to the report, some GOP lawmakers raised concerns about whether the wall is too focused on a physical barrier, rather than funding other high-tech solutions that could prove to be more effective.

“The solution must be a dynamic, multifaceted one,” Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M.) told the publication."


1) You should not be so quick to jump on something based on a potentially questionable survey. Especially one by an author with a name like Nikita Vladimirov.


Aren't you afraid of being accused of colluding with the Ruskies?


2) It's well-known that many Republicans are anti-Trump and may very well be suicidal if they are as obsessive as some of the posters on this forum are about Trump.


3) Maybe the Republicans surveyed, as usual, are afraid to voice a pro-wall opinion so as not to lose Hispanic voters (or their belief that they will lose them).


4) The Republicans are as big on lying as are the Democrats (most likely).


You suspected you wouldn't hear from me on this because ...?

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9 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

I don't know where (or if) there is a physical description of the wall, but (Thanks) your The Hill article does say, among other things, this:


"According to the report, some GOP lawmakers raised concerns about whether the wall is too focused on a physical barrier, rather than funding other high-tech solutions that could prove to be more effective.

“The solution must be a dynamic, multifaceted one,” Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M.) told the publication."


1) You should not be so quick to jump on something based on a potentially questionable survey. Especially one by an author with a name like Nikita Vladimirov.


Aren't you afraid of being accused of colluding with the Ruskies?


2) It's well-known that many Republicans are anti-Trump and may very well be suicidal if they are as obsessive as some of the posters on this forum are about Trump.


3) Maybe the Republicans surveyed, as usual, are afraid to voice a pro-wall opinion so as not to lose Hispanic voters (or their belief that they will lose them).


4) The Republicans are as big on lying as are the Democrats (most likely).


You suspected you wouldn't hear from me on this because ...?

"1) You should not be so quick to jump on something based on a potentially questionable survey. Especially one by an author with a name like Nikita Vladimirov."

Bigoted much? I have to grant you t that he has written for some pretty scurrilous publicaitons:

"Born and raised in the Russian Federation, Nikita Chirkov "Vladimirov" moved to the United States from Saint Petersburg in hopes of finding a better economic and political environment. From 2012 to 2015, Vladimirov attended Trinity University where he earned his BA with a triple-major in political science, international affairs and Russian while also earning honors in Modern Languages and Literatures upon graduation. 
Vladimirov's writing has appeared on the front pages of The Drudge Report and The Hill, and has been featured by several media organizations including Fox News, MSN, Real Clear Politics, the Daily Caller and others"

In addition to which the source of this article was the Wall St. Journal and that article was written by Laura Meckler and Kristina Peterson. 2 more unAmerican sounding names.

2) "It's well-known that many Republicans are anti-Trump and may very well be suicidal if they are as obsessive as some of the posters on this forum are about Trump."
Show me the evidence where Republicans have been taking unpopular positions in response to Trump. Utter nonsense. It's Trump who has mostly come round to supporting their positions.
3) "Maybe the Republicans surveyed, as usual, are afraid to voice a pro-wall opinion so as not to lose Hispanic voters (or their belief that they will lose them)." 
But by your thinking wouldn't this alienate all those non-Hispanic voters that Republicans depend on?
4))"The Republicans are as big on lying as are the Democrats (most likely)."
Lying about what? Their opposition to the wall?
Anyway that notion that every republican rep on the border is politically suicidal is, so ludicrously improbable, that it's actually worthy of the kind of stuff that Donald Trump posts regularly.
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I find this thread fascinating. I see no complaints about walls already built, just harping about Trump building a wall. So were previous walls all the horrible things this one is? Was it OK that Democrats voted for a fence instead of a wall in 2006? Did the same people whining now express their outrage then?


Of course, logical people can debate the effectiveness of a wall. For example, people have brought up things like tunnels and ladders. These are logical points.


A wall in and of itself would be a somewhat ineffective border. A wall is only as effective as the other border protection measures used in conjunction with it. There are things like infrared, ground sensors, Border Patrol agents, drones, tethered observation balloons, etc. that can increase the effectiveness of a wall.


It seems many people who just focus on a wall, regardless of from where in the political spectrum they are, are not looking at the big picture.

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1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:

I find this thread fascinating. I see no complaints about walls already built, just harping about Trump building a wall. So were previous walls all the horrible things this one is? Was it OK that Democrats voted for a fence instead of a wall in 2006? Did the same people whining now express their outrage then?


Of course, logical people can debate the effectiveness of a wall. For example, people have brought up things like tunnels and ladders. These are logical points.


A wall in and of itself would be a somewhat ineffective border. A wall is only as effective as the other border protection measures used in conjunction with it. There are things like infrared, ground sensors, Border Patrol agents, drones, tethered observation balloons, etc. that can increase the effectiveness of a wall.


It seems many people who just focus on a wall, regardless of from where in the political spectrum they are, are not looking at the big picture.

That's because it has been done to death already.

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3 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

I find this thread fascinating. I see no complaints about walls already built, just harping about Trump building a wall.

Was it OK that Democrats voted for a fence instead of a wall in 2006?

It seems many people who just focus on a wall, regardless of from where in the political spectrum they are,

are not looking at the big picture.


"It seems many people who just focus on a wall..."

That's rich.


Well, systematically and pathologically lying about building "a big beautiful wall" and "Mexico is going to pay for it"

was right at the top of the list as to why most of you guys voted for him. Yes?


What I find fascinating is everytime the occupier of the White House gets exposed for another lie,

the deflection kicks in and it goes like this:


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13 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

The problem is that many see the USA and indeed many Western Countries as safe havens and a way to riches. They are driven by hopes and dreams.

Walls do not stop anyone. As long as Governments are willing to pour taxpayers money to pay welfare and accommodation for these migrants. Plus the problem of Businesses exploiting them as cheap labour. Then we will never stop the problem. People immigrating via the legal channels should never be seen as a problem. But all the rest are just queue jumpers who cripple the Nations burdened with them and leave the genuine Immigrants trapped

"Walls do not stop anyone. "


What an incredibly mindless thing to say.  Of course they do.  'Guess you've never heard of prisons or jails.  Or bank vaults.  'Never seen a property wall with broken glass concreted into the top?  It would sure stop most people with a brain.   No one says a border wall's going to be airtight, but it's certainly a lot less incentive, and more easily monitored, than hundreds of miles of open country.   Which would you rather have, a burst water pipe or a leaky faucet??   If tens of thousands is reduced to a few hundreds, and a flood reduced to a trickle, it's worth it.  CBP can handle that.  Wingnut recruiters (and a certain former president's  appointees) will say and do anything to make the wall sound useless, exorbitant, and impossible to build.  Others insist on playing the tired old race card (as if there's something racist about immigration law enforcement), but the tactic always attracts a few naïve morons.   As in so many things, you just have to identify and then consider the source...


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4 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

"Walls do not stop anyone. "


 If tens of thousands is reduced to a few hundreds, and a flood reduced to a trickle, it's worth it.  


And spending all my savings to buy a ticket that wins me the lottery is worth it too! And by positing the desired outcome of my action I've provided proof that it's going to happen. Genius!

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Seems to be a bit of irony here, IMO.  The recent storms have ravaged, and will apparently continue to destroy homes and infrastructure across vast areas of the Southeastern USA. Thousands of homeowners and businesses will be needing tens of thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers who have experience in the building and construction trades.


Mexicans should be welcomed, even encouraged ... rather than symbolically blocked from and the affected area.


Those millions for wall prototypes would be better spent on recruiting and housing those workers.

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Seems to be a bit of irony here, IMO.  The recent storms have ravaged, and will apparently continue to destroy homes and infrastructure across vast areas of the Southeastern USA. Thousands of homeowners and businesses will be needing tens of thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers who have experience in the building and construction trades.
Mexicans should be welcomed, even encouraged ... rather than symbolically blocked from and the affected area.
Those millions for wall prototypes would be better spent on recruiting and housing those workers.

The wall ain't happening regardless.
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3 hours ago, klikster said:

Seems to be a bit of irony here, IMO.  The recent storms have ravaged, and will apparently continue to destroy homes and infrastructure across vast areas of the Southeastern USA. Thousands of homeowners and businesses will be needing tens of thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers who have experience in the building and construction trades.


Mexicans should be welcomed, even encouraged ... rather than symbolically blocked from and the affected area.


Those millions for wall prototypes would be better spent on recruiting and housing those workers.

Maybe we should allow our own citizens to have these jobs?




of course unscrupulous builders prefer to hire illegals. No complaints 

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Maybe we should allow our own citizens to have these jobs?
of course unscrupulous builders prefer to hire illegals. No complaints 

Don't be a fool. You are not going to get a lot of fat, lazy Americans to take those jobs.
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21 hours ago, scorecard said:


Nine metres tall, xxx wide, concrete, and has anybody really analysed the possible ways that determined folks, ruthless gangs etc., will get around the wall?

The data is drawn from estimates of the undocumented population in 2014 compiled by the New York-based Center for Migration Studies, (CMS) and estimates of overstays for 2015 by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

About 4.5 million US residents, or 42 percent of the total undocumented population, were overstays, the report states citing data from 2014.

Overstayers were found to have exceeded those who entered without proper immigration documents every year since 2007. Furthermore, 600,000 more overstays than those who entered without immigration documents have arrived since 2007.


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11 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Maybe we should allow our own citizens to have these jobs?


I might agree with you if you hadn't set up a false premise: our own citizens are not presently disallowed from having these jobs.


11 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

of course unscrupulous builders prefer to hire illegals. No complaints 


Unless you're speaking on behalf of the Unscrupulous Builders Association of America, I'm going to wager that builders prefer to hire experienced, capable workers, irrespective of what color they might be.

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12 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Maybe we should allow our own citizens to have these jobs?




of course unscrupulous builders prefer to hire illegals. No complaints 


19 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I might agree with you if you hadn't set up a false premise: our own citizens are not presently disallowed from having these jobs.



Unless you're speaking on behalf of the Unscrupulous Builders Association of America, I'm going to wager that builders prefer to hire experienced, capable workers, irrespective of what color they might be.


Report: Half of Texas construction workers undocumented Yearlong study by Workers Defense Project and University of Texas makes a case for immigration reform




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