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What Thai Ladies Really Think: Part Two


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What Thai Ladies Really Think: Part Two

By a Thai Lady living in Pattaya

Part ONE: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/what-thai-girls-really-think/




What they really think…

An account of one Thai ladies views based on her experiences of Pattaya, clearly subjective and based on one persons view. Nonetheless, this still makes for a compelling read.


(1) Why do Westerners end up with Bar Girls rather than Office workers here in Pattaya?


I still do not really understand why foreigners end up with bar girls rather than Thai girls that work in the office. Do they think they will get real love from this relationship? Why do older foreigners like to have sex with young girls working the bars too – Is it because they cannot in their own countries?

It frustrates me as Thai bar girls ruin the reputation of other Thai ladies across the world, with Westerners thinking we are all ‘easy’.


While the foreigner thinks he is having good fun with the bar girl, does he not know that all they are thinking about is the money? The problem then happens when the foreigner and bar girl relationship fails and some of them then start to form bad opinions of Thai girls.

He blames the bar girl yet does he forget he went into the bar knowing she was a bar girl and then formed the relationship? Ok, some relationships like this work, but it’s a big risk the foreigner takes on and they should be aware of this.

It is amazing what becomes acceptable in Thailand yet the same thing would be frowned upon elsewhere in the world. A foreigner finds his life partner in a bar from a girl who willingly sleeps with any man who pays for it, how can the guy look at her each night having known what had previously gone on in her life? I am not condoning the girl, I understand the desperation for money and to provide for her family, I am just highlighting the impact this surely must have on the foreigner who becomes her boyfriend or husband.


(2) What a good Thai girl looks for in a relationship


This is simple: To look for a good husband and to have a family, away from Pattaya. A Thai lady wants to be close to her husband and do many things together and work very much in partnership. It’s not all one way like what many foreigners experience with their Thai partner.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/what-thai-ladies-really-think-part-two/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-09-02
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18 hours ago, Inspire said:

It frustrates me as Thai bar girls ruin the reputation of other Thai ladies across the world, with Westerners thinking we are all ‘easy’.

Sexually liberated and tastefully tactile, but far from easy.  They are in their own little world. 

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Ever tried to come in contact with an “office” girl ?

OR they are completely busy with their smartphone ( by far the majority) or are starring in the sky or have their eyes closed, or are listening to their iPhone or so, but NEVER interested in a conversation.

I once told a lady friend: what do YOU do when you see an attractive man looking around for .. information ..how to arrive at Wantachang Bridge ? You go to him and ask how you can help him “. Or course not, I am not a beer bar lady, was the answer.

I advised her to do the opposite, even… “oh, I have to go in the same direction”, and join him till the demanded place was arrived. Haver a chat and.. maybe make an appointment for one of the coming days.

Reality: now 53 and never “kissed before”, forget ever had a boy friend.


Quite some beer bar girls are as honest as gold. Want a one-way-ticket out of misery and some help for their parents, as no state or company pension in Thailand.

Yes, also some selfish money sharks, we read so much about.


Edited by puipuitom
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Simple fact is that in Thailand, it is only the bar girls who are likely to have the language skills to be able to keep a date going past the first couple of hours.


Trying to develop a relationship with any Thai woman, where the total language skill set consists of Thai plus zero English|German|Swedish|whatever, and English|etc. plus zero Thai; is futile. Add to that, the fact that a certain section of Thai society (and I don't include office workers, as there's plenty of them sai-lai'ing it up and down Sukhumvit), won't speak to foreigners in the first place *because they think it will make them look like bar-girls*, and you've pretty much limited the available pool to what it is already.


And yes, OP = Troll, IMO.

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1 hour ago, marqus12 said:

All Thai women are sisters...

what you been smoking ? please pass it around . a better way to say it would be...... all thai women  are redheaded stepsisters ,..... all is well until it is not ......

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What was wrong with what was said, troll or not?   If it isn't true why not?

It seems the truth hurts although it is said in general.  They say the truth sets you free?

You can go to a number of sex website forum and hear the same being said by foreigners and expats.

Edited by thailand49
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its sad some of you can't accept that a Thai woman can write better English than you.  She did incorrectly use too.  But her words ring true.  I know if a gal on my dating site lived in Pattaya I swept her aside no matter her stated job. I sure wouldn't want my daughter working in Pattaya. 

Edited by Elkski
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English is my second language.


I graduated University in Sydney, using English for over 6 years on daily basis. But I still couldn't write as well as the author!


I can see good English, I can see mistakes, but it is a hell more difficult to put it out.



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"It frustrates me as Thai bar girls ruin the reputation of other Thai ladies across the world, with Westerners thinking we are all ‘easy’."


But why come here if not for the easy women ??

There is nothing else here .

Edited by marqus12
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Part 2 makes this look even suspiciously like a sham post looking for some reaction to use elsewhere.

The comments are unrealistic.

Tourists taking office girls out? Unheard of...

Single males don't go the Pattaya for a six month courtship.

Internet dating sites are full of hookers too, with a few gold diggers in the mix...

These type of posts pop up every so often.

No comment..




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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2 hours ago, elgenon said:

It is a lot easier to meet a bg than to meet an office girl. How many guys would approach a group of office girls?

As long as one is only interested in casual sex, BGs are the way to go. Falling in love is what causes all the problems.

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if this was actually written from an office working thai lady and not some farong making a joke out of the other farongs that come to pattaya/thailand i would be amazed but not stuned.  i get it while probably 90+ % are gold diggers, where bar or "real ladys" there are some good ones that are tired of thai man bs and think farong are a better way to go. again good and bad. i will never say a farong man is good.   can be just as bad as a thai man reputation. many if not most thai men are good. the news only talks about bad things, all over the world we all know that,,,  bad things sell better than good things. its money. 


no one trusts what they really see



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