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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Joint account will not be accepted for marriage extension
  2. Do you by any chance mean TTB? https://www.ttbbank.com/en
  3. Yep doing all that, I got a 2 page instruction set with me on discharge and on the day of the follow-up my wife got instructions from the nurse how to clean my eye with cotton balls which comes out of a sterile bag and use it together with saline solution I got the instructions today to use artificial tear drops at least 4 times a day, but I use it also before administering the eye drops because they take the stinging away.
  4. yeah but the insurance is not cheap 4000 Euros a year and it’s a European insurance. Also 2nd opinion is covered and I needed that in this case because Dr Roy was the 4th Doc I visited for this. (Very long story ) My right eye was 116K which was cheaper then their estimate of 120-140k. I wonder if for 50k you will get the extensive eye tests done which will determine which lens you are getting. After the eye tests (in pre-op) they found out that my left eye was not 100% “straight” so they have to accommodate for that with the lens. The pre-op was done by 6 (yeah six) different machines and took approx 1-1,5 hrs to complete..
  5. Thx Sheryl. i will still use the artificial tears more often as they also give me some relief from the (sometimes) stinging eye drops. We are waiting at least 5-10 minutes between the drops.
  6. Wifey called the hospital (did not speak to the Doctor) and they said that the increase of glares could maybe have something to do with dry eyes. They recommended using artificial tears more often.
  7. I think that is what will be the outcome for me as well, but I will ask Dr Roy this when I see him next time, but for me it’s the other way around. I am really seeing an increase in glares, halos not so, but glares are becoming more and more evident.
  8. Day 3 after the operation and I sometimes am seeing glares and halos not all the time but they are noticeable. other then that vision is getting better.
  9. ???? This was a couple of years ago and I know for a fact that a friend has waited 35 days this year. I have changed to retirement 2 years so I don’t have that under consideration period any more.
  10. sorry but that was not my intention. I just wanted to show that in Buriram (where my IO is located) that it was the max I had to wait.
  11. The longest I had to wait was 45 days and I applied 31 days before the extension finished. the stamp was for 30 days but it took another 2 weeks to office was Buriram I always hated that under consideration period and it was one of main reasons why I switched to retirement.
  12. My wife visited several opticians today and according to them it will take up to 7 days and approx 1000-1500 THB to have a no strength lens placed in to my spare glasses. (Right side only).
  13. Thx again very helpful It’s still very early after the surgery and it’s gradually improving, next week Thursday I will have another appointment with the Doc and for sure I will get an eye test done to see how good it is. I will update this thread as I go along and personally would like for the surgery on my left eye to happen sooner then later ???? Re: Insurance I scanned all the papers, bills etc etc (from both the operation and the follow up) and send them off to my insurance. Now let’s wait and see how long it will take to reimburse me.
  14. It would definitely help if you disclose what IO you use so people who use that particular office can tell about their experiences 60+ days is a very long time for under consideration..
  15. The longest I had to wait was 45 days. Don’t worry 7 June till 30 June is another 20+ days it will not take that long. Which IO are you using?
  16. It’s getting better but I have a feeling that I still have to wear glasses but I could be wrong it’s still early days. another question, will you have to undergo cataract surgery again in the future or is it a one-off? my cataract wasn’t that bad I still could see quite well but it started to get more and more blurry, I changed my eye glasses and 2-3 weeks later they were already not good enough anymore. ps: I was wrong, my glasses are not + but they are - this is the lens I got
  17. thx! I am at the day after (to be exact 31 hrs) and it’s far from perfect, but it’s absolutely better then it was, it gradually improves. Maybe it is also depends on that I had real bad eye sight with left being much worse then right. I would not mind to wear glasses again as I have worn them for over 50 years
  18. May I ask to anyone who had this procedure done how long it took before you had real good vision. Now it’s already okeish but for example I just went outside and I could not distinguish / read license plates of cars which were approximately 10 meters away. I was told that it will take approximately 1-2 weeks, but I am just wondering what other people experiences are. I have read stories from people that had the procedure done and 2 days later they were driving to work, I would not dare at the moment to drive a car. TiA
  19. This is the medication schedule I got, the numbers are the order in which we have to use them, recommended time to wait in between the drops is approx 10 min
  20. I asked the Doc about this and he said that could cause dizziness, but I prepared for this and I took my spare glasses with me and will have SWMBO goto an optician and have them remove the right lens and will see how that works out. edit: he also said that it is no problem that when I wear glasses that my left eye is doing the work, that will equalize itself when my left eye will be done, but will try the trick with my spare glasses.
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