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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. So if the leader of the USA is "entitled to “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for "official acts" will the USA extend that courtesy to foreign leaders' for "official acts" perpetrated against them? Governments and judiciaries should advocate for less power to elected leaders, not more. Isn't the U.S. Constitution primarily about limiting power?
  2. Crime and Humidity? Wasn't that Fyodor Dostoevsky? 🙂 Seriously though, the worst part of the humidity is getting washing dry.
  3. 3. Plastic pitch? or are we not counting the old first division. I know Hull City is the only league team where you can't colour in a letter but that would be the same in the Chmpionship.
  4. Snowy IPA at the moment. A break from all the pale lagers.
  5. You've failed to address everything I've asked and just turned the conversation around. I'll let the good people here decide who the troll is. You make it so difficult to converse sensibly with you. I'm done.
  6. Hogwash. You mentioned Pride and a "movement" which I took to be LGBT. Are u saying it was a different movement? Lol. If you state something and use a particular word it's up to you to explain what you mean by it, not others. "Supremacy" has sinister connotations. The six examples were just an attempt at humour because I knew you would struggle with one. In any case Happy Pride.
  7. You're the one that mentioned supremacy. It's up to you to say what gay supremacy is because I have no clue what you mean by it. That's why I asked you to give examples.
  8. Can you outline some of these areas of supremacy? Just half a dozen will do.
  9. "Filming for Channel 4 News was conducted secretly within the Reform UK campaign in Clacton..."
  10. I'm not asking you to tell me what's going on, I'm asking you to explain your comment that I don't get the gist of what's going on. I can't respond to vague comments if I have no idea what you're getting at.
  11. Explain yourself rather than send me off on a wild goose chase.
  12. A good summary of Farage and his populist politics and Reform.
  13. Are we supposed to believe that Channel 4 went under cover to investigate their own plant? It's extraordinarily stupid if true. I think there's a bit more to come out about this. Notwithstanding this, Farage is still a snake.
  14. I've got those Edifier's and I'm very pleased with them. Built-in pre-amp.
  15. Haven't seen those yet. I'll look out for them. I tried the Nitehunter IPA last night. Strong at 6.8% but if you like tropical IPA's you'll like it. Quite a bitter profile.
  16. Obviously with higher savings rates pensioners with a little cash are saving and/or investing a bit more until rates plummet again. It's just financial prudence. That and higher prices are leading to lower spending. It has always been this way.
  17. I think it's Malted Barley that gives it the flavour and colouring. According to the beer profile it contains 0.0% sugar and therefore cannot contain molasses as that's about 75% sugar. I haven't tried the Carabao IPA yet which is produced under the Tawendang brand.
  18. Smart man; it can enhance your enjoyment. I'm not sure where Tapper would stand with these beers. They have different shaped glasses for a reason.
  19. It's aimed at the Full Moon Party and Songkran crowd. Much better out there.
  20. I think the San Miguel sold here is the Philippines version. It's not bad.
  21. She doesn't sound like your typical brummie. 🙂
  22. I looked at the Brewdog in Tops but at 200b+ a can I think I shall keep looking at it.
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