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Everything posted by topt

  1. Funnily enough just read this. The last sentence is particularly concerning although the data is over a year old. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/06/the-taylor-swift-gig-economy-is-so-big-its-even-causing-geopolitical-tensions
  2. Too many extreme examples on both sides and mainly same arguments that came up in the last one of these threads as you indicated......... Although I am more in the cash camp, as reported before due to SCB, I now have 2 phones. 1 is my daily driver but no financial stuff on it. I have left it at home a couple of times recently and not bothered to go and get it.... 2nd phone does not leave the house and used almost exclusively for convenience in paying monthly bills and money to my gf................... , oh and now has my UK sim in it for OTPs thus reducing the risk of losing that if in my other phone as it was. Wallet also contains driving licences, ATM card and a a few other cards I use regularly so yes I would have to go back and get it if I forgot.
  3. Do you want to specifically include the word "pension" in c somewhere to ensure those of all abilities understand that income includes pensions?
  4. So why can't you say which area this is and the immigration office(s) that would be asking this. Then we could see if other posters potentially have relevant experience to clarify either way?
  5. Which Immigration office would this be at? Currently in full agreement with @Mike Lister
  6. I am surprised no one else has pulled you up on this as, unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying, potentially you are completely wrong...... Private pensions are taxable in the UK for a non resident irrespective of filing a P85. The only way you avoid tax on a private pension paid in the UK is if you take it offshore or the combined amount is less than the personal allowance. The state pension may be zero rated but is added to the total of income so effectively counts for your total tax base. Any property rental amounts are also taxable and again a P85 has nothing to do with it. You could start here - https://www.gov.uk/tax-uk-income-live-abroad P85 detail - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/get-your-income-tax-right-if-youre-leaving-the-uk-p85 Please show me I am wrong........
  7. Is good advice but potentially, for many, it may not be that easy. If resident here and not going back "home" opening different accounts can be problematic and off-shore accounts possibly overly costly. Agreed however on the paperwork.
  8. At least one of the Big C Extra Pattaya 10 items till used to be cash only.....I think they had so many Thais trying to pay by scan they dropped that option or maybe it was during Covid.
  9. You are having a larf aren't you..........(I hope so )
  10. Seems like this is either old or plain wrong - even in the guide you authored it was confirmed at 35% was it not? https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html
  11. topt


    That last pic is a big fu**ing squirrel!................
  12. @Barnet1900 Naklua big day 18th Pattaya 19th - and Sukumvhit normally gridlocked as well as everywhere else. Jomtien -? Bang Saray 20th I believe
  13. I think that stopped before Covid........ It is certainly not running now.
  14. Isn't this fundamentally incorrect anyway unless preceded by a statement about remitted income? My understanding is that the rule change is not about taxing tax residents on world wide income.........
  15. I haven't looked to see if you have already posted but perhaps if not post in here -
  16. Just a query but are you officially non resident for tax in the UK with HMRC? If so would you not be liable for tax on the sale based on the rule change 2015? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/non-resident-capital-gains-for-land-and-property-in-the-uk-self-assessment-helpsheet-hs307/hs307-non-resident-capital-gains-on-direct-and-indirect-disposals-of-interest-in-uk-land-and-property-2023 and from here - https://www.aesinternational.com/blog/expat-guide-to-property-tax-in-the-uk
  17. Just in case anybody may be affected - https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/29/malicious_backdoor_xz/
  18. is it the angle of the pic or does it look like it has recently had dinner?
  19. Yes I removed that along with others.............I don't even think about it as had to check as it was a couple of years ago............
  20. I also have Win 10 and had nuked it from my original install but it came back in one of the updates last year. I then used these links (and others) and the first time it came back with the next update but not the February update. I have yet to install the March update..... https://www.cloudwards.net/how-to-uninstall-microsoft-edge/ https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-uninstall-microsoft-edge However my install is registered to UK so I may be lucky as a recent EU ruling means I may have some respite - https://www.pcworld.com/article/2057385/windows-will-stop-forcing-edge-on-users-but-only-in-europe.html
  21. topt


    Unfortunately for some reason I cannot get the location from the co-ords you gave. Is this the land on the left as you drive down Yume away from Big C Extra but just before you get to Tantarak school and the cross roads? If so it was cleared quite a few years ago and metal panel fencing erected but had been left to overgrow again - or are we talking another plot?
  22. If you mean Vixol, be careful as I had that stuff eat up grout on floor tiles in the shower.......
  23. Are you saying this for new joiners and if so from when? The reason I ask is I was playing golf with a guy last week who said he was retiring at 60 in 2 years and admitted he would be in very good shape......Apparently he is in a reasonably senior civil servant position.
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