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Everything posted by topt

  1. I don't know hence asking especially as in the reolink link I posted above it states - And why I repeated the question to someone who has an install with outside cameras. Having been the recipient of lightning strike damage in the past it is a concern.
  2. So I was wrong. Do you have any link for that agreement with the TRD?
  3. This is a fairly fundamental issue especially for those selling properties in their home county and then remitting that money here. I don't disagree with you but did not Carl Turner state the opposite in one of his vids or am I remembering wrongly? Obviously anybody wanting to do this should endeavour to be non resident at the time of both the sale and remittance but it would be good to have a definitive answer.
  4. @chiang mai I think had the answer to this before which, unless I remember incorrectly, was that it it would be assessed when the original transfer was made. I agree with this.
  5. Thanks. Any learning points with installing PoE that would be useful to know. What kind of cable and is it in conduit where applicable? Did you earth any of the cameras and any issues with Thai weather - I notice the TrackMix you mention is only IP65 for example?
  6. Guess you missed this bit.........
  7. One article but not the one I was looking for - https://reolink.com/blog/protect-outdoor-security-camera-from-lightning/ This was the one I was looking for https://www.truecable.com/blogs/cable-academy/into-the-great-outdoors-running-ethernet-cable-outside start with this part of way down the page Do I need shielded Ethernet cable for outdoors?
  8. Was looking briefly at his site the other night and did not see that one. Very relevant. Thanks
  9. No idea if they will or not. The potential bank response has been covered earlier in this thread and basically no one here will know what they may decide to do. The thing to do would be to go along to your branch and see what they say or just write Not Applicable in the relevant boxes. If you note some of the previous replies posters did not fill out the forms and just signed a copy of passport or whatever. In many ways it may (for some branches) just be a box ticking exercise.
  10. Thanks. Yes I saw your rec in a thread from last year I think it was - poster wanted an equivalent to Arlo or similar.
  11. I am considering installing 4/5 cameras outside. 3 would be PoE connected to an NVR with PoE powered ports - ideally I want to avoid having to buy a separate port switch. Potentially 2 of them will be next to each other and therefore may be run off a splitter which is apparently feasible. One or possibly 2 may have to be wireless as running the cable properly is not overly feasible. The NVR will be connected to my home network routers running on OpenWRT. I am not interested in any subscription based cloud system. I have been reading a fair bit online but it most of what I have read is very US focused especially cable company best practices. Some specific questions - PoE - a couple of said companies talked about not laying ethernet cable within some feet of electrical wiring unless using shielded but then preferably they recommend not using shielded for other reasons......Again if I do this the main run would be next to a conduit with wiring supplying an outside light........ For those with outside cameras did you have earth protection at all and how did you do that? Bury cable - anybody know where to buy? (some systems already seem to be bundled with 18m or so of cable but no idea of the quality). NVR - from reading certain brands of camera only seem to work with that brand's NVR. Ideally I would like to have a system where the NVR stays constant but possibly I may add different cameras so again any experience of this. Cameras - I do not need sirens and voice communication - land is not big enough to require it. Face comprehension at ideally 10m at night would be good and any recs. for how good a camera one would need for that. Working on the basis if it it can do that at night it should be good for daylight........Not decided if I want continuous recording or just movement based. Any bad experiences with cameras in the extremes of Thailand weather? Budget - not sure but definitely not high end. Any do"s, dont"s or gotchas that you can suggest?
  12. Reads to me that Phoenix Life sent him AMLO forms - but I could be wrong
  13. What is this - Google NotebookLM or some shorthand for something else?
  14. Don't shoot the messenger but apparently we are still awaiting the 2024 (file in 2025) form to appear........
  15. Why is it a load of whatever? Thailand signed up to CRS in full last year - many news reports on this. If you read some actual CRS info (from an OECD web site ) like @Yumthai quoted earlier you will see that all banks are "supposed" to do certain things. UK banks have been asking for this kind of info for years. Thai people aren't getting them because they are not foreign and unlikely to have foreign bank accounts - yes that is a generalisation but you should know what I mean.
  16. Either None initially unless asked. When reclaiming tax withheld on bank interest then they need forms from the bank. All this is in the "guide" - or subsequent posts - have you bothered to read it........
  17. So why have you posted it? Without some sort of link it seems a little pointless unless you want people to bash the UK........
  18. Currently that should be the safest route to avoid any potential Thai taxes. Be non-resident for tax in Thailand when you both sell and remit and there should be no issues even under potential future Thai tax changes. In "theory" if you sell when non resident you should be able to remit the income whenever in the future with out having to pay any tax even if resident when remitting. The previous scenario however offers an extra safeguard.
  19. Were you being sarci or vaguely serious? If the latter then I doubt it very much. From a purely practical perspective even if only that April would be too soon....... especially as online filing is up to the 7th April or whatever it is.......... Does anybody know for certain if they ever filled those extra new 70 posts that were being talked about a year ago?
  20. I may have got the wrong end of the stick here (and if so apologies) but recently needed to download some networking videos on YT and found Any Video Converter about easy as anything I have ever used - https://www.any-video-converter.com/en8/for_video_free/
  21. Respectfully under which heading do you think it will apply - whether state or private it is still a pension? I am pretty certain that those souls who have gone and told the revenue about their "pension" transfers and completed a return had those numbers entered under 1 - but I could be wrong....... Somebody who has done it may actually be able to confirm?
  22. Inland revenue is one thing, passport renewal is completely separate. I am non resident for tax in UK and HMRC have my address here. No issue when I have renewed my passport. Resident or non resident for tax has no affect on citizenship or more accurately your domicile - although that may be changing. Strictly speaking if you spend less than a certain amount of time in the UK you automatically should become non resident however I think if you don't make it clear to them(HMRC)/give them another address/complete a tax form etc then possibly unlikely they will notice....... Not sure how the Spanish residency affects that because I believe that comes with tax implications?
  23. If you are going to have the mail forwarded to a friend in the UK why not just use Royal Mail Redirect? One price for the whole year no matter how few or many letters and you can keep it going for 4/5 years on the trot. https://www.royalmail.com/personal/receiving-mail/redirection £84 currently for 12 months
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