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Everything posted by topt

  1. Which is completely different, if not even opposite, to the comment you made and the one I replied to........ Not saying I necessarily disagree but you seem to be agreeing with my response........
  2. Wonder how long that will continue - https://rsmus.com/insights/tax-alerts/2024/oecds-new-faqs-and-user-guide-provide-roadmap-for-reporting-cryp.html
  3. yes but that is not what you said as you well know. Most tax residents are Thai but as far as I know they aren't "foreigners"......
  4. Please show us where he mentions "foreigners" in his statement? He said tax residents from memory or something similar........
  5. No its not. They pay interest to an individual and then withhold the tax as required. Whether the details of that have changed is possible. However that has nothing to do with remittances which is what you are implying.
  6. Unfortunately you may well be right. Look at this statement which has a ring of deja vu about it to me So no actual "approval" and the bill "might" be implemented......
  7. He would find out that she wasn't different after all.......... KH - either he trusts her or he doesn't which I am sure he considered. Your question is so stereotypical it seems more like baiting......
  8. Well...quick search, and my memory, said it was available well before then. I have come across an "archived copy from 2015 ....... https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/434028/sa106_2015.pdf
  9. Where is your link to all the information you provided since it is not written by you......? I have already replied to you on another thread that I believe your statement quoted above is factually incorrect - whether individual TRD offices decline to tax is another issue but under the DTA it is theoretically taxable. I strongly suggest you stop posting erroneous information compiled from ChatGTP or similar.......
  10. I am not sure you really understand either DTA's in general or specifically the Thai/UK DTA. It is very clear that Government pensions, civil service, armed forces etc are only taxable in the UK State and private pension theoretically taxable in Thailand. You may also want to have a look at the pinned "tax guide" or at least the start of it which defines the "allowances" you can get which, depending on your age, increases the amount below which you pay no tax quite considerably. I am not going to make any comment on your "cunning plan" as you call it.
  11. Am I understanding this correctly. Are you basing your belief on something CoPilot has written...............? If I was trying to be polite I would say that personally I think you are completely mistaken.
  12. Then you read stuff like this and wonder what that actually means - If true, after the questions about WHO during/after Covid potentially shows how much more embedded and influential China have become in the last 10 years or so.
  13. Not sure how relevant but for the UK you have, as far as I know, always had to report foreign income. It was certainly on the tax forms going back to 2015 and I am guessing before that as well.
  14. I can only suggest you read through the relevant posts again. I can explain it to you but etc etc etc NB - I even said I may be wrong which is why I asked the other poster to qualify
  15. And there was me thinking you were quite intelligent...... It was, I thought, fairly obviously directed to both of you. Never mind.
  16. I may be wrong but I think he was actually suggesting you put the poster you were bickering with on ignore - not that he was saying he would to you.......... Am i right or wrong @Presnock
  17. Did you also have a line saying "Int" or similar? Because that sounds more like tax withheld on any interest paid. I would say 99.9% nothing to do with your remittance unless some sort of standard fee.
  18. Agreed. Unless the presumably English translation of the Thai quotation is wrong.......maybe,possibly.......... I don't have an LTR so no dog in the fight.
  19. I must be misunderstanding something because to me the "Quote" you provided is saying that income from 2023 and remitted in 2024 would be "exempted" but not 2024 income remitted in 2024 - which is what @dinga was saying Expat tax were saying? I don't understand the relevance of this - probably me missing something?
  20. Yes all the major Thai banks seem to charge min 250/max 500 on any foreign funds Swifted in. Thanks
  21. I am curious as I also have a Lloyds Int account. I know they offer, or used to. free transfers but the first time I used that I got hit with an Intermediary/correspondent charge. Since then I choose to take all charges and overall cost is much reduced. As you transfer regularly (mine tend to be annual) can I ask what is your experience of this?
  22. Yes but for Lazada, as mentioned, if I want to see discounts/free delivery I need to use the app unfortunately. I don't buy enough from them to worry about it but did save me over 1000B on a Stiebel water heater a month or 2 ago.
  23. Brave - which is Chrome. Just opened again and said it wants to open the Lazada app but I just clicked it off however I then had to fumble around to get back to the search box. Should be easier on a tablet with a bigger interface. Once there was able to use as normal to search solar lights and click on products. PITA though I agree which is why I search initially on pc and then use the app to buy as only way to get the discounts..... That is on Android 10.
  24. Presumably an Android tablet? Should be the same as a phone and I have no issue for example using my browser of choice on my phone to go to Lazada - even though I have the app installed. Perhaps tell us the sites that are a problem and someone else with an android tablet can test?
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