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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. you can also try to use the IP address of aseannow.com directly in the Chrome address field just type the number into the Chrome address bar... doing this will bypass DNS which is a critical routing method used to connect you to a web site... your internet service provider may have a DNS problem you should get an error when doing that but at least you will find out if you can reach the server that is hosting aseannow.com
  2. disconnect your network cable if you're using it for access. turn on the hotspot on your phone connect your desktop to the hotspot from your phone try to access AN once again good luck if you know how to start a command line... do it type in the command 'ping aseannow.com' and hit enter the response for a successful test should look like: PING aseannow.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=11.735 ms don't forget to reconnect your network cable and to switch your network connection back to normal
  3. try again when you're logged into a different Windows user account
  4. I should have realized that I needed two or three diagrams and more small words for you to figure out what I meant. And then you would argue that your favorite con man would never retaliate with lawsuits and defamation when a venue, lawyer or contractor refused to deal with him.
  5. Oh..... that answer is obvious.... planning and analysis to improve the lives of ALL residents.
  6. The goals of a government frequently diverge from what a business plan would advise. The government often has to choose the least bad alternative whereas a business can just abandon a losing market presence. I don't think business persons necessarily make better governmental choices than those without business experience.
  7. use your favorite search engine to search for 'disadvantage "married filing jointly" ' I've done that and here is probably the most helpful link: https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/filing/personal-tax-planning/married-filing-jointly-vs-separately/#:~:text=Benefits of Filing Jointly vs,if you file separate returns.
  8. You don't think that they know they're trapped in a NO WIN situation?
  9. I guess you don't need a color TV because you see most things strictly in black and white.
  10. It's very natural for people to look at a person's previous decisions and statements to form an opinion of what that person will do and say in the future. And, when an obvious lying person makes an offer, it is very reasonable to question the true nature and actual value of that offer. I hope you can connect the dots from this point forward.
  11. For most of today the wind has been coming from the South. Takeoffs and landings are best performed heading into the wind. It's more important for takeoffs than landings.
  12. I would love to wager a significant sum that on the topic of governmental conflicts of interest and its prevention, she know a LOT more than you. Best to not pretend you are well informed when you are not.
  13. But... the yellow guy does have a very distorted understanding of US laws and the legal system .... maybe that spurred him to move to LOS.
  14. Bzzzzzt!.... nice try but deflection is not evidential.... thanks for playing
  15. Nice try ... but it also means conviction always precedes appeal. please present your evidence or non-knuckle draggers everywhere will suspect you of lying
  16. The weed habit faded... the Hendrix habit has not. All Along the Watch Tower.... probably average once or twice per month.
  17. I've shown proof of the definition of conviction in the state of New York. Do you have a shred of evidence for your opinion? tick tick tick tick .... we're all waiting patiently
  18. Have you never heard the phrase "his conviction was overturned on appeal"? you're so deluded you can't read the definition of convicted... you're a very sad case.
  19. Wrong.... but thanks for playing. https://ww2.nycourts.gov/COURTS/nyc/criminal/glossary.shtml#Conviction The horse I listen to speaks the truth... your horse is actually just a farcical con man disguised as a horse.
  20. You've made a severe logic error. A basic example: All dogs are mammals. A whale is a mammal, therefor a whale is also a dog. Samuel Johnson in effect said: All scoundrels claim patriotism as a defense. You claim: The founding fathers claim to be patriots. Therefor they were also scoundrels. Do you see what you did there?
  21. Please continue screaming your cultish beliefs so the sane amongst us can have a good head shake and laugh. Or you could "do your own research" and find out that once a judge issues an adjudication the defendant's status is exonerated or convicted. Appeals do not change the defendants status until resolved.
  22. The reason you get different amounts from using a debit vs using a credit card is due to fees. Both MasterCard and Visa give the same exchange rates for debit and credit card transactions. Getting cash from a credit card almost always is the worst option for getting cash since it is considered a loan whereas a withdrawal using a debit card is like withdrawing cash already on deposit with your home bank.
  23. The Thai banks do not set the exchange rates for using a foreign credit or debit card either at an ATM or at the teller. The MasterCard and Visa payment processing firms determine the exchange rates when a card is used.
  24. You should be more clear otherwise we have to guess exactly what you're trying to do. Are you trying to withdraw from a Thai ATM using a foreign debit card? Hopefully your debit card is on either the the MasterCard or Visa networks. It is these payment processing networks that set the exchange rates. The Thai banks do not set the rate. Last time I checked both MC and Visa set their rate at about 7AM Thai time on Tue through Sat. That rate will stay in effect until the next new rate is issued. Saturday's rate stays in effect until Tue AM. When using an ATM decline the option sometimes offered to bill you in your home currency. The rate given will be much worse than the MC or Visa rates. If you want to know the exchange rates, they are given on the MC and Visa web sites. https://www.mastercard.us/en-us/personal/get-support/convert-currency.html https://usa.visa.com/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html To get the exact amount of your home currency that will be deducted from your account, you will need to know what percentage your home bank adds for foreign transaction fees. Some banks charge 0% and some up to 3%.
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