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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. There is almost no dependency between a DTA and the participating country's tax codes. DTA's usually just settle which income streams are taxable by each signatory and the priority of each country's tax claims. If the DTA does define restrictions on methods and level of taxation it is only on income streams originating in that country. For example the Thai-Canada agreement restricts the percentage of taxation each country can apply on specific income streams originating in that country. Bottom line is there will be no need to rewrite the DTA's.
  2. Keep shooting.... eventually one of your shots will at least leave a hole somewhere in the paper.
  3. This community (Baan Wang Tan) has very few loose dogs. The few that I've seen loose mostly have wandered in from outside as the residents generally have good sized yards and dog-proof perimeter fences. A recent post on the community chat group: Houses for rent in Wangtan 1. 3 beds 2 baths 2. 3 beds 3 baths 3. 5 beds 7 baths pool villa lake view https://maps.app.goo.gl/6WHU6d1DWqStKLCcA
  4. We're counting on your passion about these circumstances to diligently follow up on it.
  5. The US/Thai DTA actually gives Thailand primary taxing rights on the IRA's and 401k's. That's why I hold the opinion I do. Thankfully, so far TRD has not taken advantage of that clause. I think the Thai gov't/TRD are unlikely to formulate regulations that confer tax deferment status to foreign accounts. First they would have to understand all the details and probably not just for a single country.
  6. TRD also doesn't recognize the special status the US tax code gives to IRA's, 401k's, HSA's and other special tax deferred accounts. My opinion is: If Thailand does move to worldwide income taxation all those "special" US accounts will be treated as ordinary savings/investment accounts where TRD will consider income earned will be assessable in the tax year that it is earned. So, yes withdrawals will include only money that TRD has already taxed.
  7. This isn't how double taxation is avoided by all DTA's that I've read (only a couple). Normally country B will allow taxes paid to country A to be deducted from the tax owed to them on the income in question. So, a zero tax rate generates a credit of zero.
  8. If Thailand does move to worldwide income taxation, this is how I see the impact on US Roth accounts. Since Thailand doesn't see a Roth account as differing from a regular investment/savings account, it will be taxed in the same manner. Roth contributions and investment income prior to Jan 1, 2024 would always be treated as non-assessable in by TRD. The only difference from the current situation is that Roth income post Jan. 1 would become annual assessable income to TRD. There should be no taxable event when a qualified Roth withdrawal is made. The income inside a Roth would incur Thai tax annually, so no separate tax upon withdrawal.
  9. If a US citizen is self-employed overseas they are also supposed to pay SE tax.
  10. I'm beginning to think that you shouldn't live alone.....and that you find all decisions to be somewhat traumatic. Maybe you can find a Magic 8 Ball here in Thailand to answer all these questions? Surely, it will be as dependable as the AN crew but faster. PS. you don't have room for a fold up ironing board? under the bed? PPS... I'm a fast and fussy ironer myself... thanks to my mother and a stint in the reserve army.
  11. You don't consider that perhaps her strategists allocate her time to the activities that will earn her the most votes? Unfortunately elections in the USA are all too often primarily decided upon the charisma of the candidates, not their platforms.
  12. But... the helmetless motorcycle riders aren't a source of the government's revenue. Without gov't revenue there will be no funds to be skimmed off to your account and your buddies. Skinny brown envelopes all 'round.
  13. When we moved to CM from USA in 2020 we used International Sea & Air Shipping to handle our household goods in a 20 foot container. They handled the loading the container, transport to outbound port, container shipment, customs brokerage in Thailand, transport from port to house in Chiang Mai and unloading the container. Apart from the agent mis-communicating with the trucking company we were very happy with their service. I have a USA phone number for them: 516-492-3702 or 866-788-1090 https://internationalmoving.com/
  14. The printed word is a much better source of news than TV, albeit a little bit slower.
  15. Considering that the rest of the world's cuisine is considered as expat.... that seems like a drastic restriction. I just have to have some Greek, Italian or Turkish food about once a month.😋 Luckily my Thai wife agrees!
  16. With the proper interface to the main computer bus, NVME is the fastest.
  17. you can email Manila at: fbu.manila(at)ssa.gov I've had poor results with any interaction other than basic questions. Keep it simple.
  18. Do you have an iron and a dry cotton rag? You can probably figure out the strategy.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 184 seconds  
  20. About ½ of the US$ vs THB movement for the last 6 months is due to a weaker US $. Look at chart for USDX. https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/dxy/charts
  21. Time to start a betting pool?
  22. I simply cannot fathom why some posters would assume that the TRD would not want to receive from the Thai banks a list of every interest payment to a resident of Thailand. One excellent reason for TRD to do so is to ensure the Thai banks are following the law/regulations regarding withholding tax on that interest. TRD would also like to see if individuals are avoiding tax withholding by spreading their deposits amongst multiple banks so that they don't exceed 20K ฿ at any individual bank. It's clear to me that TRD has sufficient motivation to collect the record of interest payments.
  23. Sounds like my guess is correct.... you don't have a good understanding of best practices for database management.
  24. You obviously don't have a background in database management, software engineering or system analysis and design. The "problems" you've listed are well understood by competent software folks and are easily solved. NEXT
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