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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Go ahead, dance like nobody's watching. You'll have the floor to yourself.
  2. You've perfected the strategy that ensures you remain a know nothing nobody.
  3. let's see if you can detect a trend on a graph https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm
  4. I tried to use the downloadable PDF but I could only fill in about half of it and then couldn't proceed. I then tried the online HTML version and when I entered the country as THAILAND the currency was set to THB with no opportunity to change it. I think it is very unlikely that you would be able to receive the transfer in Canadian $$.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 85/100 My Time 70 seconds  
  6. So, you're saying that the articles are just opinion.... isn't that what your original post was? But... it's the opinions of people that didn't just watch YouTube for their "education". The keto diet is extreme and the only benefit from it that is "better" than a diet that includes lots of vegetables and fruits......is the speed of weight loss. Eventually the keto diet won't lose weight any faster than a well rounded caloric reduction diet, but you're still exposed to its health risks.
  7. I prefer actual degrees in health science to YouTube degrees. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/should-you-try-the-keto-diet https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dangers-of-keto-diet https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7480775/ Please shower my post with those beautiful bright yellow emojis. From certain sources I consider them on par with a hearty round of applause.
  8. That yellow stuff in a tube is tofu with egg added. Give us a clue how you want to use the tofu as my wife uses different types for different dishes. So... "best" needs context.
  9. You can probably plug in a USB keyboard with different character labels and your laptop will(may?) allow you to use that one instead of the built in. It's been decades since I did this so my recollection may not reflect reality.
  10. I must have missed the head lettuce. I'll have to look more closely.
  11. For SMS's from US verification, I bought an UltraMobile PayGo sim on eBay and had it sent to my friend in the USA. Before you can use it here in Thailand, it must be registered by putting in a phone in US and connecting to the mobile network there. I get SMS and inbound calls through my home WiFi network without further charge beyond the $3/month fee. I get 100 free SMS and 100 free minutes of calls to USA numbers per month. I moved my local Thai mobile service to an esim and the UltraMobile remains on the physical sim.
  12. For tuna, we're pretty happy with the most expensive one sold in our local Makro. Makro also sells celery for your tuna salad sandwiches. For Hellman's mayonnaise you have to go to Rimping.
  13. I've already told you dozens of times 🤔. Have you looked for a remedial reading course in your area?
  14. I have found a basic Thousand Island is easily available at Makro and Big C. I buy it for convenience. My wife makes an awesome vinaigrette with apple cider vinegar and authentic maple syrup. It keeps well for weeks in the refrigerator. Dressing are pretty simple to make yourself. As for the pasta sauces, my wife starts with the small imported jars from USA and then augments it with tomato paste, home made Italian sausage and Italian spices. It is so much more enjoyable than just the sauce as bought.
  15. For me, it's not expectation of fraud but a difference of opinion on what constitutes a quality solution/job.
  16. You obviously know little about the subject matter in this topic. The Canada-Thai tax treaty specifies that only Canada has the right to tax Canada Pension and Old Age Supplement. No need to try and hide any transfers of those funds to Thailand. Canada will withhold what is determined to be the appropriate tax due before the money ever reaches any financial institution.
  17. It seems you are a big fan of philandering.
  18. A simpleton's analysis that leaves out dozens of important factors.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 43 seconds  
  20. that's exactly why your posts garner the yellow emojis. In fact, I've heard that the inventory of those emojis is running low, so please cut back.
  21. My Thai wife is very good at befriending the local food vendors and then politely suggesting they reduce the amount of sugar/fat/MSG in the items we order. She often gets their phone number and calls in the orders for the "special" version that I then go pick up. If the flavor is not quite balanced to her liking we can adjust the salt or sugar ourselves using fish sauce and stevia.
  22. as usual your post is at the lowest rung of useful content.
  23. Only a misanthropic bot would be unmoved by #44's speech.
  24. You're right! The course for the economy set by the last 3-4 years under Obama continued under Trump. Mostly because he was too busy golfing, directing government business to his own holdings, coordinating coverups and ingratiating himself with dictators, to screw it all up. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/05/trump-obama-economy/
  25. I have not set up the direct deposit of my Canadian benefits to a Thai bank. I can't help with any information about receiving CPP/OAS directly to a Thai bank. I just want to make sure that you know about filing a Section 217 Canadian tax return or an NR5 form to see if you can reduce the amount of Canadian tax withheld from your benefits. If you don't file either of the above tax forms 25% of your benefits will be withheld from any amounts sent to Thailand.
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