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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Google will tell you standard bed sizes for Thailand and probably also for your home country.
  2. You only mention that you live in the West. I can only offer comparison between Thailand and USA. Standard Thai mattress sizes are different than in the US. It may be impossible to buy sheets in Thailand that are made to fit the standard US sizes. Also, I find upscale household items are more expensive in Thailand than in the US.
  3. Also the parent's education is often severely lacking so they are unable to assist their children in understanding the lessons. I was extremely fortunate in that my mother was a teacher ... and I am the youngest child. My mother made sure my elder siblings had help with their lessons.... and they in turn helped me with mine. The school we attended was essentially a bare minimum one. It was one room with one teacher and about 20 students in grades 1 through 8. We were well educated because of my mother's devotion to that task. That shows how important parental input is to a child's education.
  4. https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/best-pirate-bay-alternatives-that-still-work-update/
  5. From Bill Maher Jan 19, '24:
  6. I sometimes notice my tinnitus but most of the time it's very low and fairly easy to ignore. A Washington Post article about a new treatment: https://wapo.st/3UoQARJ I have a WaPo subscription and they let me share a few articles each month to non-subscribers. I hope that link works here on AN.
  7. I don't know what types of annuities are possible or available in Thailand. Is it possible to purchase an annuity that simply holds the funds for a specific term and then pays out fixed amounts for a fixed term? If yes, then you could purchase one that begins payouts when your step-daughter turns 20 and then pays monthly for the fixed term (maybe 10 years). It may be possible to make yourself the annuity beneficiary but upon your passing your daughter would become the beneficiary.
  8. When you create a torrent, all you really create is a small descriptor file that describes the content that you are willing to then share for those who wish to download it. That small torrent file is what is stored on sites like Pirate Bay. The Pirate Bay server does not store any of the actual shared files. When you wish to download content, your torrent client will first download the descriptor file and then use it to connect to other users/computers that have the file containing the movie/program/book that you are seeking. Most torrent client programs will be uploading pieces of the targeted content at the same time it is being downloaded piece by piece. You normally can configure the torrent client program so it doesn't do any uploading. I believe that if you don't actually upload any content it is more difficult for the torrent policing systems to determine that you are illegally sharing content.
  9. Yes, I believe that is their minimum for an international account. My account is still based in US. I just haven't bothered to switch it to international.
  10. I personally don't use bleach. I use a bucket of water splashed into the bowl to lower the water level. To protect the septic tank bacteria, I use a brush and the smallest practical amount of the product you say is useless. By every fourth such cleaning a barely visible ring of hard water stain remains at the normal height of the water in the bowl. After using the bowl cleaner I then use a piece of pumice to remove that ring of stain followed by a full toilet flush. Et voilà ... a sparking bowl is revealed. I imported a supply of pumice that should last many years.
  11. Too many dog owners have no clue about their dog's needs. They give them food and water but little attention otherwise. In the mubaan where we rented, I used to walk by so many houses with dogs that are starving for attention. Their owners consider them solely as livestock that alert them when anyone approaches their property.
  12. The Gray Lady has spoken: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/guides/how-to-clean-toilet/
  13. Can't argue with these statements. However, I find that the Chinese culture allocates very little respect to anyone outside the family. That imbalance is one of the attributes that makes many of them unwelcome as tourists.
  14. Having multiple paths to your network router is not an issue at all.... at least on a Mac. Thankfully, I've completely healed from the damage that Windows inflicted on me and no longer remember much about that mess. Change the order of the network services your Mac uses If you connect to the internet or a network in several different ways (using Wi-Fi or Ethernet, for example), you can change the order of the network connections your computer tries when you connect. If you have multiple active connections, your computer tries the one at the top of the list first, then tries the others in descending order. You can’t change the order of virtual private network (VPN) connections because they already take priority over non-VPN connections.
  15. Don't be offended. Despite an amazing track record the right wing ninnies don't have a monopoly on nonsense.
  16. I thought the OP was pretty clear about what his concerns are. I guess OP thinks homosexuality is something you can "catch" and one vector of infection is TV shows.
  17. Since Schwab accepts international customers from Thailand, I assumed that a VPN was not required to access my US based Schwab account. For over 3 years I have had no issued connecting to Schwab without a VPN.
  18. Don't you mean "If your Daddy had given you as much money and assets as Trump's daddy gave him you quite possibly could have back then"?
  19. Did you happen to notice that the aseannow forum has a World News section?
  20. It would serve you well if you learn how to find the answers to your questions by checking the bank's websites and DeeMoney's also.
  21. Service from FBU Manila is dreadful. When I send an email asking more than one question I receive an answer that is somewhat relevant to the first question but not exactly what I asked. Any other question in the email is ignored completely. I turned 70 in August '23 so I applied online on May 7 for my benefits to start in September. I got the phone call on June 2. Then complete radio silence until the middle of December when they said they referred my application to a supervisor. The application was approved on Dec. 27. The benefit was determined to be about $350 less than the detailed SSA calculator showed. I immediately emailed Manila and on Jan. 3 my benefit was corrected to match SSA's calculator. My wife's entitled to SSA on her own US work record and her application is proceeding even more slowly than mine did. Her application submitted online early July '23... and finally she has been scheduled for the phone call Jan. 16 '24. Her application is simpler than mine. I am pretty sure that Manila does nothing more complicated than checking over the applications and then forwarding them to the Baltimore office for the real work. If I ask them anything more complicated than the status of my application, their answer is lacking in detail and accuracy.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAskJpRD9Ok 'nuff said!
  23. Wise does not provide outbound transfers from Thailand. Bangkok bank has an excellent web site with lots of details about international transfers. Link: https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Out-of-Thailand The bank does ask for a reason. My friend had to jump through hoops when he did a transfer to US. I recommend you use a rather generic reason such as support for family. There are some constraints on how much you can send per transaction. I believe you can do an international transfer from within Bangkok bank's smartphone app.
  24. I know... this is an old thread... I just checked and the first available appointment is 6 weeks out.... so start your renewal project early.
  25. I've used OLT for a free online tax filing service. Last year I finished our taxes before the IRS started accepting them and OLT held them until IRS was ready. We structure our income to nudge right up to the boundary where the US tax rate becomes greater than 0. I use the Excel spreadsheet made available as donationware to calculate how much IRA withdrawal to make each tax year. About 4 years ago, I compared the spreadsheet output with what the TurboTax software gave. The numbers were in complete agreement. Link to US 1040 Excel spreadsheet: https://sites.google.com/view/incometaxspreadsheet/home
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